예제 #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Clear the variables for second use
            objReady     = "";
            Diffuse      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Specular     = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Normal       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            MaterialList = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            imageType    = 0;
            scene2       = null;
            //Clear the variables for second use

            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            ofd.Filter = "Blender Files | *.blend";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
            List <int> VertexCounts = new List <int>();

            progressBar1.Value = 10;

            Importer importer = new Importer();

            scene2 = importer.Load(ofd.FileName);
            HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Assimp.Exporter exporter = new HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.Assimp.Exporter();
            exporter.ExportToFile("Temp.dae", scene2.Root, "collada");
            string file     = File.ReadAllText("Temp.dae");
            int    LastLine = 0;

            foreach (SceneNode node in scene2.Root.Items)
                string Node         = "";
                string subbedString = file.Substring(LastLine);
                if (subbedString.Contains("<node id="))
                    Node = subbedString.Substring(subbedString.IndexOf("<node id="), subbedString.IndexOf("</node>") + "</node>".Length - subbedString.IndexOf("<node id="));
                    if (!Node.Contains("<instance_geometry"))
                        file = file.Replace(Node, "");
                LastLine = subbedString.IndexOf("</node>") + "</node>".Length + LastLine - Node.Length;
            Texture texture = new Texture();

            File.WriteAllText("Temp.dae", file);
            scene2 = importer.Load("Temp.dae");
            var lines = File.ReadLines("Temp.dae");

            progressBar1.Value = 20;
            string MaterialName = "EmptyName";
            string ItemName     = "EmptyItem";

            foreach (string line in lines)
                if (line.Contains("-positions-array\" count=\""))
                    VertexCounts.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Match(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("-positions-array\" count=\"") + "-positions-array\" count=\"".Length, line.IndexOf("\">") - 59), @"\d+").Value) / 3);
                else if (line.Contains("<init_from>"))
                    if (line.Contains(@":\"))
                        if (imageType == 0)
                            Diffuse.Add(MaterialName, line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1, line.IndexOf(".") - line.LastIndexOf(@"\") - 1));
                        if (imageType == 1)
                            Specular.Add(MaterialName, line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1, line.IndexOf(".") - line.LastIndexOf(@"\") - 1));
                        if (imageType == 2)
                            Normal.Add(MaterialName, line.Substring(line.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1, line.IndexOf(".") - line.LastIndexOf(@"\") - 1));
                else if (line.Contains("<image id=\""))
                    if (line.Contains("-diffuse"))
                        imageType    = 0;
                        MaterialName = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") + "<image id=\"".Length, line.IndexOf("-diffuse") - 3 - line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") - "-diffuse".Length);
                    else if (line.Contains("-normal"))
                        imageType    = 2;
                        MaterialName = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") + "<image id=\"".Length, line.IndexOf("-specular") - 3 - line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") - "-specular".Length);
                    else if (line.Contains("-specular"))
                        imageType    = 1;
                        MaterialName = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") + "<image id=\"".Length, line.IndexOf("-normal") - 3 - line.IndexOf("<image id=\"") - "-normal".Length);
                else if (line.Contains("<node id=\""))
                    ItemName = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("<node id=\"") + "<node id=\"".Length, line.IndexOf("\"  name=\"") - (line.IndexOf("<node id=\"") + "<node id=\"".Length));
                else if (line.Contains("target=\""))
                    MaterialList.Add(ItemName, line.Substring(line.IndexOf("target=\"#") + "target=\"#".Length, line.IndexOf("\">") - (line.IndexOf("target=\"#") + "target=\"#".Length)));
            string EmptyDae   = Resources.Empty;
            string Obj        = File.ReadAllText("Temp.dae");
            string Geometries = "<library_geometries>" + @"

            progressBar1.Value = 30;
            string librarygeometries = Obj.Substring(Obj.IndexOf("<library_geometries>"), Obj.LastIndexOf("</library_geometries>") - Obj.IndexOf("<library_geometries>") + "</library_geometries>".Length);
            int    id = 0;

            foreach (SceneNode item in scene2.Root.Traverse())
                if (item is MeshNode)
                    if (librarygeometries.Contains("<geometry id="))
                        string Geo;
                        if (id == 0)
                            Geo = librarygeometries.Substring(librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="), librarygeometries.IndexOf("</geometry>") - 13);
                            Geo = librarygeometries.Substring(librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="), librarygeometries.IndexOf("</geometry>") - librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="));
                        if (!Geo.Contains(@"-color0"" name=""meshId"""))
                            string colorReference = Geo.Substring(0, Geo.LastIndexOf("/>") + 2) + @"
          <input offset=""0"" semantic=""COLOR"" source=""#meshId" + id + @"-color0"" set=""0"" />" + Geo.Substring(Geo.LastIndexOf("/>") + 2);

