예제 #1
        public string GetALMId()
            string almId = "";

            var getcustomerdetail = InsuranceContext.Query(" select top 1 AlmId  from [dbo].[Branch] where AlmId is not null order by id desc ")
                                    .Select(x => new Customer()
                ALMId = x.AlmId

            if (getcustomerdetail != null && getcustomerdetail.ALMId != null)
                string number        = getcustomerdetail.ALMId.Split('K')[1];
                long   pernumer      = Convert.ToInt64(number) + 1;
                string policyNumbera = string.Empty;
                int    lengths       = 3;
                lengths = lengths - pernumer.ToString().Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < lengths; i++)
                    policyNumbera += "0";
                policyNumbera += pernumer;
                //  customer.ALMId = "GENE-SSK" + policyNumbera;
                almId = "GENE-SSK" + policyNumbera;
                almId = "GENE-SSK003";

예제 #2
        public List <GrossWrittenPremiumReportModels> getGWPData(string startDate, string endDate)
            var ListGrossWrittenPremiumReport = new List <GrossWrittenPremiumReportModels>();

                var query = " select PolicyDetail.PolicyNumber as Policy_Number, Customer.ALMId, case when Customer.ALMId is null  then  [dbo].fn_GetUserCallCenterAgent(SummaryDetail.CreatedBy) else [dbo].fn_GetUserALM(Customer.BranchId) end  as PolicyCreatedBy, Customer.FirstName + ' ' + Customer.LastName as Customer_Name,VehicleDetail.TransactionDate as Transaction_date, ";
                query += "  case when Customer.id=SummaryDetail.CreatedBy then [dbo].fn_GetUserBranch(Customer.id) else [dbo].fn_GetUserBranch(SummaryDetail.CreatedBy) end as BranchName, ";
                query += " VehicleDetail.CoverNote as CoverNoteNum, PaymentMethod.Name as Payment_Mode, PaymentTerm.Name as Payment_Term,CoverType.Name as CoverType, Currency.Name as Currency, ";
                query += " VehicleDetail.Premium + VehicleDetail.StampDuty + VehicleDetail.ZTSCLevy as Premium_due, VehicleDetail.StampDuty as Stamp_duty, VehicleDetail.ZTSCLevy as ZTSC_Levy, ";
                query += " cast(VehicleDetail.Premium * 30 / 100 as decimal(10, 2))    as Comission_Amount, VehicleDetail.IncludeRadioLicenseCost, ";
                query += " CASE WHEN IncludeRadioLicenseCost = 1 THEN VehicleDetail.RadioLicenseCost else 0 end as RadioLicenseCost, VehicleDetail.VehicleLicenceFee as Zinara_License_Fee, ";
                query += " VehicleDetail.RenewalDate as PolicyRenewalDate, VehicleDetail.IsActive, VehicleDetail.RenewPolicyNumber as RenewPolicyNumber, ";
                query += " VehicleDetail.BusinessSourceDetailId, SummaryDetail.id as SummaryDetailId, BusinessSource.Source as BusinessSourceName, SourceDetail.FirstName + ' ' + SourceDetail.LastName as SourceDetailName from PolicyDetail ";
                query += " join Customer on PolicyDetail.CustomerId = Customer.Id ";
                query += " join VehicleDetail on PolicyDetail.Id = VehicleDetail.PolicyId ";
                query += "join SummaryVehicleDetail on VehicleDetail.id = SummaryVehicleDetail.VehicleDetailsId ";
                query += " join SummaryDetail on SummaryDetail.id = SummaryVehicleDetail.SummaryDetailId ";
                //query += "  join PaymentInformation on SummaryDetail.Id=PaymentInformation.SummaryDetailId ";
                query += " join PaymentMethod on SummaryDetail.PaymentMethodId = PaymentMethod.Id ";
                query += "join PaymentTerm on VehicleDetail.PaymentTermId = PaymentTerm.Id ";
                query += " left join CoverType on VehicleDetail.CoverTypeId = CoverType.Id ";
                query += " left join Currency on VehicleDetail.CurrencyId = Currency.Id ";
                query += " left join BusinessSource on BusinessSource.Id = VehicleDetail.BusinessSourceDetailId ";
                query += " left   join SourceDetail on VehicleDetail.BusinessSourceDetailId = SourceDetail.Id join AspNetUsers on AspNetUsers.id=customer.UserID join AspNetUserRoles on AspNetUserRoles.UserId=AspNetUsers.Id ";
                query += " where (VehicleDetail.IsActive = 1 or VehicleDetail.IsActive = null) and SummaryDetail.isQuotation=0 and SummaryDetail.PaymentMethodId <>" + (int)paymentMethod.PayLater + " and (  CONVERT(date, VehicleDetail.TransactionDate) >= convert(date, '" + startDate + "', 101)  and CONVERT(date, VehicleDetail.TransactionDate) <= convert(date, '" + endDate + "', 101))  order by  VehicleDetail.Id desc ";

