protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string ad2; try { emp = new EMPLOYEE(); emp.EmployeeID = userID; emp.Type = rdoType.SelectedValue.ToString(); emp.Bio = txtBio.InnerText.ToString(); try { viewSpec = handler.viewStylistSpecialisationAndBio(emp.EmployeeID); } catch (Exception Err) { function.logAnError("Could not view stylist specialisation[btnUpdate of updateEmp] error:" + Err.ToString()); } if (rdoType.SelectedValue == "S") { if (viewSpec == null) { stylistService = new STYLIST_SERVICE(); stylistService.EmployeeID = userID; stylistService.ServiceID = drpSpecs.SelectedValue; handler.addSpecialisation(stylistService); } emp.Specialisation = drpSpecs.SelectedValue; } else { emp.Specialisation = drpSpecs.Text; } emp.AddressLine1 = txtAddLine1.Text; if (txtAddLine2.Text == null) { ad2 = ""; } else { ad2 = txtAddLine2.Text; } emp.AddressLine2 = ad2; emp.Suburb = txtSuburb.Text; emp.City = txtCity.Text; if (handler.updateEmployee(emp)) { Response.Redirect("../Manager/Employee.aspx?EmployeeID=" + emp.EmployeeID.ToString().Replace(" ", string.Empty), false); } else { phUpdateErr.Visible = true; lblUpdateErr.Text = "Unable to update the employees details.<br/>" + "<br/>Please report to management or the administrator."; } } catch (Exception Err) { phUpdateErr.Visible = true; lblUpdateErr.Text = "An error has occured.We are unable to update the employees details at this point in time.<br/>" + "Please report to management or the administrator."; function.logAnError("btnUpdateEmployee err:" + Err.ToString()); } }