protected bool IsValidCellToWander(IntVec3 cell) { if (cell.Standable() == false) { return false; } if (this.pawn.CanReach(new TargetInfo(cell), PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None) == false) { return false; } foreach (Thing thing in cell.GetThingList()) { if (thing is Fire) { return false; } } if (cell.GetRoom() != this.TargetLocA.GetRoom()) { return false; } if (Find.PawnDestinationManager.DestinationIsReserved(cell)) { return false; } return true; }
public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 loc, Rot4 rot) { var room = loc.GetRoom(); if( room.ContainedBeds.Any( bed => !bed.ForPrisoners ) ) { return (AcceptanceReport) Data.Strings.NoColonistBeds.Translate(); } return (AcceptanceReport) true; }
public override void DrawGhost( ThingDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot ) { base.DrawGhost( def, center, rot ); var room = center.GetRoom(); if ( room == null || room.UsesOutdoorTemperature ) { return; } GenDraw.DrawFieldEdges( room.Cells.ToList(), GenTemperature.ColorRoomHot ); }
protected static List<IntVec3> GetPartyAreaCells(IntVec3 pyrePosition) { IEnumerable<IntVec3> cellsInRange = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(pyrePosition, partyAreaRadius, true); List<IntVec3> partyAreaCells = new List<IntVec3>(); foreach (IntVec3 cell in cellsInRange) { if (cell.GetRoom() == pyrePosition.GetRoom()) { partyAreaCells.Add(cell); } } return partyAreaCells; }
// overhauled version (vanilla is bugged) public static PlaceSpotQuality PlaceSpotQualityAt(IntVec3 c, Thing thing, IntVec3 center) { if (!c.InBounds() || !c.Walkable()) { return PlaceSpotQuality.Unusable; } List<Thing> list = Find.ThingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); // if other things on cell int i = 0; while (i < list.Count) { Thing thing2 = list[i]; if (thing.def.saveCompressible && thing2.def.saveCompressible) { return PlaceSpotQuality.Unusable; } // same thing type if (thing2.def.category == ThingCategory.Item) { // can stack with if (thing2.def == thing.def && thing2.stackCount < thing.def.stackLimit) { // can absorb // Required, because thing reference is changed to the absorber, if absorbed Thing t = thing2; if (thing.TryAbsorbStack(thing2, true)) { // Clean up to prevent haulables lists overflow RemoveHaulableFromLists(t); return PlaceSpotQuality.Perfect; } // cannot absorb all/anything else return PlaceSpotQuality.Unusable; } return PlaceSpotQuality.Unusable; } else { i++; } } // if in same room if (c.GetRoom() == center.GetRoom()) { PlaceSpotQuality placeSpotQuality = PlaceSpotQuality.Perfect; for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { Thing thing3 = list[j]; if (thing3.def.thingClass == typeof(Building_Door)) { return PlaceSpotQuality.Bad; } Pawn pawn = thing3 as Pawn; if (pawn != null) { if (pawn.Downed) { return PlaceSpotQuality.Bad; } if (placeSpotQuality > PlaceSpotQuality.Okay) { placeSpotQuality = PlaceSpotQuality.Okay; } } if (thing3.def.category == ThingCategory.Plant && thing3.def.selectable && placeSpotQuality > PlaceSpotQuality.Okay) { placeSpotQuality = PlaceSpotQuality.Okay; } } return placeSpotQuality; } if (!center.CanReach(c, PathEndMode.OnCell, TraverseMode.PassDoors, Danger.Deadly)) { return PlaceSpotQuality.Awful; } return PlaceSpotQuality.Okay; }
/// <summary> /// Get the effect zone cells. /// </summary> public static List<IntVec3> GetEffectZoneCells(IntVec3 alertSpeakerPosition) { IEnumerable<IntVec3> cellsInRange = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(alertSpeakerPosition, Building_AlertSpeaker.alertSpeakerMaxRange, true); List<IntVec3> effectZoneCells = new List<IntVec3>(); foreach (IntVec3 cell in cellsInRange) { if (cell.GetRoom() == alertSpeakerPosition.GetRoom()) { effectZoneCells.Add(cell); } } return effectZoneCells; }
