예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Is it the same as the input one
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constraints">The one to be compared with.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsTheSameAs(ShortMessageSetConstraints constraints)
     return(ApplicationIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ApplicationIDWrap.KeyValue && FromIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.FromIDWrap.KeyValue && TypeIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.TypeIDWrap.KeyValue && GroupIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.GroupIDWrap.KeyValue && ReplyToIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ReplyToIDWrap.KeyValue && ToIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ToIDWrap.KeyValue);
        public static async Task<string[]> LoadMessages(string peerId, string userId, int maxMessages, bool dialog)
            var svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy();
            var usvc = new UserServiceProxy();
            var msgsvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy();
            var cntx = Cntx;
            var peer = await usvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, peerId);
            DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-InitMsgTimeWindow);
            var cond = new ShortMessageSetConstraints
                ApplicationIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = AppId },
                TypeIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<int> { KeyValue = 1 },
                GroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = null }
            var qexpr = new QueryExpresion();
            qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { 
                new QToken { TkName = "CreatedDate" },
                new QToken { TkName = "desc" }
            //                ToIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = peerId },

            qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] {
                new QToken { TkName = "( FromID ==  \"" + peerId + "\" && ToID == \"" + userId + "\" || FromID ==  \"" + userId + "\" && ToID == \"" + peerId + "\" ) && CreatedDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) }
            if (dialog)
                qexpr.FilterTks.Add(new QToken { TkName = " && ReplyToID is null" });
            var msgs = (await msgsvc.ConstraintQueryLimitedAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), cond, qexpr, maxMessages)).ToArray();
            List<string> jsonMsgs = new List<string>();
            if (msgs.Length > 0)
                for (int i = msgs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    EntitySetType[] excludes;
                    if (dialog)
                        excludes = new EntitySetType[]
                        excludes = new EntitySetType[]
                    msgs[i] = await msgsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, msgs[i].ID, excludes, null);
                    jsonMsgs.Add(GetJsonMessage(msgs[i], userId, peer, dialog));
            return jsonMsgs.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Is it the same as the input one
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="constraints">The one to be compared with.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsTheSameAs(ShortMessageSetConstraints constraints)
     return ApplicationIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ApplicationIDWrap.KeyValue && FromIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.FromIDWrap.KeyValue && TypeIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.TypeIDWrap.KeyValue && GroupIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.GroupIDWrap.KeyValue && ReplyToIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ReplyToIDWrap.KeyValue && ToIDWrap.KeyValue == constraints.ToIDWrap.KeyValue;
 public static async Task<ChatRoomVM> LoadChatRoom(string hubId, string groupId, string userId, int maxMessages, bool dialog = false)
     UserGroupServiceProxy gsvc = new UserGroupServiceProxy();
     var cntx = Cntx;
     ChatRoomVM m = new ChatRoomVM() { RoomExists = false, DialogMode = dialog };
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId))
         var g = await gsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId);
         if (g != null)
             m.RoomExists = true;
             m.ID = groupId;
             m.RoomPath = g.DistinctString.Split('/');
             m.RoomInfo = await gsvc.LoadEntityGroupDescriptionAsync(cntx, g.ID);
             UserGroupMemberServiceProxy gmsvc = new UserGroupMemberServiceProxy();
             UserGroupMember uig = await gmsvc.LoadEntityByKeyAsync(cntx, groupId, userId);
             if (uig == null)
                 uig = new UserGroupMember
                     UserID = userId,
                     UserGroupID = groupId,
                     SubscribedTo = false,
                     ActivityNotification = false
                 await gmsvc.AddOrUpdateEntitiesAsync(cntx, new UserGroupMemberSet(), new UserGroupMember[] { uig });
             cntx.DirectDataAccess = true;
             MemberCallbackServiceProxy cbsv = new MemberCallbackServiceProxy();
             var qexpr = getConnectedGroupMemberFilter(hubId, g.ID);
             var peers = (await cbsv.QueryDatabaseAsync(cntx, new MemberCallbackSet(), qexpr)).ToArray();
             List<string> jsonPeers = new List<string>();
             if (peers.Length > 0)
                 for (int i = 0; i < peers.Length; i++)
                     // retrieve the related entity graph
                     peers[i] = await cbsv.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, groupId, hubId, AppId, peers[i].UserID, null, null);
             m.ActivePeers = jsonPeers.ToArray();
             cntx.DirectDataAccess = false;
             ShortMessageServiceProxy msgsvc = new ShortMessageServiceProxy();
             var cond = new ShortMessageSetConstraints
                 ApplicationIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = AppId },
                 TypeIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<int> { KeyValue = ApplicationContext.ChatShortMsgTypeId },
                 GroupIDWrap = new ForeignKeyData<string> { KeyValue = groupId }
             UserGroupMemberServiceProxy uigsvc = new UserGroupMemberServiceProxy();
             qexpr = new QueryExpresion();
             qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { 
                 new QToken { TkName = "UserID" }
             qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { 
                 new QToken { TkName = "UserGroupID == \"" + g.ID + "\" && SubscribedTo is not null && SubscribedTo == true"  }
             m.Subscribers = (int)(await uigsvc.QueryEntityCountAsync(cntx, new UserGroupMemberSet(), qexpr));
             var svc = new MembershipPlusServiceProxy();
             DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-InitMsgTimeWindow);
             qexpr = new QueryExpresion();
             qexpr.OrderTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] { 
                 new QToken { TkName = "CreatedDate" },
                 new QToken { TkName = "desc" }
             qexpr.FilterTks = new List<QToken>(new QToken[] {
                 new QToken { TkName = "ToID is null && CreatedDate > " + svc.FormatRepoDateTime(dt) }
             if (dialog)
                 qexpr.FilterTks.Add(new QToken { TkName = " && ReplyToID is null" });
             var msgs = (await msgsvc.ConstraintQueryLimitedAsync(cntx, new ShortMessageSet(), cond, qexpr, maxMessages)).ToArray();
             List<string> jsonMsgs = new List<string>();
             if (msgs.Length > 0)
                 for (int i = msgs.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                     EntitySetType[] excludes;
                     if (dialog)
                         excludes = new EntitySetType[]
                         excludes = new EntitySetType[]
                     msgs[i] = await msgsvc.LoadEntityGraphRecursAsync(cntx, msgs[i].ID, excludes, null);
                     jsonMsgs.Add(GetJsonMessage(msgs[i], userId, g, dialog));
             m.RecentMsgs = jsonMsgs.ToArray();
     return m;