예제 #1
        public async Task <ActionResult <User> > GetUser(string coachId)
            var  currentUserId = User.Identity.Name;
            User user;

                if (User.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
                    user = await _coachService.GetUserFromAdminAsync(coachId);
                else if (User.IsInRole(Role.Coach))
                    user = await _coachService.GetUserFromCoachAsync(currentUserId, coachId);
                else if (User.IsInRole(Role.Builder))
                    user = await _coachService.GetUserFromBuilderAsync(currentUserId, coachId);
                    return(Forbid("You must be part of the Buildup program"));
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                return(Forbid($"You are not allowed to get user's info: {e.Message}"));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(BadRequest($"Can't get the user: {e.Message}"));

            if (user == null)

예제 #2
        // Sending proof
        public async Task <string> SendReturningAsync(string currentUserId, string projectId, BuildOnReturningSubmitModel buildOnReturningSubmitModel)
            // First we need basics checks
            Builder builder = await _buildersService.GetBuilderFromAdminAsync(currentUserId);

            if (builder == null)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("You are not a builder");

            Coach coachForBuilder = await _buildersService.GetCoachForBuilderFromAdminAsync(builder.Id);

            var project = await _projectsService.GetProjectAsync(builder.Id);

            if (project == null)
                throw new Exception("The project doesn't exist");
            if (coachForBuilder == null)
                throw new Exception("This builder don't have a coach...");
            if (project.Id != projectId)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("The project doesn't belong to you");

            User userForCoach = await _coachsService.GetUserFromAdminAsync(coachForBuilder.Id);

            if (userForCoach == null)
                throw new Exception("The coach doesn't have any user");

            // Then we register the returning
            string fileId = null;

            if (buildOnReturningSubmitModel.File != null && buildOnReturningSubmitModel.File.Length >= 1)
                var filename = $"{projectId}_{buildOnReturningSubmitModel.FileName}";
                fileId = await _filesService.UploadFile(filename, buildOnReturningSubmitModel.File, false);

            BuildOnReturning returning = new BuildOnReturning()
                ProjectId     = projectId,
                BuildOnStepId = buildOnReturningSubmitModel.BuildOnStepId,
                Type          = buildOnReturningSubmitModel.Type,
                Status        = BuildOnReturningStatus.Waiting,
                FileName      = buildOnReturningSubmitModel.FileName,
                FileId        = fileId,
                Comment       = buildOnReturningSubmitModel.Comment

            await _buildOnReturnings.InsertOneAsync(returning);

            // Now we need to notify the coach
            await _notificationService.NotifyBuildOnReturningSubmited(coachForBuilder.Id, userForCoach.Email);
