public void Destroy() { SafeUnRef(ref enumMetaRef); SafeUnRef(ref typeMetaRef); SafeUnRef(ref delegateMetaRef); SafeUnRef(ref iterMetaRef); SafeUnRef(ref arrayMetaRef); SafeRelease(ref packRaycastHit); SafeRelease(ref packTouch); LuaDLL.clear_luastate(); LuaDLL.lua_gc(_lua.L, LuaGCOptions.LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, LuaBase> kv in _dict) { kv.Value.Dispose(); } _dict.Clear(); _fileList.Clear(); _lua.Close(); _lua.Dispose(); _lua = null; ClearInstance(); //clear instance HobaDebuger.Log("Lua module destroy"); }
private static int CameraLookAtNpc(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); const int nRet = 0; if (count == 1 && LuaScriptMgr.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(GameObject))) { GameObject npc = LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObject <GameObject>(L, 1); if (npc == null) { HobaDebuger.Log("The npc object is null."); return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); } GameObject hang_point = npc.FindChildRecursively("Bip001 Spine1"); if (hang_point == null) { HobaDebuger.Log("The hang point object is null."); return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); } Transform trans_target = hang_point.transform; Transform trans_camera = GameObject.Find("MainCameraRoot").transform; Vector3 p = new Vector3(npc.transform.forward.x, 0, npc.transform.forward.z); trans_camera.position = trans_target.position + p * 3; trans_camera.LookAt(trans_target); } else { LogParamError("CameraLookAtNpc", count); } return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); }
protected AnimationState GetAnimationStateByName(string animationName) { if (null == _AnimationUnitComp) { return(null); } if (null != _AnimationComp[animationName]) { return(_AnimationComp[animationName]); } if (null == _AnimationInfo) { return(null); } string path = GetFullAssetPath(animationName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { //HobaDebuger.Log("cant find animationPath and transform name is "+ +" animationName is "+ animationName); return(null); } AnimationClip clip = CAssetBundleManager.SyncLoadAssetFromBundle <AnimationClip>(path, "animations", true); if (null == clip) { HobaDebuger.Log("cant Sync Load clip Resource and transform name is " + + " animationName is " + animationName); return(null); } _AnimationComp.AddClip(clip, animationName); return(_AnimationComp[animationName]); }
private void SendMessageLoop() { try { while (true) { byte[] socketSyncBytes = null; _CachedSendMessageQueue.TryDequeue(out socketSyncBytes); if (socketSyncBytes != null && _ServiceSocket != null) { int len = socketSyncBytes.Length; int sendLen = _ServiceSocket.Send(socketSyncBytes, len); if (len != sendLen) { HobaDebuger.Log("SendMessageLoop Failed: len != sendLen "); } } else { Thread.Sleep(DO_MESSAGE_INTERVAL); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException e) { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("SendMessageLoop Failed bcz {0}", e.ToString()); } }
public static void DumpStack(IntPtr L) { int top = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); for (int i = 1; i <= top; i++) { LuaTypes t = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, i); switch (t) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<String>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, i)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<Boolean>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_toboolean(L, i).ToString()); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<Number>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, i).ToString()); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: HobaDebuger.Log("<Table>: "); break; default: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("{0}: {1}", t.GetType().ToString(), LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, i)); break; } } }
public override void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { HobaDebuger.Log("OnPointerClick " +; if (onClick != null) { onClick(gameObject); } }
public override void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData) { HobaDebuger.Log("OnUpdateSelected "); if (onUpdateSelect != null) { onUpdateSelect(gameObject); } }
