public ACMConfig(Ice.Properties p, Ice.Logger l, string prefix, ACMConfig dflt) { Debug.Assert(prefix != null); string timeoutProperty; if((prefix.Equals("Ice.ACM.Client") || prefix.Equals("Ice.ACM.Server")) && p.getProperty(prefix + ".Timeout").Length == 0) { timeoutProperty = prefix; // Deprecated property. } else { timeoutProperty = prefix + ".Timeout"; }; timeout = p.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(timeoutProperty, dflt.timeout / 1000) * 1000; int hb = p.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(prefix + ".Heartbeat", (int)dflt.heartbeat); if(hb >= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatOff && hb <= (int)Ice.ACMHeartbeat.HeartbeatAlways) { heartbeat = (Ice.ACMHeartbeat)hb; } else { l.warning("invalid value for property `" + prefix + ".Heartbeat" + "', default value will be used instead"); heartbeat = dflt.heartbeat; } int cl = p.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(prefix + ".Close", (int)dflt.close); if(cl >= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOff && cl <= (int)Ice.ACMClose.CloseOnIdleForceful) { close = (Ice.ACMClose)cl; } else { l.warning("invalid value for property `" + prefix + ".Close" + "', default value will be used instead"); close = dflt.close; } }
internal DefaultsAndOverrides(Ice.Properties properties, Ice.Logger logger) { string val; defaultProtocol = properties.getPropertyWithDefault("Ice.Default.Protocol", "tcp"); val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Default.Host"); if(val.Length != 0) { defaultHost = val; } else { defaultHost = null; } val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Default.SourceAddress"); if(val.Length > 0) { defaultSourceAddress = Network.getNumericAddress(val); if(defaultSourceAddress == null) { throw new Ice.InitializationException("invalid IP address set for Ice.Default.SourceAddress: `" + val + "'"); } } else { defaultSourceAddress = null; } val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout"); if(val.Length > 0) { overrideTimeout = true; overrideTimeoutValue = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Timeout"); if(overrideTimeoutValue < 1 && overrideTimeoutValue != -1) { overrideTimeoutValue = -1; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.Timeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { overrideTimeout = false; overrideTimeoutValue = -1; } val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout"); if(val.Length > 0) { overrideConnectTimeout = true; overrideConnectTimeoutValue = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout"); if(overrideConnectTimeoutValue < 1 && overrideConnectTimeoutValue != -1) { overrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.ConnectTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { overrideConnectTimeout = false; overrideConnectTimeoutValue = -1; } val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout"); if(val.Length > 0) { overrideCloseTimeout = true; overrideCloseTimeoutValue = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout"); if(overrideCloseTimeoutValue < 1 && overrideCloseTimeoutValue != -1) { overrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Override.CloseTimeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.CloseTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } } else { overrideCloseTimeout = false; overrideCloseTimeoutValue = -1; } #if COMPACT overrideCompress = false; overrideCompressValue = false; #else val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.Compress"); if(val.Length > 0) { overrideCompress = true; overrideCompressValue = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Compress") > 0; if(!BasicStream.compressible() && overrideCompressValue) { string lib = AssemblyUtil.runtime_ == AssemblyUtil.Runtime.Mono ? "bzip2 library" : "bzip2.dll"; Console.Error.WriteLine("warning: " + lib + " not found, Ice.Override.Compress ignored."); overrideCompressValue = false; } } else { overrideCompress = !BasicStream.compressible(); overrideCompressValue = false; } #endif val = properties.getProperty("Ice.Override.Secure"); if(val.Length > 0) { overrideSecure = true; overrideSecureValue = properties.getPropertyAsInt("Ice.Override.Secure") > 0; } else { overrideSecure = false; overrideSecureValue = false; } defaultCollocationOptimization = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.CollocationOptimized", 1) > 0; val = properties.getPropertyWithDefault("Ice.Default.EndpointSelection", "Random"); if(val.Equals("Random")) { defaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Random; } else if(val.Equals("Ordered")) { defaultEndpointSelection = Ice.EndpointSelectionType.Ordered; } else { Ice.EndpointSelectionTypeParseException ex = new Ice.EndpointSelectionTypeParseException(); ex.str = "illegal value `" + val + "'; expected `Random' or `Ordered'"; throw ex; } defaultTimeout = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.Timeout", 60000); if(defaultTimeout < 1 && defaultTimeout != -1) { defaultTimeout = 60000; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.Timeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Default.Timeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to 60000"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } defaultLocatorCacheTimeout = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout", -1); if(defaultLocatorCacheTimeout < -1) { defaultLocatorCacheTimeout = -1; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Default.LocatorCacheTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } defaultInvocationTimeout = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout", -1); if(defaultInvocationTimeout < 1 && defaultInvocationTimeout != -1 && defaultInvocationTimeout != -2) { defaultInvocationTimeout = -1; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("invalid value for Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout `"); msg.Append(properties.getProperty("Ice.Default.InvocationTimeout")); msg.Append("': defaulting to -1"); logger.warning(msg.ToString()); } defaultPreferSecure = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.PreferSecure", 0) > 0; val = properties.getPropertyWithDefault("Ice.Default.EncodingVersion", Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(Ice.Util.currentEncoding)); defaultEncoding = Ice.Util.stringToEncodingVersion(val); Protocol.checkSupportedEncoding(defaultEncoding); bool slicedFormat = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.Default.SlicedFormat", 0) > 0; defaultFormat = slicedFormat ? Ice.FormatType.SlicedFormat : Ice.FormatType.CompactFormat; }
public static void setTcpBufSize(Socket socket, Ice.Properties properties, Ice.Logger logger) { // // By default, on Windows we use a 128KB buffer size. On Unix // platforms, we use the system defaults. // int dfltBufSize = 0; if(AssemblyUtil.platform_ == AssemblyUtil.Platform.Windows) { dfltBufSize = 128 * 1024; } int sizeRequested = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.RcvSize", dfltBufSize); if(sizeRequested > 0) { // // Try to set the buffer size. The kernel will silently adjust // the size to an acceptable value. Then read the size back to // get the size that was actually set. // setRecvBufferSize(socket, sizeRequested); int size = getRecvBufferSize(socket); if(size < sizeRequested) // Warn if the size that was set is less than the requested size. { logger.warning("TCP receive buffer size: requested size of " + sizeRequested + " adjusted to " + size); } } sizeRequested = properties.getPropertyAsIntWithDefault("Ice.TCP.SndSize", dfltBufSize); if(sizeRequested > 0) { // // Try to set the buffer size. The kernel will silently adjust // the size to an acceptable value. Then read the size back to // get the size that was actually set. // setSendBufferSize(socket, sizeRequested); int size = getSendBufferSize(socket); if(size < sizeRequested) // Warn if the size that was set is less than the requested size. { logger.warning("TCP send buffer size: requested size of " + sizeRequested + " adjusted to " + size); } } }