public RequestHandler CreateRequestHandler(ConnectionManager manager, ISocketWrapper socket) { RequestHandler.HttpHeader header; string gdl = string.Empty; // new string(contentInput); using (var input = new StreamReader(socket.GetStream())) { header = ReadHeader(input); var buffer = new char[header.ContentLength]; int bytesRemaining = header.ContentLength; while (bytesRemaining > 0) { int read = input.Read(buffer, 0, header.ContentLength); gdl += new string(buffer).Substring(0, read); bytesRemaining -= read; } } GdlList content = GameContainer.Parser.Parse(gdl); if (content == null || !content.Any()) { Console.WriteLine("There was no content parsed"); return null; } RequestHandler handler = CreateFromList(socket, header, content); handler.SetManager(manager); return handler; }
public TaskRunner(int taskId, ISocketWrapper socket, bool reuseSocket, Version version) { TaskId = taskId; _socket = socket; _reuseSocket = reuseSocket; _version = version; }
public void TestCallbackServer() { var callbackServer = new CallbackServer(_mockJvm.Object, false); var callbackHandler = new TestCallbackHandler(); callbackHandler.Id = callbackServer.RegisterCallback(callbackHandler); Assert.Equal(1, callbackHandler.Id); using ISocketWrapper callbackSocket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); callbackServer.Run(callbackSocket); int connectionNumber = 2; var clientSockets = new ISocketWrapper[connectionNumber]; for (int i = 0; i < connectionNumber; ++i) { var ipEndpoint = (IPEndPoint)callbackSocket.LocalEndPoint; ISocketWrapper clientSocket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); clientSockets[i] = clientSocket; clientSocket.Connect(ipEndpoint.Address, ipEndpoint.Port); WriteAndReadTestData(clientSocket, callbackHandler, i); } Assert.Equal(connectionNumber, callbackServer.CurrentNumConnections); IOrderedEnumerable <int> actualValues = callbackHandler.Inputs.OrderBy(i => i); IEnumerable <int> expectedValues = Enumerable .Range(0, connectionNumber) .Select(i => callbackHandler.Apply(i)) .OrderBy(i => i); Assert.True(expectedValues.SequenceEqual(actualValues)); }
public void ProcessCall(ISocketWrapper socketWrapper) { var result = socketWrapper.PeekToString(9); Exception caughtException = null; // TODO: Add exception handlers for custom exceptions and pass // the exceptions to the respective return processor // Ex: BadRequestException -> HttpBadRequestReturnController try { IHttpCallProcessor callProcessor = VerifyAndExtractProcessor(result); callProcessor.ProcessCall(socketWrapper); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_exceptionHandler.HasResponse(ex.GetType().Name) == false) { throw; } caughtException = ex; } IHttpResponse response = null; if (caughtException != null) { response = _exceptionHandler.GetResponseFromException(caughtException); } }
public void ReadWhenClosedAfterWrite() { // Read when closed (no data pending etc), after state refreshed by Write. using (ITestSocketPair pair = m_spFactory.CreateSocketPair()) { ISocketWrapper sock = pair.SocketA; NetworkStream strm = sock.GetStream(); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "10a"); PeerCloses(pair); if (!m_connectedMayBeFalseEarlier) { Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "10b"); WriteSomeBytes(strm); } int count = 0; while (true) { bool didFail = WriteSomeBytesExpectError(strm); ++count; if (didFail) { break; } Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11c_" + count); } Assert.IsFalse(sock.Connected, "10d"); ReadSomeBytesExpectError(strm); Assert.IsFalse(sock.Connected, "10e"); } }
internal void Run(ISocketWrapper listener) { try { listener.Listen(); // Communicate the server port back to the Spark using standard output. Stream outputStream = Console.OpenStandardOutput(); var serverPort = ((IPEndPoint)listener.LocalEndPoint).Port; SerDe.Write(outputStream, serverPort); // Now the logger can be initialized after standard output's usage is done. s_logger = LoggerServiceFactory.GetLogger(typeof(DaemonWorker)); s_logger.LogInfo($"Started .NET DaemonServer with port {serverPort}."); // Start accepting connections from JVM. new Thread(() => { StartServer(listener); }).Start(); WaitForSignal(); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.LogError($".NET DaemonWorker is exiting with exception: {e}."); Environment.Exit(-1); } finally { _waitingTaskRunners.Dispose(); } }
