public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) { var company = value as Company; if (company != null) { GraphEntity ge = new GraphEntity(); ge.Name = company.Name; ge.XAxisValues = new List <string>(); ge.GraphLines = new List <GraphLineEntity>(); var sums = new List <double>(); foreach (var invoiceRow in company.InvoiceRow) { ge.XAxisValues.Add(invoiceRow.Invoice.Date.ToString()); sums.Add(invoiceRow.Sum); } ge.GraphLines.Add(new GraphLineEntity(ge.Name, "White", sums)); return(ge); } return(null); }
public void ChangeEdge() { var source = new Graph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (); var sink = new Graph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (); var subGraph = new SubGraph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (source, sink); var one = new GraphEntity <string> ("1"); var two = new GraphEntity <string> ("2"); var three = new GraphEntity <string> ("3"); var link = new GraphEdge(one, two); subGraph.Add(one); subGraph.Add(two); subGraph.Add(three); subGraph.Add(link); Assert.IsTrue(source.Contains(link), "source has to contain link"); Assert.IsTrue(sink.Contains(link), "sink has to contain link"); subGraph.ChangeEdge(link, three, true); Assert.IsFalse(sink.Edges(one).Contains(link), "sink.Edges (one) has not to contain link"); Assert.IsFalse(source.Edges(one).Contains(link), "source.Edges (one) has not to contain link"); Assert.IsFalse(subGraph.Edges(one).Contains(link), "subGraph.Edges (one) has not to contain link"); }
public static IEnumerable<NodeEntity> AsEntityModel(this IEnumerable<Node> models, GraphEntity graph) { if (models == null || graph == null) return new List<NodeEntity>(); var nodes = models as IList<Node> ?? models.ToList(); var counter = 0; var dict = nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n != null).Parent.Nodes.Where(m => m != null) .Select(m => { var entity = new NodeEntity { Graph = graph, Id = m.Id, Key = m.Key, Position = counter }; counter++; return entity; }) .ToDictionary(m => m.Id, m => m); foreach (var model in nodes.Where(m => m != null)) { NodeEntity entity = dict[model.Id]; entity.Neighbours = new List<NodeEntity>(); foreach (var ngh in model.Neighbours.Where(ngh => ngh != null)) { entity.Neighbours.Add(dict[ngh.Id]); } } return dict.Values.ToList(); }
public void TestGraphPair(ISampleGraphFactory <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> source, ThingGraph target) { source.Count = 10; source.Populate(); this.ReportDetail(source.GetType().FullName + "\t" + source.Count); var graphPair = new HollowGraphPair <IGraphEntity, IThing, IGraphEdge, ILink> ( source.Graph, target, new GraphEntity2ThingTransformer()); var mapper = graphPair.Mapper; mapper.ConvertSinkSource(); var convertionTesterOne = new MapperTester <IGraphEntity, IThing, IGraphEdge, ILink> (); mapper.ConvertSinkSource(); convertionTesterOne.ProveConversion(graphPair.Sink, graphPair.Source, mapper.Get); var newEntity = new GraphEntity <string> ("new"); graphPair.Add(newEntity); convertionTesterOne.ProveConversion(graphPair.Sink, graphPair.Source, mapper.Get); }
public static ProblemEntity AsEntityModelResolved(this IProblem model, GraphEntity graph = null) { if (model is MinimumVertexCover) return ((MinimumVertexCover) model).AsEntityModel(graph); throw new MappingNotImplementedException(model as BaseModel); }
protected override void CreateItems() { One = new GraphEntity <string> ("One"); Two = new GraphEntity <string> ("Two"); Three = new GraphEntity <string> ("Three"); Aside = new GraphEntity <string> ("Aside"); Single = new GraphEntity <string> ("Single"); }
public static AlgorithmEntity AsEntityModelResolved(this IAlgorithm model, GraphEntity graph = null) { if (model is Core.Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithm) return ((Core.Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithm) model).AsEntityModel(graph); if (model is Core.Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing.SimulatedAnnealing) return ((Core.Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing.SimulatedAnnealing) model).AsEntityModel(graph); throw new MappingNotImplementedException(model as Algorithm); }