public new virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData eventData) { HobaDebuger.Log("OnScroll "); if (onScroll != null) { onScroll(gameObject); } }
public new virtual void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData) { HobaDebuger.Log("OnDeselect "); if (onDeselect != null) { onDeselect(gameObject); } }
object[] CallFunc(LuaTable luaObject, string funcName, params object[] args) { object[] results = null; if (luaObject == null) { return(results); } LuaFunction lua_func = luaObject.RawGetFunc(funcName); if (lua_func != null) { // lua_func.Call(_LuaPanelObject, args); if (args.Length == 0) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject); } else if (args.Length == 1) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0]); } else if (args.Length == 2) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0], args[1]); } else if (args.Length == 3) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0], args[1], args[2]); } else if (args.Length == 4) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } else if (args.Length == 5) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); } else if (args.Length == 6) { results = lua_func.Call(luaObject, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); } else { HobaDebuger.Log("there are too many args.please write a new lua call."); } } else { HobaDebuger.Log("the function " + funcName + " you want to call can not be found."); } if (results != null && results.Length > 0) { HobaDebuger.Log(results[0]); } return(results); }
public void ReloadAll() { foreach (string str in _fileList) { _lua.DoFile(str, null); } #if UNITY_EDITOR HobaDebuger.Log("Reload lua files over"); #endif }
//播放一个半身动画 public void PlayPartialSkillAnimation(string aniname) { if (_AnimationComponent != null) { var aniState = GetAnimationStateByName(aniname); if (null == aniState) { return; } if (_CurPartialSkillAniName != "") { _AnimationComponent.Stop(_CurPartialSkillAniName); var curState = _AnimationComponent[_CurPartialSkillAniName]; curState.layer = 0; curState.weight = 1f; curState.enabled = false; curState.RemoveMixingTransform(_WaistTrans); _CurPartialSkillAniName = ""; // 记录layer 1正在播的动画 _CurPlayingAnimation[1] = ""; } var newState = GetAnimationStateByName(aniname); if (newState != null && _WaistTrans != null) { newState.layer = 1; newState.weight = 1f; newState.enabled = false; newState.AddMixingTransform(_WaistTrans); _CurPartialSkillAniName = aniname; // 记录layer 1正在播的动画 _CurPlayingAnimation[1] = aniname; } else { HobaDebuger.Log("error occur, aniname not exits or bip not exist! aniname = " + aniname); return; } //开播 _AnimationComponent.Play(aniname); } }
public bool ConnectAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (_socket == null) { return(true); } try { return(_socket.ConnectAsync(e)); } catch (Exception ex) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("Socket.ConnectAsync Exception: {0}", ex.Message)); } return(true); }
public static int QuitGame(IntPtr L) { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); const int nRet = 0; HobaDebuger.Log("Manually Quited by Dounble Tapping the ESC Key!"); #if UNITY_EDITOR if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying) { UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; } #else EntryPoint.ExitGame(); #endif return(CheckReturnNum(L, count, nRet)); }
//为指定的SocketAsyncEventArgs分配缓存 public bool SetBuffer(SocketAsyncEventArgs saea) { if (_freeIndexPool.Count > 0) { saea.SetBuffer(_bufferBlock, _freeIndexPool.Pop(), _buffsize_for_each_block); } else { //如果当前可分配内存已用尽 if ((_capability - _buffsize_for_each_block) < _currentIndex) { HobaDebuger.Log("SetBuffer no enough buffer."); return(false); } saea.SetBuffer(_bufferBlock, _currentIndex, _buffsize_for_each_block); _currentIndex += _buffsize_for_each_block; } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 创建置灰材质球 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static Material GetGrayMat() { if (GrayMat != null) { return(GrayMat); } Shader shader = Shader.Find("UI/Gray"); if (shader == null) { HobaDebuger.Log("UIGray cannt find ui.gray "); return(null); } Material mat = new Material(shader); GrayMat = mat; return(GrayMat); }
