예제 #1
        private void AddPointsRow(PointsLayer layer, SpatialDataTable pointsTable, IReportScriptContext sc)
            bool markVisible = Maps.Util.GetBool(ParentReport.Evaluate(layer.MarkerVisibleExpr, sc), true);

            if (markVisible)
                bool pointsOk;
                var  loc = GetLocations(layer, sc, out pointsOk)[0];
                // If we got a location, add it (tbd: report misses?):
                if (pointsOk)
                    var row = (PointsDataRow)pointsTable.NewRow();
                    // evaluate marker style
                    var markerStyle = EvalStyleExpr <MarkerStyle>(layer.MarkerStyleExpr, MarkerStyles, ExternalMarkerStyle, layer.MarkerStyle, sc);
                    row.Latitude     = loc.Latitude;
                    row.Longitude    = loc.Longitude;
                    row.Caption      = Maps.Util.GetString(ParentReport.Evaluate(markerStyle.CaptionExpr, sc));
                    row.MarkerSize   = Maps.Util.GetDouble(ParentReport.Evaluate(markerStyle.SizeExpr, sc), MarkerStyle.c_SizeValue);
                    row.MarkerStroke = markerStyle.StrokeColor;
                    row.MarkerFill   = markerStyle.FillColor;
                    row.MarkerShape  = markerStyle.Shape;
                    row.Font         = markerStyle.Font;
                    row.TextColor    = markerStyle.TextColor;
예제 #2
        private TStyle EvalStyleExpr <TStyle>(
            string styleExpr,
            MapOwnedCollectionBase <TStyle> styles,
            Func <string, TStyle> externalStyleGetter,
            TStyle defaultStyle,
            IReportScriptContext sc)
            where TStyle : MapStyleBase
            TStyle style = null;
            int    intIdx;
            var    strIdx = Maps.Util.GetIndex(ParentReport.Evaluate(styleExpr, sc), out intIdx);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIdx))
                style = styles[strIdx];
                if (style == null && externalStyleGetter != null)
                    style = externalStyleGetter(strIdx);
            if (style == null && intIdx >= 0 && intIdx < styles.Count)
                style = styles[intIdx];
            if (style == null)
                style = defaultStyle;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the geographical location of a point based on spatial data or location expression.
        /// If a data row is provided (not null), data (location expressions or spatial data)
        /// is assumed to be actual fields in that row, and is NOT evaluated.
        /// If the data row is null, data is evaluated against the ParentReport, so may
        /// constitute expressions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The map layer for which location is retrieved.</param>
        /// <param name="source">The data row (of the layer's custom data source) or null.</param>
        /// <param name="allOk">OUT: true if all points have numeric coordinates, false if at least one is a NaN.</param>
        /// <returns>Location, in geographical coordinates (X is longitude, Y is latitude).</returns>
        private List <LonLat <double> > GetLocations(LayerBase layer, IReportScriptContext context, out bool allOk)
            allOk = true;
            Func <LonLat <string>, List <string>, LonLat <double> > getLoc = (lonlat, locExpr) =>
                if (locExpr != null)
                    // Make address string:
                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    for (int i = 0; i < locExpr.Count; ++i)
                        string s = ParentReport.Evaluate(locExpr[i], context) as string;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                            if (i < locExpr.Count - 1)
                                sb.Append(", ");
                    return(new LonLat <double>(
                               Maps.Util.GetDouble(ParentReport.Evaluate(lonlat.Longitude, context)),
                               Maps.Util.GetDouble(ParentReport.Evaluate(lonlat.Latitude, context))));

            var locExprs = layer.PointsLocationExpressions;
            var lonlats  = layer.PointsLocations;
            var points   = new List <LonLat <double> >(lonlats.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < lonlats.Count; ++i)
                LonLat <double> pt = getLoc(lonlats[i], locExprs[i]);
                if (allOk && (double.IsNaN(pt.Longitude) || double.IsNaN(pt.Latitude)))
                    allOk = false;
예제 #4
        private void AddLinesRow(LinesLayer layer, SpatialDataTable linesTable, IReportScriptContext sc)
            bool pointsOk;
            var  locs = GetLocations(layer, sc, out pointsOk);

            if (pointsOk)
                var row       = (LinesDataRow)linesTable.NewRow();
                var lineStyle = EvalStyleExpr <LineStyle>(layer.LineStyleExpr, LineStyles, ExternalLineStyle, layer.LineStyle, sc);
                row.Longitude0    = locs[0].Longitude;
                row.Latitude0     = locs[0].Latitude;
                row.Longitude1    = locs[1].Longitude;
                row.Latitude1     = locs[1].Latitude;
                row.LineStroke    = lineStyle.StrokeColor;
                row.DashStyle     = lineStyle.DashStyle;
                row.LineThickness = Maps.Util.GetDouble(ParentReport.Evaluate(lineStyle.ThicknessExpr, sc), LineStyle.c_LineThickness);