public static GraphEntity AsEntityModel(this Graph model) { var graph = new GraphEntity { Id = model.Id }; graph.Nodes = model.Nodes.AsEntityModel(graph).ToList(); return(graph); }
public static ProblemEntity AsEntityModelResolved(this IProblem model, GraphEntity graph = null) { if (model is MinimumVertexCover) { return(((MinimumVertexCover)model).AsEntityModel(graph)); } throw new MappingNotImplementedException(model as BaseModel); }
private static IndividualEntity AsEntityModel(this Individual model, GraphEntity graph, ProblemEntity problem) { return new IndividualEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, Problem = problem, CurrentSolution = model.CurrentSolution.Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray() }; }
private static IndividualEntity AsEntityModel(this Individual model, GraphEntity graph, ProblemEntity problem) { return(new IndividualEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, Problem = problem, CurrentSolution = model.CurrentSolution.Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray() }); }
private static void BuildRelationshipGraph(DbContext dbContext, GraphEntity graphEntity, IDictionary <object, GraphItem> entityGraphMap, ICollection <GraphItem> result) { var entryEntity = graphEntity.Entity; var entryEntityType = entryEntity.GetType(); var entityType = dbContext.Model.FindEntityType(entryEntityType); var sourceEntryEntity = graphEntity.ParentEntity; GraphItem parentGraphItem; GraphItem graphItem; if (sourceEntryEntity != null) { parentGraphItem = entityGraphMap[sourceEntryEntity]; graphItem = parentGraphItem.Relationships.FirstOrDefault(y => y.EntityClrType == entryEntityType); } else { parentGraphItem = null; graphItem = result.FirstOrDefault(y => y.EntityClrType == entryEntityType); } if (graphItem is null) { graphItem = new GraphItem { EntityClrType = entryEntityType, EntityType = entityType, Entities = { graphEntity }, Parent = parentGraphItem, ParentNavigation = graphEntity.InboundNavigation }; if (parentGraphItem != null) { parentGraphItem.Relationships.Add(graphItem); } } else { graphItem.Entities.Add(graphEntity); } // Always track in case the entryEntity has dependents if (entityGraphMap.ContainsKey(entryEntity) == false) { entityGraphMap.Add(entryEntity, graphItem); } result.Add(graphItem); EnumerateRelationshipValues(dbContext, entryEntity, entityType, entityGraphMap, result); }
public static AlgorithmEntity AsEntityModelResolved(this IAlgorithm model, GraphEntity graph = null) { if (model is Core.Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithm) { return(((Core.Algorithms.GeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithm)model).AsEntityModel(graph)); } if (model is Core.Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing.SimulatedAnnealing) { return(((Core.Algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing.SimulatedAnnealing)model).AsEntityModel(graph)); } throw new MappingNotImplementedException(model as Algorithm); }
public static MinimumVertexCoverEntity AsEntityModel(this MinimumVertexCover model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var outputGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); return new MinimumVertexCoverEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = outputGraph, CurrentSolution = model.Graph.Nodes.Select(graphNode => { return Convert.ToByte(model.CurrentSolution.Any(node => node.Id.Equals(graphNode.Id))); }).ToArray() }; }
