public void SetContentType(InputField.ContentType type) { if (this.Target == null) { this.Target = base.GetComponent <InputField>(); } this.Target.set_contentType(type); }
public GameObject CreateDoubleButtonInputDialog(string title = "", string inputHint = "", string inputPlaceHolder = "", string inputContent = "", InputField.ContentType contentType = InputField.ContentType.Standard, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction <string> confirmCallback = null, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction cancelCallback = null) { GameObject go = UIManager.GetInstance().GetSingleUI(EUIType.DoubleButtonInputDialog); go.GetComponent <DoubleButtonInputDialog>().Show(title, inputHint, inputPlaceHolder, inputContent, contentType, confirmCallback, cancelCallback); return(go); }
private void InternalShow(string prompt, InputField.ContentType contentType) { gameObject.SetActive(true); promptText.text = prompt; inputField.text = ""; inputField.ActivateInputField(); inputField.contentType = contentType; resolved = false; }
public GameObject SpawnInputField(string value, InputField.ContentType type) { GameObject g = SpawnPrefabUI("InputField"); var t = g.GetComponent <InputField>(); t.text = value; t.contentType = type; return(g); }
public void SettingLineTypeDoesNotChangesContentTypeToCustom([Values(InputField.ContentType.Standard, InputField.ContentType.Autocorrected)] InputField.ContentType type) { InputField inputField = m_PrefabRoot.GetComponentInChildren <InputField>(); inputField.contentType = type; inputField.lineType = InputField.LineType.MultiLineNewline; Assert.AreEqual(type, inputField.contentType); }
public void Show(string title, string message, Action <string> onClickOk, InputField.ContentType type) { this.title.text = title; this.message.text = message; this.onClickOk = onClickOk; inField.contentType = (TMP_InputField.ContentType)type; canvas.blocksRaycasts = true; canvas.alpha = 1; }
public void Show(string title, string description, System.Action <string> onConfirmText, string defaultText = "") { Title = title; Description = description; InputFieldText = defaultText; contentType = InputField.ContentType.Standard; this.onConfirmText = onConfirmText; Show(); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a DialogueObject of type TextInput. Allows the player to input text into the conversation. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the person speaking</param> /// <param name="line">Dialogue the person says</param> /// <param name="contentType">Type of input to be entered into the text input field.</param> /// <param name="placeholderText">Text to be displayed in the input field before the player enters text</param> /// <param name="maxLength">Max length of the string to be entered. 0 = no max length.</param> /// <param name="enterInput">Function to be called when player advances dialogue. Function must be of type void and take in one string variable.</param> public DialogueObject(string name, string line, InputField.ContentType contentType, string placeholderText, int maxLength, EnterInput enterInput) { dialogueType = DialogueType.TextInput; speakerName = name; dialogueLine = line; inputContentType = contentType; inputPlaceholderText = placeholderText; maxInputLength = maxLength; dialogueInputCallback = enterInput; }
public GameObject CreateInputFieldWidget( GameObject parent = null, IConvertible text = null, IConvertible postfixText = null, EditorWidgetFormattingOptions formattingOptions = EditorWidgetFormattingOptions.None, InputField.ContentType contentType = InputField.ContentType.Standard, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction <string> onEndEdit = null, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction <string, InputField> newOnEndEdit = null, ContainerConfig configOverride = ContainerConfig.Submissive, int index = -1, int slots = -1) { GameObject inputFieldWidget = GameObject.Instantiate(optionInputFieldPrefab); //Attach to parent and load up appropriate configurations CoupleToParent( widget: inputFieldWidget, parent: parent, index: index, slots: slots, config: configOverride); ApplyInputFieldFormattingOptions(inputFieldWidget, formattingOptions); if (text == null) { text = ""; } if (postfixText == null) { postfixText = ""; } InputField inputField = inputFieldWidget.GetComponent <InputField>(); inputField.text = text.ToString(); inputField.contentType = contentType; if (onEndEdit != null) { inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(onEndEdit); } if (newOnEndEdit != null) { inputField.onEndEdit.AddListener((string value) => { newOnEndEdit.Invoke(value, inputField); }); } inputFieldWidget.GetComponent <OptionInputField>().PostfixText.text = postfixText.ToString(); return(inputFieldWidget); }
/// <summary> /// Shows a prompt for the user to enter a string with an option to cancel. /// </summary> /// <param name="contentValidator">A condition that has to be true before the user is allowed to submit.</param> public static DialogStringInput Show(string message, Action <string> submitCallback, Action cancelCallback, Predicate <string> contentValidator, InputField.ContentType contentType) { if (contentValidator == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Content validator can't be null!", nameof(contentValidator)); } var dialog = Show(message, submitCallback, cancelCallback, contentType); dialog.SetValidator(contentValidator); return(dialog); }