public bool Init(string strNavMeshPath) { _IsInited = false; #if SERVER_USE var fullName = Path.Combine(Template.Path.BasePath, string.Format("Maps/{0}", strNavMeshPath)); fullName = fullName.Trim(); if (!File.Exists(fullName)) { throw new Exception($"{fullName} not exist"); } var navmesh_data = File.ReadAllBytes(fullName); #else var fullName = Path.Combine(EntryPoint.Instance.ResPath, HobaText.Format("Maps/{0}", strNavMeshPath)); var navmesh_data = Util.ReadFile(fullName); if (navmesh_data == null) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("{0} not exist", fullName)); return false; } #endif Release(); if (navmesh_data.Length == 0) return false; _NavMeshName = strNavMeshPath.Trim(); Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.LoadNavMeshFromMemory); _NavMesh = LuaDLL.NM_LoadNavMeshFromMemory(navmesh_data, navmesh_data.Length); if (_NavMesh == IntPtr.Zero) return false; Common.SCounters.Instance.Increase(EnumCountType.CreateNavQuery); _NavQuery = LuaDLL.NM_CreateNavQuery(_NavMesh, MAX_NODES); if (_NavQuery == IntPtr.Zero) return false; _IsInited = true; return true; }
public void SetData(Vector3 dest, float time, LuaFunction cbRef, bool canPierce, bool goOnAfterKill, bool onlyCollideWithSkillTarget = false, bool canChangeDir = false) { if (time <= 0) { HobaDebuger.Log("Move time can not be 0 !!!!"); return; } var offset = dest - _Owner.position; offset.y = 0; _Speed = offset.magnitude / time; if (canChangeDir) { _Direction = _Owner.forward; _LerpDestDir = _Direction; var maxDis = _Speed * time; var dis = Util.GetMaxValidDistance(_Owner.position, _Direction, maxDis); _Destination = _Owner.position + _Direction * dis; } else { _Destination = dest; _Direction = offset.normalized; _LerpDestDir =; } _FinishedTime = Time.time + time; OnFinishCallbackRef = cbRef; _CanPierce = canPierce; _DashContinue = goOnAfterKill; _OnlyCollideWithSkillTarget = onlyCollideWithSkillTarget; _CanChangeDir = canChangeDir; if (null == _ObjectComponent) { _ObjectComponent = _Owner.GetComponent <ObjectBehaviour>(); } LastSyncTimestamp = 0; }
public void OnConnectedCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (e.SocketError != SocketError.Success) { var cea = _ConnectionEventArgsPool.GetObject(); cea.Set(EnumConnectionEventType.connect_failed, null, null, 0); _ConEventArgsQueue.Enqueue(cea); } else { if (e.LastOperation == SocketAsyncOperation.Connect) { ProcessConnect(e); } else { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("Connect_Completed Error: {0}", e.LastOperation)); } } }
public void Close() { try { if (_socket != null) { if (_socket.Connected) { _socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); } _socket.Close(); HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("Socket closed successfully")); //_socket.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("ExSocket close error: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public void OnReceiveCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { try { if (e.LastOperation == SocketAsyncOperation.Receive) { ProcessReceive(e); } else if (e.LastOperation == SocketAsyncOperation.Send) { } else { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("LastOperation is not send or receive: {0}", e.LastOperation)); } } catch (Exception ex) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("OnReceiveCompleted Failed : {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public void OnEnterScene(GameObject sceneRoot) { _SceneRoot = sceneRoot; if (null == sceneRoot) { HobaDebuger.Log("scene prefab seems instantiate failed . "); return; } _ConfigData = sceneRoot.GetComponent <SceneConfig>(); if (null == _ConfigData) { HobaDebuger.Log(" Is not a scene prefab."); return; } ScenesRegionManager.Instance.Init(_ConfigData._LightRegionName); DynamicEffectManager.Instance.Init(_ConfigData); _TerrainsManager.Init(_ConfigData._LightmapConfig._TerrainLightmapInfos); _BlocksManager.Init(_ConfigData); _ColliderManager.Init(_ConfigData); }
