protected override void OnResume() { base.OnResume(); if (_dropboxApi != null && _session != null && (_populateAfterAuthorize || _startActivityAfterAuthorize || _insertAfterAuthorize || _doNothingAfterAuthorize)) { // After you allowed to link the app with Dropbox, // you need to finish the Authentication process var androidAuthSession = _dropboxApi.Session as AndroidAuthSession; //_session = androidAuthSession; if (!_session.AuthenticationSuccessful()) { return; } try { // Call this method to finish the authentication process // Will bind the user's access token to the session. _session.FinishAuthentication(); _accessToken = _session.OAuth2AccessToken; _dbHandler.MergeSettings(new InsertTaskSetting() { Name = ACCESS_TOKEN_PROP, Value = _accessToken }); if (_populateAfterAuthorize) { _populateAfterAuthorize = false; RepopulateTasks(); FindViewById <SwipeRefreshLayout>(Resource.Id.slSwipeContainer).Refreshing = false; } else if (_startActivityAfterAuthorize) { _startActivityAfterAuthorize = false; StartDetailsActivity(); } else if (_insertAfterAuthorize) { _insertAfterAuthorize = false; StartInsertTask(); } else if (_doNothingAfterAuthorize) { _doNothingAfterAuthorize = false; } // Save the Access Token somewhere } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { Toast.MakeText(this, ex.LocalizedMessage, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } }