public static Image Load(Queue staggingQ, CommandPool staggingCmdPool, string ktxPath, VkImageUsageFlags usage = VkImageUsageFlags.Sampled, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperty = VkMemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal, bool generateMipmaps = true, VkImageTiling tiling = VkImageTiling.Optimal) { Image img = null; using (Stream ktxStream = File.Open(ktxPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ktxStream)) { if (!br.ReadBytes(12).AreEquals(ktxSignature)) { throw new KtxException("Not a ktx file: " + ktxPath); } UInt32 endianness = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glType = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glTypeSize = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glInternalFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glBaseInternalFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelWidth = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelHeight = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelDepth = Math.Min(1, br.ReadUInt32()); UInt32 numberOfArrayElements = br.ReadUInt32(); //only for array text, else 0 UInt32 numberOfFaces = br.ReadUInt32(); //only for cube map, else UInt32 numberOfMipmapLevels = Math.Min(1, br.ReadUInt32()); UInt32 bytesOfKeyValueData = br.ReadUInt32(); VkFormat vkFormat = GLHelper.vkGetFormatFromOpenGLInternalFormat(glInternalFormat); if (vkFormat == VkFormat.Undefined) { vkFormat = GLHelper.vkGetFormatFromOpenGLFormat(glFormat, glType); if (vkFormat == VkFormat.Undefined) { throw new KtxException("Undefined format: " + ktxPath); } } VkFormatFeatureFlags phyFormatSupport = (tiling == VkImageTiling.Linear) ? staggingQ.Dev.phy.GetFormatProperties(vkFormat).linearTilingFeatures : staggingQ.Dev.phy.GetFormatProperties(vkFormat).optimalTilingFeatures; uint requestedMipsLevels = numberOfMipmapLevels; if (numberOfMipmapLevels == 1) { requestedMipsLevels = (generateMipmaps && phyFormatSupport.HasFlag(VkFormatFeatureFlags.BlitSrc | VkFormatFeatureFlags.BlitDst)) ? (uint)Math.Floor(Math.Log(Math.Max(pixelWidth, pixelHeight))) + 1 : 1; } if (tiling == VkImageTiling.Optimal) { usage |= VkImageUsageFlags.TransferDst; } if (generateMipmaps) { usage |= (VkImageUsageFlags.TransferSrc | VkImageUsageFlags.TransferDst); } VkImageCreateFlags createFlags = 0; VkImageType imgType = (pixelWidth == 0) ? throw new KtxException("pixelWidth must be > 0") : (pixelHeight == 0) ? imgType = VkImageType.Image1D : (pixelDepth == 0) ? imgType = VkImageType.Image2D : imgType = VkImageType.Image3D; VkSampleCountFlags samples = VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1; if (numberOfFaces > 1) { if (imgType != VkImageType.Image2D) { throw new KtxException("cubemap faces must be 2D textures"); } createFlags = VkImageCreateFlags.CubeCompatible; samples = VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1; numberOfArrayElements = numberOfFaces; } else { numberOfFaces = 1; if (numberOfArrayElements == 0) { numberOfArrayElements = 1; } } if (imgType != VkImageType.Image3D) { pixelDepth = 1; } img = new Image(staggingQ.Dev, vkFormat, usage, memoryProperty, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, imgType, samples, tiling, requestedMipsLevels, numberOfArrayElements, pixelDepth, createFlags); byte[] keyValueDatas = br.ReadBytes((int)bytesOfKeyValueData); if (memoryProperty.HasFlag(VkMemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal)) { ulong