예제 #1
            /* Find the best 'out_' histogram for each of the 'in' histograms.
             * When called, clusters[0..num_clusters) contains the unique values from
             * symbols[0..in_size), but this property is not preserved in this function.
             * Note: we assume that out_[]->bit_cost_ is already up-to-date. */
            public static void BrotliHistogramRemap(HistogramDistance *in_,
                                                    size_t in_size, uint *clusters, size_t num_clusters,
                                                    HistogramDistance *out_, uint *symbols)
                size_t i;

                for (i = 0; i < in_size; ++i)
                    uint   best_out  = i == 0 ? symbols[0] : symbols[i - 1];
                    double best_bits =
                        BrotliHistogramBitCostDistance(&in_[i], &out_[best_out]);
                    size_t j;
                    for (j = 0; j < num_clusters; ++j)
                        double cur_bits =
                            BrotliHistogramBitCostDistance(&in_[i], &out_[clusters[j]]);
                        if (cur_bits < best_bits)
                            best_bits = cur_bits;
                            best_out  = clusters[j];
                    symbols[i] = best_out;

                /* Recompute each out_ based on raw and symbols. */
                for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i)
                for (i = 0; i < in_size; ++i)
                    HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&out_[symbols[i]], &in_[i]);
예제 #2
            public static unsafe void InitBlockSplitter(
                ref MemoryManager m, BlockSplitterDistance *self, size_t alphabet_size,
                size_t min_block_size, double split_threshold, size_t num_symbols,
                BlockSplit *split, HistogramDistance **histograms, size_t *histograms_size)
                size_t max_num_blocks = num_symbols / min_block_size + 1;

                /* We have to allocate one more histogram than the maximum number of block
                 * types for the current histogram when the meta-block is too big. */
                size_t max_num_types =
                    Math.Min(max_num_blocks, BROTLI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_BLOCK_TYPES + 1);

                self->alphabet_size_     = alphabet_size;
                self->min_block_size_    = min_block_size;
                self->split_threshold_   = split_threshold;
                self->num_blocks_        = 0;
                self->split_             = split;
                self->histograms_size_   = histograms_size;
                self->target_block_size_ = min_block_size;
                self->block_size_        = 0;
                self->curr_histogram_ix_ = 0;
                self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(byte), (void **)&split->types, &split->types_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
                BrotliEnsureCapacity(ref m, sizeof(uint), (void **)&split->lengths, &split->lengths_alloc_size, max_num_blocks);
                self->split_->num_blocks = max_num_blocks;
                *histograms_size = max_num_types;
                *histograms      = (HistogramDistance *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, *histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramDistance));
                self->histograms_ = *histograms;
                /* Clear only current histogram. */
                self->last_histogram_ix_0 = self->last_histogram_ix_1 = 0;
예제 #3
 /* Adds the next symbol to the current histogram. When the current histogram
  * reaches the target size, decides on merging the block. */
 public static unsafe void BlockSplitterAddSymbol(BlockSplitterDistance *self, size_t symbol)
     HistogramDistance.HistogramAdd(&self->histograms_[self->curr_histogram_ix_], symbol);
     if (self->block_size_ == self->target_block_size_)
         BlockSplitterFinishBlock(self, /* is_final = */ false);
예제 #4
        private static unsafe void BrotliBuildHistogramsWithContext(
            Command *cmds, size_t num_commands,
            BlockSplit *literal_split, BlockSplit *insert_and_copy_split,
            BlockSplit *dist_split, byte *ringbuffer, size_t start_pos,
            size_t mask, byte prev_byte, byte prev_byte2,
            ContextType *context_modes, HistogramLiteral *literal_histograms,
            HistogramCommand *insert_and_copy_histograms,
            HistogramDistance *copy_dist_histograms)
            size_t             pos = start_pos;
            BlockSplitIterator literal_it;
            BlockSplitIterator insert_and_copy_it;
            BlockSplitIterator dist_it;
            size_t             i;

