예제 #1
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void CreateFunction(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int funcDefIndex, mdr.DObject context, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.CreateFunction");
   var funcDef = ((JSFunctionMetadata)callFrame.Function.Metadata).SubFunctions[funcDefIndex];
   var func = new mdr.DFunction(funcDef, context);
   stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(func); ;
예제 #2
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void Throw(ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.Throw");
   //JSRuntime.Instance.CurrentException.Set(ref stack.Items[--stack.Sp]);
   //throw new JSException();
   throw new JSException(ref stack.Items[--stack.Sp]);
예제 #3
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void Dup(ref Stack stack)
   var inputIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   var resultIndex = inputIndex + 1;
   var items = stack.Items;
   items[resultIndex] = items[inputIndex];
   stack.Sp = resultIndex + 1;
예제 #4
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static mdr.DObject CreateContext(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, ref Stack stack)
   mdr.DObject context;
   var contextMap = callFrame.Function.Metadata.ContextMap;
   if (contextMap != null)
     context = new mdr.DObject(contextMap);
     var outerContext = callFrame.Function.OuterContext;
     context = new mdr.DObject(outerContext);
     callFrame.Function.Metadata.ContextMap = context.Map; //This will at least prevent the lookup in the DObject
   return context;
예제 #5
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void StoreVariable(mdr.DObject context, int fieldId, int ancestorDistance, bool pushBackResult, ref Stack stack)
      var valueIndex = stack.Sp - 1;

      //TODO: If we do not create a prototype for GlobalContext, the following code would have been enough!
      //var pd = context.Map.GetPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
      //if (pd != null)
      //    pd.Set(context, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp - 1]);
      //    mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext.SetFieldByFieldId(fieldId, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp - 1]); //DOTO: this is very expensive!

      mdr.PropertyDescriptor pd = null;

      if (ancestorDistance < 0)
      {//We are dealing with unknown symbol type
        //while (context != mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext)
        //    pd = context.Map.GetCachedOwnPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
        //    if (pd != null)
        //        break;
        //    context = context.Prototype;
        //if (pd != null)
        //    pd.Set(context, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp - 1]);
        //    context.SetFieldByFieldId(fieldId, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp - 1]);

        pd = context.Map.GetPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
        if (pd != null && !pd.IsUndefined)
          pd.Set(context, ref stack.Items[valueIndex]);
          mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext.SetFieldByFieldId(fieldId, ref stack.Items[valueIndex]);

      {//we are dealing with known symbol type
        for (var i = 0; i < ancestorDistance && context != mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext; ++i)
          context = context.Prototype;
        pd = context.Map.GetPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
        Debug.Assert(pd != null && pd.IsDataDescriptor, "Invalid situation, variable is undeclared in current context");
        pd.Set(context, ref stack.Items[valueIndex]);

      if (!pushBackResult)
        stack.Sp = valueIndex;
예제 #6
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void LoadVariable(mdr.DObject context, int fieldId, int ancestorDistance, ref Stack stack)
      mdr.PropertyDescriptor pd = null;

      //TODO: If we do not create a prototype for GlobalContext, the following code would have been enough!
      //var pd = context.GetPropertyDescriptorByLineId(fieldId);
      //pd.Get(context, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp++]);

      if (ancestorDistance < 0)
      {//We are dealing with unknown symbol type
        while (context != mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext)
          pd = context.Map.GetPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
          if (pd != null)
          context = context.Prototype;
      {//we are dealing with known symbol type
        for (var i = 0; i < ancestorDistance && context != mdr.Runtime.Instance.GlobalContext; ++i)
          context = context.Prototype;
      if (pd == null)
        pd = context.GetPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId);
      pd.Get(context, ref stack.Items[stack.Sp++]);
예제 #7
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void DeleteVariable(ref Stack stack)
      var baseIndex = stack.Sp - 2;
      var fieldIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
      var valueIndex = baseIndex;

      stack.Items[valueIndex].Set(Unary.DeleteVariable.Run(stack.Items[baseIndex].AsDObject(), stack.Items[fieldIndex].AsInt32()));
      stack.Sp = fieldIndex;
예제 #8
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadDouble(double value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #9
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadBoolean(bool value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #10
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void StoreField(bool pushBackResult, ref Stack stack)
      //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.StoreField");
      var baseIndex = stack.Sp - 3;
      var fieldIndex = stack.Sp - 2;
      var valueIndex = stack.Sp - 1;

      stack.Items[baseIndex].AsDObject().SetField(ref stack.Items[fieldIndex], ref stack.Items[valueIndex]);
      if (pushBackResult)
        stack.Items[baseIndex] = stack.Items[valueIndex];
        stack.Sp = fieldIndex;
        stack.Sp = baseIndex;
예제 #11
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadNull(ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(mdr.Runtime.Instance.DefaultDNull); }
예제 #12
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadField(int popOperandCount, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.LoadField");
   var baseIndex = stack.Sp - 2;
   var fieldIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   int valueIndex = stack.Sp - popOperandCount;
   stack.Items[baseIndex].AsDObject().GetField(ref stack.Items[fieldIndex], ref stack.Items[valueIndex]);
   //stack.Items[valueIndex] = stack.Items[baseIndex].GetFieldContainer().GetField(ref stack.Items[fieldIndex]);
   stack.Sp = valueIndex + 1;
예제 #13
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    //public static void LoadContext(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, ref Stack stack)
    //    //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.LoadContext");
    //    stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(callFrame.Function.Context);