staggingSize = img.AllocatedDeviceMemorySize; using (HostBuffer stagging = new HostBuffer(staggingQ.Dev, VkBufferUsageFlags.TransferSrc, staggingSize)) { stagging.Map(); CommandBuffer cmd = staggingCmdPool.AllocateCommandBuffer(); cmd.Start(VkCommandBufferUsageFlags.OneTimeSubmit); img.SetLayout(cmd, VkImageAspectFlags.Color, VkImageLayout.Undefined, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, VkPipelineStageFlags.AllCommands, VkPipelineStageFlags.Transfer); List <VkBufferImageCopy> buffCopies = new List <VkBufferImageCopy> (); VkBufferImageCopy bufferCopyRegion = new VkBufferImageCopy { imageExtent = img.CreateInfo.extent, imageSubresource = new VkImageSubresourceLayers(VkImageAspectFlags.Color, img.CreateInfo.arrayLayers, 0) }; ulong bufferOffset = 0; uint imgWidth = img.CreateInfo.extent.height; uint imgHeight = img.CreateInfo.extent.width; for (int mips = 0; mips < numberOfMipmapLevels; mips++) { UInt32 imgSize = br.ReadUInt32(); bufferCopyRegion.bufferImageHeight = imgWidth; bufferCopyRegion.bufferRowLength = imgHeight; bufferCopyRegion.bufferOffset = bufferOffset; if (createFlags.HasFlag(VkImageCreateFlags.CubeCompatible)) { IntPtr ptrFace = img.MappedData; bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.layerCount = 1; for (uint face = 0; face < numberOfFaces; face++) { bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.baseArrayLayer = face; Marshal.Copy(br.ReadBytes((int)imgSize), 0, stagging.MappedData + (int)bufferOffset, (int)imgSize); buffCopies.Add(bufferCopyRegion); uint faceOffset = imgSize + (imgSize % 4); ptrFace += (int)faceOffset; //cube padding bufferOffset += faceOffset; bufferCopyRegion.bufferOffset = bufferOffset; } } else { Marshal.Copy(br.ReadBytes((int)imgSize), 0, stagging.MappedData, (int)imgSize); buffCopies.Add(bufferCopyRegion); } bufferOffset += imgSize; imgWidth /= 2; imgHeight /= 2; } stagging.Unmap(); Vk.vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd.Handle, stagging.handle, img.handle, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, (uint)buffCopies.Count, buffCopies.Pin()); buffCopies.Unpin(); if (requestedMipsLevels > numberOfMipmapLevels) { img.BuildMipmaps(cmd); } else { img.SetLayout(cmd, VkImageAspectFlags.Color, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, VkImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal, VkPipelineStageFlags.Transfer, VkPipelineStageFlags.AllGraphics); } cmd.End(); staggingQ.Submit(cmd); staggingQ.WaitIdle(); cmd.Free(); } //for (int mips = 0; mips < numberOfMipmapLevels; mips++) { //UInt32 imgSize = br.ReadUInt32 (); /*VkImageBlit imageBlit = new VkImageBlit { * srcSubresource = new VkImageSubresourceLayers(VkImageAspectFlags.Color, numberOfArrayElements, (uint)mips - 1), * srcOffsets_1 = new VkOffset3D((int)pixelWidth >> (mips - 1), (int)pixelHeight >> (mips - 1),1), * dstSubresource = new VkImageSubresourceLayers (VkImageAspectFlags.Color, numberOfArrayElements, (uint)mips), * dstOffsets_1 = new VkOffset3D ((int)pixelWidth >> mips, (int)pixelHeight >> mips, 1), * };*/ //for (int layer = 0; layer < numberOfArrayElements; layer++) { //for (int face = 0; face < numberOfFaces; face++) { //for (int slice = 0; slice < pixelDepth; slice++) { /*for (int y = 0; y < pixelHeight; y++) { * for (int x = 0; x < pixelWidth; x++) { * //Uncompressed texture data matches a GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT of 4. * } * }*/ //} //Byte cubePadding[0-3] //} //} //Byte mipPadding[0-3] //} } } } return(img); }