            InitBlockSplitIterator(&literal_it, literal_split);
            InitBlockSplitIterator(&insert_and_copy_it, insert_and_copy_split);
            InitBlockSplitIterator(&dist_it, dist_split);
            for (i = 0; i < num_commands; ++i)
                Command *cmd = &cmds[i];
                size_t   j;
                for (j = cmd->insert_len_; j != 0; --j)
                    size_t context;
                    context = context_modes != null ?
                              ((literal_it.type_ << BROTLI_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS) +
                               Context(prev_byte, prev_byte2, context_modes[literal_it.type_])) :
                                                  ringbuffer[pos & mask]);
                    prev_byte2 = prev_byte;
                    prev_byte  = ringbuffer[pos & mask];
                pos += CommandCopyLen(cmd);
                if (CommandCopyLen(cmd) != 0)
                    prev_byte2 = ringbuffer[(pos - 2) & mask];
                    prev_byte  = ringbuffer[(pos - 1) & mask];
                    if (cmd->cmd_prefix_ >= 128)
                        size_t context;
                        context = (dist_it.type_ << BROTLI_DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS) +
예제 #5
 /* What is the bit cost of moving histogram from cur_symbol to candidate. */
 public static double BrotliHistogramBitCostDistance(
     HistogramDistance *histogram, HistogramDistance *candidate)
     if (histogram->total_count_ == 0)
         HistogramDistance tmp = *histogram;
         HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&tmp, candidate);
         return(BitCostDistance.BrotliPopulationCost(&tmp) - candidate->bit_cost_);
예제 #6
        public void DifferentImages(string imageSet, string image1Name, string image2Name)
            using (var image1 = new Bitmap(Path.Combine("Images", imageSet, image1Name)))
                using (var image2 = new Bitmap(Path.Combine("Images", imageSet, image2Name)))
                    var img1 = Bitmap2ByteArray(image1);
                    var img2 = Bitmap2ByteArray(image2);

                    var distance = HistogramDistance.Calculate(img1, img2, false);
                    Assert.True(distance > 100000);

                    distance = HistogramDistance.Calculate(img1, img2, true);
                    Assert.True(distance > 0.1);
예제 #7
            public static size_t BrotliHistogramCombine(HistogramDistance *out_,
                                                        uint *cluster_size,
                                                        uint *symbols,
                                                        uint *clusters,
                                                        HistogramPair *pairs,
                                                        size_t num_clusters,
                                                        size_t symbols_size,
                                                        size_t max_clusters,
                                                        size_t max_num_pairs)
                double cost_diff_threshold = 0.0;
                size_t min_cluster_size    = 1;
                size_t num_pairs           = 0;

                    /* We maintain a vector of histogram pairs, with the property that the pair
                     * with the maximum bit cost reduction is the first. */
                    size_t idx1;
                    for (idx1 = 0; idx1 < num_clusters; ++idx1)
                        size_t idx2;
                        for (idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < num_clusters; ++idx2)
                            BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(out_, cluster_size, clusters[idx1],
                                                        clusters[idx2], max_num_pairs, &pairs[0], &num_pairs);

                while (num_clusters > min_cluster_size)
                    uint   best_idx1;
                    uint   best_idx2;
                    size_t i;
                    if (pairs[0].cost_diff >= cost_diff_threshold)
                        cost_diff_threshold = 1e99;
                        min_cluster_size    = max_clusters;
                    /* Take the best pair from the top of heap. */
                    best_idx1 = pairs[0].idx1;
                    best_idx2 = pairs[0].idx2;
                    HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&out_[best_idx1], &out_[best_idx2]);
                    out_[best_idx1].bit_cost_ = pairs[0].cost_combo;
                    cluster_size[best_idx1]  += cluster_size[best_idx2];
                    for (i = 0; i < symbols_size; ++i)
                        if (symbols[i] == best_idx2)
                            symbols[i] = best_idx1;
                    for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i)
                        if (clusters[i] == best_idx2)
                            memmove(&clusters[i], &clusters[i + 1],
                                    (num_clusters - i - 1) * sizeof(uint));
                        /* Remove pairs intersecting the just combined best pair. */
                        size_t copy_to_idx = 0;
                        for (i = 0; i < num_pairs; ++i)
                            HistogramPair *p = &pairs[i];
                            if (p->idx1 == best_idx1 || p->idx2 == best_idx1 ||
                                p->idx1 == best_idx2 || p->idx2 == best_idx2)
                                /* Remove invalid pair from the queue. */
                            if (HistogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], p))
                                /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */
                                HistogramPair front = pairs[0];
                                pairs[0]           = *p;
                                pairs[copy_to_idx] = front;
                                pairs[copy_to_idx] = *p;
                        num_pairs = copy_to_idx;

                    /* Push new pairs formed with the combined histogram to the heap. */
                    for (i = 0; i < num_clusters; ++i)
                        BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(out_, cluster_size, best_idx1, clusters[i],
                                                    max_num_pairs, &pairs[0], &num_pairs);
예제 #8
            static void BrotliCompareAndPushToQueue(
                HistogramDistance *out_, uint *cluster_size, uint idx1,
                uint idx2, size_t max_num_pairs, HistogramPair *pairs,
                size_t *num_pairs)
                bool          is_good_pair = false;
                HistogramPair p            = new HistogramPair();

                if (idx1 == idx2)
                if (idx2 < idx1)
                    uint t = idx2;
                    idx2 = idx1;
                    idx1 = t;
                p.idx1       = idx1;
                p.idx2       = idx2;
                p.cost_diff  = 0.5 * ClusterCostDiff(cluster_size[idx1], cluster_size[idx2]);
                p.cost_diff -= out_[idx1].bit_cost_;
                p.cost_diff -= out_[idx2].bit_cost_;

                if (out_[idx1].total_count_ == 0)
                    p.cost_combo = out_[idx2].bit_cost_;
                    is_good_pair = true;
                else if (out_[idx2].total_count_ == 0)
                    p.cost_combo = out_[idx1].bit_cost_;
                    is_good_pair = true;
                    double            threshold = *num_pairs == 0 ? 1e99 : Math.Max(0.0, pairs[0].cost_diff);
                    HistogramDistance combo     = out_[idx1];
                    double            cost_combo;
                    HistogramDistance.HistogramAddHistogram(&combo, &out_[idx2]);
                    cost_combo = BitCostDistance.BrotliPopulationCost(&combo);
                    if (cost_combo < threshold - p.cost_diff)
                        p.cost_combo = cost_combo;
                        is_good_pair = true;
                if (is_good_pair)
                    p.cost_diff += p.cost_combo;
                    if (*num_pairs > 0 && HistogramPairIsLess(&pairs[0], &p))
                        /* Replace the top of the queue if needed. */
                        if (*num_pairs < max_num_pairs)
                            pairs[*num_pairs] = pairs[0];
                        pairs[0] = p;
                    else if (*num_pairs < max_num_pairs)
                        pairs[*num_pairs] = p;
예제 #9
        private static unsafe void BrotliBuildMetaBlock(ref MemoryManager m,
                                                        byte *ringbuffer,
                                                        size_t pos,
                                                        size_t mask,
                                                        BrotliEncoderParams *params_,
                                                        byte prev_byte,
                                                        byte prev_byte2,
                                                        Command *cmds,
                                                        size_t num_commands,
                                                        ContextType literal_context_mode,
                                                        MetaBlockSplit *mb)
            /* Histogram ids need to fit in one byte. */
            size_t             kMaxNumberOfHistograms = 256;
            HistogramDistance *distance_histograms;
            HistogramLiteral * literal_histograms;
            ContextType *      literal_context_modes = null;
            size_t             literal_histograms_size;
            size_t             distance_histograms_size;
            size_t             i;
            size_t             literal_context_multiplier = 1;

            BrotliSplitBlock(ref m, cmds, num_commands,
                             ringbuffer, pos, mask, params_,

            if (!params_->disable_literal_context_modeling)
                literal_context_multiplier = 1 << BROTLI_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS;
                literal_context_modes      =
                    (ContextType *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->literal_split.num_types * sizeof(ContextType));
                for (i = 0; i < mb->literal_split.num_types; ++i)
                    literal_context_modes[i] = literal_context_mode;

            literal_histograms_size =
                mb->literal_split.num_types * literal_context_multiplier;
            literal_histograms =
                (HistogramLiteral *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, literal_histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramLiteral));
            HistogramLiteral.ClearHistograms(literal_histograms, literal_histograms_size);

            distance_histograms_size =
                mb->distance_split.num_types << BROTLI_DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS;
            distance_histograms =
                (HistogramDistance *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, distance_histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramDistance));
            HistogramDistance.ClearHistograms(distance_histograms, distance_histograms_size);

            mb->command_histograms_size = mb->command_split.num_types;
            mb->command_histograms      =
                (HistogramCommand *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->command_histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramCommand));
            HistogramCommand.ClearHistograms(mb->command_histograms, mb->command_histograms_size);

            BrotliBuildHistogramsWithContext(cmds, num_commands,
                                             &mb->literal_split, &mb->command_split, &mb->distance_split,
                                             ringbuffer, pos, mask, prev_byte, prev_byte2, literal_context_modes,
                                             literal_histograms, mb->command_histograms, distance_histograms);
            BrotliFree(ref m, literal_context_modes);

            mb->literal_context_map_size =
                mb->literal_split.num_types << BROTLI_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS;
            mb->literal_context_map =
                (uint *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->literal_context_map_size * sizeof(uint));

            mb->literal_histograms_size = mb->literal_context_map_size;
            mb->literal_histograms      =
                (HistogramLiteral *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->literal_histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramLiteral));

            ClusterLiteral.BrotliClusterHistograms(ref m, literal_histograms, literal_histograms_size,
                                                   kMaxNumberOfHistograms, mb->literal_histograms,
                                                   &mb->literal_histograms_size, mb->literal_context_map);
            BrotliFree(ref m, literal_histograms);

            if (params_->disable_literal_context_modeling)
                /* Distribute assignment to all contexts. */
                for (i = mb->literal_split.num_types; i != 0;)
                    size_t j = 0;
                    for (; j < (1 << BROTLI_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS); j++)
                        mb->literal_context_map[(i << BROTLI_LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS) + j] =

            mb->distance_context_map_size =
                mb->distance_split.num_types << BROTLI_DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS;
            mb->distance_context_map =
                (uint *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->distance_context_map_size * sizeof(uint));

            mb->distance_histograms_size = mb->distance_context_map_size;
            mb->distance_histograms      =
                (HistogramDistance *)BrotliAllocate(ref m, mb->distance_histograms_size * sizeof(HistogramDistance));

            ClusterDistance.BrotliClusterHistograms(ref m, distance_histograms,
            BrotliFree(ref m, distance_histograms);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the distance between two histograms. 0 is identical, 1 is completely different.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="histogramA">The first histogram.</param>
        /// <param name="histogramB">The second histogram.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The computation model.</param>
        /// <returns>A distance between 0 and 1.</returns>
        public static float HistogramDistance(Histogram histogramA, Histogram histogramB, HistogramDistance model)
            switch (model)
            case Unity.QuickSearch.HistogramDistance.CityBlock: return(CityBlockDistance(histogramA, histogramB));

            case Unity.QuickSearch.HistogramDistance.Euclidean: return(EuclideanDistance(histogramA, histogramB));

            case Unity.QuickSearch.HistogramDistance.Bhattacharyya: return(BhattacharyyaDistance(histogramA, histogramB));

            case Unity.QuickSearch.HistogramDistance.MDPA: return(MDPA(histogramA, histogramB));