public void EdgeNotInView() { var source = new Graph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (); var sink = new Graph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge>(); var subGraph = new SubGraph <IGraphEntity, IGraphEdge> (source, sink); var one = new GraphEntity <string> ("1"); var two = new GraphEntity <string>("2"); var three = new GraphEntity <string>("3"); source.Add(one); source.Add(two); source.Add(three); var link = new GraphEdge(one, two); var linklink = new GraphEdge(link, three); source.Add(linklink); sink.Add(one); sink.Add(two); sink.Add(link); Assert.IsTrue(source.Contains(link), "source has to contain link"); Assert.IsTrue(source.Contains(linklink), "source has to contain linklink"); Assert.IsFalse(sink.Contains(linklink), "sink must not contain linklink"); Assert.IsFalse(subGraph.Contains(linklink), "subGraph must not contain linklink"); sink.Add(linklink); sink.Remove(link); Assert.IsFalse(subGraph.Contains(linklink), "subGraph must not contain linklink"); sink.Add(link); foreach (var edge in subGraph.Fork(three)) { Assert.IsFalse(edge.Equals(linklink), "subGraph must not contain linklink"); } bool found = false; foreach (var edge in source.Fork(three)) { if (edge == linklink) { found = true; break; } } Assert.IsTrue(found, "source.fork has to contain linklink"); }
public static SimulatedAnnealingEntity AsEntityModel(this SimulatedAnnealing model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var usedGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); var problem = model.Problem.AsEntityModelResolved(graph); return new SimulatedAnnealingEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, CoolingRate = model.CoolingSetup.CoolingRate, CoolingStrategy = CoolingFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.CoolingSetup.CoolingStrategy), CurrentTemperature = model.CurrentTemperature, InitialTemperature = model.CoolingSetup.InitialTemperature, Problem = problem, TotalProcessorTimeCost = model.TotalProcessorTimeCost }; }
public static GeneticAlgorithmEntity AsEntityModel(this GeneticAlgorithm model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var usedGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); var problem = model.Problem.AsEntityModelResolved(graph); return new GeneticAlgorithmEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, Problem = problem, SelectionStrategy = SelectionFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.SelectionStrategy), CrossoverStrategy = CrossoverFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.CrossoverStrategy), MutationStrategy = MutationFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.MutationStrategy), GenerationsToCome = (int)model.Settings.GenerationsToCome, InitialPopulationSize = (int)model.Settings.InitialPopulationSize, CrossoverProbability = model.Settings.CrossoverProbability, MutationProbability = model.Settings.MutationProbability, WithElitistSelection = model.Settings.WithElitistSelection, CurrentPopulation = model.CurrentPopulation.AsEntityModel(graph, problem).ToList(), CurrentGeneration = (int)model.CurrentGeneration, TotalProcessorTimeCost = model.TotalProcessorTimeCost }; }
public static Graph AsDomainModel(this GraphEntity entity) { List <EdgeMapping> edgesToAdd = new List <EdgeMapping>(); var graph = new Graph(entity.Id); foreach (var node in entity.Nodes.OrderBy(e => e.Position)) { graph.AddNode(node.Key, node.Id); edgesToAdd.AddRange(node.Neighbours .Where(ngh => ngh != null) .Select(ngh => new EdgeMapping { FromKey = node.Key, ToKey = ngh.Key })); } foreach (var edge in edgesToAdd.Where(edge => !graph.ContainsEdge(edge.FromKey, edge.ToKey))) { graph.AddEdge(edge.FromKey, edge.ToKey); } return(graph); }
public static MinimumVertexCoverEntity AsEntityModel(this MinimumVertexCover model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var outputGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); return(new MinimumVertexCoverEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = outputGraph, CurrentSolution = model.Graph.Nodes.Select(graphNode => { return Convert.ToByte(model.CurrentSolution.Any(node => node.Id.Equals(graphNode.Id))); }).ToArray() }); }