private void WriteAndReadTestData( ISocketWrapper socket, ITestCallbackHandler callbackHandler, int inputToHandler) { Stream inputStream = socket.InputStream; Stream outputStream = socket.OutputStream; SerDe.Write(outputStream, (int)CallbackFlags.CALLBACK); SerDe.Write(outputStream, callbackHandler.Id); SerDe.Write(outputStream, sizeof(int)); SerDe.Write(outputStream, inputToHandler); SerDe.Write(outputStream, (int)CallbackFlags.END_OF_STREAM); outputStream.Flush(); int callbackFlag = SerDe.ReadInt32(inputStream); if (callbackFlag == (int)CallbackFlags.DOTNET_EXCEPTION_THROWN) { string exceptionMessage = SerDe.ReadString(inputStream); Assert.False(string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptionMessage)); Assert.Contains(callbackHandler.ExceptionMessage, exceptionMessage); } else { Assert.Equal((int)CallbackFlags.END_OF_STREAM, callbackFlag); } }
public TaskRunner(int trId, ISocketWrapper socket, bool socketReuse, string secret) { TaskId = trId; this.socket = socket; this.socketReuse = socketReuse; this.secret = secret; }
public void WriteWhenClosedAfterRead() { // Write when closed. using (ITestSocketPair pair = m_spFactory.CreateSocketPair()) { ISocketWrapper sock = pair.SocketA; NetworkStream strm = sock.GetStream(); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11a"); PeerSendsData(pair); PeerCloses(pair); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11b"); ReadSomeBytes(strm, 5); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11c"); if (!m_connectedMayBeFalseEarlier) { WriteSomeBytes(strm); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11d"); } int count = 0; while (true) { bool didFail = WriteSomeBytesExpectError(strm); ++count; if (didFail) { break; } Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "11e_" + count); } Assert.IsFalse(sock.Connected, "11f"); } }
private static void CreateAndVerifyConnection(ISocketWrapper daemonSocket) { var ipEndpoint = (IPEndPoint)daemonSocket.LocalEndPoint; int port = ipEndpoint.Port; ISocketWrapper clientSocket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); clientSocket.Connect(ipEndpoint.Address, port); // Now process the bytes flowing in from the client. PayloadWriter payloadWriter = new PayloadWriterFactory().Create(); payloadWriter.WriteTestData(clientSocket.OutputStream); List <object[]> rowsReceived = PayloadReader.Read(clientSocket.InputStream); // Validate rows received. Assert.Equal(10, rowsReceived.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Two UDFs registered, thus expecting two columns. // Refer to TestData.GetDefaultCommandPayload(). object[] row = rowsReceived[i]; Assert.Equal(2, rowsReceived[i].Length); Assert.Equal($"udf2 udf1 {i}", row[0]); Assert.Equal(i + i, row[1]); } }
internal DefaultKayakSocket(ISocketWrapper socket, IScheduler scheduler) { this.ID = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_NextId); this.m_Socket = socket; this.m_Scheduler = scheduler; m_State = new KayakSocketState(false); }
internal static void TestTaskRunnerReadWrite( ISocketWrapper serverListener, PayloadWriter payloadWriter) { using (ISocketWrapper serverSocket = serverListener.Accept()) { System.IO.Stream inputStream = serverSocket.InputStream; System.IO.Stream outputStream = serverSocket.OutputStream; payloadWriter.WriteTestData(outputStream); // Now process the bytes flowing in from the client. List <object[]> rowsReceived = PayloadReader.Read(inputStream); // Validate rows received. Assert.Equal(10, rowsReceived.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Two UDFs registered, thus expecting two columns. // Refer to TestData.GetDefaultCommandPayload(). object[] row = rowsReceived[i]; Assert.Equal(2, rowsReceived[i].Length); Assert.Equal($"udf2 udf1 {i}", row[0]); Assert.Equal(i + i, row[1]); } } }
internal DefaultKayakSocket(ISocketWrapper socket, IScheduler scheduler) { = nextId++; this.socket = socket; this.scheduler = scheduler; state = new KayakSocketState(false); }
