예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Phiddle to run. This means creating all UI compontents and make
        /// the service provider ready to serve.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            lastPos = SKPoint.Empty;

            // Setup services
            ServiceProvider = Services.BuildServiceProvider();
            screenService   = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IScreenService>();
            logService      = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ILogService>();

            appSettingsService = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <SettingsService <AppSettings> >();
            appStateService    = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <SettingsService <AppState> >();

            // Actions
            appActions = InitializeActions();

            // Screen
            var s = screenService.Dimensions();

            // Tools
            appTools  = new AppTools(s, appStateService.Settings, appSettingsService.Settings);
            helpLines = new HelpLines(s, appStateService.Settings, appSettingsService.Settings.PaintHelpLines);

            WindowsSizeFactor = appSettingsService.Settings.WindowSizeFactor;
            WindowZoomFactor  = appSettingsService.Settings.WindowZoomFactor;

            // Windows
            windowApp  = new Window(SKPoint.Empty, ToolWindowSize, appSettingsService.Settings.WindowApp);
            windowInfo = new WindowTextInfo(SKPoint.Empty, InfoWindowSize, appSettingsService.Settings.WindowInfo);
            windowZoom = new WindowZoom(SKPoint.Empty, ZoomWindowSize, appSettingsService.Settings.WindowZoom)
                CrosshairVisible = !helpLines.Visible

            // Calculate initial locations of windows with relative positions
            var wm = appSettingsService.Settings.WindowMargin + windowApp.PaintBorder.StrokeWidth;
            var wm = appSettingsService.Settings.WindowMargin;
            var zx = s.Right - windowZoom.Bounds.Width - wm * 2;
            var zy = s.Bottom - windowZoom.Bounds.Height - wm * 2;
            ZoomWindowLocation = new SKPoint(zx, zy);

            var ix = s.Right - windowInfo.Bounds.Width - wm * 2;
            var iy = s.Bottom - windowInfo.Bounds.Height - windowZoom.Bounds.Height - wm * 4;
            InfoWindowLocation = new SKPoint(ix, iy);

            // Setup refresh timer
            timer = new Timer(50)
                AutoReset = true
            timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(TimerElapsed);

            logService.Debug("Initialize", $"Core initialized with refresh rate = {1000 / timer.Interval:0} FPS");
예제 #2
        private void InitializePhiddleForm()
            screen = new ScreenServiceForms()
                PhiddleForm = this
            StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            var bounds = screen.Dimensions().ToDrawingRect();

            Size     = bounds.Size;
            Location = bounds.Location;