protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserId"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { Int32 UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); User user = IUserService.GetSingle(UserId); string userType = Session["UserType"].ToString(); string userRole = Session["UserRole"].ToString(); if (Request.QueryString["hdnNumberPerPage"] != "" && Request.QueryString["hdnNumberPerPage"] != null) { hdnNumberPerPage.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnNumberPerPage"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"] != "" && Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"] != null) { hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"] != "" && Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"] != null) { hdnTotalRecordsCount.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"].ToString(); } StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" join batches b on = s.batch_id "); // filter.Append(" and s.status = '1' "); filter.Append(" and s.status in (1,9) "); List <Branch> branchList = IBranchService.GetDataByFilter(" status='1'", 0, 0, false); if (userRole == "Regional Admin") { List <Branch> Branches = new List <Branch>(); if (user.IsAll == 0) { List <BranchUser> userBranches = IBranchUserService.GetDataByFilter(" user_id = '" + user.Id + "' and status='1'", 0, 0, false); branchList = IBranchService.GetDataByFilter(" ID not in (" + String.Join(",", userBranches.Select(x => x.BranchId).ToArray()) + ")", 0, 0, false); } } if (userRole == "Branch Admin") { if (user.BranchId != 0) { Branch branch = IBranchService.GetSingle(user.BranchId); List <Branch> branches = new List <Branch>(); branches.Add(branch); branchList = branches; } } if (userRole == "Regional Admin") { filter.Append(" and b.branch_id in (" + String.Join(",", branchList.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray()) + ") "); } else if (userRole == "Branch Admin") { filter.Append(" and b.branch_id in (" + user.BranchId + ") "); } if (Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"] != "" && Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"] != null) { IsNewSearch.Value = Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"].ToString(); } if (IsNewSearch.Value == "1") { hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = ""; } if (Request.QueryString["Search"] != "" && Request.QueryString["Search"] != null) { Search.Value = Request.QueryString["Search"].ToString(); bool isNumber = long.TryParse(Search.Value, out long number); if (isNumber) { Search.Value = number.ToString(); } string columnNameAaNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Set>(nameof(Set.AaNo)); filter.Append(" and (s." + columnNameAaNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%'"); string columnNameAcNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Set>(nameof(Set.AccountNo)); filter.Append(" or s." + columnNameAcNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%'"); string columnNameBatchNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <Batch>(nameof(Batch.BatchNo)); filter.Append(" or b." + columnNameBatchNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%')"); } string fromdate = ""; string toDate = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["FromDate"])) { FromDate.Value = fromdate = Request.QueryString["FromDate"]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["ToDate"])) { ToDate.Value = toDate = Request.QueryString["ToDate"]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromdate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate)) { filter.Append(" and s.created_date between '" + fromdate + "' and '" + toDate + "'"); } int skip = 0, take = 10; if (hdnCurrentPageNo.Value == "") { skip = 0; take = 10; hdnNumberPerPage.Value = "10"; hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = "1"; hdnTotalRecordsCount.Value = ISetService.GetCountByFilterNew(filter.ToString()).ToString(); } else { skip = (Convert.ToInt32(hdnCurrentPageNo.Value) - 1) * 10; take = 10; } List <Set> objs = ISetService.GetDataByFilterNew(filter.ToString(), skip, take, true); StringBuilder asb = new StringBuilder(); int index = 1; foreach (Set set in objs) { Batch b = IBatchService.GetSingle(set.BatchId); int setsCount = ISetService.GetCountByFilter(" batch_id='" + b.Id + "'"); int scanPagesCount = 0; filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" 1=1"); string BatchIdColumnName = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <BatchLog>(nameof(BatchLog.BatchId)); filter.Append(" and " + BatchIdColumnName + " = '" + b.Id + "'"); List <BatchLog> batchLogs = IBatchLogService.GetDataByFilter(filter.ToString(), 0, 0, false); StringBuilder batchLogHTML = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BatchLog batchLog in batchLogs) { batchLogHTML.Append(@" <div class='mini-stat clearfix text-left'> " + (batchLog.StageId == 1 ? @"<span class='mini-stat-icon orange'><i class='fa fa-print'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 2 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon tar'><i class='fa fa-check-square-o'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 3 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon pink'><i class='fa fa-external-link'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 4 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon green'><i class='fa fa-puzzle-piece'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 5 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon yellow-b'><i class='fa fa-files-o'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 6 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon yellow-b'><i class='fa fa-hdd-o'></i></span>" : "")))))) + @" <div class='mini-stat-info'> " + (batchLog.StageId == 1 ? "<span>Scan</span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 2 ? "<span>Index</span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 3 ? "<span><span>Export</span> <small>To Server</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 4 ? "<span><span>Integrate</span> <small>Sync Control</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 5 ? "<span><span>Release</span> <small>To Mimzy</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 6 ? "<span><span>Document</span> <small>By Mimzy</small></span>" : "")))))) + @" " + batchLog.UpdatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + @" - <strong>" + batchLog.BatchUser + @"</strong> </div> </div> "); } BatchLog firstBatchLog = batchLogs.FirstOrDefault(); BatchLog lastBatchLog = batchLogs.LastOrDefault(); TimeSpan timeSpan = lastBatchLog.UpdatedDate.Subtract(firstBatchLog.UpdatedDate); Branch branch = IBranchService.GetSingle(b.BranchId); Department department = IDepartmentService.GetSingle(b.DepartmentId); Stage stage = IStageService.GetSingle(b.StageId); filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" 1=1"); filter.Append(" and " + Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <SetDocument>(nameof(SetDocument.SetId)) + "='" + set.Id + "'"); filter.Append(" and " + Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <SetDocument>(nameof(SetDocument.Status)) + "='1'"); List <SetDocument> setDocuments = ISetDocumentService.GetDataByFilter(filter.ToString(), 0, 0, false); StringBuilder setDocumentsHTML = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SetDocument setDocument in setDocuments) { scanPagesCount += setDocument.PageCount; // string fileName = Path.GetFileName(setDocument.DocumentUrl); // string localUrl = Server.MapPath("/Content/Files/" + fileName); // if (!File.Exists(localUrl)) // File.Copy(setDocument.DocumentUrl, localUrl); // setDocumentsHTML.Append(@"<div style='min-width: 150px;'><a href='/Content/Files/" + fileName + "' target='_blank' data-original-title='Click to view' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom' class='popovers text-info'><strong>" + setDocument.DocType + @"</strong></a> ( <small> pages: <strong>" + setDocument.PageCount + @"</strong></small> )</div>"); setDocumentsHTML.Append(@"<div style='min-width: 150px;'><a href='#' data-original-title='Click to view' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom' class='popovers text-info'><strong>" + setDocument.DocType + @"</strong></a> ( <small> pages: <strong>" + setDocument.PageCount + @"</strong></small> )</div>"); } string xmlFileName = Path.GetFileName(set.SetXmlPath); string localXMLUrl = Server.MapPath("/Content/Files/" + xmlFileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(set.SetXmlPath)) { //if (File.Exists(set.SetXmlPath) && !File.Exists(localXMLUrl)) // File.Copy(set.SetXmlPath, localXMLUrl); string departmentCode = department.Code; string deptCode = departmentCode.Split('-')[0]; string jobCode = departmentCode.Split('-')[1]; string columnData = ""; if (departmentCode == "E-LIBRARY") { //AA NUMBER //ACCOUNT NUMBER columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; columnData += "<br/>Account No: " + set.AccountNo; } else if (deptCode == "ETP") { if (jobCode == "LN") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; columnData += "<br/>Account No: " + set.AccountNo; } else if (jobCode == "LL") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; } else if (jobCode == "PR") { columnData = "Project Code: " + set.AaNo; } else if (jobCode == "WF") { columnData = "Welfare Code: " + set.AaNo; } } else if (deptCode == "LOS") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; } asb.Append(@"<tr> <td class='" + (set.IsReleased == 0 ? "" : "text-success") + @"'> " + index + @" </td> <td>" + branch.Code + @"</td> <td>" + department.Code + @"</td> <td class='text-center mb-5'> " + b.BatchNo + @" <a href='javascript:;' class='text-info view_batch_log'><sup>View Log</sup></a> <div class='div_batch_log hide draggableDiv'> <span class='log_close'>X</span> <table> <tr><td><strong>Set Log</strong></td><td>Batch No: <strong>" + b.BatchNo + @"</strong></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2'><small>Duration: <label class='label label-primary'>" + timeSpan.Days + @" days, " + timeSpan.Hours + @" hours, " + timeSpan.Minutes + @" minutes, " + timeSpan.Seconds + @" seconds</label></small></tr> </table> " + batchLogHTML.ToString() + @" <div> M-Files Status: <span clas='fs-14'>" + (set.IsReleased == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-muted'></i>" : (set.IsReleased == 2 && set.Status == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-success'></i>" : "<i class='fa fa-file text-danger'></i>")) + @"</span> </div> </div> </td> <td> <div><strong>" + columnData + @"</strong><div> <a data-original-title='Click to view' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom' class='popovers text-info' href='SetView.aspx?setId=" + set.Id + @"' target='_blank'><i class='fa fa-eye'></i></a> </td> <td>" + setDocumentsHTML.ToString() + @"</td> <td>" + stage.Name + @"</td> <td>" + (b.StageId == 6 && set.IsReleased == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-muted'></i>" : (b.StageId == 6 && set.IsReleased == 2 && set.Status == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-success'></i> Success " : (b.StageId == 6 && set.IsReleased == 2 && set.Status == 9 ? " < i class='fa fa-file text-danger'></i>" + set.Remarks : ""))) + @"</td> <td>" + (set.UpdatedDate == null ? set.CreatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") : set.UpdatedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")) + @"</td> </tr>"); } index++; } setsTbody.InnerHtml = asb.ToString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserId"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } else { Int32 UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); User user = IUserService.GetSingle(UserId); string userType = Session["UserType"].ToString(); string userRole = Session["UserRole"].ToString(); string setId = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["hdnNumberPerPage"])) { hdnNumberPerPage.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnNumberPerPage"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"] != "" && Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"] != null) { hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnCurrentPageNo"].ToString(); } if (Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"] != "" && Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"] != null) { hdnTotalRecordsCount.Value = Request.QueryString["hdnTotalRecordsCount"].ToString(); } StringBuilder filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" join batches b on = s.batch_id "); // filter.Append(" and s.status in (1,9) "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["setId"])) { filter.Append(" and s.ID=" + Request.QueryString["setId"] + " "); } List <Branch> branchList = IBranchService.GetDataByFilter(" status='1'", 0, 0, false); if (userRole == "Regional Admin") { List <Branch> Branches = new List <Branch>(); if (user.IsAll == 0) { List <BranchUser> userBranches = IBranchUserService.GetDataByFilter(" user_id = '" + user.Id + "' and status='1'", 0, 0, false); branchList = IBranchService.GetDataByFilter(" ID not in (" + String.Join(",", userBranches.Select(x => x.BranchId).ToArray()) + ")", 0, 0, false); } } if (userRole == "Branch Admin") { if (user.BranchId != 0) { Branch branch = IBranchService.GetSingle(user.BranchId); List <Branch> branches = new List <Branch>(); branches.Add(branch); branchList = branches; } } if (userRole == "Regional Admin") { filter.Append(" and b.branch_id in (" + String.Join(",", branchList.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray()) + ") "); } else if (userRole == "Branch Admin") { filter.Append(" and b.branch_id in (" + user.BranchId + ") "); } if (Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"] != "" && Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"] != null) { IsNewSearch.Value = Request.QueryString["IsNewSearch"].ToString(); } if (IsNewSearch.Value == "1") { hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = ""; } if (Request.QueryString["Search"] != "" && Request.QueryString["Search"] != null) { //Search.Value = Request.QueryString["Search"].ToString(); //bool isNumber = long.TryParse(Search.Value, out long number); //if (isNumber) // Search.Value = number.ToString(); //string columnNameAaNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName<Set>(nameof(Set.AaNo)); //filter.Append(" and (s." + columnNameAaNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%'"); //string columnNameAcNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName<Set>(nameof(Set.AccountNo)); //filter.Append(" or s." + columnNameAcNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%'"); //string columnNameBatchNo = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName<Batch>(nameof(Batch.BatchNo)); //filter.Append(" or b." + columnNameBatchNo + " like '%" + Search.Value + "%')"); } int skip = 0, take = 10; if (hdnCurrentPageNo.Value == "") { skip = 0; take = 10; hdnNumberPerPage.Value = "10"; hdnCurrentPageNo.Value = "1"; hdnTotalRecordsCount.Value = ISetService.GetCountByFilterNew(filter.ToString()).ToString(); } else { skip = (Convert.ToInt32(hdnCurrentPageNo.Value) - 1) * 10; take = 10; } List <Set> objs = ISetService.GetDataByFilterNew(filter.ToString(), skip, take, true); StringBuilder asb = new StringBuilder(); int index = 1; foreach (Set set in objs) { Batch b = IBatchService.GetSingle(set.BatchId); int setsCount = ISetService.GetCountByFilter(" batch_id='" + b.Id + "'"); int scanPagesCount = 0; filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" 1=1"); string BatchIdColumnName = Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <BatchLog>(nameof(BatchLog.BatchId)); filter.Append(" and " + BatchIdColumnName + " = '" + b.Id + "'"); List <BatchLog> batchLogs = IBatchLogService.GetDataByFilter(filter.ToString(), 0, 0, false); StringBuilder batchLogHTML = new StringBuilder(); foreach (BatchLog batchLog in batchLogs) { batchLogHTML.Append(@" <div class='mini-stat clearfix text-left'> " + (batchLog.StageId == 1 ? @"<span class='mini-stat-icon orange'><i class='fa fa-print'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 2 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon tar'><i class='fa fa-check-square-o'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 3 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon pink'><i class='fa fa-external-link'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 4 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon green'><i class='fa fa-puzzle-piece'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 5 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon yellow-b'><i class='fa fa-files-o'></i></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 6 ? "<span class='mini-stat-icon yellow-b'><i class='fa fa-hdd-o'></i></span>" : "")))))) + @" <div class='mini-stat-info'> " + (batchLog.StageId == 1 ? "<span>Scan</span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 2 ? "<span>Index</span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 3 ? "<span><span>Export</span> <small>To Server</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 4 ? "<span><span>Integrate</span> <small>Sync Control</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 5 ? "<span><span>Release</span> <small>To Mimzy</small></span>" : (batchLog.StageId == 6 ? "<span><span>Document</span> <small>By Mimzy</small></span>" : "")))))) + @" " + batchLog.UpdatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + @" - <strong>" + batchLog.BatchUser + @"</strong> </div> </div> "); } BatchLog firstBatchLog = batchLogs.FirstOrDefault(); BatchLog lastBatchLog = batchLogs.LastOrDefault(); TimeSpan timeSpan = lastBatchLog.UpdatedDate.Subtract(firstBatchLog.UpdatedDate); Branch branch = IBranchService.GetSingle(b.BranchId); Department department = IDepartmentService.GetSingle(b.DepartmentId); Stage stage = IStageService.GetSingle(b.StageId); filter = new StringBuilder(); filter.Append(" 1=1"); filter.Append(" and " + Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <SetDocument>(nameof(SetDocument.SetId)) + "='" + set.Id + "'"); filter.Append(" and " + Converter.GetColumnNameByPropertyName <SetDocument>(nameof(SetDocument.Status)) + "='1'"); List <SetDocument> setDocuments = ISetDocumentService.GetDataByFilter(filter.ToString(), 0, 0, false); StringBuilder setDocumentsHTML = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder setDocumentsPdf = new StringBuilder(); string departmentCode = department.Code; string deptCode = departmentCode.Split('-')[0]; string jobCode = departmentCode.Split('-')[1]; string columnData = ""; string accountNumber = ""; if (departmentCode == "E-LIBRARY") { //AA NUMBER //ACCOUNT NUMBER columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; columnData += "<br/>Account No: " + set.AccountNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> AA Number </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; accountNumber += " <tr><td> Acount Number </td><td> " + set.AccountNo + " </td></tr>"; } else if (deptCode == "ETP") { if (jobCode == "LN") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; columnData += "<br/>Account No: " + set.AccountNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> AA Number </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; accountNumber += " <tr><td> Acount Number </td><td> " + set.AccountNo + " </td></tr>"; } else if (jobCode == "LL") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> AA Number </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; } else if (jobCode == "PR") { columnData = "Project Code: " + set.AaNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> Project Code </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; } else if (jobCode == "WF") { columnData = "Welfare Code: " + set.AaNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> Welfare Code </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; } } else if (deptCode == "LOS") { columnData = "AA No: " + set.AaNo; accountNumber += " <tr><td> AA Number </td><td> " + set.AaNo + " </td></tr>"; } setDocumentsPdf.Append(@"<button class='rotate90' id='metaTag'>Meta Tag</button> <button class='rotate90' id='preView'>Preview</button> <h5><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> <strong>" + department.Code + @" - " + set.AaNo + @"</strong></h5> <table id='tblView' class='table table-condensed table-striped'>" + accountNumber + @" <tr><td> Branch </td><td>" + branch.Code + @"</td></tr> <tr><td> Department </td><td>" + department.Code + @"</ td ></ tr > <tr><td> Date </td><td> " + set.CreatedDate + @" </td></tr> <tr><td> M - File Status </td><td> " + (set.IsReleased == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-muted'></i>Pending " : (set.IsReleased == 2 && set.Status == 1 ? "<i class='fa fa-file text-success'></i>Mfile update has been Success" : "<i class='fa fa-file text-danger'></i>Mfile update has been Failed")) + @" </td></tr> <tr><td> Remarks </td><td>" + set.Remarks + @"</td></tr> </table> "); foreach (SetDocument setDocument in setDocuments) { scanPagesCount += setDocument.PageCount; string fileName = Path.GetFileName(setDocument.DocumentUrl); string localUrl = Server.MapPath("/Content/Files/" + fileName); if (File.Exists(setDocument.DocumentUrl) && !File.Exists(localUrl)) { File.Copy(setDocument.DocumentUrl, localUrl); } setDocumentsHTML.Append(@" <div class='pdf-document'> <a href='javascript:;' id='" + setDocument.DocType + @"' onclick='pdfview(this)'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> " + setDocument.DocType + @" Shown Documents from " + setDocument.UpdatedDate + @"</p> </a> </div>"); // setDocumentsHTML.Append(@"<div style='min-width: 150px;'><a href='/Content/Files/" + fileName + "' target='_blank' data-original-title='Click to view' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom' class='popovers text-info'><strong>" + setDocument.DocType + @"</strong></a> ( <small> pages: <strong>" + setDocument.PageCount + @"</strong></small> )</div>"); setDocumentsPdf.Append(@"<div class='pdfView' id='pdf-" + setDocument.DocType + @"' style='display: none'> <iframe width='100%' height='100%' src='/Content/Files/" + fileName + @"'> </iframe></div>"); } ResultHolder.InnerHtml = setDocumentsHTML.ToString(); FileHolder.InnerHtml = setDocumentsPdf.ToString(); string xmlFileName = Path.GetFileName(set.SetXmlPath); string localXMLUrl = Server.MapPath("/Content/Files/" + xmlFileName); if (set.SetXmlPath != null && set.SetXmlPath != "") { if (File.Exists(set.SetXmlPath) && !File.Exists(localXMLUrl)) { File.Copy(set.SetXmlPath, localXMLUrl); } asb.Append(@" <div> " + columnData + @" <br /> Branch : " + branch.Code + @" <br /> Department : " + department.Code + @" <br /> Batch No : " + b.BatchNo + @" </div>"); // PropsHolder.InnerHtml = asb.ToString(); // asb.Append(@"<tr> // <td class='" + (set.IsReleased == 0 ? "" : "text-success") + @"'> // " + index + @" // </td> // <td>branch Code " + branch.Code + @"<br />Department - " + department.Code + @"<br />User Batch No " + b.BatchNo + @"<br /> //AA No " + b.BatchNo + @"<br /> //Acount Number " + b.BatchNo + @"<br /></td> // <td><a href='/Content/Files/" + xmlFileName + @"' target='_blank' data-original-title='Click to view XML' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='bottom' class='popovers text-info'><strong>" + columnData + @"</strong></a></td> // <td style='text-align:left'> //Created On " + (set.UpdatedDate == null ? set.CreatedDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss") : set.UpdatedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss")) + @"<br /> // "+ setDocumentsPdf.ToString() + @" </td> // </tr>"); } index++; } PropsHolder.InnerHtml = asb.ToString(); } }