예제 #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        time.text = string.Format(time_format, ge.GetTimeWorldSeconds(), ge.GetTimeZoom());
        Vector3 pos = ship.initialPos;

        position.text = string.Format(pos_format, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
        velocity.text = string.Format(vel_format, 0f, 0f, 0f);
        if (rocketEngine == null)
            Debug.LogError("Need a rocket component");
        fuelText.text = string.Format(fuel_format, rocketEngine.GetFuel());
        attitude.text = string.Format(attitude_format, 0f, 0f, 0f);

        // assume earth at (0,0,0)
        initial_altitude = Vector3.Magnitude(ship.transform.position) - (float)atmosphere.heightEarthSurface;
        altitude.text    = string.Format(altitude_format, initial_altitude);

        if (drag != null)
            drag.text = string.Format(drag_format, atmosphere.GetAccelSI());

        if (accel != null)
            accel.text = string.Format(accel_format, earthRocket.GetAccel());

        if (thrust != null)
            thrust.text = string.Format(thrust_format, 100f);
예제 #2
    public void SetTextInfo(float fuel, Vector3 angles)
        GravityEngine ge = GravityEngine.Instance();

        time.text = string.Format(time_format, ge.GetTimeWorldSeconds(), ge.GetTimeZoom());
        double[] r = new double[3];
        double[] v = new double[3];
        GravityEngine.Instance().GetPositionVelocityScaled(ship, ref r, ref v);

        position.text = string.Format(pos_format, r[0], r[1], r[2]);
        velocity.text = string.Format(vel_format, v[0], v[1], v[2]);
        fuelText.text = string.Format(fuel_format, fuel);
        attitude.text = string.Format(attitude_format, angles.y, angles.x, angles.z);

        altitudeNow   = Vector3.Magnitude(ship.transform.position) - (float)atmosphere.heightEarthSurface;
        altitude.text = string.Format(altitude_format, altitudeNow);

        if (drag != null)
            drag.text = string.Format(drag_format, atmosphere.GetAccelSI());

        if (accel != null)
            accel.text = string.Format(accel_format, earthRocket.GetAccel());
        if (thrust != null)
            thrust.text = string.Format(thrust_format, rocketEngine.GetThrottlePercent());
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        // monitor for engine start (not ideal, but avoids linking to LaunchUI script)
        if ((timeStarted < 0) && engine.engineOn)
            timeStarted = ge.GetPhysicalTime();
            float   pitch0        = pitchCurve.Evaluate(0);
            Vector3 localVertical = Vector3.Normalize(ge.GetPhysicsPosition(ship) - ge.GetPhysicsPosition(earth));
            lastAttitude = Vector3.Cross(localVertical, Vector3.forward); // forward = (0,0,1)
            lastAttitude = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch0, Vector3.forward) * lastAttitude;

        if (timeStarted > 0)
            float t = (float)(ge.GetTimeWorldSeconds() - timeStarted) / timeRangePhysical;
            t = Mathf.Clamp(t, 0f, 1f);

            // pitch in range 0..90 as curve goes 0..1
            float pitch = pitchCurve.Evaluate(t) * 90.0f;
            // find the local vertical
            Vector3 localVertical = Vector3.Normalize(ge.GetPhysicsPosition(ship) - ge.GetPhysicsPosition(earth));
            // First get local horizontal (this ordering of cross product assumes we want to go East)
            Vector3 attitude = Vector3.Cross(localVertical, Vector3.forward); // forward = (0,0,1)
            attitude = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch, Vector3.forward) * attitude;

            // when attitude changes by 1 degree, re-compute trajectories
            if (Vector3.Angle(attitude, lastAttitude) > 1f)
                lastAttitude = attitude;

            // thrust
            float thrust = thrustCurve.Evaluate(t);
            engine.SetThrottlePercent(100f * thrust);