예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Take the Nbody objects in the nbodies list set them inactive and make them children of a new
    /// NBody object moving as the CM of the nbodies. This allows RigidBody mechanics during close
    /// encounters.
    /// </summary>
    private void Activate()
        if (nbodies.Length < 2)
            Debug.LogError("Need two or more nbodies");

        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        // Step 1: calculate CM position and velocity
        Vector3d cmPos = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
        Vector3d cmVel = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

        float mass = 0f;

        rigidBodies = new Rigidbody[nbodies.Length];

        // RigidBody is assumed to be attached to one of the children (to keep model scale independent)
        int i = 0;

        foreach (NBody nbody in nbodies)
            rigidBodies[i] = nbody.GetComponentInChildren <Rigidbody>();
            //rigidBodies[i] = nbody.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
            if (rigidBodies[i] == null)
                Debug.LogError("Abort - No rigidbody detected on " + nbody.gameObject.name);
            mass  += rigidBodies[i].mass;
            cmPos += rigidBodies[i].mass * ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
            cmVel += rigidBodies[i].mass * ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);
        cmPos /= mass;
        cmVel /= mass;
        Debug.LogFormat("CM p={0} v={1} mass={2}", cmPos.ToVector3(), cmVel.ToVector3(), mass);

        // Step2: Inactivate the NBodies and make children of a new NBody object
        priorParents = new Transform[nbodies.Length];
        cmObject     = new GameObject("DockingGroupCM");
        cmNbody      = cmObject.AddComponent <NBody>();

        // Set cm pos/vel
        // NBody InitPosition will use transform or initialPos base on units. Set both.
        cmNbody.initialPos         = cmPos.ToVector3() * ge.physToWorldFactor;
        cmNbody.transform.position = cmNbody.initialPos;
        ge.SetVelocity(cmNbody, cmVel.ToVector3());
        Debug.LogFormat("set pos={0} actual={1}", cmPos.ToVector3(), ge.GetPhysicsPosition(cmNbody));
        i = 0;
        foreach (NBody nbody in nbodies)
            Vector3d pos = ge.GetPositionDoubleV3(nbody);
            Vector3d vel = ge.GetVelocityDoubleV3(nbody);
            priorParents[i] = nbody.gameObject.transform.parent;
            nbody.gameObject.transform.parent = cmObject.transform;
            // position wrt to CM. Need to convert to Unity scene units from GE Internal
            pos = (pos - cmPos) * ge.physToWorldFactor;
            vel = GravityScaler.ScaleVelPhysToScene(vel - cmVel);
            nbody.transform.localPosition = pos.ToVector3();
            rigidBodies[i].velocity       = vel.ToVector3();
            // rigidBodies[i].isKinematic = false;
            Debug.LogFormat("body {0} p={1} v={2}", nbody.gameObject.name, pos.ToVector3(), vel.ToVector3());
        // activate any RCS elements
        foreach (ReactionControlSystem r in rcs)
            if (r != null)