//TODO: some buffer data are reused between primitives, and I duplicate the datas //buffers must be constructed without duplications public Mesh[] LoadMeshes<TVertex> (VkIndexType indexType, Buffer vbo, ulong vboOffset, Buffer ibo, ulong iboOffset) { ulong vCount, iCount; VkIndexType idxType; GetVertexCount (out vCount, out iCount, out idxType); int vertexByteSize = Marshal.SizeOf<TVertex> (); ulong vertSize = vCount * (ulong)vertexByteSize; ulong idxSize = iCount * (indexType == VkIndexType.Uint16 ? 2ul : 4ul); ulong size = vertSize + idxSize; int vertexCount = 0, indexCount = 0; int autoNamedMesh = 1; meshes = new List<Mesh> (); using (HostBuffer stagging = new HostBuffer (dev, VkBufferUsageFlags.TransferSrc, size)) { stagging.Map (); unsafe { Span<byte> stagVertPtrInit = new Span<byte>(stagging.MappedData.ToPointer (), (int)vertSize); Span<byte> stagIdxPtrInit = new Span<byte>((byte*)stagging.MappedData.ToPointer() + vertSize, (int)idxSize); Span<byte> stagVertPtr = stagVertPtrInit, stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtrInit; foreach (GL.Mesh mesh in gltf.Meshes) { string meshName = mesh.Name; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (meshName)) { meshName = "mesh_" + autoNamedMesh.ToString (); autoNamedMesh++; } Mesh m = new Mesh { Name = meshName }; foreach (GL.MeshPrimitive p in mesh.Primitives) { GL.Accessor AccPos = null, AccNorm = null, AccUv = null, AccUv1 = null; int accessorIdx; if (p.Attributes.TryGetValue ("POSITION", out accessorIdx)) { AccPos = gltf.Accessors[accessorIdx]; ensureBufferIsLoaded (gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccPos.BufferView].Buffer); } if (p.Attributes.TryGetValue ("NORMAL", out accessorIdx)) { AccNorm = gltf.Accessors[accessorIdx]; ensureBufferIsLoaded (gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccNorm.BufferView].Buffer); } if (p.Attributes.TryGetValue ("TEXCOORD_0", out accessorIdx)) { AccUv = gltf.Accessors[accessorIdx]; ensureBufferIsLoaded (gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccUv.BufferView].Buffer); } if (p.Attributes.TryGetValue ("TEXCOORD_1", out accessorIdx)) { AccUv1 = gltf.Accessors[accessorIdx]; ensureBufferIsLoaded (gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccUv1.BufferView].Buffer); } Primitive prim = new Primitive { indexBase = (uint)indexCount, vertexBase = vertexCount, vertexCount = (uint)AccPos.Count, material = (uint)(p.Material ?? 0) }; (AccPos.Min); (AccPos.Max); = true; //Interleaving vertices Span<byte> inPosPtr = Span<byte>.Empty, inNormPtr = Span<byte>.Empty, inUvPtr = Span<byte>.Empty, inUv1Ptr = Span<byte>.Empty; GL.BufferView bv = gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccPos.BufferView]; inPosPtr = loadedBuffers[bv.Buffer].Span.Slice (AccPos.ByteOffset + bv.ByteOffset); if (AccNorm != null) { bv = gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccNorm.BufferView]; inNormPtr = loadedBuffers[bv.Buffer].Span.Slice (AccNorm.ByteOffset + bv.ByteOffset); } if (AccUv != null) { bv = gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccUv.BufferView]; inUvPtr = loadedBuffers[bv.Buffer].Span.Slice (AccUv.ByteOffset + bv.ByteOffset); } if (AccUv1 != null) { bv = gltf.BufferViews[(int)AccUv1.BufferView]; inUv1Ptr = loadedBuffers[bv.Buffer].Span.Slice (AccUv1.ByteOffset + bv.ByteOffset); } //TODO: use vertex attributes scan for copying data if they exists for (int j = 0; j < prim.vertexCount; j++) { inPosPtr.Slice (0, 12).CopyTo (stagVertPtr); inPosPtr = inPosPtr.Slice(12); if (!inNormPtr.IsEmpty) { inNormPtr.Slice (0, 12).CopyTo (stagVertPtr.Slice (12)); inNormPtr = inNormPtr.Slice (12); } if (inUvPtr != null) { inUvPtr.Slice (0, 8).CopyTo (stagVertPtr.Slice (24)); inUvPtr = inUvPtr.Slice (8); } if (inUv1Ptr != null) { inUv1Ptr.Slice (0, 8).CopyTo (stagVertPtr.Slice (32)); inUv1Ptr = inUvPtr.Slice (8); } stagVertPtr = stagVertPtr.Slice (vertexByteSize); } /*Span<byte> s = stagVertPtrInit; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) Console.Write (s[i].ToString ("X2") + (i % 32 == 0 ? "\n" : " "));*/ //indices loading if (p.Indices != null) { GL.Accessor acc = gltf.Accessors[(int)p.Indices]; bv = gltf.BufferViews[(int)acc.BufferView]; Span<byte> inIdxPtr = loadedBuffers[bv.Buffer].Span.Slice (acc.ByteOffset + bv.ByteOffset); //TODO:double check this, I dont seems to increment stag pointer if (acc.ComponentType == GL.Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_SHORT) { if (indexType == VkIndexType.Uint16) { inIdxPtr.Slice (0, acc.Count * 2).CopyTo (stagIdxPtr); stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 2); } else { Span<uint> usPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, uint> (stagIdxPtr); Span<ushort> inPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast < byte, ushort> (inIdxPtr); for (int i = 0; i < acc.Count; i++) usPtr[i] = inPtr[i]; stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 4); } } else if (acc.ComponentType == GL.Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_INT) { if (indexType == VkIndexType.Uint32) { inIdxPtr.Slice (0, acc.Count * 4).CopyTo (stagIdxPtr); stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 4); } else { Span<ushort> usPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ushort> (stagIdxPtr); Span<uint> inPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, uint> (inIdxPtr); for (int i = 0; i < acc.Count; i++) usPtr[i] = (ushort)inPtr[i]; stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 2); } } else if (acc.ComponentType == GL.Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_BYTE) { //convert if (indexType == VkIndexType.Uint16) { Span<ushort> usPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, ushort> (stagIdxPtr); for (int i = 0; i < acc.Count; i++) usPtr[i] = (ushort)inIdxPtr[i]; stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 2); } else { Span<uint> usPtr = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, uint> (stagIdxPtr); for (int i = 0; i < acc.Count; i++) usPtr[i] = (uint)inIdxPtr[i]; stagIdxPtr = stagIdxPtr.Slice (acc.Count * 4); } } else throw new NotImplementedException (); prim.indexCount = (uint)acc.Count; indexCount += acc.Count; } m.AddPrimitive (prim); vertexCount += AccPos.Count; } meshes.Add (m); } /*ReadOnlySpan<byte> tmp = new ReadOnlySpan<byte> (stagging.MappedData.ToPointer (), (int)size); Memory<byte> mtmp = new Memory<byte> (tmp.ToArray()); mtmp.Dump();*/ } stagging.Unmap (); PrimaryCommandBuffer cmd = cmdPool.AllocateCommandBuffer (); cmd.Start (VkCommandBufferUsageFlags.OneTimeSubmit); stagging.CopyTo (cmd, vbo, vertSize, 0, vboOffset); if (iCount>0) stagging.CopyTo (cmd, ibo, idxSize, vertSize, iboOffset); cmd.End (); transferQ.Submit (cmd); dev.WaitIdle (); cmd.Free (); } return meshes.ToArray (); }
