// Update is called once per frame void Update() { movement.x = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"); movement.y = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"); //movement using wasd or arrow keys if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { if (nearCheckout && checkoutTrigger.customerNear) { checkoutTrigger.StartCheckout(); return; } if (nearCustomer) { //closestCustomer.GetComponent<DialogueTrigger>().TriggerDialogue(); //UpdateStress(closestCustomer.GetComponent<DialogueTrigger>().causedStress); //make more efficent later } else if (currentInteraction != null) //prioritizes customers over items, may need to change how this works later { if (itemScript.hasPrerequisite) { hasPrerequisite = inventoryManager.itemCheck(itemScript.prerequisite); //true if prerequisite is held false if not if (!hasPrerequisite) //end interaction { return; //show no prereq message here } } if (itemScript.canHold) { inventoryManager.addItem(itemScript.itemName, itemScript.amount); Destroy(currentInteraction); //Adds item to inventory and removes from overworld //maybe only pickup 1 at a time, and only destroy if 0 left? } else if (itemScript.isMiniGameTrigger) { UpdateStress(itemScript.causedStress); itemScript.StartInteraction(); //trigger minigame } } } }