예제 #1
        public static void AddToJojaOnlineStock(ISalable item, int salePrice = -1, int stock = -1)
            if (cachedItemNames.Contains(item.DisplayName) && item.DisplayName != "Wallpaper" && item.DisplayName != "Flooring")

            // Add the unique item
            jojaOnlineStock.Add(item, new int[] { salePrice == -1 ? item.salePrice() : salePrice, stock == -1 ? int.MaxValue : stock });
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the second parameter in ItemStockAndPrice, an array that holds info on the price, stock,
        /// and if it exists, the item currency it takes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">An instance of the item</param>
        /// <param name="priceMultiplier"></param>
        /// <returns>The array that's the second parameter in ItemPriceAndStock</returns>
        private int[] GetPriceStockAndCurrency(ISalable item, double priceMultiplier)
            int[] priceStockCurrency;
            //if no price is provided, use the item's sale price multiplied by defaultSellPriceMultiplier
            var price = (_itemStock.StockPrice == -1) ? (int)(item.salePrice() * _itemStock.DefaultSellPriceMultiplier) : _itemStock.StockPrice;

            price = (int)(price * priceMultiplier);

            if (_itemStock.CurrencyObjectId == -1) // no currency item
                priceStockCurrency = new[] { price, _itemStock.Stock };
            else if (_itemStock.StockCurrencyStack == -1) //no stack provided for currency item so defaults to 1
                priceStockCurrency = new[] { price, _itemStock.Stock, _itemStock.CurrencyObjectId };
            else //both currency item and stack provided
                priceStockCurrency = new[] { price, _itemStock.Stock, _itemStock.CurrencyObjectId, _itemStock.StockCurrencyStack };

예제 #3
        private void drawGridLayout()
            var       forSale           = Helper.Reflection.GetField <List <ISalable> >(shop, "forSale").GetValue();
            var       itemPriceAndStock = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Dictionary <ISalable, int[]> >(shop, "itemPriceAndStock").GetValue();
            var       currency          = Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(shop, "currency").GetValue();
            var       animations        = Helper.Reflection.GetField <List <TemporaryAnimatedSprite> >(shop, "animations").GetValue();
            var       poof             = Helper.Reflection.GetField <TemporaryAnimatedSprite>(shop, "poof").GetValue();
            var       heldItem         = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Item>(shop, "heldItem").GetValue();
            var       currentItemIndex = Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(shop, "currentItemIndex").GetValue();
            var       scrollBar        = Helper.Reflection.GetField <ClickableTextureComponent>(shop, "scrollBar").GetValue();
            var       scrollBarRunner  = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Rectangle>(shop, "scrollBarRunner").GetValue();
            const int UNIT_WIDTH       = 160;
            const int UNIT_HEIGHT      = 144;
            int       unitsWide        = (shop.width - 32) / UNIT_WIDTH;
            ISalable  hover            = null;