private void UpdateLightmaps() { if (null == _PlayerLightmapBundleAsset) { return; } var changed = _IsLightmapsUpdated; //判断是否发生改变 //没有变化, 无需设置 if (!changed) { return; } var it = _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.GetEnumerator(); while (it.MoveNext()) { var kv = it.Current; if (0 == kv.Value) { _SceneLightmapDatas[kv.Key].lightmapColor = Texture2D.whiteTexture; _SceneLightmapDatas[kv.Key].lightmapDir = Texture2D.whiteTexture; } else if (kv.Value > 0) { _SceneLightmapDatas[kv.Key].lightmapColor = _PlayerLightmapBundleAsset._LightmapFar[kv.Key]; _SceneLightmapDatas[kv.Key].lightmapDir = _PlayerLightmapBundleAsset._LightmapNear[kv.Key]; } else { HobaDebuger.Log("引用计数错误,此值不应该小于0"); } } it.Dispose(); LightmapSettings.lightmaps = _SceneLightmapDatas; }
private bool TryMakeMessages() { bool res = false; do { try { List <byte[]> msgList = null; if (!MessageProcessUtil.TryReadMessage(_DataToken, _SAEA4Recv.Buffer, _SAEA4Recv.BytesTransferred, out msgList)) { break; } if (msgList != null) { var v = msgList.GetEnumerator(); while (v.MoveNext()) { var cea = _ConnectionEventArgsPool.GetObject(); cea.Set(EnumConnectionEventType.recv, _ServiceSocket, v.Current, 0); _ConEventArgsQueue.Enqueue(cea); } v.Dispose(); msgList.Clear(); res = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("TryReceiveMessage: {0}", ex.Message)); } } while (false); return(res); }
void OnApplicationQuit() { _IsQuiting = true; //CTimerList.ShowDiagnostics(); //EntityVisualEffect.EffectObjectPool.ShowDiagnostics(); //MaterialPool.Instance.ShowDiagnostics(); //FileImage.ShowDiagnostics(); if (_IsCurlInited) { Curl.GlobalCleanup(); _IsCurlInited = false; } CGameSession.Instance().Close(); if (_IsInited) { LuaScriptMgr.Instance.CallLuaFunction("ReleaseGame"); LuaScriptMgr.Instance.Destroy(); NavMeshManager.Instance.Release(); LuaDLL.HOBA_Release(); _IsInited = false; } _TimerList.Clear(); _LateTimerList.Clear(); CLogicObjectMan <ObjectBehaviour> .Instance.Cleanup(); CLogicObjectMan <EntityEffectComponent> .Instance.Cleanup(); ResCacheMan.Instance.Cleanup(); CFxCacheMan.Instance.Cleanup(); HobaDebuger.Log("Application Quit!"); }
public void Init() { if (EntryPoint.Instance.GameCustomConfigParams.UseVoice) { IsEnabled = InitVoice(); } else { IsEnabled = false; } VoiceDir = EntryPoint.Instance.VoiceDir; TempVoiceFile = Path.Combine(VoiceDir, "tmp.wav"); //TempVoiceFile = Path.Combine(VoiceDir, "tmp.mp3"); TempVoiceLength = 0; if (!Directory.Exists(VoiceDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(VoiceDir); } HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("VoiceManager Init IsEnabled: {0}, VoiceDir: {1}", IsEnabled, VoiceDir)); }
/// 根据角色位置,预加载周围的分块后回调 public void Preload(float posx, float posz, Action callback) { if (null == _Config) { HobaDebuger.Log("Scene Config Init Failed,Please Make Sure Scene Prefab Loaded Success ! "); return; } _CallBack = callback; var preLoadBlockList = new List <SceneConfig.CPositionSetting>(); _PreLoadBlockCounter = 0; int blockCount = _Config._BlockPositionList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i) { var currentBlock = _Config._BlockPositionList[i]; if (_SceneQuality < currentBlock._SceneQuality) { continue; } float fDistance = Util.DistanceH(currentBlock._BlockPosition, new Vector3(posx, 0, posz)); if (fDistance <= currentBlock._ShowDistance) { preLoadBlockList.Add(currentBlock); } } int nBlockCount = preLoadBlockList.Count; _PreLoadBlockCounter = nBlockCount; if (nBlockCount == 0) { AddToSpecialObjectList(_Config.gameObject); } else { for (var index = 0; index < nBlockCount; index++) { var currentPos = preLoadBlockList[index]; if (!_LoadedPoints.Contains(currentPos._BlockName)) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPos._LightIndexArray.Length; i++) { int val; if (_LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.TryGetValue(currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], out val)) { _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[currentPos._LightIndexArray[i]] = val + 1; _IsLightmapsUpdated = true; } else { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("光照贴图索引不正确,最大索引{0},当前索引为{1},资源{2}", _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.Count - 1, currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], currentPos._BlockName); continue; } } _LoadedPoints.Add(currentPos._BlockName); LoadBlockWithCounter(currentPos._BlockName, currentPos._EffectiveType); } else { --_PreLoadBlockCounter; HobaDebuger.LogErrorFormat("{0} 重复名字的Block! {1}", index, currentPos._BlockName); } } } ///计数加载,加载完成之后进行回调 if (0 == _PreLoadBlockCounter && _CallBack != null) { _CallBack(); _CallBack = null; } }
