/*public void TestYNC() * { * modalPanel.Choice("Could you help me find my stuff? I must have dropped them on my way home for going so fast. This is a list of the things I lost.", TestYesFunction, TestNoFunction, TestCancelFunction); * // modalPanel.Choice ("Would you like a poke in the eye?\nHow about with a sharp stick?", myYesAction, myNoAction, myCancelAction); * }*/ // These are wrapped into UnityActions void TestYesFunction() { Debug.Log(finderController.timeTrial); if (!finderController.timeTrial) { displayManager.DisplayMessage("Yes"); inGameUIManagerTimerClue.StarClueSearching(); finderController.CollectablePickedUp(); questionMark.SetActive(false); } }
void YesFunction() { //dialog.SetHidenTime( 2 ); Debug.Log(finderController.timeTrial); if (!finderController.timeTrial) { //displayManager.DisplayMessage( "Yes" ); GiveItem(); inGameUIManagerTimerClue.StarClueSearching(); finderController.CollectablePickedUp(); } }