public static Image Load(Queue staggingQ, CommandPool staggingCmdPool, string ktxPath, VkImageUsageFlags usage = VkImageUsageFlags.Sampled, VkMemoryPropertyFlags memoryProperty = VkMemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal, bool generateMipmaps = true, VkImageTiling tiling = VkImageTiling.Optimal) { Image img = null; using (Stream ktxStream = File.Open(ktxPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ktxStream)) { if (!br.ReadBytes(12).AreEquals(ktxSignature)) { throw new KtxException("Not a ktx file: " + ktxPath); } UInt32 endianness = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glType = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glTypeSize = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glInternalFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 glBaseInternalFormat = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelWidth = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelHeight = br.ReadUInt32(); UInt32 pixelDepth = Math.Max(1, br.ReadUInt32()); UInt32 numberOfArrayElements = br.ReadUInt32(); //only for array text, else 0 UInt32 numberOfFaces = br.ReadUInt32(); //only for cube map, else 1 UInt32 numberOfMipmapLevels = Math.Max(1, br.ReadUInt32()); UInt32 bytesOfKeyValueData = br.ReadUInt32(); VkFormat vkFormat = GLHelper.vkGetFormatFromOpenGLInternalFormat(glInternalFormat); if (vkFormat == VkFormat.Undefined) { vkFormat = GLHelper.vkGetFormatFromOpenGLFormat(glFormat, glType); if (vkFormat == VkFormat.Undefined) { throw new KtxException("Undefined format: " + ktxPath); } } VkFormatProperties formatProperties = staggingQ.Dev.phy.GetFormatProperties(vkFormat); VkFormatFeatureFlags phyFormatSupport = (tiling == VkImageTiling.Linear) ? formatProperties.linearTilingFeatures : formatProperties.optimalTilingFeatures; uint requestedMipsLevels = numberOfMipmapLevels; if (numberOfMipmapLevels == 1) { requestedMipsLevels = (generateMipmaps && phyFormatSupport.HasFlag(VkFormatFeatureFlags.BlitSrc | VkFormatFeatureFlags.BlitDst)) ? (uint)Math.Floor(Math.Log(Math.Max(pixelWidth, pixelHeight))) + 1 : 1; } if (tiling == VkImageTiling.Optimal) { usage |= VkImageUsageFlags.TransferDst; } if (generateMipmaps) { usage |= (VkImageUsageFlags.TransferSrc | VkImageUsageFlags.TransferDst); } VkImageCreateFlags createFlags = 0; VkImageType imgType = (pixelWidth == 0) ? throw new KtxException("pixelWidth must be > 0") : (pixelHeight == 0) ? imgType = VkImageType.Image1D : (pixelDepth == 1) ? imgType = VkImageType.Image2D : imgType = VkImageType.Image3D; VkSampleCountFlags samples = VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1; if (numberOfFaces > 1) { if (imgType != VkImageType.Image2D) { throw new KtxException("cubemap faces must be 2D textures"); } createFlags = VkImageCreateFlags.CubeCompatible; samples = VkSampleCountFlags.SampleCount1; numberOfArrayElements = numberOfFaces; } else { numberOfFaces = 1; if (numberOfArrayElements == 0) { numberOfArrayElements = 1; } } if (!Image.CheckFormatIsSupported(usage, phyFormatSupport)) { throw new Exception($"Unsupported image format: {vkFormat}, {tiling}, {usage}"); } img = new Image(staggingQ.Dev, vkFormat, usage, memoryProperty, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, imgType, samples, tiling, requestedMipsLevels, numberOfArrayElements, pixelDepth, createFlags); byte[] keyValueDatas = br.ReadBytes((int)bytesOfKeyValueData); uint