private void LoadAssetWithPlayerLight(SceneConfig.LightmapsConfig lightmapConf) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lightmapConf._LightmapAssetName)) { HobaDebuger.Log("this scenes 's lightmap asset name is null ,please check resources"); return; } var loadedSceneId = _CurSceneGuid; Action <UnityEngine.Object> callback = (asset) => { if (loadedSceneId != _CurSceneGuid) { HobaDebuger.LogWarning("the asset being loaded is not belong to this scene "); return; } LightMapAsset lightmapAsset = asset as LightMapAsset; if (null == lightmapAsset) { HobaDebuger.LogWarning("Lightmap asset loaded failed ! "); return; } _PlayerLightmapBundleAsset = lightmapAsset; #region 预加载的物件光照信息补全 List <int> tempList = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos.Length; i++) { if (null != lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._Renderer) { if (!tempList.Contains(lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex)) { tempList.Add(lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex); } lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._Renderer.lightmapIndex = lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex; lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._Renderer.lightmapScaleOffset = lightmapConf._MeshLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapScaleOffset; } } for (int i = 0; i < lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos.Length; i++) { if (null != lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._Terrain) { if (!tempList.Contains(lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex)) { tempList.Add(lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex); } lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._Terrain.lightmapIndex = lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapIndex; lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._Terrain.lightmapScaleOffset = lightmapConf._TerrainLightmapInfos[i]._LightmapScaleOffset; } } for (int i = 0; i < tempList.Count; i++) { int v = _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[tempList[i]]; if (0 == v) { _IsLightmapsUpdated = true; } _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[tempList[i]] = v + 1; } UpdateLightmaps(); #endregion 预加载的物件光照信息补全 // if (EntryPoint.Instance._UsingStaticBatching) // CUnityHelper.StaticBatching(gameObject); }; CAssetBundleManager.AsyncLoadResource(lightmapConf._LightmapAssetName, callback, false, "scenes"); }
public void Connect(string ipStr, int port) { _CachedSendMessageQueue.Clear(); _ConEventArgsQueue.Clear(); _RemoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ipStr), port); if (_ServiceSocket != null) { _ServiceSocket.Close(); _ServiceSocket = null; } _ServiceSocket = new ExSocket(_RemoteEndPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); if (_SAEA4Connect != null) { _SAEA4Connect.Dispose(); _SAEA4Connect = null; } _SAEA4Connect = new SocketAsyncEventArgs { RemoteEndPoint = _RemoteEndPoint }; _SAEA4Connect.Completed += OnConnectedCompleted; try { if (!_ServiceSocket.ConnectAsync(_SAEA4Connect)) { ProcessConnect(_SAEA4Connect); } if (_ConnectTimer != null) { _ConnectTimer.Close(); } _ConnectTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(CONNECT_TIME_OUT); _ConnectTimer.AutoReset = false; _ConnectTimer.Enabled = true; _ConnectTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler((object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) => { if (_ServiceSocket != null && !_ServiceSocket.Connected) { _ServiceSocket.Close(); _ServiceSocket = null; var cea = _ConnectionEventArgsPool.GetObject(); cea.Set(EnumConnectionEventType.connect_failed, null, null, 0); _ConEventArgsQueue.Enqueue(cea); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { HobaDebuger.Log(HobaText.Format("Connect Failed: {0}", ex.Message)); } if (_SyncSendMessageThread != null) { _SyncSendMessageThread.Abort(); _SyncSendMessageThread = null; } _SyncSendMessageThread = new Thread(SendMessageLoop); _SyncSendMessageThread.Start(); }