public void Create(IslandTop surface, MinMax pathLength, Vector2Int crossingPoint, Direction dir) { //Determine a length for the path int length = (int)pathLength.GetRandomValue(); //Determine how far the left / south extreme of the path will be int offset = (int)(Random.value * length); Vector2Int aCoord =, bCoord =; switch (dir) { case Direction.X: aCoord = crossingPoint + new Vector2Int(-offset, 0); bCoord = crossingPoint + new Vector2Int(length - offset, 0); dimensions = new Vector2Int(length, 1); break; case Direction.Z: aCoord = crossingPoint + new Vector2Int(0, -offset); bCoord = crossingPoint + new Vector2Int(0, length - offset); dimensions = new Vector2Int(1, length); break; } OriginPoint = aCoord; var pathGridCoords = GridUtility.DrawRasterLine(aCoord, bCoord); Direction = dir; Tiles = pathGridCoords.Select(x => { if (surface.PointMap.ContainsKey(x)) { return(surface.PointMap[x].GridPosition); } return(default);