void CheckIfCorrect(ButtonScript butt) { //Pressed buttons start at 1 and toPress start at 0 so you have to minus here when checking if (pressed[timesPressed - 1] - 1 == toPress[timesPressed - 1]) { correct++; if (correct == 6) { ShowWon(true); if (!source.isPlaying) { AudioSource[] sources = FindObjectsOfType <AudioSource>(); foreach (var item in sources) { item.Stop(); } source.PlayOneShot(right); } info.AddTimesCorrect(); StopAllCoroutines(); GameManager.hasFinishedTutorial = true; ShowXs(false); Invoke("StartAgain", 2f); } } else { butt.ColorChanger(); waiting = false; info.ResetWinStreak(); ShowXs(true); if (!source.isPlaying) { AudioSource[] sources = FindObjectsOfType <AudioSource>(); foreach (var item in sources) { item.Stop(); } source.PlayOneShot(wrong); } if (canRestart) { Invoke("StartAgain", 1.5f); } } }