    public static void Return(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, ref Stack stack)
      //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.Return");
      callFrame.Return = stack.Items[--stack.Sp];
예제 #14
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LogicalNot(ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.LogicalNot");
   var inputIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   var resultIndex = inputIndex;
   var items = stack.Items;
   items[resultIndex].Set(Unary.LogicalNot.Run(ref items[inputIndex]));
예제 #15
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void Negate(ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.Negate");
   var inputIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   var resultIndex = inputIndex;
   var items = stack.Items;
   Unary.Negative.Run(ref items[inputIndex], ref items[resultIndex]);
예제 #16
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void TypeOf(ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.TypeOf");
   var inputIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   var resultIndex = inputIndex;
   var items = stack.Items;
   items[resultIndex].Set(Operations.Unary.Typeof.Run(ref items[inputIndex]));
예제 #17
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void Delete(ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.Delete");
   var inputIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   var resultIndex = inputIndex;
   var items = stack.Items;
   items[resultIndex].Set(Unary.Delete.Run(ref items[inputIndex]));
예제 #18
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadArg(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int argIndex, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.LoadArg");
   if (argIndex >= callFrame.PassedArgsCount)
   switch (argIndex)
     case 0: stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref callFrame.Arg0); break;
     case 1: stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref callFrame.Arg1); break;
     case 2: stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref callFrame.Arg2); break;
     case 3: stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref callFrame.Arg3); break;
     default: stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref callFrame.Arguments[argIndex - mdr.CallFrame.InlineArgsCount]); break;
예제 #19
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadUndefined(ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(mdr.Runtime.Instance.DefaultDUndefined); }
예제 #20
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void StoreArg(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, int argIndex, bool pushBackResult, ref Stack stack)
   var valueIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
   Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.StoreArg index {0} vindex {1} cf arg count {2}", argIndex, valueIndex, callFrame.PassedArgsCount);
   ///Since an arguments may be written and then read again in the same function
   ///we should make sure the value is stored properly. 
   ///for the first 4 arguments, we have a storage in the call frame
   ///beyond that is tricky! We can extend the Arguments array, but we have to make sure
   ///no one has a pointer/reference to any of its elements
   ///For now, we fail, but we should fix this later
   switch (argIndex)
     case 0: callFrame.Arg0.Set(ref stack.Items[valueIndex]); break;
     case 1: callFrame.Arg1.Set(ref stack.Items[valueIndex]); break;
     case 2: callFrame.Arg2.Set(ref stack.Items[valueIndex]); break;
     case 3: callFrame.Arg3.Set(ref stack.Items[valueIndex]); break;
       if (argIndex < callFrame.PassedArgsCount)
         callFrame.Arguments[argIndex - mdr.CallFrame.InlineArgsCount].Set(ref stack.Items[valueIndex]); break;
         Debug.Fail("argIndex {0} > argsCount {1}", argIndex, callFrame.PassedArgsCount);
   if (!pushBackResult)
     stack.Sp = valueIndex;
예제 #21
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadString(string value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #22
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadAny(object value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #23
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadInt(int value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #24
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void CreateArray(int itemsCount, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.CreateArray");
   var sp = stack.Sp - 1;
   var array = new mdr.DArray(itemsCount);
   for (var i = itemsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i, --sp)
     array.Elements[i] = stack.Items[sp];
   stack.Items[sp + 1].Set(array);
   stack.Sp = sp + 2;
예제 #25
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadDObject(mdr.DObject value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(value); }
예제 #26
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void DeleteProperty(ref Stack stack)
      var baseIndex = stack.Sp - 2;
      var fieldIndex = stack.Sp - 1;
      var valueIndex = baseIndex;

      stack.Items[valueIndex].Set(Unary.DeleteProperty.Run(stack.Items[baseIndex].AsDObject(), ref stack.Items[fieldIndex]));
      stack.Sp = fieldIndex;
예제 #27
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadDValue(ref mdr.DValue value, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(ref value); }
예제 #28
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void LoadThis(ref mdr.CallFrame callFrame, ref Stack stack) { stack.Items[stack.Sp++].Set(callFrame.This); }
예제 #29
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
 public static void CreateJson(int itemsCount, ref Stack stack)
   //Debug.WriteLine("calling Exec.CreateJson");
   var obj = new mdr.DObject();
   var resultIndex = stack.Sp - itemsCount * 2;
   //TODO: here we know things are string, so just push their fieldIds and user then here!
   if (itemsCount > 0)
     var sp = resultIndex;
     for (var i = itemsCount - 1; i >= 0; --i, sp += 2)
       obj.SetField(ref stack.Items[sp], ref stack.Items[sp + 1]);
   stack.Sp = resultIndex + 1; ;
예제 #30
파일: Stack.cs 프로젝트: reshadi2/mcjs
    public static void DeclareVariable(mdr.DObject context, string field, int fieldId, ref Stack stack)
      //we may be looking at a global or this might be second time we call this function with the same context, so following assert will fail (incorrectly)
      //Debug.Assert(!context.HasOwnPropertyByFieldId(fieldId), "Cannot redeclare local variable {0}", field);

      context.AddOwnPropertyDescriptorByFieldId(fieldId, mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.Data | mdr.PropertyDescriptor.Attributes.NotConfigurable);