private static void printRequestHeader(System.IO.StringWriter s, Ice.InputStream str) { printIdentityFacetOperation(s, str); try { byte mode = str.readByte(); s.Write("\nmode = " + (int)mode + ' '); switch((Ice.OperationMode)mode) { case Ice.OperationMode.Normal: { s.Write("(normal)"); break; } case Ice.OperationMode.Nonmutating: { s.Write("(nonmutating)"); break; } case Ice.OperationMode.Idempotent: { s.Write("(idempotent)"); break; } default: { s.Write("(unknown)"); break; } } int sz = str.readSize(); s.Write("\ncontext = "); while(sz-- > 0) { string key = str.readString(); string val = str.readString(); s.Write(key + '/' + val); if(sz > 0) { s.Write(", "); } } Ice.EncodingVersion v = str.skipEncapsulation(); if(!v.Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { s.Write("\nencoding = "); s.Write(Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(v)); } } catch(System.IO.IOException) { Debug.Assert(false); } }
private static void printReply(System.IO.StringWriter s, Ice.InputStream str) { int requestId = str.readInt(); s.Write("\nrequest id = " + requestId); byte replyStatus = str.readByte(); s.Write("\nreply status = " + (int)replyStatus + ' '); switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyOK: { s.Write("(ok)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUserException: { s.Write("(user exception)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist: case ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist: case ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist: { switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyObjectNotExist: { s.Write("(object not exist)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyFacetNotExist: { s.Write("(facet not exist)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyOperationNotExist: { s.Write("(operation not exist)"); break; } default: { Debug.Assert(false); break; } } printIdentityFacetOperation(s, str); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException: case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException: case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException: { switch(replyStatus) { case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownException: { s.Write("(unknown exception)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownLocalException: { s.Write("(unknown local exception)"); break; } case ReplyStatus.replyUnknownUserException: { s.Write("(unknown user exception)"); break; } default: { Debug.Assert(false); break; } } string unknown = str.readString(); s.Write("\nunknown = " + unknown); break; } default: { s.Write("(unknown)"); break; } } if(replyStatus == ReplyStatus.replyOK || replyStatus == ReplyStatus.replyUserException) { Ice.EncodingVersion v = str.skipEncapsulation(); if(!v.Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { s.Write("\nencoding = "); s.Write(Ice.Util.encodingVersionToString(v)); } } }
public UdpEndpointI(ProtocolInstance instance, Ice.InputStream s) : base(instance, s) { if(s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); s.readByte(); } // Not transmitted. //_connect = s.readBool(); _connect = false; _compress = s.readBool(); }
private static byte printHeader(System.IO.StringWriter s, Ice.InputStream str) { try { str.readByte(); // Don't bother printing the magic number str.readByte(); str.readByte(); str.readByte(); /* byte pMajor = */ str.readByte(); /* byte pMinor = */ str.readByte(); //s.Write("\nprotocol version = " + (int)pMajor + "." + (int)pMinor); /* byte eMajor = */ str.readByte(); /* byte eMinor = */ str.readByte(); //s.Write("\nencoding version = " + (int)eMajor + "." + (int)eMinor); byte type = str.readByte(); s.Write("\nmessage type = " + (int)type + " (" + getMessageTypeAsString(type) + ')'); byte compress = str.readByte(); s.Write("\ncompression status = " + (int)compress + ' '); switch(compress) { case (byte)0: { s.Write("(not compressed; do not compress response, if any)"); break; } case (byte)1: { s.Write("(not compressed; compress response, if any)"); break; } case (byte)2: { s.Write("(compressed; compress response, if any)"); break; } default: { s.Write("(unknown)"); break; } } int size = str.readInt(); s.Write("\nmessage size = " + size); return type; } catch(System.IO.IOException) { Debug.Assert(false); return 0; } }
public Reference create(Ice.Identity ident, Ice.InputStream s) { // // Don't read the identity here. Operations calling this // constructor read the identity, and pass it as a parameter. // if( == 0 && ident.category.Length == 0) { return null; } // // For compatibility with the old FacetPath. // string[] facetPath = s.readStringSeq(); string facet; if(facetPath.Length > 0) { if(facetPath.Length > 1) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } facet = facetPath[0]; } else { facet = ""; } int mode = (int)s.readByte(); if(mode < 0 || mode > (int)Reference.Mode.ModeLast) { throw new Ice.ProxyUnmarshalException(); } bool secure = s.readBool(); Ice.ProtocolVersion protocol; Ice.EncodingVersion encoding; if(!s.getEncoding().Equals(Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0)) { protocol = new Ice.ProtocolVersion(); protocol.read__(s); encoding = new Ice.EncodingVersion(); encoding.read__(s); } else { protocol = Ice.Util.Protocol_1_0; encoding = Ice.Util.Encoding_1_0; } EndpointI[] endpoints = null; string adapterId = ""; int sz = s.readSize(); if(sz > 0) { endpoints = new EndpointI[sz]; for(int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { endpoints[i] = instance_.endpointFactoryManager().read(s); } } else { adapterId = s.readString(); } return create(ident, facet, (Reference.Mode)mode, secure, protocol, encoding, endpoints, adapterId, null); }