/// <summary> /// Mark request as 'finished' i.e. handled. This closes the socket. /// </summary> public void Finish() { _socket.Close(); _socket = null; _writer = null; }
public void TestsSimpleWorkerTaskRunners(string version) { using ISocketWrapper serverListener = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); var ipEndpoint = (IPEndPoint)serverListener.LocalEndPoint; serverListener.Listen(); var typedVersion = new Version(version); var simpleWorker = new SimpleWorker(typedVersion); Task clientTask = Task.Run(() => simpleWorker.Run(ipEndpoint.Port)); PayloadWriter payloadWriter = new PayloadWriterFactory().Create(typedVersion); using (ISocketWrapper serverSocket = serverListener.Accept()) { if ((typedVersion.Major == 3 && typedVersion.Minor >= 2) || typedVersion.Major > 3) { int pid = SerDe.ReadInt32(serverSocket.InputStream); } TaskRunnerTests.TestTaskRunnerReadWrite(serverSocket, payloadWriter); } Assert.True(clientTask.Wait(5000)); }
internal void Run(int port) { try { string secret = Utils.SettingUtils.GetWorkerFactorySecret(); s_logger.LogInfo($"RunSimpleWorker() is starting with port = {port}."); ISocketWrapper socket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); socket.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, port, secret); if ((_version.Major == 3 && _version.Minor >= 2) || _version.Major > 3) { int pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; SerDe.Write(socket.OutputStream, pid); socket.OutputStream.Flush(); } new TaskRunner(0, socket, false, _version).Run(); } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.LogError("RunSimpleWorker() failed with exception:"); s_logger.LogException(e); Environment.Exit(-1); } s_logger.LogInfo("RunSimpleWorker() finished successfully"); }
/// <summary> /// Reads the given stream to construct a BroadcastVariables object. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The stream to read from</param> /// <returns>BroadcastVariables object</returns> internal BroadcastVariables Process(Stream stream) { var broadcastVars = new BroadcastVariables(); ISocketWrapper socket = null; broadcastVars.DecryptionServerNeeded = SerDe.ReadBool(stream); broadcastVars.Count = Math.Max(SerDe.ReadInt32(stream), 0); if (broadcastVars.DecryptionServerNeeded) { broadcastVars.DecryptionServerPort = SerDe.ReadInt32(stream); broadcastVars.Secret = SerDe.ReadString(stream); if (broadcastVars.Count > 0) { socket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); socket.Connect( IPAddress.Loopback, broadcastVars.DecryptionServerPort, broadcastVars.Secret); } } var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); for (int i = 0; i < broadcastVars.Count; ++i) { long bid = SerDe.ReadInt64(stream); if (bid >= 0) { if (broadcastVars.DecryptionServerNeeded) { long readBid = SerDe.ReadInt64(socket.InputStream); if (bid != readBid) { throw new Exception("The Broadcast Id received from the encryption " + $"server {readBid} is different from the Broadcast Id received " + $"from the payload {bid}."); } object value = formatter.Deserialize(socket.InputStream); BroadcastRegistry.Add(bid, value); } else { string path = SerDe.ReadString(stream); using FileStream fStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); object value = formatter.Deserialize(fStream); BroadcastRegistry.Add(bid, value); } } else { bid = -bid - 1; BroadcastRegistry.Remove(bid); } } socket?.Dispose(); return(broadcastVars); }
public ConnectionHandler(Socket client, IServerRouteConfig serverRouteConfig) { CommonValidator.ThrowIfNull(client, nameof(client)); CommonValidator.ThrowIfNull(serverRouteConfig, nameof(serverRouteConfig)); this.client = new SocketWrapper(client); this.serverRouteConfig = serverRouteConfig; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a SocketStream with a RioSocketWrapper object. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">a RioSocketWrapper object</param> public SocketStream(RioSocketWrapper socket) { if (socket == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("socket"); } streamSocket = socket; bufPool = ByteBufPool.UnsafeDefault; }
