예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the narest voice with the same password told in the voice file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waveFileName">the path to input wave file</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VoiceIdentity Identify(string waveFileName)
            // obtain the password candidates told in the input voice
            HashSet <string> passwords = new HashSet <string>(speechRecognizer.SpeechToText(waveFileName));

            // initially set the result to null
            VoiceIdentity nearest = null;
            // find the identity with the same password and least distance meeting the threshold
            double leastDistance = Double.MaxValue;

            foreach (VoiceIdentity identity in identities.Values)
                if (!passwords.Contains(identity.Password))
                // calculate input file distance from the identity
                double distance = identity.Distance(waveFileName);
                // if it is more than threshold go to next identity
                if (distance > threhold)
                if (distance < leastDistance)
                    nearest       = identity;
                    leastDistance = distance;