private static string TemperatureString() { IntVec3 intVec = UI.MouseCell(); IntVec3 c = intVec; Room room = intVec.GetRoom(Find.VisibleMap, RegionType.Set_All); if (room == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { IntVec3 intVec2 = intVec + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[i]; Room room2; if (intVec2.InBounds(Find.VisibleMap)) { room2 = intVec2.GetRoom(Find.VisibleMap, RegionType.Set_All); if (room2 != null) { if (!room2.PsychologicallyOutdoors && !room2.UsesOutdoorTemperature) { goto IL_00a8; } if (!room2.PsychologicallyOutdoors && (room == null || room.PsychologicallyOutdoors)) { goto IL_00a8; } if (room2.PsychologicallyOutdoors && room == null) { goto IL_00a8; } } } continue; IL_00a8: c = intVec2; room = room2; } } if (room == null && intVec.InBounds(Find.VisibleMap)) { Building edifice = intVec.GetEdifice(Find.VisibleMap); if (edifice != null) { CellRect.CellRectIterator iterator = edifice.OccupiedRect().ExpandedBy(1).ClipInsideMap(Find.VisibleMap) .GetIterator(); while (!iterator.Done()) { IntVec3 current = iterator.Current; room = current.GetRoom(Find.VisibleMap, RegionType.Set_All); if (room != null && !room.PsychologicallyOutdoors) { c = current; break; } iterator.MoveNext(); } } } string str = (!c.InBounds(Find.VisibleMap) || c.Fogged(Find.VisibleMap) || room == null || room.PsychologicallyOutdoors) ? "Outdoors".Translate() : ((room.OpenRoofCount != 0) ? ("IndoorsUnroofed".Translate() + " (" + room.OpenRoofCount.ToStringCached() + ")") : "Indoors".Translate()); float celsiusTemp = (room != null && !c.Fogged(Find.VisibleMap)) ? room.Temperature : Find.VisibleMap.mapTemperature.OutdoorTemp; return(str + " " + celsiusTemp.ToStringTemperature("F0")); }
// Token: 0x06000002 RID: 2 RVA: 0x0000224C File Offset: 0x0000044C private static void Postfix(IntVec3 c, SteadyEnvironmentEffects __instance) { Map map = HarmonyPatches.MapFieldInfo.GetValue(__instance) as Map; if (map == null) { return; } Room room = c.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_Passable); if (Settings.ColdFog || Settings.IceLayer) { Thing thing = (from t in c.GetThingList(map) where t.def.defName == "IceOverlay" select t).FirstOrDefault <Thing>(); if (room == null && thing != null && Settings.IceLayer) { thing.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); if (Rand.Range(1, 100) <= 20) { FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(c, map, ThingDef.Named("FilthWater"), 1); } } if (room != null && !room.UsesOutdoorTemperature && !room.Fogged && !room.IsDoorway) { float num = 0.8f; if (room.Temperature < (float)Settings.FogTemp) { if (thing == null && Settings.IceLayer) { GenSpawn.Spawn(ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("IceOverlay"), null), c, map); } if (Settings.ColdFog) { Vector3 vector = c.ToVector3Shifted(); bool flag = true; if (!GenView.ShouldSpawnMotesAt(vector, map) || map.moteCounter.SaturatedLowPriority) { flag = false; } vector += num * new Vector3(Rand.Value - 0.5f, 0f, Rand.Value - 0.5f); if (!GenGrid.InBounds(vector, map)) { flag = false; } if (flag) { MoteThrown moteThrown = (MoteThrown)ThingMaker.MakeThing(ThingDef.Named("Mote_FrostGlow"), null); moteThrown.Scale = Rand.Range(4f, 6f) * num; moteThrown.rotationRate = Rand.Range(-3f, 3f); moteThrown.exactPosition = vector; moteThrown.SetVelocity((float)(Rand.Bool ? -90 : 90), (float)((double)Settings.FogVelocity * 0.01)); GenSpawn.Spawn(moteThrown, IntVec3Utility.ToIntVec3(vector), map); } } } else if (thing != null) { thing.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); if (Rand.Range(1, 100) <= 20) { FilthMaker.TryMakeFilth(c, map, ThingDef.Named("FilthWater"), 1); } } } } if (!Settings.IceLayer) { Thing thing2 = (from t in c.GetThingList(map) where t.def.defName == "IceOverlay" select t).FirstOrDefault <Thing>(); if (thing2 != null) { thing2.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } if (map.roofGrid != null && !map.roofGrid.Roofed(c) && (float)map.weatherManager.curWeatherAge >= 7500f && (map.weatherManager.curWeather.rainRate <= 0f || map.weatherManager.curWeather.snowRate > 0f)) { Thing thing3 = (from t in c.GetThingList(map) where t.def.defName == "FilthWater" || t.def.defName == "FilthWaterSpatter" select t).FirstOrDefault <Thing>(); if (thing3 != null && Rand.Value <= 0.2f) { ((Filth)thing3).ThinFilth(); } } }
// Token: 0x06000E25 RID: 3621 RVA: 0x00069E88 File Offset: 0x00068288 private bool CanSpawnAt(IntVec3 c, Map map) { if (!c.Standable(map) || c.Fogged(map) || map.fertilityGrid.FertilityAt(c) < OGOrkThingDefOf.OG_Plant_Orkoid_Cocoon.plant.fertilityMin || !c.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_Passable).PsychologicallyOutdoors || c.GetEdifice(map) != null || !PlantUtility.GrowthSeasonNow(c, map, false)) { return(false); } Plant plant = c.GetPlant(map); if (plant != null && plant.def.plant.growDays > 10f) { return(false); } List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(map); for (int i = 0; i < thingList.Count; i++) { if (thingList[i].def == OGOrkThingDefOf.OG_Plant_Orkoid_Cocoon) { return(false); } } return(true); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { LordToil_HangOut toil = pawn.GetLord().CurLordToil as LordToil_HangOut; Pawn friend = (pawn == toil.friends[0] ? toil.friends[1] : toil.friends[0]); if ( < 0.33f) { return(null); } if ( < 0.33f) { return(null); } if (LovePartnerRelationUtility.LovePartnerRelationExists(pawn, friend) && != null && == LayingDownState.NotLaying && (pawn.IsHashIntervalTick(GenDate.TicksPerHour) || friend.IsHashIntervalTick(GenDate.TicksPerHour))) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.LayDown, pawn.ownership.OwnedBed)); } if (toil.hangOut != null && toil.hangOut.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A) != null && !pawn.CanReserve(toil.hangOut.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A), toil.hangOut.def.joyMaxParticipants, 0, null)) { Log.Message("can't reserve the target of the hangout"); /* Try our best to figure out which JoyGiver was used for the unreservable job. */ int prefix = "JoyGiver".Count(); var def = ( from j in DefDatabase <JoyGiverDef> .AllDefs where j.jobDef == toil.hangOut.def || (j.jobDef == null && DefDatabase <JobDef> .GetNamedSilentFail(nameof(j.giverClass).Substring(prefix)) == toil.hangOut.def) select j ).FirstOrDefault(); if (def != null) { Log.Message("giving job of def " + def.defName); do { toil.hangOut = base.TryGiveJobFromJoyGiverDefDirect(def, pawn); } while (toil.hangOut.GetTarget(TargetIndex.A).Thing.GetRoom() != friend.GetRoom()); } else { toil.hangOut = null; } } if (toil.hangOut == null || toil.ticksToNextJoy < Find.TickManager.TicksGame) { toil.hangOut = base.TryGiveJob(pawn); toil.ticksToNextJoy = Find.TickManager.TicksGame + Rand.RangeInclusive(GenDate.TicksPerHour, GenDate.TicksPerHour * 3); } if ( < 0.8f) { return(toil.hangOut); } Log.Message("no joy hangout available"); IntVec3 root = WanderUtility.BestCloseWanderRoot(toil.hangOut.targetA.Cell, pawn); Func <Pawn, IntVec3, bool> validator = delegate(Pawn wanderer, IntVec3 loc) { IntVec3 wanderRoot = root; Room room = wanderRoot.GetRoom(pawn.Map); return(room == null || WanderUtility.InSameRoom(wanderRoot, loc, pawn.Map)); }; pawn.mindState.nextMoveOrderIsWait = !pawn.mindState.nextMoveOrderIsWait; IntVec3 wanderDest = RCellFinder.RandomWanderDestFor(pawn, root, 5f, validator, PawnUtility.ResolveMaxDanger(pawn, Danger.Some)); if (!wanderDest.IsValid || pawn.mindState.nextMoveOrderIsWait) { if ((pawn.Position - friend.Position).LengthHorizontalSquared >= 42f && != JobDefOf.Goto) { Log.Message("friend not nearby, going to friend"); IntVec3 friendDest = RCellFinder.RandomWanderDestFor(pawn, friend.Position, 5f, validator, PawnUtility.ResolveMaxDanger(pawn, Danger.Some)); pawn.Map.pawnDestinationManager.ReserveDestinationFor(pawn, friendDest); return(new Job(JobDefOf.Goto, friendDest)); } Log.Message("waiting"); return(null); } Log.Message("wandering"); pawn.Map.pawnDestinationManager.ReserveDestinationFor(pawn, wanderDest); return(new Job(JobDefOf.GotoWander, wanderDest)); }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { IntVec3 intVec = (IntVec3)pawn.mindState.duty.focus; if (intVec.IsValid && (float)intVec.DistanceToSquared(pawn.Position) < 100f && intVec.GetRoom(pawn.Map, RegionType.Set_Passable) == pawn.GetRoom(RegionType.Set_Passable) && intVec.WithinRegions(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 9, TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, RegionType.Set_Passable)) { pawn.GetLord().Notify_ReachedDutyLocation(pawn); return(null); } if (!intVec.IsValid) { IAttackTarget attackTarget; if (!(from x in pawn.Map.attackTargetsCache.GetPotentialTargetsFor(pawn) where !x.ThreatDisabled(pawn) && x.Thing.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && pawn.CanReach(x.Thing, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings) select x).TryRandomElement(out attackTarget)) { return(null); } intVec = attackTarget.Thing.Position; } if (!pawn.CanReach(intVec, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, false, TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings)) { return(null); } using (PawnPath pawnPath = pawn.Map.pathFinder.FindPath(pawn.Position, intVec, TraverseParms.For(pawn, Danger.Deadly, TraverseMode.PassAllDestroyableThings, false), PathEndMode.OnCell)) { IntVec3 cellBeforeBlocker; Thing thing = pawnPath.FirstBlockingBuilding(out cellBeforeBlocker, pawn); if (thing != null) { Job job = DigUtility.PassBlockerJob(pawn, thing, cellBeforeBlocker, this.canMineMineables, this.canMineNonMineables); if (job != null) { return(job); } } } return(new Job(JobDefOf.Goto, intVec, 500, true)); }
public static IEnumerable <Filth> SelectAllFilth(Pawn pawn, LocalTargetInfo target, int Limit = int.MaxValue) { Room room = null; if (target.Thing == null) { if (target.Cell == null) { Log.Error("Invalid target: cell or thing it must be"); } else { room = GridsUtility.GetRoom(target.Cell, pawn.Map); } } else { room = target.Thing.GetRoom(); } if (room == null) { return(new List <Filth>()); } PathGrid pathGrid = pawn.Map.pathing.For(pawn).pathGrid; if (pathGrid == null) { return(new List <Filth>()); } if (cleanFilth == null) { cleanFilth = DefDatabase <WorkGiverDef> .GetNamed("CleanFilth"); } if (cleanFilth.Worker == null) { return(new List <Filth>()); } IEnumerable <Filth> enumerable = null; if (room.IsHuge || room.CellCount > largeRoomSize) { enumerable = new List <Filth>(); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = target.Cell + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (intVec.InBounds(pawn.Map) && intVec.InAllowedArea(pawn) && intVec.GetRoom(pawn.Map) == room) { ((List <Filth>)enumerable).AddRange(intVec.GetThingList(pawn.Map).OfType <Filth>().Where(f => !f.Destroyed && ((WorkGiver_Scanner)cleanFilth.Worker).HasJobOnThing(pawn, f)).Take(Limit == 0 ? int.MaxValue : Limit)); } if (Limit > 0 && enumerable.Count() >= Limit) { break; } } } else { enumerable = room.ContainedAndAdjacentThings.OfType <Filth>().Where(delegate(Filth f) { if (f == null || f.Destroyed || !f.Position.InAllowedArea(pawn) || !((WorkGiver_Scanner)cleanFilth.Worker).HasJobOnThing(pawn, f)) { return(false); } Room room2 = f.GetRoom(); if (room2 == null || room2 != room && !room2.IsDoorway) { return(false); } return(true); }).Take(Limit == 0 ? int.MaxValue : Limit); } return(enumerable); }
public static bool UseWholeRoomAsPartyArea(IntVec3 partySpot, Map map) { Room room = partySpot.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_Passable); return(room != null && !room.IsHuge && !room.PsychologicallyOutdoors && room.CellCount <= 324); }
public static bool InPartyArea(IntVec3 cell, IntVec3 partySpot, Map map) { bool result; if (PartyUtility.UseWholeRoomAsPartyArea(partySpot, map) && cell.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_Passable) == partySpot.GetRoom(map, RegionType.Set_Passable)) { result = true; } else if (cell.InHorDistOf(partySpot, 10f)) { Building edifice = cell.GetEdifice(map); TraverseParms traverseParams = TraverseParms.For(TraverseMode.NoPassClosedDoors, Danger.None, false); if (edifice != null) { result = map.reachability.CanReach(partySpot, edifice, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams); } else { result = map.reachability.CanReach(partySpot, cell, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch, traverseParams); } } else { result = false; } return(result); }
public static bool IsValidMarriageSpotFor(IntVec3 cell, Pawn firstFiance, Pawn secondFiance, StringBuilder outFailReason = null) { bool result; if (!firstFiance.Spawned || !secondFiance.Spawned) { Log.Warning("Can't check if a marriage spot is valid because one of the fiances isn't spawned.", false); result = false; } else if (firstFiance.Map != secondFiance.Map) { result = false; } else if (!MarriageSpotUtility.IsValidMarriageSpot(cell, firstFiance.Map, outFailReason)) { result = false; } else { if (!cell.Roofed(firstFiance.Map)) { if (!JoyUtility.EnjoyableOutsideNow(firstFiance, outFailReason)) { return(false); } if (!JoyUtility.EnjoyableOutsideNow(secondFiance, outFailReason)) { return(false); } } if (cell.GetDangerFor(firstFiance, firstFiance.Map) != Danger.None) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotDangerous".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else if (cell.GetDangerFor(secondFiance, secondFiance.Map) != Danger.None) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotDangerous".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else if (cell.IsForbidden(firstFiance)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotForbidden".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else if (cell.IsForbidden(secondFiance)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotForbidden".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else if (!firstFiance.CanReserve(cell, 1, -1, null, false) || !secondFiance.CanReserve(cell, 1, -1, null, false)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotReserved".Translate()); } result = false; } else if (!firstFiance.CanReach(cell, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotUnreachable".Translate(new object[] { firstFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else if (!secondFiance.CanReach(cell, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.None, false, TraverseMode.ByPawn)) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotUnreachable".Translate(new object[] { secondFiance.LabelShort })); } result = false; } else { if (!firstFiance.IsPrisoner && !secondFiance.IsPrisoner) { Room room = cell.GetRoom(firstFiance.Map, RegionType.Set_Passable); if (room != null && room.isPrisonCell) { if (outFailReason != null) { outFailReason.Append("MarriageSpotInPrisonCell".Translate()); } return(false); } } result = true; } } return(result); }
public override void DesignateMultiCell(IEnumerable <IntVec3> cells) { // bail out if empty if (cells == null || cells.Count() == 0) { Messages.Message("Fluffy.Blueprints.CannotCreateBluePrint_NothingSelected".Translate(), MessageSound.RejectInput); return; } // get list of buildings in the cells, note that this includes frames and blueprints, and so _may include floors!_ List <Thing> things = new List <Thing>(cells.SelectMany(cell => cell.GetThingList(Map) .Where(thing => thing.IsValidBlueprintThing())) .Distinct()); // get list of creatable terrains List <Pair <TerrainDef, IntVec3> > terrains = new List <Pair <TerrainDef, IntVec3> >(); terrains.AddRange(cells.Select(cell => new Pair <TerrainDef, IntVec3>(cell.GetTerrain(Map), cell)) .Where(p => p.First.IsValidBlueprintTerrain())); // get edges of blueprint area // (might be bigger than selected region, but never smaller). var allCells = cells.Concat(things.SelectMany(thing => thing.OccupiedRect().Cells)); int left = allCells.Min(cell => cell.x); int top = allCells.Max(cell => cell.z); int right = allCells.Max(cell => cell.x); int bottom = allCells.Min(cell => cell.z); // total size ( +1 because x = 2 ... x = 4 => 4 - 2 + 1 cells ) IntVec2 size = new IntVec2(right - left + 1, top - bottom + 1); // fetch origin for default (North) orientation IntVec3 origin = Resources.CenterPosition(new IntVec3(left, 0, bottom), size, Rot4.North); // create list of buildables List <BuildableInfo> buildables = new List <BuildableInfo>(); foreach (var thing in things) { buildables.Add(new BuildableInfo(thing, origin)); } foreach (var terrain in terrains) { buildables.Add(new BuildableInfo(terrain.First, terrain.Second, origin)); } // try to get a decent default name: check if selection contains only a single room - if so, that's a decent name. Room room = origin.GetRoom(Map); string defaultName = null; if (room != null && room.Role != RoomRoleDefOf.None) { defaultName = room.Role.LabelCap; } // TODO: multiple (same) rooms, etc. // add to controller - controller handles adding to designations Blueprint blueprint = new Blueprint(buildables, size, defaultName); Controller.Add(blueprint); #if DEBUG blueprint.Debug(); #endif }