public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); Log.Message(this.CurStageIndex.ToString(), true); if (this.CurStageIndex == 1) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(null, this.pawn, 1f, true); } }
private void JoinColonyBecauseRescuedBy(Pawn by) { this.WillJoinColonyIfRescued = false; InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(by, this.pawn, 1f, false); if (this.pawn.needs != null && this.pawn.needs.mood != null) { this.pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOf.Rescued, null); } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelRescueQuestFinished".Translate(), "LetterRescueQuestFinished".Translate().AdjustedFor(this.pawn, "PAWN").CapitalizeFirst(), LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, this.pawn, null, null); }
/* * Affectionate Cat * * A single cat joins the colony. * */ public void AffectionateCat(IncidentParms parms, out string flavorDesc, out GlobalTargetInfo target) { Settings.DebugString("Affectionate Cat"); RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out var loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal); var newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CatKind_Black); var cat = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(cat.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonists.FirstOrDefault(), (Pawn)cat); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCatDesc4".Translate(); target = new GlobalTargetInfo(cat); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); if (CanOverpowerMind(this.Caster, hitThing)) { Pawn victim = hitThing as Pawn; InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(this.Caster, victim, 1f, true); } }
public override void CompPostMake() { base.CompPostMake(); this.PawnFactionOri = this.Pawn.Faction;; if (this.Pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(Find.MapPawns.FreeColonists.RandomElement <Pawn>(), this.Pawn, 1f, false); } }
public void JoinColonyBecauseRescuedBy(Pawn by) { WillJoinColonyIfRescued = false; if (!AnythingPreventsJoiningColonyIfRescued) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(by, pawn, 1f, useAudiovisualEffects: false); if (pawn.needs != null && pawn.needs.mood != null) { pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(ThoughtDefOf.Rescued); } Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter("LetterLabelRescueQuestFinished".Translate(), "LetterRescueQuestFinished".Translate(pawn.Named("PAWN")).AdjustedFor(pawn).CapitalizeFirst(), LetterDefOf.PositiveEvent, pawn); } }
/* * Affectionate Cat * * A single cat joins the colony. * */ public void AffectionateCat(IncidentParms parms, out string flavorDesc, out GlobalTargetInfo target) { //Log.Message("Affectionate Cat"); //Affectionate cat IntVec3 loc; RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out loc, (Map), CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal, null); Pawn newThing = PawnGenerator.GeneratePawn(HPLDefOf.HPLovecraft_CatKind_Black, null); Thing cat = GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, loc, (Map); InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(cat.Map.mapPawns.FreeColonists.FirstOrDefault <Pawn>(), (Pawn)cat, 1f, true); flavorDesc = "ROM_OmenCatDesc4".Translate(); target = new RimWorld.Planet.GlobalTargetInfo(cat); }
private void PrisonerRescued(Pawn by) { this.willJoinColonyIfRescued = false; InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(by, this.pawn, 1f, false); Messages.Message("MessagePrisonerRescued".Translate().AdjustedFor(this.pawn).CapitalizeFirst(), this.pawn, MessageTypeDefOf.PositiveEvent); }
// Token: 0x0600002F RID: 47 RVA: 0x00002870 File Offset: 0x00000A70 public static void DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Cloakgen medkit) { bool flag =; if (flag) { bool flag2 = medkit != null && medkit.Destroyed; if (flag2) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medkit.", false); medkit = null; } float num = HealthShardTendUtility.CalculateBaseTendQuality(doctor, patient, medkit.kitComp.Props.medicine ?? null); HealthShardTendUtility.GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(patient, medkit.kitComp.Props.medicine != null, HealthShardTendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend, null); for (int i = 0; i < HealthShardTendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend.Count; i++) { HealthShardTendUtility.tmpHediffsToTend[i].Tended(num, i); } bool flag3 = doctor != null && doctor.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction && !patient.IsPrisoner && patient.Faction != null; if (flag3) { patient.mindState.timesGuestTendedToByPlayer++; } bool flag4 = doctor != null && doctor.IsColonistPlayerControlled; if (flag4) { patient.records.AccumulateStoryEvent(StoryEventDefOf.TendedByPlayer); } bool flag5 = doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal; if (flag5) { bool flag6 = RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.004f); if (flag6) { bool flag7 = doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction; if (flag7) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } } } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); bool flag8 = doctor != null; if (flag8) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); } bool flag9 = doctor == patient && !doctor.Dead; if (flag9) { doctor.mindState.Notify_SelfTended(); } bool flag10 = medkit.kitComp.Props.medicine != null; if (flag10) { bool flag11 = patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned); if (flag11) { bool flag12 = medkit.kitComp.Props.medicine != null && StatExtension.GetStatValueAbstract(medkit.kitComp.Props.medicine, StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null) > StatExtension.GetStatValueAbstract(ThingDefOf.MedicineIndustrial, StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null); if (flag12) { SoundStarter.PlayOneShot(SoundDefOf.TechMedicineUsed, new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } } } } }
public static void DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Thing medicine) { if ( { if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed repair kit.", false); medicine = null; } //float quality = 1f; //CalculateBaseTendQuality GetOptimalHediffsToTendWithSingleTreatment(patient, medicine != null, tmpHediffsToTend, null); for (int i = 0; i < tmpHediffsToTend.Count; i++) { //tmpHediffsToTend[i].Tended(quality, i); if (medicine == null) { tmpHediffsToTend[i].Tended(0.1f, i); } else {[i]); } } if (doctor != null && doctor.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction && !patient.IsPrisoner && patient.Faction != null) { patient.mindState.timesGuestTendedToByPlayer++; } if (doctor != null && doctor.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { patient.records.AccumulateStoryEvent(StoryEventDefOf.TendedByPlayer); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal) { if (RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.004f)) { if (doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } } } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); } if (doctor == patient && !doctor.Dead) { doctor.mindState.Notify_SelfTended(); } if (medicine != null) { if (patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned)) { //if (medicine != null && medicine.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, true) > RimWorld.ThingDefOf.MedicineIndustrial.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null)) { SoundDefOf.Building_Complete.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { medicine.stackCount--; } else if (!medicine.Destroyed) { medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } } }
internal static void _DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Medicine medicine) { if (! { return; } if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medicine."); medicine = (Medicine)null; } float num1 = medicine == null ? 0.0f : medicine.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, (ThingDef)null); float quality = medicine == null ? 0.5f : num1; if (doctor != null) { quality *= doctor.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.BaseHealingQuality, true); } if (patient.InBed()) { quality *= patient.CurrentBed().GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalTreatmentQualityFactor, true); } if ( <Hediff_Injury>()) { float num2 = 0.0f; int batchPosition = 0; foreach (Hediff_Injury hediffInjury in (IEnumerable <Hediff_Injury>) <Hediff_Injury, float>((Func <Hediff_Injury, float>)(x => x.Severity))) { float num3 = Mathf.Min(hediffInjury.Severity, 20f); if ((double)num2 + (double)num3 <= 20.0) { num2 += num3; hediffInjury.Tended(quality, batchPosition); if (medicine != null) { ++batchPosition; } else { break; } } else { break; } } } else { bleedingStumps.Clear(); List <Hediff_MissingPart> partsCommonAncestors =; for (int index = 0; index < partsCommonAncestors.Count; ++index) { if (partsCommonAncestors[index].IsFresh) { bleedingStumps.Add(partsCommonAncestors[index]); } } if (bleedingStumps.Count > 0) { bleedingStumps.RandomElement <Hediff_MissingPart>().IsFresh = false; bleedingStumps.Clear(); } else { otherHediffs.Clear(); otherHediffs.AddRange(; Hediff result; if (otherHediffs.TryRandomElement <Hediff>(out result)) { HediffCompProperties hediffCompProperties = result.def.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_Tendable)); if (hediffCompProperties != null && hediffCompProperties.tendAllAtOnce) { int batchPosition = 0; for (int index = 0; index < otherHediffs.Count; ++index) { if (otherHediffs[index].def == result.def) { otherHediffs[index].Tended(quality, batchPosition); ++batchPosition; } } } else { result.Tended(quality, 0); } } otherHediffs.Clear(); } } if (doctor != null && patient.HostFaction == null && (patient.Faction != null && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction)) { patient.Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(doctor.Faction, 0.3f); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && (patient.RaceProps.Animal && RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.01f)) && (doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction)) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); doctor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.DoctorBleedingHeart, patient); } if (medicine == null) { return; } if ((patient.Spawned || doctor != null && doctor.Spawned) && (double)num1 > 0.899999976158142) { SoundDef.Named("TechMedicineUsed").PlayOneShot((SoundInfo)patient.Position); } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { --medicine.stackCount; } else { if (medicine.Destroyed) { return; } medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } }
internal static void _DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Medicine medicine) { if (! { return; } if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medicine."); medicine = null; } float num = (medicine == null) ? 0.2f : medicine.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null); float num2 = num; Building_Bed building_Bed = patient.CurrentBed(); if (building_Bed != null) { num2 += building_Bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalTendQualityOffset, true); } if (doctor != null) { num2 *= doctor.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.HealingQuality, true); } num2 = Mathf.Clamp01(num2); if ( <Hediff_Injury>()) { float num3 = 0f; int num4 = 0; foreach (Hediff_Injury current in from x in orderby x.Severity descending select x) { float num5 = Mathf.Min(current.Severity, 20f); if (num3 + num5 > 20f) { break; } num3 += num5; current.Tended(num2, num4); if (medicine == null) { break; } num4++; } } else { bleedingStumps.Clear(); List <Hediff_MissingPart> missingPartsCommonAncestors =; for (int i = 0; i < missingPartsCommonAncestors.Count; i++) { if (missingPartsCommonAncestors[i].IsFresh) { bleedingStumps.Add(missingPartsCommonAncestors[i]); } } if (bleedingStumps.Count > 0) { bleedingStumps.RandomElement <Hediff_MissingPart>().IsFresh = false; bleedingStumps.Clear(); } else { otherHediffs.Clear(); otherHediffs.AddRange(; Hediff hediff; if (otherHediffs.TryRandomElement(out hediff)) { HediffCompProperties_TendDuration hediffCompProperties_TendDuration = hediff.def.CompProps <HediffCompProperties_TendDuration>(); if (hediffCompProperties_TendDuration != null && hediffCompProperties_TendDuration.tendAllAtOnce) { int num6 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < otherHediffs.Count; j++) { if (otherHediffs[j].def == hediff.def) { otherHediffs[j].Tended(num2, num6); num6++; } } } else { hediff.Tended(num2, 0); } } otherHediffs.Clear(); } } if (doctor != null && patient.HostFaction == null && patient.Faction != null && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction) { patient.Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(doctor.Faction, 0.3f); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal && RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, 0.004f) && doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); doctor.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemoryThought(ThoughtDefOfPsychology.DoctorBleedingHeart, patient); } if (medicine != null) { if ((patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned)) && num > 1f) { SoundDef.Named("TechMedicineUsed").PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { medicine.stackCount--; } else if (!medicine.Destroyed) { medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } }
public static void DoTend(Pawn doctor, Pawn patient, Medicine medicine) { if (! { return; } if (medicine != null && medicine.Destroyed) { Log.Warning("Tried to use destroyed medicine."); medicine = null; } float num = (medicine == null) ? 0.2f : medicine.def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.MedicalPotency, null); float quality = num; Building_Bed building_Bed = patient.CurrentBed(); if (building_Bed != null) { quality += building_Bed.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MedicalTendQualityOffset, true); } if (doctor != null) { quality *= doctor.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.HealingQuality, true); } quality = Mathf.Clamp01(quality); if ( <Hediff_Injury>()) { float maxSeverity = 0f; int batchPosition = 0; // added prio by bleeding, everything else vanilla foreach (Hediff_Injury current in from x in => x.BleedRate > 0) orderby x.BleedRate descending select x) { float severity = Mathf.Min(current.Severity, 20f); if (maxSeverity + severity > 20f) { break; } maxSeverity += severity; current.Tended(quality, batchPosition); if (medicine == null) { break; } batchPosition++; } foreach (Hediff_Injury current in from x in orderby x.Severity descending select x) { float severity = Mathf.Min(current.Severity, 20f); if (maxSeverity + severity > 20f) { break; } maxSeverity += severity; current.Tended(quality, batchPosition); if (medicine == null) { break; } batchPosition++; } } else { _TendUtility.bleedingStumps.Clear(); List <Hediff_MissingPart> missingPartsCommonAncestors =; for (int i = 0; i < missingPartsCommonAncestors.Count; i++) { if (missingPartsCommonAncestors[i].IsFresh) { _TendUtility.bleedingStumps.Add(missingPartsCommonAncestors[i]); } } if (_TendUtility.bleedingStumps.Count > 0) { _TendUtility.bleedingStumps.RandomElement <Hediff_MissingPart>().IsFresh = false; _TendUtility.bleedingStumps.Clear(); } else { _TendUtility.otherHediffs.Clear(); _TendUtility.otherHediffs.AddRange(; Hediff hediff; if (_TendUtility.otherHediffs.TryRandomElement(out hediff)) { HediffCompProperties_TendDuration hediffCompProperties_TendDuration = hediff.def.CompProps <HediffCompProperties_TendDuration>(); if (hediffCompProperties_TendDuration != null && hediffCompProperties_TendDuration.tendAllAtOnce) { int num6 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < _TendUtility.otherHediffs.Count; j++) { if (_TendUtility.otherHediffs[j].def == hediff.def) { _TendUtility.otherHediffs[j].Tended(quality, num6); num6++; } } } else { hediff.Tended(quality, 0); } } _TendUtility.otherHediffs.Clear(); } } if (doctor != null && patient.HostFaction == null && patient.Faction != null && patient.Faction != doctor.Faction) { patient.Faction.AffectGoodwillWith(doctor.Faction, 0.3f); } if (doctor != null && doctor.RaceProps.Humanlike && patient.RaceProps.Animal && RelationsUtility.TryDevelopBondRelation(doctor, patient, ChanceToDevelopBondRelationOnTended) && doctor.Faction != null && doctor.Faction != patient.Faction) { InteractionWorker_RecruitAttempt.DoRecruit(doctor, patient, 1f, false); } patient.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedTo); if (doctor != null) { doctor.records.Increment(RecordDefOf.TimesTendedOther); } if (medicine != null) { if ((patient.Spawned || (doctor != null && doctor.Spawned)) && num > 1f) { SoundDef.Named("TechMedicineUsed").PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(patient.Position, patient.Map, false)); } if (medicine.stackCount > 1) { medicine.stackCount--; } else if (!medicine.Destroyed) { medicine.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } }