public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef def, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null) { IntVec3 c = center + IntVec3.South.RotatedBy(rot); IntVec3 c2 = center + IntVec3.North.RotatedBy(rot); if (c.Impassable(map) || c2.Impassable(map)) { return("MustPlaceCoolerWithFreeSpaces".Translate()); } Frame firstThing = c.GetFirstThing <Frame>(map); Frame firstThing2 = c2.GetFirstThing <Frame>(map); if ((firstThing != null && firstThing.def.entityDefToBuild != null && firstThing.def.entityDefToBuild.passability == Traversability.Impassable) || (firstThing2 != null && firstThing2.def.entityDefToBuild != null && firstThing2.def.entityDefToBuild.passability == Traversability.Impassable)) { return("MustPlaceCoolerWithFreeSpaces".Translate()); } Blueprint firstThing3 = c.GetFirstThing <Blueprint>(map); Blueprint firstThing4 = c2.GetFirstThing <Blueprint>(map); if ((firstThing3 != null && firstThing3.def.entityDefToBuild != null && firstThing3.def.entityDefToBuild.passability == Traversability.Impassable) || (firstThing4 != null && firstThing4.def.entityDefToBuild != null && firstThing4.def.entityDefToBuild.passability == Traversability.Impassable)) { return("MustPlaceCoolerWithFreeSpaces".Translate()); } return(true); }
private void AffectCell(IntVec3 c) { if (!c.InBounds(base.Map)) { return; } var flag = ShouldCellBeAffectedOnlyByDamage(c); var spawnMote = c.GetFirstThing(Map, damType.explosionCellMote) == null; if (!flag && Rand.Chance(preExplosionSpawnChance) && c.Walkable(Map)) { TrySpawnExplosionThing(preExplosionSpawnThingDef, c, preExplosionSpawnThingCount); } damType.Worker.ExplosionAffectCell(this, c, damagedThings, null, spawnMote && !flag); if (!flag && Rand.Chance(postExplosionSpawnChance) && c.Walkable(Map)) { TrySpawnExplosionThing(postExplosionSpawnThingDef, c, postExplosionSpawnThingCount); } var num = chanceToStartFire; if (damageFalloff) { num *= Mathf.Lerp(1f, (float)DamageAtEdge / damAmount, c.DistanceTo(Position) / radius); } if (Rand.Chance(num)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(c, Map, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.925f)); } //ExplosionCE (this) can be Destroyed after ExplosionAffectCell }
/// <summary> /// Called when a pawn go to a pylon to take into account the player's cached configuration. /// </summary> public void Notify_PawnSwitchedLaserFence() { for (int directionAsInt = 0; directionAsInt < 4; directionAsInt++) { Rot4 direction = new Rot4(directionAsInt); this.connectionIsAllowedByUser[directionAsInt] = this.cachedConnectionIsAllowedByUser[directionAsInt]; if (this.connectionIsAllowedByUser[directionAsInt]) { // Connection is allowed. Look for a pylon to connect to. if (this.fenceLength[direction.AsInt] == 0) { this.LookForPylon(direction, true); } } else { // Connection is forbidden. Disconnect from linked pylon if necessary. if (this.fenceLength[directionAsInt] > 0) { IntVec3 linkedPylonPosition = this.Position + new IntVec3(0, 0, this.fenceLength[direction.AsInt] + 1).RotatedBy(direction); Building_LaserFencePylon linkedPylon = linkedPylonPosition.GetFirstThing(this.Map, Util_LaserFence.LaserFencePylonDef) as Building_LaserFencePylon; if (linkedPylon != null) { linkedPylon.connectionIsAllowedByUser[direction.Opposite.AsInt] = false; linkedPylon.cachedConnectionIsAllowedByUser[direction.Opposite.AsInt] = false; } this.DeactivateFence(direction); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Try to spawn another plant in this cluster. /// </summary> public static ClusterPlant TryGrowCluster(Cluster cluster) { IntVec3 spawnCell = IntVec3.Invalid; TryGetRandomSpawnCellNearCluster(cluster, out spawnCell); if (spawnCell.IsValid) { ClusterPlant newPlant = ThingMaker.MakeThing(cluster.plantDef) as ClusterPlant; GenSpawn.Spawn(newPlant, spawnCell, cluster.Map); newPlant.cluster = cluster; cluster.NotifyPlantAdded(); if (cluster.plantDef.isSymbiosisPlant) { // Destroy source symbiosis plant. Thing sourceSymbiosisPlant = spawnCell.GetFirstThing(cluster.Map, cluster.plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefSource); if (sourceSymbiosisPlant != null) { sourceSymbiosisPlant.Destroy(); } } return(newPlant); } else { return(null); } }
public static void GetWanderRoot(Pawn pawn, ref IntVec3 __result) { if (!__result.GetFirstThing(pawn.Map, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Humanoid_Cocoon).DestroyedOrNull()) { __result = pawn.Position; } }
public void SwitchOnLight() { IntVec3 newPosition = this.Wearer.DrawPos.ToIntVec3(); // Switch off previous light if pawn moved. if (((this.light.DestroyedOrNull() == false) && (newPosition != this.light.Position)) || this.refreshIsNecessary) { SwitchOffLight(); this.refreshIsNecessary = false; } // Try to spawn a new light. if (this.light.DestroyedOrNull()) { Thing potentialLight = newPosition.GetFirstThing(this.Wearer.Map, Util_MiningHelmet.miningLightDef); if (potentialLight == null) { this.light = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_MiningHelmet.miningLightDef, newPosition, this.Wearer.Map); } // else another light is already here. } this.lightIsOn = true; }
private bool CanMoveTo(IntVec3 pos) { return (pos.InBounds(Map) && ( !pos.Filled(Map) || (pos.GetDoor(Map)?.Open ?? false) || (pos.GetFirstThing <Building_Vent>(Map) is Building_Vent vent && vent.TryGetComp <CompFlickable>().SwitchIsOn) )); }
private static void SpawnShrapnel(ThingDef def, int quantity, IntVec3 center, Map map, float angle, float distanceFactor) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = SkyfallerShrapnelUtility.GenerateShrapnelLocation(center, angle, distanceFactor); if (SkyfallerShrapnelUtility.IsGoodShrapnelCell(intVec, map) && intVec.GetFirstThing(map, def) == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(def, intVec, map); } } }
public override void DoEffect(Pawn p) { base.DoEffect(p); var key_stamp = parent.GetComp <CompHoloCryptoStamped>(); if ((key_stamp == null) || (p.MapHeld == null) || (p.apparel == null)) { return; } Apparel locked_app = null; var any_locked = false; { foreach (var app in p.apparel.WornApparel) { var app_stamp = app.GetComp <CompHoloCryptoStamped>(); if (app_stamp != null) { any_locked = true; if (app_stamp.matches(key_stamp)) { locked_app = app; break; } } } } if (locked_app != null) { //locked_app.Notify_Stripped (p); // TODO This was removed. Necessary? p.apparel.Remove(locked_app); Thing dropped = null; GenThing.TryDropAndSetForbidden(locked_app, p.Position, p.MapHeld, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out dropped, false); //this will create a new key somehow. if (dropped != null) { Messages.Message("Unlocked " + locked_app.def.label, p, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput); //parent.DeSpawn(); IntVec3 keyPostition = parent.Position; parent.Destroy(); keyPostition.GetFirstThing(p.MapHeld, xxx.holokey).Destroy(); // so I need this line to despawn the new generated key. } else if (PawnUtility.ShouldSendNotificationAbout(p)) { Messages.Message("Couldn't drop " + locked_app.def.label, p, MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); } } else if (any_locked) { Messages.Message("The key doesn't fit!", p, MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent); } }
internal static void Postfix(IntVec3 c, Map map, ref bool __result) { if (!__result) { return; } if (c.GetFirstThing <Building_TableTop>(map) != null) { __result = false; } }
public override AcceptanceReport AllowsPlacing(BuildableDef checkingDef, IntVec3 center, Rot4 rot, Map map, Thing thingToIgnore = null, Thing thing = null) { IntVec3 c = center + IntVec3.East.RotatedBy(rot); var bob = c.GetFirstThing <Building_PowerSwitch>(map); if (bob == null) { return("Gray area must be over a Power switch"); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Deactivate a fence in a given direction: /// - remove fence elements, /// - inform linked pylon, that it is deactivated. /// </summary> public void DeactivateFence(Rot4 direction) { if (this.fenceLength[direction.AsInt] > 0) { IntVec3 linkedPylonPosition = this.Position + new IntVec3(0, 0, this.fenceLength[direction.AsInt] + 1).RotatedBy(direction); Building_LaserFencePylon linkedPylon = linkedPylonPosition.GetFirstThing(this.Map, Util_LaserFence.LaserFencePylonDef) as Building_LaserFencePylon; if (linkedPylon != null) { linkedPylon.RemoveFenceElements(direction.Opposite); } this.RemoveFenceElements(direction); } }
// Token: 0x06000006 RID: 6 RVA: 0x000021F0 File Offset: 0x000003F0 public void SwitchOnLight() { IntVec3 intVec = base.Wearer.DrawPos.ToIntVec3(); if (!this.light.DestroyedOrNull() && intVec != this.light.Position) { this.SwitchOffLight(); } if (this.light.DestroyedOrNull() && intVec.GetFirstThing(base.Wearer.Map, Util_ApparelWithLight.ApparelLightDef) == null) { this.light = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_ApparelWithLight.ApparelLightDef, intVec, base.Wearer.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); } this.lightIsOn = true; }
// Token: 0x06000006 RID: 6 RVA: 0x000021F0 File Offset: 0x000003F0 public void SwitchOnTurret() { IntVec3 intVec = GetWearer.DrawPos.ToIntVec3(); if (!this.turret.DestroyedOrNull() && intVec != this.turret.Position) { this.MoveTurret(intVec); } if ((this.turret.DestroyedOrNull() || !this.turret.Spawned) && intVec.GetFirstThing(GetWearer.Map, Util_CompEquippableTurret.EquippableTurretDef) == null) { this.turret = GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_CompEquippableTurret.EquippableTurretDef, intVec, GetWearer.Map, WipeMode.Vanish); this.turret.SetFactionDirect(this.GetWearer.Faction); ((Building_Turret_Shoulder)this.turret).Parental = GetWearer; } }
private static void AddGas_Cell(IntVec3 cell, Map map, ThingDef gasDef, ref float amount, bool allowOverSaturation = false) { var spreadingGas = cell.GetFirstThing(map, gasDef) as Gas_Spreading; if (spreadingGas == null) { spreadingGas = ThingMaker.MakeThing(gasDef) as Gas_Spreading; GenSpawn.Spawn(spreadingGas, cell, map); } spreadingGas.AddGas(ref amount, allowOverSaturation); }
private static void SpawnCaveWellOpening(Map map, IntVec3 position) { Thing potentialCaveWell = position.GetFirstThing(map, Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef); if (potentialCaveWell == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef, position, map); } foreach (IntVec3 checkedCell in GenAdjFast.AdjacentCells8Way(position)) { potentialCaveWell = checkedCell.GetFirstThing(map, Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef); if (potentialCaveWell == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef, checkedCell, map); } } }
// Token: 0x06002689 RID: 9865 RVA: 0x00124A44 File Offset: 0x00122E44 public static bool AnyHiveLikePreventsClaiming(Thing thing) { if (!thing.Spawned) { return(false); } int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(2f); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntVec3 c = thing.Position + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (c.InBounds(thing.Map) && c.GetFirstThing(thing.Map, null) != null) { return(true); } } return(false); }
internal static void Postfix(IntVec3 c, Map map, float fireSize, bool __result) { if (!__result) { return; } var pawn = c.GetFirstThing <Pawn>(map); if (pawn == null) { return; } if (Rand.Chance(CatchFireChance * pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Flammability))) { pawn.TryAttachFire(fireSize); } }
public static float AddGas(IntVec3 pos, Map map, ThingDef gasDef, float amount = -1, bool spread = true, bool allowOverSaturation = false) { // check if there is already a gas here, create if needed. var startingAmount = amount; var gas = pos.GetFirstThing(map, gasDef); if (gas == null) { gas = ThingMaker.MakeThing(gasDef) as Gas; GenSpawn.Spawn(gas, pos, map); } // add specific amount if relevant if (gas is Gas_Spreading spreadingGas) { if (amount < 0) { Log.Error( $"Cannot add {amount} to {spreadingGas} at {spreadingGas.Position}. AddGas on a spreading gas should have a positive amount of gas."); spreadingGas.Destroy(); return(amount); } if (spread) { AddGas_FloodFill(pos, map, gasDef, ref amount); } else { AddGas_Cell(pos, map, gasDef, ref amount, allowOverSaturation); } } return(startingAmount - amount); }
public static bool ExplosionAffectCell(DamageWorker __instance, Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c, List <Thing> damagedThings, List <Thing> ignoredThings, bool canThrowMotes) { if (__instance.def.explosionCellMote != null && canThrowMotes) { Mote mote = c.GetFirstThing(explosion.Map, __instance.def.explosionCellMote) as Mote; if (mote != null) { mote.spawnTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; } else { float t = Mathf.Clamp01((explosion.Position - c).LengthHorizontal / explosion.radius); Color color = Color.Lerp(__instance.def.explosionColorCenter, __instance.def.explosionColorEdge, t); MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(c, explosion.Map, __instance.def.explosionCellMote, color); } } //thingsToAffect.Clear(); List <Thing> thingsToAffect = new List <Thing>(); float num = float.MinValue; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = explosion.