예제 #1
    HeroParty GetPartyInCityWhichCanFight(MapCity enemyCityOnMap)
        // Firt verify if city is protected by Hero's party
        // Player cannot attack city untill there a party protecting it
        HeroParty enemyHeroParty = enemyCityOnMap.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Party);

        if (enemyHeroParty)
            // enemy hero is protecting city
            // battle place is on a city gates
            // verify if there are units which can fight, because it is possible that player left only dead units in party
            if (enemyHeroParty.HasUnitsWhichCanFight())
                Debug.LogWarning("Party was found, but there is no unit which can fight. Checking city Garnizon.");
        // if we are here, then there is no enemy hero protecting city
        // get garnizon party
        // there should be garnizon in every city
        enemyHeroParty = enemyCityOnMap.LCity.GetHeroPartyByMode(PartyMode.Garnizon);
        // verify if there are units in party protecting this city, which can fight
        // it is possible that city is not protected, because all units are dead
        if (enemyHeroParty.HasUnitsWhichCanFight())
            Debug.LogWarning("There is no unit in city Garnizon which can fight");
        // if no party can fight, then return null