/// <summary> /// Shows a prompt for the user to enter a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="cancelCallback">The function to be called when the user hits Cancel. Leave null if nothing should happen.</param> public static DialogStringInput Show(string message, Action <string> submitCallback, Action cancelCallback, InputField.ContentType contentType) { if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(InputField.ContentType), contentType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Contenty type argument has to be a valid InputField.ContentType!", nameof(contentType)); } var dialog = Show(message, submitCallback, cancelCallback); dialog.SetContentType(contentType); return(dialog); }
public void Show(string title, string content, UnityAction <string> onConfirmText, string defaultText = "", InputField.ContentType contentType = InputField.ContentType.Standard, int characterLimit = 0) { Title = title; Content = content; InputContent = defaultText; this.contentType = contentType; this.characterLimit = characterLimit; this.onConfirmText = onConfirmText; Show(); }
private void SetFieldCount(int count, InputField.ContentType contentType) { fieldValues = new string[count]; for (int i = 0; i < fieldArray.Length; i++) { var fieldItem = fieldArray[i]; if (i < count) { fieldItem.gameObject.SetActive(true); fieldItem.contentType = contentType; } else { fieldItem.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
private static int set_contentType(IntPtr L) { object obj = null; int result; try { obj = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); InputField inputField = (InputField)obj; InputField.ContentType contentType = (InputField.ContentType)((int)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(InputField.ContentType))); inputField.contentType = contentType; result = 0; } catch (Exception ex) { result = LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, ex, (obj != null) ? ex.Message : "attempt to index contentType on a nil value"); } return(result); }
private static int get_contentType(IntPtr L) { object obj = null; int result; try { obj = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); InputField inputField = (InputField)obj; InputField.ContentType contentType = inputField.contentType; ToLua.Push(L, contentType); result = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { result = LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, ex, (obj != null) ? ex.Message : "attempt to index contentType on a nil value"); } return(result); }
private string GetCharTypeText(InputField _input_field) { string separatorString = this.SEPARATOR_STRING; InputField.ContentType contentType = _input_field.get_contentType(); switch (contentType - 2) { case 0: return(separatorString + LocalizedText.Get("sys.CHAR_TYPE_RESTRICTED_FORMAT_NUMBER")); case 2: return(separatorString + LocalizedText.Get("sys.CHAR_TYPE_RESTRICTED_FORMAT_ALPHANUMERIC")); default: if (contentType == 9) { return(this.GetCharTypeTextByTypeCustom(_input_field)); } return(string.Empty); } }
private static TMP_InputField.ContentType GetTMPContentType(InputField.ContentType type) { switch (type) { case InputField.ContentType.Alphanumeric: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Alphanumeric); case InputField.ContentType.Autocorrected: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Autocorrected); case InputField.ContentType.Custom: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Custom); case InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber); case InputField.ContentType.EmailAddress: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.EmailAddress); case InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber); case InputField.ContentType.Name: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Name); case InputField.ContentType.Password: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Password); case InputField.ContentType.Pin: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Pin); case InputField.ContentType.Standard: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Standard); default: return(TMP_InputField.ContentType.Standard); } }
public void Show(string title, string content, UnityAction <int> onConfirmInteger, int?minAmount = null, int?maxAmount = null, int defaultAmount = 0) { if (!minAmount.HasValue) { minAmount = int.MinValue; } if (!maxAmount.HasValue) { maxAmount = int.MaxValue; } intDefaultAmount = defaultAmount; intMinAmount = minAmount; intMaxAmount = maxAmount; Title = title; Content = content; InputContent = defaultAmount.ToString(); if (inputContent != null) { if (minAmount.Value > maxAmount.Value) { minAmount = null; Debug.LogWarning("min amount is more than max amount"); } inputContent.onValueChanged.RemoveAllListeners(); inputContent.onValueChanged.AddListener(ValidateIntAmount); } contentType = InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber; characterLimit = 0; this.onConfirmInteger = onConfirmInteger; Show(); }
public void Show(string title, string description, System.Action <int> onConfirmInteger, int?minAmount = null, int?maxAmount = null, int defaultAmount = 0) { if (!minAmount.HasValue) { minAmount = int.MinValue; } if (!maxAmount.HasValue) { maxAmount = int.MaxValue; } intDefaultAmount = defaultAmount; intMinAmount = minAmount; intMaxAmount = maxAmount; Title = title; Description = description; InputFieldText = defaultAmount.ToString(); if (uiInputField != null) { if (minAmount.Value > maxAmount.Value) { minAmount = null; Debug.LogWarning("min amount is more than max amount"); } uiInputField.onValueChanged.RemoveAllListeners(); uiInputField.onValueChanged.AddListener(ValidateIntAmount); } contentType = InputField.ContentType.IntegerNumber; this.onConfirmInteger = onConfirmInteger; Show(); }
public void Show(string title, string description, System.Action <float> onConfirmDecimal, float?minAmount = null, float?maxAmount = null, float defaultAmount = 0f) { if (!minAmount.HasValue) { minAmount = float.MinValue; } if (!maxAmount.HasValue) { maxAmount = float.MaxValue; } floatDefaultAmount = defaultAmount; floatMinAmount = minAmount; floatMaxAmount = maxAmount; Title = title; Description = description; InputFieldText = defaultAmount.ToString(); if (uiInputField != null) { if (minAmount.Value > maxAmount.Value) { minAmount = null; Debug.LogWarning("min amount is more than max amount"); } uiInputField.onValueChanged.RemoveAllListeners(); uiInputField.onValueChanged.AddListener(ValidateFloatAmount); } contentType = InputField.ContentType.DecimalNumber; this.onConfirmDecimal = onConfirmDecimal; Show(); }
public void Show(string title, string inputHint, string inputPlaceHolder, string inputContent, InputField.ContentType contentType, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction <string> confirmCallback, UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction cancelCallback) { gameObject.SetActive(true); UIManager.GetInstance().SetSiblingToTop(gameObject); if (title != null) { _labelTitle.text = title; } if (inputHint != null) { _labelInputHint.text = inputHint; } if (inputPlaceHolder != null) { _inputContent.placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = inputPlaceHolder; } if (inputContent != null) { _inputContent.text = inputContent; } _inputContent.contentType = contentType; _confirmCallback = confirmCallback; _buttonConfirm.onClick.AddListener(OnClickConfirmButton); if (cancelCallback != null) { _buttonCancel.onClick.AddListener(cancelCallback); } _buttonCancel.onClick.AddListener(Hide); BeginEnterTween(); }
public static void Show(string prompt, InputField.ContentType contentType) { GetInstance().InternalShow(prompt, contentType); }
public void SetContentType(InputField.ContentType contentType) { _input.contentType = contentType; }
public void SetValueInputType(InputField.ContentType contentType) { Value.contentType = contentType; }
public void SetInputType(InputField.ContentType inputType) { GetComponent <InputField>().contentType = inputType; }
/// <summary> /// Displays this screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="infoText">The text that should be displayed in the screen.</param> /// <param name="minTextLength">The lowest acceptable letter-count in input.</param> /// <param name="maxTextLength">The maximum acceptable letter-count in input.</param> /// <param name="allowCancel">Whether to allow cancelling or not.</param> /// <param name="callbackConfirm">Callback for what happens when confirming.</param> /// <param name="keyboardType">The type of keyboard to be displayed when inputting. Should preferably match the content type.</param> /// <param name="startValue">Start text value.</param> /// <param name="inputType">The input type.</param> /// <param name="lineType">The line type.</param> public virtual void Set(string infoText, int minTextLength, int maxTextLength, bool allowCancel, System.Action <string> callbackConfirm = null, TouchScreenKeyboardType keyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default, string startValue = "", InputField.LineType lineType = InputField.LineType.MultiLineSubmit, InputField.ContentType contentType = InputField.ContentType.Standard, string promptText = "Enter Text") { this.displayText.text = infoText; this.startValue = startValue; this.minTextLength = minTextLength; this.maxTextLength = maxTextLength; this.defaultErrorDisplayText = "Must be between " + minTextLength.ToString() + " and " + maxTextLength.ToString() + " characters long"; this.input.onValueChanged.AddListener(delegate { OnInputChange(); }); this.input.keyboardType = keyboardType; this.input.colors = GetColorBlock(); this.input.contentType = contentType; this.input.lineType = lineType; this.input.characterLimit = maxTextLength; this.input.SetTextWithoutNotify(startValue); this.input.placeholder.GetComponent <Text>().text = promptText; this.input.Select(); OnInputChange(); // Makes sure buttons and requirements text is properly enabled/disabled. this.cancelButton.gameObject.SetActive(allowCancel); this.callbackConfirm = callbackConfirm; }
public InputFieldModel(Type[] types, TouchScreenKeyboardType keyboardType, InputField.ContentType contentType) { this.types = new List <Type>(types); this.keyboardType = keyboardType; this.contentType = contentType; }
public void SetContentType(InputField.ContentType contentType) { _cachedView.ContentInputField.contentType = contentType; }
public void SetTextType(InputField.ContentType type) { GetComponentInChildren <InputField>().contentType = type; }
public static Keyboard Show(string title, string defaultText = "", int maxLength = 0, Action <string> onSubmit = null, Action onCancel = null, InputField.ContentType type = InputField.ContentType.Standard) { var kbd = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Keyboard")).GetComponent <Keyboard>(); kbd.onSubmit = onSubmit; kbd.onCancel = onCancel; kbd.Title.text = title; kbd.InputField.text = defaultText; kbd.InputField.contentType = type; kbd.InputField.characterLimit = maxLength; return(kbd); }