/* * Control side: Send requests to SGNetwork, don't expect it to bounce back the events, they * will be handled locally. */ private void SendLightChevron(int index, bool silent) { thisGateControl.QueueSGNCommand("lightChevron", 10000, new RequestParams() { { "index", "" + index }, { "silent", silent ? "1" : "0" } }); }
private void RegisterSG(AgentPrivate who, bool register) { if (ScenePrivate.SceneInfo.AvatarUuid != who.AgentInfo.AvatarUuid) { ScenePrivate.Chat.MessageAllUsers("Only the owner of this world can register or deregister the gate."); return; } if (register) { thisGateControl.QueueSGNCommand("register", 1000, null); } else { thisGateControl.QueueSGNCommand("deregister", 1000, null); } }