private static void AsyncReadSomeBytes(Stream strm, ISocketWrapper sock, int count, bool expectedConnectedValue) { if (true != expectedConnectedValue) { throw new ArgumentException("expectedConnectedValue NotImplemented"); // FOR } int readLen = AsyncReadSomeBytes_(strm, count, sock, expectedConnectedValue); Assert.AreEqual(count, readLen); }
public void TestJvmCallbackClientProperty() { var server = new CallbackServer(_mockJvm.Object, run: false); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => server.JvmCallbackClient); using ISocketWrapper callbackSocket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); server.Run(callbackSocket); Assert.NotNull(server.JvmCallbackClient); }
/// <summary> /// Listen to the server socket and accept new TCP connection from JVM side. Then create new TaskRunner instance and /// add it to waitingTaskRunners queue. /// </summary> private void StartDaemonServer(ISocketWrapper listener) { logger.LogInfo("StartDaemonServer ..."); bool sparkReuseWorker = false; string envVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SPARK_REUSE_WORKER"); // this envVar is set in JVM side var secret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHON_WORKER_FACTORY_SECRET"); if ((envVar != null) && envVar.Equals("1")) { sparkReuseWorker = true; } try { int trId = 1; int workThreadNum = 0; while (true) { var socket = listener.Accept(); logger.LogInfo("Connection accepted for taskRunnerId: {0}", trId); using (var s = socket.GetStream()) { SerDe.Write(s, trId); // write taskRunnerId to JVM side s.Flush(); } TaskRunner taskRunner = new TaskRunner(trId, socket, sparkReuseWorker, secret); waitingTaskRunners.Add(taskRunner); taskRunnerRegistry[trId] = taskRunner; trId++; int taskRunnerNum = taskRunnerRegistry.Count(); while (workThreadNum < taskRunnerNum) // launch new work thread as appropriate { // start threads that do the actual work of running tasks, there are several options here: // Option 1. TPL - Task Parallel Library // Option 2. ThreadPool // Option 3. Self managed threads group // Option 3 is selected after testing in real cluster because it can get the best performance. // When using option 1 or 2, it is observered that the boot time may be as large as 50 ~ 60s. // But it is always less than 1s for option 3. Perhaps this is because TPL and ThreadPool are not // suitable for long running threads. new Thread(FetchAndRun).Start(); workThreadNum++; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("StartDaemonServer exception, will exit"); logger.LogException(e); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public void LocalCloseOnSocket() { // Local close (Socket). using (ITestSocketPair pair = m_spFactory.CreateSocketPair()) { ISocketWrapper sock = pair.SocketA; NetworkStream strm = sock.GetStream(); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "2a"); sock.Close(); Assert.IsFalse(sock.Connected, "2b"); } }
public void TestInitialize() { sc = new SparkContext(null); sc.StartAccumulatorServer(); // get accumulator server port and connect to accumuator server int serverPort = (sc.SparkContextProxy as MockSparkContextProxy).AccumulatorServerPort; sock = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); sock.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, serverPort, null); }
/// <summary> /// Starts listening to any connection from JVM. /// </summary> /// <param name="listener"></param> private void StartServer(ISocketWrapper listener) { try { long connectionId = 1; int numWorkerThreads = 0; while (_isRunning) { ISocketWrapper socket = listener.Accept(); var connection = new CallbackConnection(connectionId, socket, _callbackHandlers); _waitingConnections.Add(connection); _connections[connectionId] = connection; ++connectionId; int numConnections = CurrentNumConnections; // Start worker thread until there are at least as many worker threads // as there are CallbackConnections. CallbackConnections are expected // to stay open and reuse the socket to service repeated callback // requests. However, if there is an issue with a connection, then // CallbackConnection.Run will return, freeing up extra worker threads // to service any _waitingConnections. // // For example, // Assume there were 5 worker threads, each servicing a CallbackConnection // (5 total healthy connections). If 2 CallbackConnection sockets closed // unexpectedly, then