private void FocusDCS() { if (_globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.RefocusDCS)) { var overlayWindow = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle; //focus DCS if needed var foreGround = WindowHelper.GetForegroundWindow(); Process[] localByName = Process.GetProcessesByName("dcs"); if (localByName != null && localByName.Length > 0) { //either DCS is in focus OR Overlay window is not in focus if (foreGround == localByName[0].MainWindowHandle || overlayWindow != foreGround || this.IsMouseOver) { _lastFocus = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } else if (DateTime.Now.Ticks > _lastFocus + 20000000 && overlayWindow == foreGround) { WindowHelper.BringProcessToFront(localByName[0]); } } } }
private void UdpAudioDecode() { try { while (!_stop) { try { var encodedOpusAudio = new byte[0]; _encodedAudio.TryTake(out encodedOpusAudio, 100000, _stopFlag.Token); var time = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //should add at the receive instead? if ((encodedOpusAudio != null) && (encodedOpusAudio.Length >= (UDPVoicePacket.PacketHeaderLength + UDPVoicePacket.FixedPacketLength + UDPVoicePacket.FrequencySegmentLength))) { // process // check if we should play audio var myClient = IsClientMetaDataValid(_guid); if ((myClient != null)) { //Decode bytes var udpVoicePacket = UDPVoicePacket.DecodeVoicePacket(encodedOpusAudio); if (udpVoicePacket != null) { var vehicleId = -1; if (_clients.TryGetValue(udpVoicePacket.Guid, out var transmittingClient)) { vehicleId = transmittingClient.GameState.vehicleId; } var globalFrequencies = _serverSettings.GlobalFrequencies; var frequencyCount = udpVoicePacket.Frequencies.Length; List <RadioReceivingPriority> radioReceivingPriorities = new List <RadioReceivingPriority>(frequencyCount); List <int> blockedRadios = CurrentlyBlockedRadios(); // Parse frequencies into receiving radio priority for selection below for (var i = 0; i < frequencyCount; i++) { RadioReceivingState state = null; bool decryptable; //Check if Global bool globalFrequency = globalFrequencies.Contains(udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i]); var radio = _clientStateSingleton.PlayerGameState.CanHearTransmission( udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i], (RadioInformation.Modulation)udpVoicePacket.Modulations[i], udpVoicePacket.UnitId, vehicleId, blockedRadios, out state); float losLoss = 0.0f; double receivPowerLossPercent = 0.0; if (radio != null && state != null) { if ( radio.modulation == RadioInformation.Modulation.INTERCOM || globalFrequency || (!blockedRadios.Contains(state.ReceivedOn) ) ) { radioReceivingPriorities.Add(new RadioReceivingPriority() { Frequency = udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i], Modulation = udpVoicePacket.Modulations[i], ReceivingRadio = radio, ReceivingState = state }); } } } // Sort receiving radios to play audio on correct one radioReceivingPriorities.Sort(SortRadioReceivingPriorities); if (radioReceivingPriorities.Count > 0) { //ALL GOOD! //create marker for bytes for (int i = 0; i < radioReceivingPriorities.Count; i++) { var destinationRadio = radioReceivingPriorities[i]; var isSimultaneousTransmission = radioReceivingPriorities.Count > 1 && i > 0; var audio = new ClientAudio { ClientGuid = udpVoicePacket.Guid, EncodedAudio = udpVoicePacket.AudioPart1Bytes, //Convert to Shorts! ReceiveTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Frequency = destinationRadio.Frequency, Modulation = destinationRadio.Modulation, Volume = destinationRadio.ReceivingRadio.volume, ReceivedRadio = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.ReceivedOn, UnitId = udpVoicePacket.UnitId, RadioReceivingState = destinationRadio.ReceivingState, PacketNumber = udpVoicePacket.PacketNumber, OriginalClientGuid = udpVoicePacket.OriginalClientGuid }; //handle effects var radioState = _radioReceivingState[audio.ReceivedRadio]; if (!isSimultaneousTransmission && (radioState == null || radioState.PlayedEndOfTransmission || !radioState.IsReceiving)) { _audioManager.PlaySoundEffectStartReceive(audio.ReceivedRadio, false, audio.Volume, (RadioInformation.Modulation)audio.Modulation); } var transmitterName = ""; if (_serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.SHOW_TRANSMITTER_NAME) && _globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.ShowTransmitterName) && transmittingClient != null) { transmitterName = transmittingClient.Name; } var newRadioReceivingState = new RadioReceivingState { IsSecondary = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.IsSecondary, LastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now.Ticks, PlayedEndOfTransmission = false, ReceivedOn = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.ReceivedOn, SentBy = transmitterName }; _radioReceivingState[audio.ReceivedRadio] = newRadioReceivingState; // Only play actual audio once if (i == 0) { _audioManager.AddClientAudio(audio); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!_stop) { Logger.Info(ex, "Failed to decode audio from Packet"); } } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Logger.Info("Stopped DeJitter Buffer"); } }
private bool UpdateRadio(DCSPlayerRadioInfo message) { var expansion = _serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.RADIO_EXPANSION); var playerRadioInfo = _clientStateSingleton.DcsPlayerRadioInfo; //copy and compare to look for changes var beforeUpdate = playerRadioInfo.DeepClone(); //update common parts =; playerRadioInfo.inAircraft = message.inAircraft; playerRadioInfo.intercomHotMic = message.intercomHotMic; playerRadioInfo.capabilities = message.capabilities; if (_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AlwaysAllowHotasControls)) { message.control = DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.HOTAS; playerRadioInfo.control = DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.HOTAS; } else { playerRadioInfo.control = message.control; } playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl = message.simultaneousTransmissionControl; playerRadioInfo.unit = message.unit; if (!_clientStateSingleton.ShouldUseLotATCPosition()) { _clientStateSingleton.UpdatePlayerPosition(message.latLng); } var overrideFreqAndVol = false; var newAircraft = playerRadioInfo.unitId != message.unitId || !playerRadioInfo.IsCurrent(); overrideFreqAndVol = playerRadioInfo.unitId != message.unitId; //save unit id playerRadioInfo.unitId = message.unitId; if (newAircraft) { if (_globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.AutoSelectSettingsProfile)) { _newAircraftCallback(message.unit); } playerRadioInfo.iff = message.iff; } if (overrideFreqAndVol) { playerRadioInfo.selected = message.selected; } if (playerRadioInfo.control == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.IN_COCKPIT) { playerRadioInfo.selected = message.selected; } bool simul = false; //copy over radio names, min + max for (var i = 0; i < playerRadioInfo.radios.Length; i++) { var clientRadio = playerRadioInfo.radios[i]; //if we have more radios than the message has if (i >= message.radios.Length) { clientRadio.freq = 1; clientRadio.freqMin = 1; clientRadio.freqMax = 1; clientRadio.secFreq = 0; clientRadio.retransmit = false; clientRadio.modulation = RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED; = "No Radio"; clientRadio.rtMode = RadioInformation.RetransmitMode.DISABLED; clientRadio.retransmit = false; clientRadio.freqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; clientRadio.volMode = RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT; continue; } var updateRadio = message.radios[i]; if ((updateRadio.expansion && !expansion) || (updateRadio.modulation == RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED)) { //expansion radio, not allowed clientRadio.freq = 1; clientRadio.freqMin = 1; clientRadio.freqMax = 1; clientRadio.secFreq = 0; clientRadio.retransmit = false; clientRadio.modulation = RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED; = "No Radio"; clientRadio.rtMode = RadioInformation.RetransmitMode.DISABLED; clientRadio.retransmit = false; clientRadio.freqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; clientRadio.volMode = RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT; } else { //update common parts clientRadio.freqMin = updateRadio.freqMin; clientRadio.freqMax = updateRadio.freqMax; if (playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL) { clientRadio.simul = updateRadio.simul; } if (updateRadio.simul) { simul = true; } =; clientRadio.modulation = updateRadio.modulation; //update modes clientRadio.freqMode = updateRadio.freqMode; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = updateRadio.guardFreqMode; clientRadio.rtMode = updateRadio.rtMode; if (_serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.ALLOW_RADIO_ENCRYPTION)) { clientRadio.encMode = updateRadio.encMode; } else { clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; } clientRadio.volMode = updateRadio.volMode; if ((updateRadio.freqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT) || overrideFreqAndVol) { clientRadio.freq = updateRadio.freq; if (newAircraft && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { //default guard to off clientRadio.secFreq = 0; } else { if (clientRadio.secFreq != 0 && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { //put back clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } else if (clientRadio.secFreq == 0 && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { clientRadio.secFreq = 0; } else { clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } } =; } else { if (clientRadio.secFreq != 0) { //put back clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } //check we're not over a limit if (clientRadio.freq > clientRadio.freqMax) { clientRadio.freq = clientRadio.freqMax; } else if (clientRadio.freq < clientRadio.freqMin) { clientRadio.freq = clientRadio.freqMin; } } //reset encryption if (overrideFreqAndVol) { clientRadio.enc = false; clientRadio.encKey = 0; } //Handle Encryption if (updateRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_JUST_OVERLAY) { if (clientRadio.encKey == 0) { clientRadio.encKey = 1; } } else if (clientRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_COCKPIT_TOGGLE_OVERLAY_CODE) { clientRadio.enc = updateRadio.enc; if (clientRadio.encKey == 0) { clientRadio.encKey = 1; } } else if (clientRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_FULL) { clientRadio.enc = updateRadio.enc; clientRadio.encKey = updateRadio.encKey; } else { clientRadio.enc = false; clientRadio.encKey = 0; } //handle volume if ((updateRadio.volMode == RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT) || overrideFreqAndVol) { clientRadio.volume = updateRadio.volume; } //handle Retransmit mode if ((updateRadio.rtMode == RadioInformation.RetransmitMode.COCKPIT)) { clientRadio.rtMode = updateRadio.rtMode; clientRadio.retransmit = updateRadio.retransmit; } else if (updateRadio.rtMode == RadioInformation.RetransmitMode.DISABLED) { clientRadio.rtMode = updateRadio.rtMode; clientRadio.retransmit = false; } //handle Channels load for radios if (newAircraft && i > 0) { if (clientRadio.freqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { var channelModel = _clientStateSingleton.FixedChannels[i - 1]; channelModel.Max = clientRadio.freqMax; channelModel.Min = clientRadio.freqMin; channelModel.Reload(); = -1; //reset channel if (_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AutoSelectPresetChannel)) { RadioHelper.RadioChannelUp(i); } } else { _clientStateSingleton.FixedChannels[i - 1].Clear(); //clear } } } } if (playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL) { playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmission = simul; } //change PTT last if (!_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AllowDCSPTT)) { playerRadioInfo.ptt = false; } else { playerRadioInfo.ptt = message.ptt; } //HANDLE IFF/TRANSPONDER UPDATE //TODO tidy up the IFF/Transponder handling and this giant function in general as its silly big :( if (_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys .AlwaysAllowTransponderOverlay)) { if (message.iff.control != Transponder.IFFControlMode.DISABLED) { playerRadioInfo.iff.control = Transponder.IFFControlMode.OVERLAY; message.iff.control = Transponder.IFFControlMode.OVERLAY; } } if (message.iff.control == Transponder.IFFControlMode.COCKPIT) { playerRadioInfo.iff = message.iff; } //HANDLE MIC IDENT if (!playerRadioInfo.ptt && playerRadioInfo.iff.mic > 0 && _clientStateSingleton.RadioSendingState.IsSending) { if (_clientStateSingleton.RadioSendingState.SendingOn == playerRadioInfo.iff.mic) { playerRadioInfo.iff.status = Transponder.IFFStatus.IDENT; } } //Handle IDENT only lasting for 40 seconds at most - need to toggle it if (playerRadioInfo.iff.status == Transponder.IFFStatus.IDENT) { if (_identStart == 0) { _identStart = DateTime.Now.Ticks; } if (TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks - _identStart).TotalSeconds > 40) { playerRadioInfo.iff.status = Transponder.IFFStatus.NORMAL; } } else { _identStart = 0; } // } // } //update playerRadioInfo.