                ListGrossWrittenPremiumReport = InsuranceContext.Query(query).
                                                Select(x => new GrossWrittenPremiumReportModels()
                    Policy_Number      = x.Policy_Number,
                    BranchName         = x.BranchName,
                    PolicyCreatedBy    = x.PolicyCreatedBy,
                    Customer_Name      = x.Customer_Name,
                    Transaction_date   = x.Transaction_date.ToShortDateString(),
                    CoverNoteNum       = x.CoverNoteNum,
                    Payment_Mode       = x.Payment_Mode,
                    Payment_Term       = x.Payment_Term,
                    CoverType          = x.CoverType,
                    Currency           = x.Currency,
                    Premium_due        = x.Premium_due,
                    Stamp_duty         = x.Stamp_duty,
                    ZTSC_Levy          = x.ZTSC_Levy,
                    ALMId              = x.ALMId,
                    Comission_Amount   = x.Comission_Amount,
                    RadioLicenseCost   = x.RadioLicenseCost,
                    Zinara_License_Fee = x.Zinara_License_Fee,
                    PolicyRenewalDate  = x.PolicyRenewalDate,
                    IsActive           = x.IsActive,
                    RenewPolicyNumber  = x.RenewPolicyNumber,
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Debug.WriteLine(ex);

예제 #3
        public BranchModel GetBranchByIp(string IpAddress)
            var branchDetils = new BranchModel();

                //var branch = InsuranceContext.MachineBranches.Single(where: $"IpAddress={IpAddress}");

                var branch = InsuranceContext.Query("select * from [MachineBranch] where IpAddress like '%" + IpAddress + "%'")
                             .Select(x => new BranchModel()
                    Id = x.BranchId,

                if (branch != null)
                    branchDetils.Id = branch.Id;
                    //  branchDetils.BranchName = branch.BranchName;
            catch (Exception ex)

        public ActionResult VehicleModelList()
            //  var modellist = InsuranceContext.VehicleModels.All(where: "IsActive= 'True' or IsActive is Null").OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList();

            //var list = (from vehicleModel in InsuranceContext.VehicleModels.All().ToList()
            //            join vehicleMake in InsuranceContext.VehicleMakes.All().ToList()
            //            on vehicleModel.MakeCode equals vehicleMake.MakeCode
            //            select new ClsVehicleModel
            //            {
            //                ModelDescription = vehicleModel.ModelDescription,
            //                MakeDescription = vehicleMake.MakeDescription,
            //                ModelCode = vehicleModel.ModelCode,
            //                ShortDescription = vehicleModel.ShortDescription,
            //                Id = vehicleModel.Id
            //            }).OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).ToList();

            var list = InsuranceContext.Query("select ModelDescription, ModelCode, MakeDescription, VehicleModel.Id as ModelId, VehicleModel.ShortDescription from VehicleModel join VehicleMake on VehicleModel.MakeCode = VehicleMake.MakeCode")
                       .Select(x => new ClsVehicleModel()
                MakeDescription  = x.MakeDescription,
                ModelDescription = x.ModelDescription,
                Id = x.ModelId,
                ShortDescription = x.ShortDescription,
                ModelCode        = x.ModelCode

예제 #5
        public List <BranchModel> GetAllBranch()
            //var list = InsuranceContext.Branches.All().ToList();

            string query = "select Id, BranchName, Location_Id from Branch";