blockW, blockH; bool isCompressed = vkFormat.TryGetCompressedFormatBlockSize(out blockW, out blockH); uint blockSize = blockW * blockH; if (memoryProperty.HasFlag(VkMemoryPropertyFlags.DeviceLocal)) { ulong staggingSize = img.AllocatedDeviceMemorySize; Console.WriteLine($"KtxStream size = {ktxStream.Length}, img Allocation = {img.AllocatedDeviceMemorySize}"); using (HostBuffer stagging = new HostBuffer(staggingQ.Dev, VkBufferUsageFlags.TransferSrc, staggingSize)) { stagging.Map(); PrimaryCommandBuffer cmd = staggingCmdPool.AllocateAndStart(VkCommandBufferUsageFlags.OneTimeSubmit); img.SetLayout(cmd, VkImageAspectFlags.Color, VkImageLayout.Undefined, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, VkPipelineStageFlags.AllCommands, VkPipelineStageFlags.Transfer); List <VkBufferImageCopy> buffCopies = new List <VkBufferImageCopy> (); VkBufferImageCopy bufferCopyRegion = new VkBufferImageCopy { imageExtent = img.CreateInfo.extent, imageSubresource = new VkImageSubresourceLayers(VkImageAspectFlags.Color, img.CreateInfo.arrayLayers, 0) }; ulong bufferOffset = 0; uint imgWidth = img.CreateInfo.extent.width; uint imgHeight = img.CreateInfo.extent.height; for (int mips = 0; mips < numberOfMipmapLevels; mips++) { UInt32 imgSize = br.ReadUInt32(); bufferCopyRegion.bufferRowLength = imgWidth; bufferCopyRegion.bufferImageHeight = imgHeight; if (isCompressed && (imgWidth % blockW > 0 || imgHeight % blockH > 0)) { bufferCopyRegion.bufferRowLength += blockW - imgWidth % blockW; bufferCopyRegion.bufferImageHeight += blockH - imgHeight % blockH; } bufferCopyRegion.bufferOffset = bufferOffset; bufferCopyRegion.imageSubresource.mipLevel = (uint)mips; bufferCopyRegion.imageExtent.width = imgWidth; bufferCopyRegion.imageExtent.height = imgHeight; if (createFlags.HasFlag(VkImageCreateFlags.CubeCompatible)) { //TODO:handle compressed formats for (uint face = 0; face < numberOfFaces; face++) { Marshal.Copy(br.ReadBytes((int)imgSize), 0, stagging.MappedData + (int)bufferOffset, (int)imgSize); uint faceOffset = imgSize + (imgSize % 4); //cube padding bufferOffset += faceOffset; } buffCopies.Add(bufferCopyRegion); bufferCopyRegion.bufferOffset = bufferOffset; } else if (isCompressed && (imgWidth % blockW > 0 || imgHeight % blockH > 0)) { for (int line = 0; line < imgHeight; line++) { Marshal.Copy(br.ReadBytes((int)imgWidth), 0, stagging.MappedData + (int)bufferOffset, (int)imgWidth); bufferOffset += bufferCopyRegion.bufferRowLength; } buffCopies.Add(bufferCopyRegion); } else { Marshal.Copy(br.ReadBytes((int)imgSize), 0, stagging.MappedData + (int)bufferOffset, (int)imgSize); buffCopies.Add(bufferCopyRegion); bufferOffset += imgSize; } if (isCompressed && bufferOffset % blockSize > 0) { bufferOffset += blockSize - bufferOffset % blockSize; } imgWidth /= 2; imgHeight /= 2; } stagging.Unmap(); Vk.vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd.Handle, stagging.handle, img.handle, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, (uint)buffCopies.Count, buffCopies.Pin()); buffCopies.Unpin(); if (requestedMipsLevels > numberOfMipmapLevels) { img.BuildMipmaps(cmd); } else { img.SetLayout(cmd, VkImageAspectFlags.Color, VkImageLayout.TransferDstOptimal, VkImageLayout.ShaderReadOnlyOptimal, VkPipelineStageFlags.Transfer, VkPipelineStageFlags.FragmentShader); } cmd.End(); staggingQ.Submit(cmd); staggingQ.WaitIdle(); cmd.Free(); } } else { } } } return(img); }