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now.Ticks; return(!beforeUpdate.Equals(playerRadioInfo)); }
public void Start() { _vaicomUDPListener = new UdpClient(); _vaicomUDPListener.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); _vaicomUDPListener.ExclusiveAddressUse = false; // only if you want to send/receive on same machine. var localEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _globalSettings.GetNetworkSetting(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMIncomingUDP)); _vaicomUDPListener.Client.Bind(localEp); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { using (_vaicomUDPListener) { while (!_stop) { try { var groupEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _globalSettings.GetNetworkSetting(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMIncomingUDP)); var bytes = _vaicomUDPListener.Receive(ref groupEp); var vaicomMessageWrapper = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VAICOMMessageWrapper>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString( bytes, 0, bytes.Length)); if (vaicomMessageWrapper != null) { if (vaicomMessageWrapper.MessageType == 1) { if (_globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMTXInhibitEnabled)) { vaicomMessageWrapper.LastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now.Ticks; _clientStateSingleton.InhibitTX = vaicomMessageWrapper; } } } } catch (SocketException e) { if (!_stop) { Logger.Error(e, "SocketException Handling VAICOM UDP Message"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Exception Handling VAICOM UDP Message"); } } try { _vaicomUDPListener.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Exception stoping VAICOM UDP listener"); } } }); }
private void UdpAudioDecode() { try { while (!_stop) { try { var encodedOpusAudio = new byte[0]; _encodedAudio.TryTake(out encodedOpusAudio, 100000, _stopFlag.Token); var time = DateTime.Now.Ticks; //should add at the receive instead? if ((encodedOpusAudio != null) && (encodedOpusAudio.Length >= (UDPVoicePacket.PacketHeaderLength + UDPVoicePacket.FixedPacketLength + UDPVoicePacket.FrequencySegmentLength))) { // process // check if we should play audio var myClient = IsClientMetaDataValid(_guid); if ((myClient != null) && _clientStateSingleton.DcsPlayerRadioInfo.IsCurrent()) { //Decode bytes var udpVoicePacket = UDPVoicePacket.DecodeVoicePacket(encodedOpusAudio); if (udpVoicePacket != null) { var globalFrequencies = _serverSettings.GlobalFrequencies; var frequencyCount = udpVoicePacket.Frequencies.Length; List <RadioReceivingPriority> radioReceivingPriorities = new List <RadioReceivingPriority>(frequencyCount); List <int> blockedRadios = CurrentlyBlockedRadios(); // Parse frequencies into receiving radio priority for selection below for (var i = 0; i < frequencyCount; i++) { RadioReceivingState state = null; bool decryptable; //Check if Global bool globalFrequency = globalFrequencies.Contains(udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i]); if (globalFrequency) { //remove encryption for global udpVoicePacket.Encryptions[i] = 0; } var radio = _clientStateSingleton.DcsPlayerRadioInfo.CanHearTransmission( udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i], (RadioInformation.Modulation)udpVoicePacket.Modulations[i], udpVoicePacket.Encryptions[i], udpVoicePacket.UnitId, blockedRadios, out state, out decryptable); float losLoss = 0.0f; double receivPowerLossPercent = 0.0; if (radio != null && state != null) { if ( radio.modulation == RadioInformation.Modulation.INTERCOM || radio.modulation == RadioInformation.Modulation.MIDS || // IGNORE LOS and Distance for MIDS - we