예제 #11
            public static double BrotliPopulationCost(HistogramDistance *histogram)
                const double kOneSymbolHistogramCost   = 12;
                const double kTwoSymbolHistogramCost   = 20;
                const double kThreeSymbolHistogramCost = 28;
                const double kFourSymbolHistogramCost  = 37;

                size_t  data_size = HistogramDistance.HistogramDataSize();
                int     count     = 0;
                size_t *s         = stackalloc size_t[5];
                double  bits      = 0.0;
                size_t  i;

                if (histogram->total_count_ == 0)
                for (i = 0; i < data_size; ++i)
                    if (histogram->data_[i] > 0)
                        s[count] = i;
                        if (count > 4)
                if (count == 1)
                if (count == 2)
                    return(kTwoSymbolHistogramCost + (double)histogram->total_count_);
                if (count == 3)
                    uint histo0   = histogram->data_[s[0]];
                    uint histo1   = histogram->data_[s[1]];
                    uint histo2   = histogram->data_[s[2]];
                    uint histomax =
                        Math.Max(histo0, Math.Max(histo1, histo2));
                    return(kThreeSymbolHistogramCost +
                           2 * (histo0 + histo1 + histo2) - histomax);
                if (count == 4)
                    uint *histo = stackalloc uint[4];
                    uint  h23;
                    uint  histomax;
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        histo[i] = histogram->data_[s[i]];
                    /* Sort */
                    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                        size_t j;
                        for (j = i + 1; j < 4; ++j)
                            if (histo[j] > histo[i])
                                uint tmp = histo[j];
                                histo[j] = histo[i];
                                histo[i] = tmp;
                    h23      = histo[2] + histo[3];
                    histomax = Math.Max(h23, histo[0]);
                    return(kFourSymbolHistogramCost +
                           3 * h23 + 2 * (histo[0] + histo[1]) - histomax);

                    /* In this loop we compute the entropy of the histogram and simultaneously
                     * build a simplified histogram of the code length codes where we use the
                     * zero repeat code 17, but we don't use the non-zero repeat code 16. */
                    size_t max_depth   = 1;
                    uint * depth_histo = stackalloc uint[BROTLI_CODE_LENGTH_CODES];
                    memset(depth_histo, 0, BROTLI_CODE_LENGTH_CODES * sizeof(uint));
                    double log2total = FastLog2(histogram->total_count_);
                    for (i = 0; i < data_size;)
                        if (histogram->data_[i] > 0)
                            /* Compute -log2(P(symbol)) = -log2(count(symbol)/total_count) =
                             *                          = log2(total_count) - log2(count(symbol)) */
                            double log2p = log2total - FastLog2(histogram->data_[i]);
                            /* Approximate the bit depth by round(-log2(P(symbol))) */
                            size_t depth = (size_t)(log2p + 0.5);
                            bits += histogram->data_[i] * log2p;
                            if (depth > 15)
                                depth = 15;
                            if (depth > max_depth)
                                max_depth = depth;
                            /* Compute the run length of zeros and add the appropriate number of 0
                             * and 17 code length codes to the code length code histogram. */
                            uint   reps = 1;
                            size_t k;
                            for (k = i + 1; k < data_size && histogram->data_[k] == 0; ++k)
                            i += reps;
                            if (i == data_size)
                                /* Don't add any cost for the last zero run, since these are encoded
                                 * only implicitly. */
                            if (reps < 3)
                                depth_histo[0] += reps;
                                reps -= 2;
                                while (reps > 0)
                                    /* Add the 3 extra bits for the 17 code length code. */
                                    bits  += 3;
                                    reps >>= 3;
                    /* Add the estimated encoding cost of the code length code histogram. */
                    bits += (double)(18 + 2 * max_depth);
                    /* Add the entropy of the code length code histogram. */
                    bits += BitsEntropy(depth_histo, BROTLI_CODE_LENGTH_CODES);
예제 #12
            /* Does either of three things:
             * (1) emits the current block with a new block type;
             * (2) emits the current block with the type of the second last block;
             * (3) merges the current block with the last block. */
            public static unsafe void BlockSplitterFinishBlock(
                BlockSplitterDistance *self, bool is_final)
                BlockSplit *       split        = self->split_;
                double *           last_entropy = self->last_entropy_;
                HistogramDistance *histograms   = self->histograms_;

                self->block_size_ =
                    Math.Max(self->block_size_, self->min_block_size_);
                if (self->num_blocks_ == 0)
                    /* Create first block. */
                    split->lengths[0] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                    split->types[0]   = 0;
                    last_entropy[0]   =
                        BitsEntropy(histograms[0].data_, self->alphabet_size_);
                    last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0];
                    if (self->curr_histogram_ix_ < *self->histograms_size_)
                    self->block_size_ = 0;
                else if (self->block_size_ > 0)
                    double entropy = BitsEntropy(histograms[self->curr_histogram_ix_].data_,
                    HistogramDistance *combined_histo   = stackalloc HistogramDistance[2];
                    double *           combined_entropy = stackalloc double[2];
                    double *           diff             = stackalloc double[2];
                    size_t             j;
                    for (j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                        size_t last_histogram_ix = j == 0 ? self->last_histogram_ix_0 : self->last_histogram_ix_1;
                        combined_histo[j] = histograms[self->curr_histogram_ix_];
                        combined_entropy[j] = BitsEntropy(
                            &combined_histo[j].data_[0], self->alphabet_size_);
                        diff[j] = combined_entropy[j] - entropy - last_entropy[j];

                    if (split->num_types < BROTLI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_BLOCK_TYPES &&
                        diff[0] > self->split_threshold_ &&
                        diff[1] > self->split_threshold_)
                        /* Create new block. */
                        split->lengths[self->num_blocks_] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                        split->types[self->num_blocks_]   = (byte)split->num_types;
                        self->last_histogram_ix_1         = self->last_histogram_ix_0;
                        self->last_histogram_ix_0         = (byte)split->num_types;
                        last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0];
                        last_entropy[0] = entropy;
                        if (self->curr_histogram_ix_ < *self->histograms_size_)
                        self->block_size_        = 0;
                        self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                        self->target_block_size_ = self->min_block_size_;
                    else if (diff[1] < diff[0] - 20.0)
                        /* Combine this block with second last block. */
                        split->lengths[self->num_blocks_] = (uint)self->block_size_;
                        split->types[self->num_blocks_]   = split->types[self->num_blocks_ - 2];
                        size_t tmp = self->last_histogram_ix_0;
                        self->last_histogram_ix_0             = self->last_histogram_ix_1;
                        self->last_histogram_ix_1             = tmp;
                        histograms[self->last_histogram_ix_0] = combined_histo[1];
                        last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0];
                        last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[1];
                        self->block_size_ = 0;
                        self->merge_last_count_  = 0;
                        self->target_block_size_ = self->min_block_size_;
                        /* Combine this block with last block. */
                        split->lengths[self->num_blocks_ - 1] += (uint)self->block_size_;
                        histograms[self->last_histogram_ix_0]  = combined_histo[0];
                        last_entropy[0] = combined_entropy[0];
                        if (split->num_types == 1)
                            last_entropy[1] = last_entropy[0];
                        self->block_size_ = 0;
                        if (++self->merge_last_count_ > 1)
                            self->target_block_size_ += self->min_block_size_;
                if (is_final)
                    *self->histograms_size_ = split->num_types;
                    split->num_blocks = self->num_blocks_;