void Start() { // Getting InputHandler which controls player movement input inputHandler = GetComponent <InputHandler>(); // It can also be accessed by asking it right from InputManager using a name // So you can get any InptuHandler without having ref to GameObject with the handler component //inputHandler = InputManager.instance.GetInputHandler("Player Movement"); // Adding action to the "Movement Right" (seted up from editor) inputHandler.AddPressedAction("Movement Right", MoveRight); // Addiing our handler to the Input Manager's stack of handlers InputManager.instance.AddInputHandlerToStack(inputHandler); // Let's try one more action after handler was added to the stack inputHandler.AddPressedAction("Movement Left", MoveLeft); // It's possible to add new actions by passing KeyCode or Listener name // which wasn't seted up on editor. inputHandler.AddJustPressedAction(KeyCode.Mouse0, () => Debug.Log("Click!")); // And you can always delete any added action from listener // accessing it by KeyCode or Name //inputHandler.RemovePressedAction(KeyCode.D, MoveRight); }