public void CreateAndWriteGraph() { //Instantiate property set manager necessary to gather alignment names PropertySetManager psmPipeline = new PropertySetManager( Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database, PSetDefs.DefinedSets.DriPipelineData); PSetDefs.DriPipelineData driPipelineData = new PSetDefs.DriPipelineData(); //Counter to count all disjoined graphs int graphCount = 0; //Flag to signal the entry point subgraph bool isEntryPoint = false; //Stringbuilder to collect all disjoined graphs StringBuilder sbAll = new StringBuilder(); sbAll.AppendLine("digraph G {"); while (GraphEntities.Count > 0) { //Increment graph counter graphCount++; //Collection to keep track of visited nodes //To prevent looping for ever //And to be able to handle disjoined piping networks HashSet <Handle> visitedHandles = new HashSet <Handle>(); //Determine starting entity //Criteria: Only one child -> means an end node AND largest DN of all not visited //Currently only for one network //Disjoined networks are not handled yet GraphEntity ge = GraphEntities.Where(x => x.Cons.Length == 1).MaxBy(x => x.LargestDn()).FirstOrDefault(); //prdDbg(ge.OwnerHandle.ToString()); if (ge == null) { //throw new System.Exception("No entity found!"); prdDbg("ERROR: Graph not complete!!!"); foreach (var item in GraphEntities) { Entity owner = item.Owner; Line line = new Line(); line.Layer = "0"; line.StartPoint = new Point3d(); switch (owner) { case Polyline pline: line.EndPoint = pline.GetPointAtDist(pline.Length / 2); break; case BlockReference br: line.EndPoint = br.Position; break; default: break; } line.AddEntityToDbModelSpace(Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Database); } break; } //Flag the entry point subgraph isEntryPoint = true; //Variable to cache previous handle to avoid backreferences Handle previousHandle = default; //Collection to collect the edges HashSet <Edge> edges = new HashSet <Edge>(); //Collection to collect the subgraphs Dictionary <string, Subgraph> subgraphs = new Dictionary <string, Subgraph>(); //Using a stack traversing strategy Stack <GraphEntity> stack = new Stack <GraphEntity>(); //Put the first element on to the stack manually stack.Push(ge); //Iterate the stack until no connected nodes left while (stack.Count > 0) { //Fetch the topmost entity on stack GraphEntity current = stack.Pop(); //Determine the subgraph it is part of string alName = psmPipeline.ReadPropertyString(current.Owner, driPipelineData.BelongsToAlignment); //Fetch or create new subgraph object Subgraph subgraph; if (subgraphs.ContainsKey(alName)) { subgraph = subgraphs[alName]; } else { subgraph = new Subgraph(dB, ComponentTable, alName); subgraphs.Add(alName, subgraph); } subgraph.Nodes.Add(current.OwnerHandle); if (isEntryPoint) { subgraph.isEntryPoint = isEntryPoint; isEntryPoint = false; } //Iterate over current node's children foreach (Con con in current.Cons) { //Find the child the con is referencing to GraphEntity child = GraphEntities.Where(x => x.OwnerHandle == con.ConHandle).FirstOrDefault(); //if it is the con refering back to the parent -> skip it if (child == default || child.OwnerHandle == current.OwnerHandle) { continue; } //Also skip if child has already been visited //This prevents from making circular graphs I think //Comment next line out to test circular graphs //if (visitedHandles.Contains(child.OwnerHandle)) continue; <-- First solution //Solution with caching of previous handle, it I don't think it works when backtracking to a branch -> there will be a double arrow if (previousHandle != null && previousHandle == child.OwnerHandle) { continue; } //Try to control which cons get written by their type //Build string string ownEnd = con.OwnEndType.ToString(); string conEnd = con.ConEndType.ToString(); string key = ownEnd + "-" + conEnd; if (!allowedCombinations[key]) { continue; } //Tries to prevent duplicate Main-Main edges by eliminating upstream Main-Main instance //Doesn't work if recursion just returned from a branch, because previous is set the the //Last node on the branch if (key == "Main-Main" && con.ConHandle == previousHandle) { continue; } //Record the edge between nodes edges.Add(new Edge(current.OwnerHandle, child.OwnerHandle)); //edges.Add(new Edge(current.OwnerHandle, child.OwnerHandle, key)); //If this child node is in visited collection -> skip, so we don't ger circular referencing if (visitedHandles.Contains(child.OwnerHandle)) { continue; } //If the node has not been visited yet, then