assume a Link16 Network is in place globalFrequency || ( HasLineOfSight(udpVoicePacket, out losLoss) && InRange(udpVoicePacket.Guid, udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i], out receivPowerLossPercent) && !blockedRadios.Contains(state.ReceivedOn) ) ) { decryptable = (udpVoicePacket.Encryptions[i] == 0) || (udpVoicePacket.Encryptions[i] == radio.encKey && radio.enc); radioReceivingPriorities.Add(new RadioReceivingPriority() { Decryptable = decryptable, Encryption = udpVoicePacket.Encryptions[i], Frequency = udpVoicePacket.Frequencies[i], LineOfSightLoss = losLoss, Modulation = udpVoicePacket.Modulations[i], ReceivingPowerLossPercent = receivPowerLossPercent, ReceivingRadio = radio, ReceivingState = state }); } } } // Sort receiving radios to play audio on correct one radioReceivingPriorities.Sort(SortRadioReceivingPriorities); if (radioReceivingPriorities.Count > 0) { //ALL GOOD! //create marker for bytes for (int i = 0; i < radioReceivingPriorities.Count; i++) { var destinationRadio = radioReceivingPriorities[i]; var isSimultaneousTransmission = radioReceivingPriorities.Count > 1 && i > 0; var audio = new ClientAudio { ClientGuid = udpVoicePacket.Guid, EncodedAudio = udpVoicePacket.AudioPart1Bytes, //Convert to Shorts! ReceiveTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks, Frequency = destinationRadio.Frequency, Modulation = destinationRadio.Modulation, Volume = destinationRadio.ReceivingRadio.volume, ReceivedRadio = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.ReceivedOn, UnitId = udpVoicePacket.UnitId, Encryption = destinationRadio.Encryption, Decryptable = destinationRadio.Decryptable, // mark if we can decrypt it RadioReceivingState = destinationRadio.ReceivingState, RecevingPower = destinationRadio .ReceivingPowerLossPercent, //loss of 1.0 or greater is total loss LineOfSightLoss = destinationRadio .LineOfSightLoss, // Loss of 1.0 or greater is total loss PacketNumber = udpVoicePacket.PacketNumber, OriginalClientGuid = udpVoicePacket.OriginalClientGuid }; //handle effects var radioState = _radioReceivingState[audio.ReceivedRadio]; if (!isSimultaneousTransmission && (radioState == null || radioState.PlayedEndOfTransmission || !radioState.IsReceiving)) { var audioDecryptable = audio.Decryptable || (audio.Encryption == 0); //mark that we have decrypted encrypted audio for sound effects if (audioDecryptable && (audio.Encryption > 0)) { _audioManager.PlaySoundEffectStartReceive(audio.ReceivedRadio, true, audio.Volume, (Modulation)audio.Modulation); } else { _audioManager.PlaySoundEffectStartReceive(audio.ReceivedRadio, false, audio.Volume, (Modulation)audio.Modulation); } } var transmitterName = ""; if (_serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.SHOW_TRANSMITTER_NAME) && _globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.ShowTransmitterName) && _clients.TryGetValue(udpVoicePacket.Guid, out var transmittingClient)) { transmitterName = transmittingClient.Name; } var newRadioReceivingState = new RadioReceivingState { IsSecondary = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.IsSecondary, IsSimultaneous = isSimultaneousTransmission, LastReceviedAt = DateTime.Now.Ticks, PlayedEndOfTransmission = false, ReceivedOn = destinationRadio.ReceivingState.ReceivedOn, SentBy = transmitterName }; _radioReceivingState[audio.ReceivedRadio] = newRadioReceivingState; // Only play actual audio once if (i == 0) { _audioManager.AddClientAudio(audio); } } //handle retransmission RetransmitAudio(udpVoicePacket, radioReceivingPriorities); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!_stop) { Logger.Info(ex, "Failed to decode audio from Packet"); } } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Logger.Info("Stopped DeJitter Buffer"); } }