            List <BranchModel> list = InsuranceContext.Query(query).Select(x => new BranchModel()
                Id          = x.Id,
                BranchName  = x.BranchName,
                Location_Id = x.Location_Id,

            //var branchList = new List<BranchModel>();

            //foreach (var item in list)
            //    branchList.Add(new BranchModel { Id = item.Id, BranchName = item.BranchName });

            EmailService logService = new EmailService();

예제 #6
        public Content GetContentById(int contentId)
            using var context = new InsuranceContext();

            var content = context.Content.Find(contentId);

예제 #7
        public void Add(Content content)
            using var context = new InsuranceContext();
            var entity = context.Content.Add(content);

            entity.State = EntityState.Added;

        public ActionResult Commission()
            List <AgentCommissionModel> list = (InsuranceContext.Query("select AgentCommission.Id, Source, CommissionName, CommissionAmount from AgentCommission join BusinessSource on AgentCommission.BusinessSourceId = BusinessSource.Id").Select(c => new AgentCommissionModel()
                Source = c.Source, Id = c.Id, CommissionName = c.CommissionName, CommissionAmount = c.CommissionAmount

예제 #9
        public void Delete(Content content)
            using var context = new InsuranceContext();
            var entity = context.Content.Remove(content);

            entity.State = EntityState.Deleted;

예제 #10
        public Customer GetLastCustomerDetail()
            var customerDetail = InsuranceContext.Query("select top 1 * from Customer order by id desc").Select(x => new Customer()
                //Id = x.Id,
                CustomerId = x.Id

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PolicyServiceTest"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public PolicyServiceTest()
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <InsuranceContext>();


            _insuranceContext = new InsuranceContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
            _policyRepository = new PolicyRepository(_insuranceContext);
            _policyService    = new PolicyService(_policyRepository);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Add or update a coverage to a policy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Insurance context.</param>
        /// <param name="policyName">Policy name.</param>
        /// <param name="coverageName">Coverage name.</param>
        void AddOrUpdateCoverage(InsuranceContext context, string policyName, string coverageName)
            var pol = context.Policies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == policyName);
            var cov = pol.Coverages.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == coverageName);

            if (cov == null)
                pol.Coverages.Add(context.Coverages.Single(c => c.Name == coverageName));
예제 #13
        // GET: Vehicle
        public ActionResult Index()
            insctx = new InsuranceContext();
            var data = from Vehicle v in insctx.Vehicles.ToList()
                       select v;

            var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(data);

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #14
 public AccountController(UserManager <Account> userMgr, SignInManager <Account> signinMgr, IPasswordHasher <Account> passwordHash, IPasswordValidator <Account> passwordValid, IUserValidator <Account>
                          userValid, InsuranceContext context)
     userManager       = userMgr;
     signInManager     = signinMgr;
     passwordHasher    = passwordHash;
     passwordValidator = passwordValid;
     userValidator     = userValid;
     _context          = context;
        // GET: Customers
        public ActionResult Index()
            insctx = new InsuranceContext();
            var data = from Customer c in insctx.Customers.ToList()
                       join Policy p in insctx.Policies.ToList() on c.PhoneNo equals p.CustomerId
                       select new { c.Name, c.PhoneNo, p.PolicyNo, p.StartDate, p.ExpiryDate, p.SumAssured };

            var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(data);

            return(Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
예제 #16
        public JsonResult GetVehicleDetails(string vrn)
            PayLaterPolicyModel model = new PayLaterPolicyModel();

            string query = " select PolicyDetail.PolicyNumber, PolicyDetail.Id as PolicyId, Customer.FirstName + ' ' + Customer.LastName as CustomerName, ";