            //IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(384, 373, 18, 18), shop.xPositionOnScreen + shop.width - shop.inventory.width - 32 - 24, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height - 256 + 40, shop.inventory.width + 56, shop.height - 448 + 20, Color.White, 4f, true);
            IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(384, 373, 18, 18), shop.xPositionOnScreen, shop.yPositionOnScreen, shop.width, shop.height - 256 + 32 + 4, Color.White, 4f, true);
            for (int i = currentItemIndex * unitsWide; i < forSale.Count && i < currentItemIndex * unitsWide + unitsWide * 3; ++i)
                int       ix   = i % unitsWide;
                int       iy   = i / unitsWide;
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(shop.xPositionOnScreen + 16 + ix * UNIT_WIDTH, shop.yPositionOnScreen + 16 + iy * UNIT_HEIGHT - currentItemIndex * UNIT_HEIGHT, UNIT_WIDTH, UNIT_HEIGHT);
                IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(384, 396, 15, 15), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, rect.Contains(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()) ? Color.Wheat : Color.White, 4f, false);
                forSale[i].drawInMenu(Game1.spriteBatch, new Vector2(rect.X + 48, rect.Y + 16), 1f, 1, 1, StackDrawType.Draw, Color.White, true);
                int price    = itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]][0];
                var priceStr = price.ToString();
                SpriteText.drawString(Game1.spriteBatch, priceStr, rect.Right - SpriteText.getWidthOfString(priceStr) - 16, rect.Y + 80, alpha: ShopMenu.getPlayerCurrencyAmount(Game1.player, currency) >= price ? 1f : 0.5f);
                //Utility.drawWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(rect.Right - 16, rect.Y + 80), new Rectangle(193 + currency * 9, 373, 9, 10), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, layerDepth: 1);
                if (rect.Contains(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()))
                    hover = forSale[i];
            if (forSale.Count == 0)
                SpriteText.drawString(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:ShopMenu.cs.11583"), shop.xPositionOnScreen + shop.width / 2 - SpriteText.getWidthOfString(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:ShopMenu.cs.11583"), 999999) / 2, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height / 2 - 128, 999999, -1, 999999, 1f, 0.88f, false, -1, "", -1);
            // Moved currency here so above doesn't draw over it
            //if (currency == 0)
            //    Game1.dayTimeMoneyBox.drawMoneyBox(Game1.spriteBatch, shop.xPositionOnScreen - 36, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height - shop.inventory.height + 48);
            for (int index = animations.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                if (animations[index].update(Game1.currentGameTime))
                    animations[index].draw(Game1.spriteBatch, true, 0, 0, 1f);
            if (poof != null)
                poof.draw(Game1.spriteBatch, false, 0, 0, 1f);
            // arrows already drawn
            if (forSale.Count > 18)
                IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(403, 383, 6, 6), scrollBarRunner.X, scrollBarRunner.Y, scrollBarRunner.Width, scrollBarRunner.Height, Color.White, 4f, true);
            if (hover != null)
                string hoverText     = hover.getDescription();
                string boldTitleText = hover.DisplayName;
                int    hoverPrice    = itemPriceAndStock == null || !itemPriceAndStock.ContainsKey(hover) ? hover.salePrice() : itemPriceAndStock[hover][0];
                int    getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex = -1;
                if (itemPriceAndStock != null && hover != null && (itemPriceAndStock.ContainsKey(hover) && itemPriceAndStock[hover].Length > 2))
                    getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex = itemPriceAndStock[hover][2];
                int getHoveredItemExtraItemAmount = 5;
                IClickableMenu.drawToolTip(Game1.spriteBatch, hoverText, boldTitleText, (Item)hover, heldItem != null, -1, currency, getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex, getHoveredItemExtraItemAmount, (CraftingRecipe)null, hoverPrice);
            if (heldItem != null)
                heldItem.drawInMenu(Game1.spriteBatch, new Vector2((float)(Game1.getOldMouseX() + 8), (float)(Game1.getOldMouseY() + 8)), 1f);
            // some other stuff I don't think matters?
예제 #4
        private void drawGridLayout()
            var       forSale           = Helper.Reflection.GetField <List <ISalable> >(shop, "forSale").GetValue();
            var       itemPriceAndStock = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Dictionary <ISalable, int[]> >(shop, "itemPriceAndStock").GetValue();
            var       currency          = Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(shop, "currency").GetValue();
            var       animations        = Helper.Reflection.GetField <List <TemporaryAnimatedSprite> >(shop, "animations").GetValue();
            var       poof             = Helper.Reflection.GetField <TemporaryAnimatedSprite>(shop, "poof").GetValue();
            var       heldItem         = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Item>(shop, "heldItem").GetValue();
            var       currentItemIndex = Helper.Reflection.GetField <int>(shop, "currentItemIndex").GetValue();
            var       scrollBar        = Helper.Reflection.GetField <ClickableTextureComponent>(shop, "scrollBar").GetValue();
            var       scrollBarRunner  = Helper.Reflection.GetField <Rectangle>(shop, "scrollBarRunner").GetValue();
            const int UNIT_WIDTH       = 160;
            const int UNIT_HEIGHT      = 144;
            int       unitsWide        = (shop.width - 32) / UNIT_WIDTH;
            ISalable  hover            = null;