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote && thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Ethereal) { thingsToAffect.Add(thing); if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full && thing.def.Altitude > num) { flag = true; num = thing.def.Altitude; } } } for (int j = 0; j < thingsToAffect.Count; j++) { if (thingsToAffect[j].def.Altitude >= num) //Null Reference Exception { ExplosionDamageThing(__instance, explosion, thingsToAffect[j], damagedThings, ignoredThings, c); } } if (!flag) { ExplosionDamageTerrain(__instance, explosion, c); } if (__instance.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount > 0.0001f) { float lengthHorizontal = (c - explosion.Position).LengthHorizontal; float num2 = 1f - lengthHorizontal / explosion.radius; if (num2 > 0f) { explosion.Map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, (0f - num2) * __instance.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount); } } if (__instance.def != DamageDefOf.Bomb && __instance.def != DamageDefOf.Flame) { return(false); } List <Thing> list2 = explosion.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) { RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)list2[k]; if (rectTrigger.activateOnExplosion && rectTrigger.Rect.Contains(c)) { rectTrigger.ActivatedBy(null); } } return(false); }
private static bool CanSpawnHiveAt(IntVec3 c, Map map, IntVec3 parentPos, ThingDef parentDef, float minDist, bool ignoreRoofedRequirement) { bool result; if ((!ignoreRoofedRequirement && !c.Roofed(map)) || (!c.Walkable(map) || (minDist != 0f && (float)c.DistanceToSquared(parentPos) < minDist * minDist)) || c.GetFirstThing(map, ThingDefOf.InsectJelly) != null || c.GetFirstThing(map, ThingDefOf.GlowPod) != null) { result = false; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { IntVec3 c2 = c + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[i]; if (c2.InBounds(map)) { List <Thing> thingList = c2.GetThingList(map); for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { if (thingList[j] is Hive || thingList[j] is TunnelHiveSpawner) { return(false); } } } } List <Thing> thingList2 = c.GetThingList(map); for (int k = 0; k < thingList2.Count; k++) { Thing thing = thingList2[k]; bool flag = thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Building && thing.def.passability == Traversability.Impassable; if (flag && GenSpawn.SpawningWipes(parentDef, thing.def)) { return(true); } } result = true; } return(result); }
private static void SpawnCaveWellOpening(IntVec3 position) { Thing potentialCaveWell = position.GetFirstThing(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef); if (potentialCaveWell == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef, position); } foreach (IntVec3 checkedCell in GenAdjFast.AdjacentCells8Way(position)) { potentialCaveWell = checkedCell.GetFirstThing(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef); if (potentialCaveWell == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(Util_CaveBiome.CaveWellDef, checkedCell); } } }
public bool BuildingDesignatorControl() { if (Find.CurrentMap == null || Find.DesignatorManager == null) { return(true); } var Dem = Find.DesignatorManager.SelectedDesignator; if (Dem != null && Dem is Designator_Build) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 2) { //Better than UI.mousecell MiddleClickCell = Find.CameraDriver.MapPosition; } //Middle click to select designator if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 2 && MiddleClickCell == Find.CameraDriver.MapPosition) { Thing targetThing = null; IntVec3 UICell = UI.MouseCell(); Map map = Find.CurrentMap; if (map == null) { return(false); } if (!UICell.InBounds(map)) { return(false); } //Search for blueprints if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstThing <Blueprint>(map); } //Search for frames if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstThing <Frame>(map); } //Search for Buildings if (targetThing == null) { targetThing = UICell.GetFirstBuilding(map); } //Can't find things if (targetThing == null) { //SoundDefOf.ClickReject.