put it on the stack stack.Push(child); } //When current iteration completes, put the current node handle in the visited collection visitedHandles.Add(current.OwnerHandle); //Cache current node handle to avoid backreference previousHandle = current.OwnerHandle; } //Write collected data //Stringbuilder to contain the overall file //This must be refactored when working with disjoined networks StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"subgraph G_{graphCount} {{"); //First line of file stating a graph //Set the shape of the nodes for whole graph sb.AppendLine("node [shape=record];"); //Write edges foreach (Edge edge in edges) { sb.AppendLine(edge.ToString("->")); } //Write subgraphs int i = 0; foreach (var sg in subgraphs) { i++; sb.Append(sg.Value.WriteSubgraph(i)); } //Add closing curly brace correspoinding to the first line sb.AppendLine("}"); //Append current disjoined graph to all collector sbAll.Append(sb.ToString()); //using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter($"C:\\Temp\\MyGraph_{graphCount}.dot")) //{ // file.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); // "sb" is the StringBuilder //} //Modify the GraphEntities to remove visited entities GraphEntities = GraphEntities.ExceptWhere(x => visitedHandles.Contains(x.OwnerHandle)).ToHashSet(); } //Closing brace of the main graph sbAll.AppendLine("}"); //Check or create directory if (!Directory.Exists(@"C:\Temp\")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(@"C:\Temp\"); } //Write the collected graphs to one file using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter($"C:\\Temp\\")) { file.WriteLine(sbAll.ToString()); // "sb" is the StringBuilder } }
public static IEnumerable<IndividualEntity> AsEntityModel(this IEnumerable<Individual> models, GraphEntity graph, ProblemEntity problem) { if (models == null) return new List<IndividualEntity>(); return models.Where(m => m != null).Select(m => m.AsEntityModel(graph, problem)); }
public static GraphEntity AsEntityModel(this Graph model) { var graph = new GraphEntity { Id = model.Id }; graph.Nodes = model.Nodes.AsEntityModel(graph).ToList(); return graph; }
public static IEnumerable <IndividualEntity> AsEntityModel(this IEnumerable <Individual> models, GraphEntity graph, ProblemEntity problem) { if (models == null) { return(new List <IndividualEntity>()); } return(models.Where(m => m != null).Select(m => m.AsEntityModel(graph, problem))); }
/// <summary> /// 保存日志到MongoDB /// </summary> /// <param name="CommunityID"></param> /// <param name="T133LeafID"></param> /// <param name="SysLogID"></param> /// <param name="T216LeafID"></param> /// <param name="T102LeafID"></param> /// <param name="T107LeafID"></param> /// <param name="WIP_Code"></param> /// <param name="WIP_ID_Type_Code"></param> /// <param name="WIP_ID_Code"></param> /// <param name="Params"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string SaveFactMongodbLog(string ExCode, int CommunityID, int T133LeafID, Int64 SysLogID , int T216LeafID, int T102LeafID, int T107LeafID , string WIP_Code, string WIP_ID_Type_Code, string WIP_ID_Code , string Params) { string sqlconnString = string.Empty; dynamic res = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject(); try { string UserCode = ""; if (SysLogID.ToString() == null) { SysLogID = 1; } if (T216LeafID.ToString() == null) { SysLogID = 0; } if (T107LeafID.ToString() == null) { SysLogID = 0; } if (WIP_Code == null) { WIP_Code = ""; } if (WIP_ID_Type_Code == null) { WIP_ID_Type_Code = ""; } if (WIP_ID_Code == null) { WIP_ID_Code = ""; } if (Params == null) { Params = ""; } string StoreTime = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string strconn = "mongodb://"; string SeqServerAddr = ""; ReadConfig.Read(); if (ReadConfig.Parameters.ContainsKey("MongodbConnectStr")) { strconn = ReadConfig.Parameters["MongodbConnectStr"].ToString(); } /* sqlconnString = ReadConfig.Parameters["ConnectionString"].ToString()*/; if (ReadConfig.Parameters.ContainsKey("SeqServerAddr")) { SeqServerAddr = ReadConfig.Parameters["SeqServerAddr"].ToString(); } //创建数据库链接 