            Texture2D purchase_texture              = Game1.mouseCursors;
            Rectangle purchase_window_border        = new Rectangle(384, 373, 18, 18);
            Rectangle purchase_item_rect            = new Rectangle(384, 396, 15, 15);
            int       purchase_item_text_color      = -1;
            bool      purchase_draw_item_background = true;
            Rectangle purchase_item_background      = new Rectangle(296, 363, 18, 18);
            Color     purchase_selected_color       = Color.Wheat;

            if (shop.storeContext == "QiGemShop")
                purchase_texture              = Game1.mouseCursors2;
                purchase_window_border        = new Rectangle(0, 256, 18, 18);
                purchase_item_rect            = new Rectangle(18, 256, 15, 15);
                purchase_item_text_color      = 4;
                purchase_selected_color       = Color.Blue;
                purchase_draw_item_background = true;
                purchase_item_background      = new Rectangle(33, 256, 18, 18);

            //IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(384, 373, 18, 18), shop.xPositionOnScreen + shop.width - shop.inventory.width - 32 - 24, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height - 256 + 40, shop.inventory.width + 56, shop.height - 448 + 20, Color.White, 4f, true);
            //IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(384, 373, 18, 18), shop.xPositionOnScreen, shop.yPositionOnScreen, shop.width, shop.height - 256 + 32 + 4, Color.White, 4f, true);
            IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, purchase_texture, purchase_window_border, shop.xPositionOnScreen, shop.yPositionOnScreen, shop.width, shop.height - 256 + 32 + 4, Color.White, 4f);
            for (int i = currentItemIndex * unitsWide; i < forSale.Count && i < currentItemIndex * unitsWide + unitsWide * 3; ++i)
                bool failedCanPurchaseCheck = false;
                if (shop.canPurchaseCheck != null && !shop.canPurchaseCheck(i))
                    failedCanPurchaseCheck = true;
                int       ix   = i % unitsWide;
                int       iy   = i / unitsWide;
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(shop.xPositionOnScreen + 16 + ix * UNIT_WIDTH, shop.yPositionOnScreen + 16 + iy * UNIT_HEIGHT - currentItemIndex * UNIT_HEIGHT, UNIT_WIDTH, UNIT_HEIGHT);
                IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, purchase_texture, purchase_item_rect, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, rect.Contains(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()) ? purchase_selected_color : Color.White, 4f, false);
                ISalable      item        = forSale[i];
                bool          buyInStacks = item.Stack > 1 && item.Stack != int.MaxValue && itemPriceAndStock[item][1] == int.MaxValue;
                StackDrawType stackDrawType;
                if (shop.storeContext == "QiGemShop")
                    stackDrawType = StackDrawType.HideButShowQuality;
                    buyInStacks   = (item.Stack > 1);
                else if (shop.itemPriceAndStock[item][1] == int.MaxValue)
                    stackDrawType = StackDrawType.HideButShowQuality;
                    stackDrawType = StackDrawType.Draw_OneInclusive;
                    if (Helper.Reflection.GetField <bool>(shop, "_isStorageShop").GetValue())
                        stackDrawType = StackDrawType.Draw;
                if (forSale[i].ShouldDrawIcon())
                    if (purchase_draw_item_background)
                        //Game1.spriteBatch.Draw( purchase_texture, new Vector2( rect.X + 48 + 4, rect.Y + 16 ), purchase_item_background, Color.White, 0f, Vector2.Zero, 4f, SpriteEffects.None, 1f );
                    item.drawInMenu(Game1.spriteBatch, new Vector2(rect.X + 48, rect.Y + 16), 1f, 1, 1, stackDrawType, Color.White, true);
                int price    = itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]][0];
                var priceStr = price.ToString();
                if (price > 0)
                    SpriteText.drawString(Game1.spriteBatch, priceStr, rect.Right - SpriteText.getWidthOfString(priceStr) - 16, rect.Y + 80, alpha: ShopMenu.getPlayerCurrencyAmount(Game1.player, currency) >= price && !failedCanPurchaseCheck ? 1f : 0.5f, color: purchase_item_text_color);