public void Start() { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (!_stop) { try { var localEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, _globalSettings.GetNetworkSetting(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMIncomingUDP)); _vaicomUDPListener = new UdpClient(localEp); break; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Warn(ex, $"Unable to bind to the VAICOM Listener Socket Port: {_globalSettings.GetNetworkSetting(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMIncomingUDP)}"); Thread.Sleep(500); } } while (!_stop) { try { var groupEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); var bytes = _vaicomUDPListener.Receive(ref groupEp); var vaicomMessageWrapper = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VAICOMMessageWrapper>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString( bytes, 0, bytes.Length)); if (vaicomMessageWrapper != null) { if (vaicomMessageWrapper.MessageType == 1) { if (_globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.VAICOMTXInhibitEnabled)) { vaicomMessageWrapper.LastReceivedAt = DateTime.Now.Ticks; _clientStateSingleton.InhibitTX = vaicomMessageWrapper; } } } } catch (SocketException e) { if (!_stop) { Logger.Error(e, "SocketException Handling VAICOM UDP Message"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Exception Handling VAICOM UDP Message"); } } try { _vaicomUDPListener.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Exception stoping VAICOM UDP listener"); } }); }
private bool UpdateRadio(DCSPlayerRadioInfo message) { var changed = false; var expansion = _serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.RADIO_EXPANSION); var playerRadioInfo = _clientStateSingleton.DcsPlayerRadioInfo; //update common parts =; playerRadioInfo.inAircraft = message.inAircraft; playerRadioInfo.intercomHotMic = message.intercomHotMic; if (_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AlwaysAllowHotasControls)) { message.control = DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.HOTAS; playerRadioInfo.control = DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.HOTAS; } else { playerRadioInfo.control = message.control; } playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl = message.simultaneousTransmissionControl; playerRadioInfo.unit = message.unit; if (!_clientStateSingleton.ShouldUseLotATCPosition()) { _clientStateSingleton.UpdatePlayerPosition(message.pos, message.latLng); } var overrideFreqAndVol = false; var newAircraft = playerRadioInfo.unitId != message.unitId || !playerRadioInfo.IsCurrent(); if (message.unitId >= DCSPlayerRadioInfo.UnitIdOffset && playerRadioInfo.unitId >= DCSPlayerRadioInfo.UnitIdOffset) { //overriden so leave as is } else { overrideFreqAndVol = playerRadioInfo.unitId != message.unitId; playerRadioInfo.unitId = message.unitId; } if (newAircraft) { if (_globalSettings.GetClientSettingBool(GlobalSettingsKeys.AutoSelectSettingsProfile)) { _newAircraftCallback(message.unit); } playerRadioInfo.iff = message.iff; } if (overrideFreqAndVol) { playerRadioInfo.selected = message.selected; changed = true; } if (playerRadioInfo.control == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.RadioSwitchControls.IN_COCKPIT) { playerRadioInfo.selected = message.selected; } bool simul = false; //copy over radio names, min + max for (var i = 0; i < playerRadioInfo.radios.Length; i++) { var clientRadio = playerRadioInfo.radios[i]; //if awacs NOT open - disable radios over 3 if (i >= message.radios.Length || (RadioOverlayWindow.AwacsActive == false && (i > 3 || i == 0) // disable intercom and all radios over 3 if awacs panel isnt open and we're a spectator given by the UnitId && playerRadioInfo.unitId >= DCSPlayerRadioInfo.UnitIdOffset)) { clientRadio.freq = 1; clientRadio.freqMin = 1; clientRadio.freqMax = 1; clientRadio.secFreq = 0; clientRadio.modulation = RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED; = "No Radio"; clientRadio.freqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; clientRadio.volMode = RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT; continue; } var updateRadio = message.radios[i]; if ((updateRadio.expansion && !expansion) || (updateRadio.modulation == RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED)) { //expansion radio, not allowed clientRadio.freq = 1; clientRadio.freqMin = 1; clientRadio.freqMax = 1; clientRadio.secFreq = 0; clientRadio.modulation = RadioInformation.Modulation.DISABLED; = "No Radio"; clientRadio.freqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT; clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; clientRadio.volMode = RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT; } else { //update common parts clientRadio.freqMin = updateRadio.freqMin; clientRadio.freqMax = updateRadio.freqMax; if (playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL) { clientRadio.simul = updateRadio.simul; } if (updateRadio.simul) { simul = true; } =; clientRadio.modulation = updateRadio.modulation; //update modes clientRadio.freqMode = updateRadio.freqMode; clientRadio.guardFreqMode = updateRadio.guardFreqMode; if (_serverSettings.GetSettingAsBool(ServerSettingsKeys.ALLOW_RADIO_ENCRYPTION)) { clientRadio.encMode = updateRadio.encMode; } else { clientRadio.encMode = RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.NO_ENCRYPTION; } clientRadio.volMode = updateRadio.volMode; if ((updateRadio.freqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.COCKPIT) || overrideFreqAndVol) { if (clientRadio.freq != updateRadio.freq) { changed = true; } if (clientRadio.secFreq != updateRadio.secFreq) { changed = true; } clientRadio.freq = updateRadio.freq; if (newAircraft && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { //default guard to off clientRadio.secFreq = 0; } else { if (clientRadio.secFreq != 0 && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { //put back clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } else if (clientRadio.secFreq == 0 && updateRadio.guardFreqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { clientRadio.secFreq = 0; } else { clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } } =; } else { if (clientRadio.secFreq != 0) { //put back clientRadio.secFreq = updateRadio.secFreq; } //check we're not over a limit if (clientRadio.freq > clientRadio.freqMax) { clientRadio.freq = clientRadio.freqMax; } else if (clientRadio.freq < clientRadio.freqMin) { clientRadio.freq = clientRadio.freqMin; } } //reset encryption if (overrideFreqAndVol) { clientRadio.enc = false; clientRadio.encKey = 0; } //Handle Encryption if (updateRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_JUST_OVERLAY) { if (clientRadio.encKey == 0) { clientRadio.encKey = 1; } } else if (clientRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_COCKPIT_TOGGLE_OVERLAY_CODE) { clientRadio.enc = updateRadio.enc; if (clientRadio.encKey == 0) { clientRadio.encKey = 1; } } else if (clientRadio.encMode == RadioInformation.EncryptionMode.ENCRYPTION_FULL) { clientRadio.enc = updateRadio.enc; clientRadio.encKey = updateRadio.encKey; } else { clientRadio.enc = false; clientRadio.encKey = 0; } //handle volume if ((updateRadio.volMode == RadioInformation.VolumeMode.COCKPIT) || overrideFreqAndVol) { clientRadio.volume = updateRadio.volume; } //handle Channels load for radios if (newAircraft && i > 0) { if (clientRadio.freqMode == RadioInformation.FreqMode.OVERLAY) { var channelModel = _clientStateSingleton.FixedChannels[i - 1]; channelModel.Max = clientRadio.freqMax; channelModel.Min = clientRadio.freqMin; channelModel.Reload(); = -1; //reset channel if (_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AutoSelectPresetChannel)) { RadioHelper.RadioChannelUp(i); } } else { _clientStateSingleton.FixedChannels[i - 1].Clear(); //clear } } } } if (playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmissionControl == DCSPlayerRadioInfo.SimultaneousTransmissionControl.EXTERNAL_DCS_CONTROL) { playerRadioInfo.simultaneousTransmission = simul; } //change PTT last if (!_globalSettings.ProfileSettingsStore.GetClientSettingBool(ProfileSettingsKeys.AllowDCSPTT)) { playerRadioInfo.ptt = false; } else { playerRadioInfo.ptt = message.ptt; } //HANDLE IFF/TRANSPONDER UPDATE //TODO tidy up the IFF/Transponder handling and this giant function in general as its silly big :( if (message.iff.control == Transponder.IFFControlMode.COCKPIT) { playerRadioInfo.iff = message.iff; } //HANDLE MIC IDENT if (!playerRadioInfo.ptt && playerRadioInfo.iff.mic > 0 && UdpVoiceHandler.RadioSendingState.IsSending) { if (UdpVoiceHandler.RadioSendingState.SendingOn == playerRadioInfo.iff.mic) { playerRadioInfo.iff.status = Transponder.IFFStatus.IDENT; } } // } // } //update playerRadioInfo.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now.Ticks; return(changed); }