MongoClient client = new MongoClient(strconn); //获得数据库cnblogs IMongoDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(MongoDBName); IMongoCollection <GraphEntity> logTBL = db.GetCollection <GraphEntity>("IRAPDCSLog"); GraphEntity row = new GraphEntity(); row.LogID = IRAPUtil.IRAPSocketClient.GetSequenceNo(SeqServerAddr, "NextSysLogID", 1); row.ExCode = ExCode; row.CommunityID = CommunityID; row.UserCode = UserCode; row.SysLogID = SysLogID; row.T133LeafID = T133LeafID; row.T216LeafID = T216LeafID; row.T102LeafID = T102LeafID; row.T107LeafID = T107LeafID; row.WIP_Code = WIP_Code; row.WIP_ID_Type_Code = WIP_ID_Type_Code; row.WIP_ID_Code = WIP_ID_Code; row.Params = Params; row.StoreTime = StoreTime; logTBL.InsertOne(row); res.ErrCode = 0; res.ErrText = "保存成功!"; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); } catch (Exception err) { res.ErrCode = 9999; res.ErrText = "保存数据发生异常:" + err.Message; return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(res)); } }
public static SimulatedAnnealingEntity AsEntityModel(this SimulatedAnnealing model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var usedGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); var problem = model.Problem.AsEntityModelResolved(graph); return(new SimulatedAnnealingEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, CoolingRate = model.CoolingSetup.CoolingRate, CoolingStrategy = CoolingFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.CoolingSetup.CoolingStrategy), CurrentTemperature = model.CurrentTemperature, InitialTemperature = model.CoolingSetup.InitialTemperature, Problem = problem, TotalProcessorTimeCost = model.TotalProcessorTimeCost }); }
public static IEnumerable <NodeEntity> AsEntityModel(this IEnumerable <Node> models, GraphEntity graph) { if (models == null || graph == null) { return(new List <NodeEntity>()); } var nodes = models as IList <Node> ?? models.ToList(); var counter = 0; var dict = nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n != null).Parent.Nodes.Where(m => m != null) .Select(m => { var entity = new NodeEntity { Graph = graph, Id = m.Id, Key = m.Key, Position = counter }; counter++; return(entity); }) .ToDictionary(m => m.Id, m => m); foreach (var model in nodes.Where(m => m != null)) { NodeEntity entity = dict[model.Id]; entity.Neighbours = new List <NodeEntity>(); foreach (var ngh in model.Neighbours.Where(ngh => ngh != null)) { entity.Neighbours.Add(dict[ngh.Id]); } } return(dict.Values.ToList()); }
public IMcCeibMetrics CreateMetrics(List <Module> source) { IMcCeibMetrics metrics = new Metrics(); metrics.GraphEntities = new Dictionary <string, List <GraphEntity> >(); Stack <GraphEntity> innert = new Stack <GraphEntity>(); foreach (var module in source) { List <GraphEntity> graphEntities = new List <GraphEntity>(); int number = -1; var analyzed = _lexicalAnalyzer.AnalyzeSource(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(module.Source)).ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < analyzed.Length; i++) { var item = analyzed[i]; GraphEntity lastInline = null; var ge = new GraphEntity() { LineNumber = item.LineNumber, Number = i, Comment = item.Comment }; if (item.IsProcedure == true) { ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.StartProcedure; } else if (item.IsProcedure == false) { ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.EndProcedure; } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.If) { innert.Push(ge); ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.If; var connects = analyzed .Where(x => x.ConnectedFrom.Any(y => y == item.LineNumber))? .OrderBy(x => x.BranchType) .ToList(); if (connects.Count == 2 || connects.Count == 1 && connects[0].ConnectedFrom.Count == 2) { var empty = new GraphEntity() { Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty, LineNumber = item.LineNumber + 1, Number = number }; number--; ge.ConnectedTo.Add(connects.Count == 2 ? analyzed.IndexOf(connects[1]) : analyzed.IndexOf(connects[0])); ge.ConnectedTo.Add(empty.Number); if (analyzed[i + 1].BranchType == BranchType.IfEnd || analyzed[i + 1].BranchType == BranchType.Else) { empty.ConnectedTo.Add(analyzed.IndexOf(connects[0])); } else { empty.ConnectedTo.Add(i + 1); //TODO RETURN } graphEntities.Add(empty); } } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.Else) { ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Else; var empty = new GraphEntity() { Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty, LineNumber = item.LineNumber + 1, Number = number }; number--; ge.ConnectedTo.Add(empty.Number); empty.ConnectedTo.AddRange(analyzed .Where(x => x.ConnectedFrom.Any(y => y == item.LineNumber))? .Select(analyzed.IndexOf)); graphEntities.Add(empty); } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.ForOrWhile) { innert.Push(ge); ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Cycle; var empty = new GraphEntity() { Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty, LineNumber = item.LineNumber + 1, Number = number }; number--; ge.ConnectedTo.Add(empty.Number); if (analyzed[i + 1].BranchType == BranchType.ForOrWhileEnd) { empty.ConnectedTo.Add(ge.Number); } else { empty.ConnectedTo.Add(i + 1); //TODO: ADD RETURN CONNECTION } ge.ConnectedTo.AddRange(analyzed .Where(x => x.ConnectedFrom.Any(y => y == item.LineNumber))? .Select(analyzed.IndexOf)); graphEntities.Add(empty); } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.DoWhile) { innert.Push(ge); ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Cycle; ge.Comment = "do"; } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.IfEnd) { innert.Pop(); ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty; } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.DoWhileEnd) { innert.Pop(); ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty; ge.ConnectedTo.AddRange(analyzed .Where(x => x.LineNumber == item.ConnectedFrom[0]) ?.Select(analyzed.IndexOf)); } else if (item.BranchType == BranchType.ForOrWhileEnd) { lastInline = innert.Pop(); if (graphEntities.Last() != lastInline) { graphEntities.Last().ConnectedTo = new List <int>() { lastInline.Number }; } ge.Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty; } var emptyEnt = new GraphEntity() { Type = GraphEntityTypesEnum.Empty, LineNumber = item.LineNumber + 1, Number = number, }; if (i + 1 < analyzed.Length) { emptyEnt.ConnectedTo.Add(i + 1); } if (item.BranchType != BranchType.If && item.BranchType != BranchType.Else && item.BranchType != BranchType.ForOrWhile && item.IsProcedure != false) { number--; ge.ConnectedTo.Add(emptyEnt.Number); } graphEntities.Add(ge); if (item.BranchType != BranchType.If && item.BranchType != BranchType.Else && item.BranchType != BranchType.ForOrWhile && item.IsProcedure != false) { graphEntities.Add(emptyEnt); } } metrics.GraphEntities.Add( module.Path, graphEntities ); } metrics.ComplexityNumber = metrics.GraphEntities.Values.SelectMany(x => x).Count(x => x.Type == GraphEntityTypesEnum.If || x.Type == GraphEntityTypesEnum.Cycle) + 1; return(metrics); }
public static GeneticAlgorithmEntity AsEntityModel(this GeneticAlgorithm model, GraphEntity graph = null) { var usedGraph = graph ?? model.Graph.AsEntityModel(); var problem = model.Problem.AsEntityModelResolved(graph); return(new GeneticAlgorithmEntity { Id = model.Id, Graph = graph, Problem = problem, SelectionStrategy = SelectionFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.SelectionStrategy), CrossoverStrategy = CrossoverFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.CrossoverStrategy), MutationStrategy = MutationFactory.ProvideMappingType(model.GeneticOperators.MutationStrategy), GenerationsToCome = (int)model.Settings.GenerationsToCome, InitialPopulationSize = (int)model.Settings.InitialPopulationSize, CrossoverProbability = model.Settings.CrossoverProbability, MutationProbability = model.Settings.MutationProbability, WithElitistSelection = model.Settings.WithElitistSelection, CurrentPopulation = model.CurrentPopulation.AsEntityModel(graph, problem).ToList(), CurrentGeneration = (int)model.CurrentGeneration, TotalProcessorTimeCost = model.TotalProcessorTimeCost }); }