there would be 5 worker threads and 3 healthy // connections. If a new connection request arrived, then the // CallbackConnection would be added to the _waitingConnections collection // and no new worker threads would be started (2 worker threads are already // waiting to take CallbackConnections from _waitingConnections). while (numWorkerThreads < numConnections) { new Thread(RunWorkerThread) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); ++numWorkerThreads; } s_logger.LogInfo( $"Pool snapshot: [NumThreads:{numWorkerThreads}], " + $"[NumConnections:{numConnections}]"); } } catch (Exception e) { s_logger.LogError($"StartServer() exits with exception: {e}"); Shutdown(); } }
/** * Constructor. * * @param socket The socket connection used for this handler. * @param header The HTTP header sent with this request. * @param gameId The game this connection is operating on. * * @throws IOException If something goes wrong with the socket. */ protected RequestHandler(ISocketWrapper socket, HttpHeader header, string gameId) { _header = header; _socket = socket; //writer_ = new StreamWriter(socket_.getOutputStream()); //writer_ = new StreamWriter(socket_.GetStream()); _writer = _socket.GetWriter(); GameId = gameId; }
//====================================================================== //---- private void AsyncWriteSomeBytes(NetworkStream strm, ISocketWrapper sock) { byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ABCDEFHIJK"); IAsyncResult ar = strm.BeginWrite(data, 0, data.Length, null, null); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "after Begin expected to be Connected"); strm.EndWrite(ar); if (!m_connectedMayBeFalseEarlier) { Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "after End expected to be Connected"); } }
public void LocalCloseOnSocketAndWrite() { // Local close (Socket). using (ITestSocketPair pair = m_spFactory.CreateSocketPair()) { ISocketWrapper sock = pair.SocketA; NetworkStream strm = sock.GetStream(); Assert.IsTrue(sock.Connected, "2a"); sock.Close(); Assert.IsFalse(sock.Connected, "2b"); WriteSomeBytesExpectError(strm, typeof(ObjectDisposedException)); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the DaemonWorker server. /// </summary> internal void Run() { // TODO: Note that daemon server is stopped from Spark, it is done with // Process.destroy(). It should send SIGTERM and the signal should be handled // by the following: // AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += (s, e) => {};, // but the above handler is not invoked. This can be investigated if more // graceful exit is required. ISocketWrapper listener = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); Run(listener); }
internal CallbackConnection( long connectionId, ISocketWrapper socket, ConcurrentDictionary <int, ICallbackHandler> callbackHandlers) { ConnectionId = connectionId; _socket = socket; _callbackHandlers = callbackHandlers; s_logger.LogInfo( $"[{ConnectionId}] Connected with RemoteEndPoint: {socket.RemoteEndPoint}"); }
/// <summary> /// Returns row objects based on the function (either "toPythonIterator" or /// "collectToPython"). /// </summary> /// <param name="funcName"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IEnumerable <Row> GetRows(string funcName) { (int port, string secret) = GetConnectionInfo(funcName); using (ISocketWrapper socket = SocketFactory.CreateSocket()) { socket.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, port, secret); foreach (Row row in new RowCollector().Collect(socket)) { yield return(row); } } }
private static int AsyncReadSomeBytes_(Stream strm, int count, ISocketWrapper sock, bool expectedConnectedValue) { byte[] buf = new byte[7]; IAsyncResult ar = strm.BeginRead(buf, 0, count, null, null); Assert.AreEqual(expectedConnectedValue, sock.Connected, "after Begin"); int readLen = strm.EndRead(ar); bool cs = ar.CompletedSynchronously; Assert.AreEqual(expectedConnectedValue, sock.Connected, "after End"); return(readLen); }
public BluetoothClientTestSocketPair() { TestRfCommIf rfcommIf; TestRfcommPort port; BluetoothClient cli; Stream strm2; WidcommBluetoothClientCommsTest.Create_ConnectedBluetoothClient( out rfcommIf, out port, out cli, out strm2); m_cliA = new BluetoothClientWrapper(cli); m_port = port; m_rfcommIf = rfcommIf; }