            query += " VehicleDetail.RegistrationNo as RegistrationNo, VehicleMake.MakeDescription, VehicleDetail.Id as VehicleID, ";
            query += " VehicleModel.ModelDescription, SummaryDetail.TotalPremium, SummaryDetail.Id as SummaryDetailId, ";
            query += " PaymentInformation.Id as PaymentInformationId,  case when ";
            query += " PaymentMethod.Name <> 'PayLater' then 'Paid' else 'PayLater' end as PaymentStatus ";
            query += " from PolicyDetail join Customer on PolicyDetail.CustomerId = Customer.Id ";
            query += " join VehicleDetail on VehicleDetail.PolicyId = PolicyDetail.Id   ";
            query += " join SummaryVehicleDetail on VehicleDetail.Id= SummaryVehicleDetail.VehicleDetailsId  ";
            query += " join SummaryDetail on SummaryVehicleDetail.SummaryDetailId = SummaryDetail.Id  ";
            query += " left join VehicleMake on VehicleDetail.MakeId = VehicleMake.MakeCode  left ";
            query += " join VehicleModel on VehicleDetail.ModelId = VehicleModel.ModelCode ";
            query += " join PaymentInformation on SummaryDetail.Id = PaymentInformation.SummaryDetailId ";
            query += " join PaymentMethod on SummaryDetail.PaymentMethodId = PaymentMethod.Id  where VehicleDetail.RegistrationNo=" + vrn + " and VehicleDetail.isactive=1";

            var result = InsuranceContext.Query(query).Select(c => new PayLaterPolicyDetail()
                VehicleID            = c.VehicleID,
                PolicyId             = c.PolicyId,
                SummaryDetailId      = c.SummaryDetailId,
                PaymentInformationId = c.PaymentInformationId,
                PolicyNumber         = c.PolicyNumber,
                CustomerName         = c.CustomerName,
                RegistrationNo       = c.RegistrationNo,
                MakeDescription      = c.MakeDescription,
                ModelDescription     = c.ModelDescription,
                Vehicle      = c.MakeDescription + ' ' + c.ModelDescription,
                TotalPremium = c.TotalPremium

            if (result == null)
                result          = new PayLaterPolicyDetail();
                result.ErrorMsg = "Records not found";

            return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult ClaimPayment(int id, string successMsg = "")
            ClaimAdjustmentModel model = new ClaimAdjustmentModel();

            model.Id = id;
            var claimAdjustment = InsuranceContext.ClaimAdjustments.Single(where : "Id=" + id);

            TempData["Sucessmessage"] = successMsg;

            if (claimAdjustment != null)
                model.PayeeName         = claimAdjustment.PayeeName;
                model.PolicyholderName  = claimAdjustment.PolicyholderName;
                model.FinalAmountToPaid = claimAdjustment.FinalAmountToPaid;

            var query = "select ClaimRegistrationProviderDetial.Id, ProviderType, ServiceProviderName, ServiceProviderFee from ClaimRegistrationProviderDetial ";

            query += " join ServiceProvider on ClaimRegistrationProviderDetial.ServiceProviderId = ServiceProvider.Id ";
            query += "join ServiceProviderType on ClaimRegistrationProviderDetial.ServiceProviderTypeId = ServiceProviderType.id ";
            query += " where ClaimRegistrationProviderDetial.ClaimRegistrationId =" + claimAdjustment.ClaimRegisterationId;

            model.ServiceProviderList = InsuranceContext.Query(query).Select(c => new ClaimRegistrationProviderModel {
                Id = c.Id, ServiceProviderName = c.ServiceProviderName, ServiceProviderType = c.ProviderType, ServiceProviderFee = ServiceProviderFee(c.ProviderType, c.ServiceProviderFee, claimAdjustment.ExcessesAmount)

            var claimRegistrationProvider = InsuranceContext.ClaimRegistrationProviderDetials.All(where : "ClaimRegistrationId=" + claimAdjustment.ClaimRegisterationId).Select(c => c.ServiceProviderFee).Sum();

            model.TotalAmountLeftToPayed = Convert.ToString(claimRegistrationProvider - _excessAmount);

            // var providerList = InsuranceContext.ClaimRegistrationProviderDetials.All(where : "ClaimRegistrationId=" + claimAdjustment).ToList();

예제 #18
        public int InsertMachineBranch(string brachId, string IpAddress)
            // InsuranceContext.MachineBranches()