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Find designator Designator_Build Desig = null; Desig = BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(targetThing.def); if (Desig == null && (targetThing is Blueprint || targetThing is Frame)) { Desig = BuildCopyCommandUtility.FindAllowedDesignator(targetThing.def.entityDefToBuild); } if ((targetThing.def.BuildableByPlayer || targetThing.def.entityDefToBuild?.BuildableByPlayer == true) && Desig != null) { //Set stuff if (targetThing.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef(targetThing.Stuff); } if ((targetThing as Blueprint_Build)?.stuffToUse != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Blueprint_Build).stuffToUse); } if ((targetThing as Blueprint_Install)?.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Blueprint_Install).Stuff); } if ((targetThing as Frame)?.Stuff != null) { Desig.SetStuffDef((targetThing as Frame).Stuff); } Find.DesignatorManager.Select(Desig); SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { //SoundDefOf.ClickReject.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Cancel drag //First, absorb Right click event, handle it manually if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 1) { Event.current.Use(); } if (IsCancelDragging) { GenUI.DrawMouseAttachment(CancelIcon, string.Empty, 0); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) { if (IsCancelDragging) { //RenderCancelHighlights(); } else { //Start cancel dragging IsCancelDragging = true; DragStart = UI.MouseCell(); SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); } } //Right click up else if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 1) { IsCancelDragging = false; selectedThings.Clear(); Event.current.Use(); if (selectedThings.Any()) { selectedThings.Do(delegate(Thing t) { t.Destroy(DestroyMode.Cancel); }); SoundDefOf.Designate_Cancel.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } else { SoundDefOf.CancelMode.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.DesignatorManager.Deselect(); return(false); } } //While cancel dragging, left click to abort if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && IsCancelDragging) { selectedThings.Clear(); IsCancelDragging = false; SoundDefOf.CancelMode.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); Find.DesignatorManager.Deselect(); Event.current.Use(); return(false); } //Drag to place blueprints var BuildDesignator = (Designator_Build)Dem; if (BuildDesignator.DraggableDimensions != 0) { return(true); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { PreviousCell = IntVec3.Invalid; ClickedFlag = true; Event.current.Use(); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0) { PreviousCell = IntVec3.Invalid; ClickedFlag = false; Event.current.Use(); } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && !Mouse.IsInputBlockedNow && PreviousCell != UI.MouseCell() && ClickedFlag) { var acceptanceReport = BuildDesignator.CanDesignateCell(UI.MouseCell()); if (DebugSettings.godMode && acceptanceReport.Accepted) //Handle god mode { Traverse t = Traverse.Create(BuildDesignator); BuildableDef entDef = t.Field("entDef").GetValue <BuildableDef>(); Rot4 rot = t.Field("placingRot").GetValue <Rot4>(); CellRect cellRect = GenAdj.OccupiedRect(UI.MouseCell(), rot, entDef.Size); foreach (IntVec3 c in cellRect) { var thinglist = c.GetThingList(Find.CurrentMap); for (int i = 0; i < thinglist.Count; i++) { var thing3 = thinglist[i]; if (!GenConstruct.CanPlaceBlueprintOver(entDef, thing3.def)) { acceptanceReport = new AcceptanceReport("SpaceAlreadyOccupied_DevFail"); } } } } if (acceptanceReport.Accepted) { BuildDesignator.DesignateSingleCell(UI.MouseCell()); BuildDesignator.Finalize(true); } else { //If this is first cell clicked if (PreviousCell == IntVec3.Invalid) { Messages.Message(acceptanceReport.Reason, MessageTypeDefOf.SilentInput, false); BuildDesignator.Finalize(false); } } PreviousCell = UI.MouseCell(); //Event.current.Use(); } return(false); } else //This is not Building designator { IsCancelDragging = false; return(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Check if position is valid to grow a plant. Does not check cluster exclusivity! /// </summary> public static bool IsValidPositionToGrowPlant(ThingDef_ClusterPlant plantDef, IntVec3 position, bool checkTemperature = true) { if (position.InBounds() == false) { return false; } if (plantDef.isSymbiosisPlant) { // For symbiosis plant, only check there is a source symbiosis plant. if (position.GetFirstThing(plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefSource) != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Check there is no building or cover. if ((position.GetEdifice() != null) || (position.GetCover() != null)) { return false; } // Check terrain condition. if (ClusterPlant.CanTerrainSupportPlantAt(plantDef, position) == false) { return false; } // Check temperature conditions. if (ClusterPlant.IsTemperatureConditionOkAt(plantDef, position) == false) { return false; } // Check light conditions. if (ClusterPlant.IsLightConditionOkAt(plantDef, position) == false) { return false; } // Check there is no other plant. if (Find.ThingGrid.ThingAt(position, ThingCategory.Plant) != null) { return false; } // Check the cell is not blocked by a plant, an item, a pawn, a rock... List<Thing> thingList = Find.ThingGrid.ThingsListAt(position); for (int thingIndex = 0; thingIndex < thingList.Count; thingIndex++) { Thing thing = thingList[thingIndex]; //Log.Message("checking thing + " + thing.ToString() + " at " + position.ToString()); if (thing.def.BlockPlanting) { return false; } if (plantDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable && (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Pawn || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Item || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Building || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Plant)) { return false; } } // Check snow level. if (GenPlant.SnowAllowsPlanting(position) == false) { return false; } return true; }
public void XenoLordTick() { if (map != null) { IntVec3 c = IntVec3.Invalid; Lord lord = null; List <Lord> Hivelords = new List <Lord>(); Lord Hivelord = null; LordJob Hivejob = null; Pawn Hivequeen = null; IEnumerable <Lord> lords = pawn.Map.lordManager.lords.Where(x => x.faction == pawn.Faction); bool isDefendPoint = pawn.GetLord() != null?pawn.GetLord().LordJob is LordJob_DefendPoint : false; bool isAssaultColony = pawn.GetLord() != null?pawn.GetLord().LordJob is LordJob_AssaultColony : false; bool hostsPresent = map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.Any(x => x.isPotentialHost() && !x.isCocooned() && IsAcceptablePreyFor(pawn, x, true)); bool LordReplaceable = (isDefendPoint || (isAssaultColony && !hostsPresent)); // Log.Message(string.Format("LordReplaceable: {0}, isDefendPoint: {1}, isAssaultColony: {2}, hostsPresent: {3}", LordReplaceable, isDefendPoint, isAssaultColony, !hostsPresent)); if (lords.Count() != 0 && ((pawn.GetLord() != null && LordReplaceable) || pawn.GetLord() == null)) { foreach (var l in lords) { if (l != null) { if (XenomorphUtil.HivelikesPresent(map)) { if (l.LordJob is LordJob_DefendAndExpandHiveLike j) { Hivelord = l; Hivejob = j; if (l.ownedPawns.Any(x => x.kindDef == QueenDef)) { Hivequeen = l.ownedPawns.Find(x => x.kindDef == QueenDef); } if (pawn.kindDef != XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen || (pawn.kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen && Hivequeen != null)) { Hivelords.Add(l); } } } else if (XenomorphUtil.HiveSlimePresent(map)) { if (l.LordJob is LordJob_DefendHiveLoc j) { Hivelord = l; Hivejob = j; if (l.ownedPawns.Any(x => x.kindDef == QueenDef)) { Hivequeen = l.ownedPawns.Find(x => x.kindDef == QueenDef); } if (pawn.kindDef != XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen || (pawn.kindDef == XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Queen && Hivequeen != null)) { Hivelords.Add(l); } } } } else { /* * lord = l; * lord.AddPawn(pawn); * pawn.mindState.duty = lord.ownedPawns.FindAll(x => x.mindState.duty != null && x != pawn).RandomElement().mindState.duty; * break; */ } } } if (pawn.GetLord() != null && LordReplaceable) { lord = pawn.GetLord(); if (lord.ownedPawns.Count == 0) { Log.Message(string.Format("got no pawns, wtf?")); } if (lord.ownedPawns.Count == 1) { } if (c == IntVec3.Invalid && XenomorphUtil.HivelikesPresent(map)) { c = !XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableHivelike(pawn).DestroyedOrNull() ? XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableHivelike(pawn).Position : IntVec3.Invalid; } if (c == IntVec3.Invalid && XenomorphUtil.EggsPresent(map)) { c = !XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableEgg(pawn).DestroyedOrNull() ? XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableEgg(pawn).Position : IntVec3.Invalid; } if (c == IntVec3.Invalid && XenomorphUtil.CocoonsPresent(map, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Humanoid_Cocoon)) { c = !XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableCocoon(pawn, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Humanoid_Cocoon).DestroyedOrNull() ? XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableCocoon(pawn, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Humanoid_Cocoon).Position : IntVec3.Invalid; } if (c == IntVec3.Invalid && XenomorphUtil.CocoonsPresent(map, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Animal_Cocoon)) { c = !XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableCocoon(pawn, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Animal_Cocoon).DestroyedOrNull() ? XenomorphUtil.ClosestReachableCocoon(pawn, XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Xenomorph_Animal_Cocoon).Position : IntVec3.Invalid; } if (c == IntVec3.Invalid) { if (InfestationLikeCellFinder.TryFindCell(out c, pawn.Map, false)) { if (Prefs.DevMode) { ThingDef td = XenomorphDefOf.RRY_Filth_Slime; GenSpawn.Spawn(td, c, pawn.Map); Find.LetterStack.ReceiveLetter(string.Format("Lord Created"), string.Format("@: {0} ", c), LetterDefOf.NegativeEvent, c.GetFirstThing(pawn.Map, td), null, null); } } if (pawn.CanReach(c, PathEndMode.OnCell, Danger.Deadly, true)) { c = RCellFinder.RandomWanderDestFor(pawn, c, 3f, null, Danger.Some); } else { c = RCellFinder.RandomWanderDestFor(pawn, pawn.Position, 3f, null, Danger.Some); } } if (c != IntVec3.Invalid) { LordJob newJob; if (XenomorphUtil.HivelikesPresent(map)) { newJob = new LordJob_DefendAndExpandHiveLike(false); } else { newJob = new LordJob_DefendHiveLoc(parent.Faction, c); } if (LordReplaceable) { if (!Hivelords.NullOrEmpty()) { Hivelord = Hivelords.RandomElement(); SwitchToLord(Hivelord); CreateNewLord(pawn, c, newJob); } else { CreateNewLord(pawn, c, newJob); } if (HiveLoc == IntVec3.Invalid) { HiveLoc = c; } } } } else if (c == IntVec3.Invalid && (pawn.GetLord() != null && pawn.GetLord().LordJob is LordJob LordJob)) { lord = pawn.GetLord(); c = LordJob.lord.Graph.StartingToil.FlagLoc; if (c == IntVec3.Invalid) { c = LordJob.lord.CurLordToil.FlagLoc; } } else if (pawn.GetLord() == null) { if (!Hivelords.NullOrEmpty()) { Hivelord = Hivelords.RandomElement(); SwitchToLord(Hivelord); } } if (pawn.GetLord() != null) { List <Pawn> list = pawn.GetLord().ownedPawns.Where(x => x.mindState.duty != null).ToList(); if (pawn.GetLord() != null && pawn.mindState.duty == null && !list.NullOrEmpty()) { pawn.mindState.duty = list.RandomElement().mindState.duty; } } } }
internal bool <> m__0(IntVec3 x) { return(InfestationCellFinder.GetScoreAt(x, > 0f && x.GetFirstThing(, ThingDefOf.Hive) == null && x.GetFirstThing(, ThingDefOf.TunnelHiveSpawner) == null); }
/// <summary> /// Check if position is valid to grow a plant. Does not check cluster exclusivity! /// </summary> public static bool IsValidPositionToGrowPlant(ThingDef_ClusterPlant plantDef, Map map, IntVec3 position, bool checkTemperature = true) { if (position.InBounds(map) == false) { return(false); } if (plantDef.isSymbiosisPlant) { // For symbiosis plant, only check there is a source symbiosis plant. if (position.GetFirstThing(map, plantDef.symbiosisPlantDefSource) != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } // Check there is no building or cover. if ((position.GetEdifice(map) != null) || (position.GetCover(map) != null)) { return(false); } // Check terrain condition. if (ClusterPlant.CanTerrainSupportPlantAt(plantDef, map, position) == false) { return(false); } // Check temperature conditions. if (ClusterPlant.IsTemperatureConditionOkAt(plantDef, map, position) == false) { return(false); } // Check light conditions. if (ClusterPlant.IsLightConditionOkAt(plantDef, map, position) == false) { return(false); } // Check there is no other plant. if (map.thingGrid.ThingAt(position, ThingCategory.Plant) != null) { return(false); } // Check the cell is not blocked by a plant, an item, a pawn, a rock... List <Thing> thingList = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(position); for (int thingIndex = 0; thingIndex < thingList.Count; thingIndex++) { Thing thing = thingList[thingIndex]; if (thing.def.BlockPlanting) { return(false); } if (plantDef.passability == Traversability.Impassable && (thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Pawn || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Item || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Building || thing.def.category == ThingCategory.Plant)) { return(false); } } // Check snow level. if (GenPlant.SnowAllowsPlanting(position, map) == false) { return(false); } return(true); }
public override void ExplosionAffectCell(Explosion explosion, IntVec3 c, List <Thing> damagedThings, List <Thing> ignoredThings, bool canThrowMotes) { if (this.def.explosionCellMote != null && canThrowMotes) { Mote mote = c.GetFirstThing(explosion.Map, this.def.explosionCellMote) as Mote; if (mote != null) { mote.spawnTick = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; } else { float t = Mathf.Clamp01((explosion.Position - c).LengthHorizontal / explosion.radius); Color color = Color.Lerp(this.def.explosionColorCenter, this.def.explosionColorEdge, t); PurpleIvyMoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(c, explosion.Map, this.def.explosionCellMote, color); } } DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Clear(); float num = float.MinValue; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = explosion.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Mote && thing.def.category != ThingCategory.Ethereal) { if (thing.Faction != PurpleIvyData.AlienFaction) { DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Add(thing); if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full && thing.def.Altitude > num) { flag = true; num = thing.def.Altitude; } } } } for (int j = 0; j < DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect.Count; j++) { if (DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j].def.Altitude >= num) { if (DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j] is Pawn) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j]; if (Rand.Chance(0.3f)) { pawn.stances.stunner.StunFor(Rand.RangeInclusive(100, 200), explosion.instigator); } } this.ExplosionDamageThing(explosion, DamageWorker_AddInjuryNoCamShaker.thingsToAffect[j], damagedThings, ignoredThings, c); } } if (!flag) { this.ExplosionDamageTerrain(explosion, c); } if (this.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount > 0.0001f) { float lengthHorizontal = (c - explosion.Position).LengthHorizontal; float num2 = 1f - lengthHorizontal / explosion.radius; if (num2 > 0f) { explosion.Map.snowGrid.AddDepth(c, -num2 * this.def.explosionSnowMeltAmount); } } if (this.def == DamageDefOf.Bomb || this.def == DamageDefOf.Flame) { List <Thing> list2 = explosion.Map.listerThings.ThingsOfDef(ThingDefOf.RectTrigger); for (int k = 0; k < list2.Count; k++) { RectTrigger rectTrigger = (RectTrigger)list2[k]; if (rectTrigger.activateOnExplosion && rectTrigger.Rect.Contains(c)) { rectTrigger.ActivatedBy(null); } } } }
protected override bool IsValidTile(Map map, IntVec3 pos) { return(base.IsValidTile(map, pos) && pos.GetFirstThing <Thing>(map) == null); }
public static bool StackableAtEx(ThingDef def, IntVec3 storeCell, Map map) { Log.Message($"StackableAtEx {def}@{storeCell}, {storeCell.GetFirstThing<ExtendedStorage.Building_ExtendedStorage>(map) != null}"); return(storeCell.GetFirstThing <ExtendedStorage.Building_ExtendedStorage>(map) != null); // && storage.StoredThingDef == def //StoredThingDef is internal? okay then }
bool IsValidChairTile(Map map, IntVec3 pos) { return(pos.GetFirstThing <Building>(map) == null); }
private static void SpawnShrapnel(ThingDef def, int quantity, IntVec3 center, Map map, float angle, float distanceFactor) { for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = GenerateShrapnelLocation(center, angle, distanceFactor); if (IsGoodShrapnelCell(intVec, map) && (def.category != ThingCategory.Item || intVec.GetFirstItem(map) == null) && intVec.GetFirstThing(map, def) == null) { GenSpawn.Spawn(def, intVec, map); } } }