                    //Utility.drawWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Vector2(rect.Right - 16, rect.Y + 80), new Rectangle(193 + currency * 9, 373, 9, 10), Color.White, 0, Vector2.Zero, 1, layerDepth: 1);
                else if (itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]].Length > 2)
                    int required_item_count = 5;
                    int requiredItem        = itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]][2];
                    if (itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]].Length > 3)
                        required_item_count = itemPriceAndStock[forSale[i]][3];
                    bool hasEnoughToTrade = Game1.player.hasItemInInventory(requiredItem, required_item_count);
                    if (shop.canPurchaseCheck != null && !shop.canPurchaseCheck(i))
                        hasEnoughToTrade = false;
                    float textWidth = SpriteText.getWidthOfString("x" + required_item_count);
                    Utility.drawWithShadow(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.objectSpriteSheet, new Vector2(( float )(rect.Right - 64) - textWidth, rect.Y + 80 - 4), Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.objectSpriteSheet, requiredItem, 16, 16), Color.White * (hasEnoughToTrade ? 1f : 0.25f), 0f, Vector2.Zero, 3, flipped: false, -1f, -1, -1, hasEnoughToTrade ? 0.35f : 0f);
                    SpriteText.drawString(Game1.spriteBatch, "x" + required_item_count, rect.Right - ( int )textWidth - 16, rect.Y + 80, 999999, -1, 999999, hasEnoughToTrade ? 1f : 0.5f, 0.88f, junimoText: false, -1, "", purchase_item_text_color);
                if (rect.Contains(Game1.getOldMouseX(), Game1.getOldMouseY()))
                    hover = forSale[i];
            if (forSale.Count == 0)
                SpriteText.drawString(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:ShopMenu.cs.11583"), shop.xPositionOnScreen + shop.width / 2 - SpriteText.getWidthOfString(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:ShopMenu.cs.11583"), 999999) / 2, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height / 2 - 128, 999999, -1, 999999, 1f, 0.88f, false, -1, "", -1);
            // Moved currency here so above doesn't draw over it
            //if (currency == 0)
            //    Game1.dayTimeMoneyBox.drawMoneyBox(Game1.spriteBatch, shop.xPositionOnScreen - 36, shop.yPositionOnScreen + shop.height - shop.inventory.height + 48);
            for (int index = animations.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                if (animations[index].update(Game1.currentGameTime))
                    animations[index].draw(Game1.spriteBatch, true, 0, 0, 1f);
            if (poof != null)
                poof.draw(Game1.spriteBatch, false, 0, 0, 1f);
            // arrows already drawn
            if (forSale.Count > 18)
                IClickableMenu.drawTextureBox(Game1.spriteBatch, Game1.mouseCursors, new Rectangle(403, 383, 6, 6), scrollBarRunner.X, scrollBarRunner.Y, scrollBarRunner.Width, scrollBarRunner.Height, Color.White, 4f, true);
            if (hover != null)
                string hoverText     = hover.getDescription();
                string boldTitleText = hover.DisplayName;
                int    hoverPrice    = itemPriceAndStock == null || !itemPriceAndStock.ContainsKey(hover) ? hover.salePrice() : itemPriceAndStock[hover][0];
                int    getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex = -1;
                if (itemPriceAndStock != null && hover != null && (itemPriceAndStock.ContainsKey(hover) && itemPriceAndStock[hover].Length > 2))
                    getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex = itemPriceAndStock[hover][2];
                int getHoveredItemExtraItemAmount = 5;
                if (itemPriceAndStock != null && hover != null && itemPriceAndStock.ContainsKey(hover) && itemPriceAndStock[hover].Length > 3)
                    getHoveredItemExtraItemAmount = itemPriceAndStock[hover][3];
                IClickableMenu.drawToolTip(Game1.spriteBatch, hoverText, boldTitleText, hover as Item, heldItem != null, -1, currency, getHoveredItemExtraItemIndex, getHoveredItemExtraItemAmount, (CraftingRecipe)null, hoverPrice);
            if (heldItem != null)
                heldItem.drawInMenu(Game1.spriteBatch, new Vector2((float)(Game1.getOldMouseX() + 8), (float)(Game1.getOldMouseY() + 8)), 1f);
            // some other stuff I don't think matters?