            //  var machineBrach = InsuranceContext.MachineBranches.Single(where: $"IpAddress={IpAddress}");

            var machineBrach = InsuranceContext.Query("select * from [MachineBranch] where IpAddress like '%" + IpAddress + "%'")
                               .Select(x => new BranchModel()
                Id = x.BranchId,

            if (machineBrach == null)
                MachineBranch mBranch = new MachineBranch {
                    BranchId = Convert.ToInt32(brachId), IpAddress = IpAddress, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now

 public FullEnrollmentDataController(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;
예제 #20
 public BrokersCategoriesController(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;
 public HealthPoliciesController(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;
예제 #22
        // GET: Agent
        public ActionResult Index()
            bool userLoggedin = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User != null) && System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated;

            if (userLoggedin)
                var userid = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var roles  = UserManager.GetRoles(userid).FirstOrDefault();
                //if (roles != "SuperAdmin")
                //    return RedirectToAction("Index", "CustomerRegistration");
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Agent"));

            string url = HttpContext.Request.Url.Authority;

            //		Authority	"localhost:49873"	string

            var branchList = InsuranceContext.Branches.All();

            var query = "select Customer. * , AspNetUsers.Email, AgentLogo.LogoPath from Customer ";

            query += "   join AspNetUsers on Customer.UserID = AspNetUsers.Id ";
            query += "  join AspNetUserRoles  on AspNetUserRoles.UserId = AspNetUsers.Id  left join  AgentLogo on Customer.Id = AgentLogo.CustomerId ";
            query += " where AspNetUserRoles.RoleId ='" + _agent + "' and (IsActive is null or IsActive=1) order by Customer.Id desc  ";

            //      var user1 = InsuranceContext.Query(query).Select

            var user = InsuranceContext.Query(query).Select(x => new CustomerModel()
                CustomerId   = x.CustomerId,
                UserID       = x.UserID,
                FirstName    = x.FirstName,
                LastName     = x.LastName,
                AddressLine1 = x.AddressLine1,
                AddressLine2 = x.AddressLine2,
                City         = x.City,
                NationalIdentificationNumber = x.NationalIdentificationNumber,
                Zipcode             = x.Zipcode,
                Country             = x.Country,
                DateOfBirth         = x.DateOfBirth,
                Gender              = x.Gender,
                IsWelcomeNoteSent   = x.IsWelcomeNoteSent,
                IsPolicyDocSent     = x.IsPolicyDocSent,
                IsLicenseDiskNeeded = x.IsLicenseDiskNeeded,
                IsOTPConfirmed      = x.IsOTPConfirmed == null,
                CreatedBy           = x.CreatedBy,
                ModifiedOn          = x.ModifiedOn,
                ModifiedBy          = x.ModifiedBy,
                IsActive            = x.IsActive == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsActive),
                CountryCode         = x.Countrycode,
                PhoneNumber         = x.PhoneNumber,
                IsCustomEmail       = x.IsCustomEmail == null ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(x.IsCustomEmail),
                EmailAddress        = x.Email,
                AgentLogo           = x.LogoPath,
                AgentWhatsapp       = x.AgentWhatsapp,
                // CompanyName = x.CompanyName,
                // CompanyEmail = x.CompanyEmail,
                //  CompanyAddress = x.CompanyAddress,
                //   CompanyPhone = x.CompanyPhone,
                //  CompanyCity = x.CompanyCity,
                // CompanyBusinessId = x.CompanyBusinessId,
                //  IsCorporate = x.IsCorporate,
                //  BranchId = x.BranchId,
                //  ALMId = x.ALMId,
                Id        = x.Id,
                CreatedOn = x.CreatedOn,
                Branch    = GetAgentBranch(x.AgentBranch, branchList),

            ListUserViewModel lstUserModel = new ListUserViewModel();

            lstUserModel.ListUsers = user;

예제 #23
 public ClientsController(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;
예제 #24
 public LoginController(InsuranceContext _db)
     db = _db;
예제 #25
        public List <Content> GetContentsByCategoryId(int categoryId)
            using var context = new InsuranceContext();

            return(context.Content.Where(w => w.ContentCategoryId == categoryId).ToList());
예제 #26
        public List <Content> GetContentAll()
            using var context = new InsuranceContext();

예제 #27
 public UtilityService()
     context = new InsuranceContext();
예제 #28
 public PolicyRepository(InsuranceContext context) : base(context)
예제 #29
 public AdvisorsController(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;
예제 #30
 public ClientRepository(InsuranceContext context)
     _context = context;