private void Create(AddressFamily af) { using (Socket lstnr = new Socket(af, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Unspecified)) { lstnr.Bind(new IPEndPoint( af == AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6 ? IPAddress.IPv6Loopback : IPAddress.Loopback, 0)); lstnr.Listen(1); EndPoint svrEp = lstnr.LocalEndPoint; Socket cli = new Socket(svrEp.AddressFamily, lstnr.SocketType, lstnr.ProtocolType); cli.Connect(svrEp); m_cli = new SocketWrapper(cli); m_svr = lstnr.Accept(); } }
public void Connect(IPEndPoint ep) { state.SetConnecting(); Debug.WriteLine("KayakSocket: connecting to " + ep); this.socket = new SocketWrapper(ep.Address.AddressFamily); socket.BeginConnect(ep, iasr => { Debug.WriteLine("KayakSocket: connected to " + ep); Exception error = null; try { socket.EndConnect(iasr); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; } scheduler.Post(() => { if (error is ObjectDisposedException) return; if (error != null) { state.SetError(); Debug.WriteLine("KayakSocket: error while connecting to " + ep); RaiseError(error); } else { state.SetConnected(); Debug.WriteLine("KayakSocket: connected to " + ep); del.OnConnected(this); BeginRead(); } }); }); }
internal StopRequestHandler(ISocketWrapper socket, HttpHeader header, GdlList content, string matchId) : base(socket, header, matchId) { _content = content; }
public TaskRunner(int trId, ISocketWrapper socket, bool socketReuse) { this.trId = trId; this.socket = socket; this.socketReuse = socketReuse; }
public void TestMultiThreadWorkerMultiTaskRunners() { Process worker; int serverPort = CreateServer(out worker, true); Console.WriteLine("serverPort: {0}", serverPort); int num = 2; var sockets = new ISocketWrapper[2]; var taskRunnerIds = new int[2]; for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) { sockets[index] = CreateSocket(serverPort); } for (int index = 0; index < num; index++) { using (var s = sockets[index].GetStream()) { taskRunnerIds[index] = SerDe.ReadInt(s); WritePayloadHeaderToWorker(s); SerDe.Write(s, command.Length); SerDe.Write(s, command); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) SerDe.Write(s, i.ToString()); SerDe.Write(s, (int)SpecialLengths.END_OF_DATA_SECTION); SerDe.Write(s, (int)SpecialLengths.END_OF_STREAM); s.Flush(); int count = 0; foreach (var bytes in ReadWorker(s)) { Assert.AreEqual(count++.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes)); } Assert.AreEqual(100, count); } } using (Stream s = worker.StandardInput.BaseStream) { SerDe.Write(s, taskRunnerIds[0]); s.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(200); sockets[0].Close(); Thread.Sleep(200); SerDe.Write(s, taskRunnerIds[1]); s.Flush(); Thread.Sleep(200); sockets[1].Close(); SerDe.Write(s, (byte)1); // use -1 to stop the server s.Flush(); } AssertWorker(worker, -1, "try to stop TaskRunner"); }
protected abstract RequestHandler CreateFromList(ISocketWrapper socket, RequestHandler.HttpHeader header, GdlList list);
/// <summary> /// Listen to the server socket and accept new TCP connection from JVM side. Then create new TaskRunner instance and /// add it to waitingTaskRunners queue. /// </summary> private void StartDaemonServer(ISocketWrapper listener) { logger.LogInfo("StartDaemonServer ..."); bool sparkReuseWorker = false; string envVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SPARK_REUSE_WORKER"); // this envVar is set in JVM side if ((envVar != null) && envVar.Equals("1")) { sparkReuseWorker = true; } try { int trId = 1; int workThreadNum = 0; while (true) { var socket = listener.Accept(); logger.LogInfo("Connection accepted for taskRunnerId: {0}", trId); using (var s = socket.GetStream()) { SerDe.Write(s, trId); // write taskRunnerId to JVM side s.Flush(); } TaskRunner taskRunner = new TaskRunner(trId, socket, sparkReuseWorker); waitingTaskRunners.Add(taskRunner); taskRunnerRegistry[trId] = taskRunner; trId++; int taskRunnerNum = taskRunnerRegistry.Count(); while (workThreadNum < taskRunnerNum) // launch new work thread as appropriate { // start threads that do the actual work of running tasks, there are several options here: // Option 1. TPL - Task Parallel Library // Option 2. ThreadPool // Option 3. Self managed threads group // Option 3 is selected after testing in real cluster because it can get the best performance. // When using option 1 or 2, it is observered that the boot time may be as large as 50 ~ 60s. // But it is always less than 1s for option 3. Perhaps this is because TPL and ThreadPool are not // suitable for long running threads. new Thread(FetchAndRun).Start(); workThreadNum++; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("StartDaemonServer exception, will exit"); logger.LogException(e); Environment.Exit(-1); } }
