internal static async Task <GetKeysResponse> GetSubscriptionKeys( HttpClient client, string azureSubscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string serviceName, string subscriptionId, string token, ILogger log) { // Reference: // Format the request URI var getSubscriptionUri = $"{azureSubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}?api-version=2019-01-01"; // Clear the request headers, set the content type // and add the bearer token. client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove("Authorization"); client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + token); // Make the request to retrieve the subscription information var response = await client.GetAsync(getSubscriptionUri); var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); // Format the response and return var json = JObject.Parse(result); var getKeysResponse = new GetKeysResponse { PrimaryKey = json["properties"]["primaryKey"].ToString(), SecondaryKey = json["properties"]["secondaryKey"].ToString() }; return(getKeysResponse); }
static int Main(string[] args) { // Please set keyIds to keys you have already created. String keyId1 = null; String keyId2 = null; String keyId3 = null; if (keyId1 == null || keyId2 == null || keyId3 == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please set the keyIds to keys you have already created."); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Get the user's home path and password persistor from the environment. String homePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); String persistorPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IONIC_PERSISTOR_PASSWORD"); if (persistorPassword == null || persistorPassword.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide the persistor password as env variable: IONIC_PERSISTOR_PASSWORD"); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Create an agent object to talk to Ionic. Agent agent = new Agent(); // Create a password persistor for agent initialization. try { DeviceProfilePersistorPassword persistor = new DeviceProfilePersistorPassword(); persistor.FilePath = homePath + "\\.ionicsecurity\\"; persistor.Password = persistorPassword; agent.SetMetadata(Agent.MetaApplicationName, "GetMultipleKeys Sample"); agent.Initialize(persistor); } catch (SdkException sdkExp) { Console.WriteLine("Agent initialization error: " + sdkExp.Message); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Create a key request for multiple keys. GetKeysRequest keyRequest = new GetKeysRequest(); keyRequest.KeyIds.Add(keyId1); keyRequest.KeyIds.Add(keyId2); keyRequest.KeyIds.Add(keyId3); // Fetch multiple keys from the agent. GetKeysResponse getKeysResponse = null; try { getKeysResponse = agent.GetKeys(keyRequest); } catch (SdkException sdkExp) { Console.WriteLine("Error fetching keys: {1}", sdkExp.Message); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Pull the keys out of the response. List <GetKeysResponse.Key> keys = getKeysResponse.Keys; if (keys.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No keys returned for external IDs. (Key does not exist or access was denied.)"); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } foreach (GetKeysResponse.Key key in keys) { Console.WriteLine("-----"); Console.WriteLine("Key ID : " + key.Id); Console.WriteLine("Key Bytes : " + BitConverter.ToString(key.KeyBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty)); Console.WriteLine("Fixed Attributes : " + JsonDump(key.Attributes)); Console.WriteLine("Mutable Attributes : " + JsonDump(key.MutableAttributes)); } WaitForInput(); return(0); }
static int Main(string[] args) { // Please set keyId to a key you have already created. String keyId = null; if (keyId == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please set the keyId to a key you have already created."); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Get the user's home path and password persistor from the environment. String homePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); String persistorPassword = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("IONIC_PERSISTOR_PASSWORD"); if (persistorPassword == null || persistorPassword.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide the persistor password as env variable: IONIC_PERSISTOR_PASSWORD"); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Create an agent object to talk to Ionic. Agent agent = new Agent(); // Create a password persistor for agent initialization. try { DeviceProfilePersistorPassword persistor = new DeviceProfilePersistorPassword(); persistor.FilePath = homePath + "\\.ionicsecurity\\"; persistor.Password = persistorPassword; agent.SetMetadata(Agent.MetaApplicationName, "UpdateKey Sample"); agent.Initialize(persistor); } catch (SdkException sdkExp) { Console.WriteLine("Agent initialization error: " + sdkExp.Message); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Fetch the key from the agent. GetKeysResponse fetchedResponse = null; try { fetchedResponse = agent.GetKey(keyId); } catch (SdkException sdkExp) { Console.WriteLine("Error fetching key {0}: {1}", keyId, sdkExp.Message); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Pull the key out of the response. GetKeysResponse.Key fetchedKey = fetchedResponse.Keys[0]; // Define mutable key attributes AttributesDictionary newMutableKeyAttrs = new AttributesDictionary(); newMutableKeyAttrs.Add("classification", new List <string> { "Highly Restricted" }); // Create the update key request. bool forceUpdate = false; UpdateKeysRequest updateKeysRequest = new UpdateKeysRequest(); UpdateKeysRequest.Key updateKey = new UpdateKeysRequest.Key(fetchedKey, forceUpdate); updateKey.MutableAttributes = newMutableKeyAttrs; updateKeysRequest.addKey(updateKey); // Update the key attributes on the agent. UpdateKeysResponse.Key key = null; try { key = agent.UpdateKeys(updateKeysRequest).Keys[0]; } catch (SdkException sdkExp) { Console.WriteLine("Error updating key {0}: {1}", keyId, sdkExp.Message); WaitForInput(); Environment.Exit(1); } Console.WriteLine("Key ID : " + key.Id); Console.WriteLine("Key Bytes : " + BitConverter.ToString(key.KeyBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty)); Console.WriteLine("Fixed Attributes : " + JsonDump(key.Attributes)); Console.WriteLine("Mutable Attributes : " + JsonDump(key.MutableAttributes)); WaitForInput(); return(0); }