예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the results of a manual resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">The values to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>If the validation completed successfully, true. Otherwise, false.</returns>
        protected override bool VerifyManualResults(NotificationTrigger[] values)
            var result = true;

            if (base.VerifyManualResults(values))
                if (HasParameter(nameof(SubId)))
                    var actualIds = values.Select(v => v.SubId);

                    foreach (var subId in SubId)
                        if (!actualIds.Contains(subId))
                            result = false;

                            WriteInvalidOperation($"Could not resolve a {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(NotificationTrigger))} with SubID {subId}.");
                result = false;

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the previous and current progress records for the current input object for scenarios in which a variable was piped into one or more cmdlets.
        /// </summary>
        protected void UpdatePreviousAndCurrentVariableProgressOperations(bool writeObject = true, string currentOperation = null)
            //PrtgOperationCmdlets use TrySetPreviousOperation, so they won't be caught by the fact PipelineContainsOperation would be true for them
            //(causing them to SetPreviousOperation, which would fail)
            if (ProgressManager.PipelineContainsOperation == false || ProgressManager.PreviousOperationDestroyed || ProgressManager.PipeFromPrtgCmdletPostProcessMode)
                if (ProgressManager.PipelineIsProgressPure)
                    ProgressManager.CurrentRecord.Activity = $"PRTG {TypeDescription} Search";

                    var obj     = ProgressManager.CmdletPipeline.Current;
                    var prtgObj = obj as IObject;

                    if (prtgObj != null)
                        ProgressManager.InitialDescription = $"Processing {prtgObj.GetTypeDescription().ToLower()}";
                        ProgressManager.InitialDescription = $"Processing all {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(obj.GetType()).ToLower()}s";
                    ProgressManager.CurrentRecord.CurrentOperation = currentOperation ?? $"Retrieving all {GetTypePlural()}";

                    ProgressManager.UpdateRecordsProcessed(ProgressManager.CurrentRecord, prtgObj, writeObject);
                ProgressManager.SetPreviousOperation(currentOperation ?? $"Retrieving all {GetTypePlural()}");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the results of a manual resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">The values to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>If the validation completed successfully, true. Otherwise, false.</returns>
        protected override bool VerifyManualResults(TValue[] values)
            var result = true;

            if (base.VerifyManualResults(values))
                if (HasParameter(nameof(Id)))
                    var actualIds = values.Select(v => v.Id.Value);

                    foreach (var id in Id)
                        if (!actualIds.Contains(id))
                            result = false;

                            WriteInvalidOperation($"Could not resolve a {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TValue))} with ID {id}.");
                result = false;

예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the results of a manual resolution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="values">The values to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>If the validation completed successfully, true. Otherwise, false.</returns>
        protected virtual bool VerifyManualResults(TValue[] values)
            if (values.Length == 0)
                WriteInvalidOperation($"Failed to resolve any {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TValue))} objects. Could not create a {typeof(TNode).Name}.");

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Display the initial progress message for the first cmdlet in a chain.<para/>
        /// If the cmdlet is streaming results, will display "detecting total number of items" and return the total number of items that will be retrieved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>If the cmdlet is streaming, the total number of objects that will be retrieved. Otherwise, -1.</returns>
        protected override int DisplayFirstInChainMessage()
            if (StreamProvider.StreamResults)
                ProgressManager.WriteProgress($"PRTG {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject))} Search", "Detecting total number of items");
                StreamProvider.StreamCount = client.GetTotalObjects(content);


예제 #6
        private List <TNode> GetNodes <TNode, TObject>(
            Property property,
            object value,
            Func <Property, object, List <TObject> > getResults,
            Func <TObject, IEnumerable <PrtgNode>, TNode> getNode)
            var results = getResults(property, value);

            if (results.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to resolve any {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject))} objects for query {property} = {value}.");

            return(results.Select(r => getNode(r, null)).ToList());
        public IEnumerable <TRet> StreamResultsWithProgress <TRet>(TParam parameters, int?count, Func <IEnumerable <TRet> > getFiltered = null)
            cmdlet.ProgressManager.Scenario = ProgressScenario.StreamProgress;

            if (!cmdlet.ProgressManager.WatchStream)
                cmdlet.ProgressManager.WriteProgress($"PRTG {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject))} Search", "Detecting total number of items");

                StreamCount = cmdlet.GetStreamTotalObjects(parameters);
                cmdlet.ProgressManager.WriteProgress($"PRTG {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject))} Watcher", "Waiting for first event");
                StreamCount = 1000;

            IEnumerable <TRet> records;

            //Normally if a filter has been specified PrtgAPI won't stream, and so the custom parameters are not necessary.
            //However, if a cmdlet has specified it wants to force a stream, we apply our filters and use our custom parameters.
            if (ForceStream)
                records = getFiltered == null?StreamRecords <TRet>(parameters, count) : getFiltered();
                records = StreamRecords <TRet>(parameters, count);

            if (StreamCount > streamThreshold || cmdlet.ProgressManager.WatchStream)
                //We'll be replacing this progress record, so just null it out via a call to CompleteProgress()
                //We strategically set the TotalRecords AFTER calling this method, to avoid CompleteProgress truly completing the record
                cmdlet.ProgressManager.TotalRecords = StreamCount;
            else //We won't be showing progress, so complete this record
                cmdlet.ProgressManager.TotalRecords = StreamCount;

예제 #8
        public static T SingleObject <T>(this List <T> source, object value, string property = "ID") where T : IObject
            if (source.Count == 1)

            var desc = IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(T));

            if (source.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to retrieve {desc.ToLower()} with {property} '{value}': {desc} does not exist");

            var str = source.Select(s => $"{s} ({s.GetId()})");

            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to retrieve {desc.ToLower()} with {property} '{value}': Multiple {desc.ToLower()}s were returned: " + string.Join(", ", str));
        public void OnLevelBegin(ITreeValue value, PrtgNodeType type, int depth)
            var typeDescription = IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(value.GetType());

            var str = typeDescription.ToLower();

            if (value.Id == WellKnownId.Root)
                ProgressManager.InitialDescription = "Processing children of 'Root' Group";
                ProgressManager.InitialDescription = $"Processing children of {str} '{value}'";

                if (value is IPrtgObject)
                    ProgressManager.InitialDescription += $" (ID: {value.Id})";

            var activity = depth == 1 ? "PRTG Tree Search" : $"PRTG {typeDescription} Tree Search";

            ProgressManager.WriteProgress(activity, $"Retrieving children of {str} '{value}'");
        protected void Object_GetSingle_Throws_WhenMultipleObjectsReturned(Func <PrtgClient, TObject> getObject)
            var client = Initialize_Client(GetResponse(new[] { GetItem(), GetItem() }));

            AssertEx.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => getObject(client), $"Multiple {IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject)).ToLower()}s were returned");
        protected void Object_GetSingle_Throws_WhenNoObjectReturned(Func <PrtgClient, TObject> getObject)
            var client = Initialize_Client(GetResponse(new TItem[] { }));

            AssertEx.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => getObject(client), $"{IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(TObject))} does not exist");
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PrtgObjectCmdlet{T}"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 protected PrtgObjectCmdlet() : base(IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(typeof(T)))
예제 #13
        internal void DisplayResolutionError(Type type, int retriesRemaining)
            var typeName = IObjectExtensions.GetTypeDescription(type).ToLower();

            WriteWarning($"'{MyInvocation.MyCommand}' failed to resolve {typeName}: object is still being created. Retries remaining: {retriesRemaining}");