public void TestInitialize() { sc = new SparkContext(null); sc.StartAccumulatorServer(); // get accumulator server port and connect to accumuator server int serverPort = (sc.SparkContextProxy as MockSparkContextProxy).AccumulatorServerPort; sock = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); sock.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, serverPort); }
private void SocketTest(ISocketWrapper serverSocket) { serverSocket.Listen(); if (serverSocket is RioSocketWrapper) { // Do nothing for second listen operation. Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => serverSocket.Listen(int.MaxValue)); } var port = ((IPEndPoint)serverSocket.LocalEndPoint).Port; var clientMsg = "Hello Message from client"; var clientMsgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clientMsg); Task.Run(() => { var bytes = new byte[1024]; using (var socket = serverSocket.Accept()) { using (var s = socket.GetStream()) { // Receive data var bytesRec = s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // send echo message. s.Write(bytes, 0, bytesRec); s.Flush(); // Receive one byte var oneByte = s.ReadByte(); // Send echo one byte byte[] oneBytes = { (byte)oneByte }; s.Write(oneBytes, 0, oneBytes.Length); Thread.SpinWait(0); // Keep sending to ensure no memory leak var longBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new string('x', 8192)); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { s.Write(longBytes, 0, longBytes.Length); } byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("This is a test<EOF>"); s.Write(msg, 0, msg.Length); // Receive echo byte. s.ReadByte(); } } }); var clientSock = SocketFactory.CreateSocket(); // Valid invalid operation Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => clientSock.GetStream()); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => clientSock.Receive()); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => clientSock.Send(null)); Assert.Throws<SocketException>(() => clientSock.Connect(IPAddress.Any, 1024)); clientSock.Connect(IPAddress.Loopback, port); // Valid invalid operation var byteBuf = ByteBufPool.Default.Allocate(); Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => clientSock.Send(byteBuf)); byteBuf.Release(); Assert.Throws<SocketException>(() => clientSock.Listen()); if (clientSock is RioSocketWrapper) { Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => clientSock.Accept()); } using (var s = clientSock.GetStream()) { // Send message s.Write(clientMsgBytes, 0, clientMsgBytes.Length); // Receive echo message var bytes = new byte[1024]; var bytesRec = s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); Assert.AreEqual(clientMsgBytes.Length, bytesRec); var recvStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec); Assert.AreEqual(clientMsg, recvStr); // Send one byte byte[] oneBytes = { 1 }; s.Write(oneBytes, 0, oneBytes.Length); // Receive echo message var oneByte = s.ReadByte(); Assert.AreEqual((byte)1, oneByte); // Keep receiving to ensure no memory leak. while (true) { bytesRec = s.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); recvStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec); if (recvStr.IndexOf("<EOF>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) { break; } } // send echo bytes s.Write(oneBytes, 0, oneBytes.Length); } clientSock.Close(); // Verify invalid operation Assert.Throws<ObjectDisposedException>(() => clientSock.Receive()); serverSocket.Close(); }
public InfoRequestHandler(ISocketWrapper socket, HttpHeader header, string gameId) : base(socket, header, gameId) { }