                            Geo = colorReference.Substring(0, colorReference.LastIndexOf("</source>") + "</source>".Length) + @"
        <source id=""meshId" + id + @"-color0"" name=""meshId" + id + @"-color0"">
          <float_array id=""meshId" + id + @"-color0-array"" count=""" + VertexCounts[id] * 3 + @"""> " + String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("1 ", VertexCounts[id] * 3)) + @" </float_array>
            <accessor count=""" + VertexCounts[id] * 3 + @""" offset=""0"" source=""#meshId" + id + @"-color0-array"" stride=""3"">
              <param name=""R"" type=""float"" />
              <param name=""G"" type=""float"" />
              <param name=""B"" type=""float"" />
        </source>" + colorReference.Substring(colorReference.LastIndexOf("</source>") + "</source>".Length);
                        if (id == 0)
                            Geometries = Geometries + Geo;
                            Geometries = Geometries + Geo + @"</geometry>
                        if (id == 0)
                            librarygeometries = librarygeometries.Remove(librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="), librarygeometries.IndexOf("</geometry>") + "</geometry>".Length - librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="));
                            librarygeometries = librarygeometries.Remove(librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="), librarygeometries.IndexOf("</geometry>") + "</geometry>".Length - librarygeometries.IndexOf("<geometry id="));
            progressBar1.Value = 50;
            Geometries         = Geometries + "</library_geometries>" + @"
            string objWithGeo  = EmptyDae.Substring(0, 5957) + @"
  " + Geometries + @"
  " + EmptyDae.Substring(EmptyDae.IndexOf("<library_controllers>"));
            int    loopnumber  = 0;
            string objWithSkin = objWithGeo.Substring(0, objWithGeo.LastIndexOf("</library_controllers>"));

            progressBar1.Value = 60;
            foreach (SceneNode Item in scene2.Root.Items)
                if (id > VertexCounts.Count)
                string controller      = @"<controller id=""meshId0-skin"" name=""skinCluster0"">
      <skin source=""#meshId0"">
          1 0 0 0
          0 1 0 0
          0 0 1 0
          0 0 0 1
        <source id=""meshId0-skin-joints"" name=""meshId0-skin-joints"">
          <Name_array id=""meshId0-skin-joints-array"" count=""1"">EnterCatMarioStepB </Name_array>
            <accessor source=""#meshId0-skin-joints-array"" count=""1"" stride=""1"">
              <param name=""JOINT"" type=""Name""></param>
        <source id=""meshId0-skin-bind_poses"" name=""meshId0-skin-bind_poses"">
          <float_array id=""meshId0-skin-bind_poses-array"" count=""16""> 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 </float_array>
            <accessor count=""1"" offset=""0"" source=""#meshId0-skin-bind_poses-array"" stride=""16"">
              <param name=""TRANSFORM"" type=""float4x4"" />
        <source id=""meshId0-skin-weights"" name=""meshId0-skin-weights"">
          <float_array id=""meshId0-skin-weights-array"" count=""1654"">" + String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("1 ", VertexCounts[loopnumber])) + @" </float_array>
            <accessor count=" + "\"" + VertexCounts[loopnumber] + "\"" + @" offset =""0"" source=""#meshId0-skin-weights-array"" stride=""1"">
              <param name=""WEIGHT"" type=""float"" />
          <input semantic=""JOINT"" source=""#meshId0-skin-joints""></input>
          <input semantic=""INV_BIND_MATRIX"" source=""#meshId0-skin-bind_poses""></input>
        <vertex_weights count=" + "\"" + VertexCounts[loopnumber] + "\"" + @">
          <input semantic=""JOINT"" source=""#meshId0-skin-joints"" offset=""0""></input>
          <input semantic=""WEIGHT"" source=""#meshId0-skin-weights"" offset=""1""></input>
          <vcount>" + String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("1 ", VertexCounts[loopnumber])) + " </vcount>";
                string ControllerFixed = controller.Replace("skinCluster0", "skinCluster" + loopnumber);
                string vertexWeights   = MakeZeroVertexWeights(VertexCounts[loopnumber]);
                objWithSkin = objWithSkin + @"
" + ControllerFixed.Replace("meshId0", "meshId" + loopnumber) + @"
" + vertexWeights;
            progressBar1.Value = 80;
            objWithSkin        = objWithSkin + objWithGeo.Substring(objWithGeo.LastIndexOf("</library_controllers>"));
            string Object = objWithSkin.Substring(0, objWithSkin.LastIndexOf(@"<visual_scene id=""Bfres"" name=""Bfres"">"));

            Object = Object + Obj.Substring(Obj.IndexOf("<visual_scene id="), Obj.IndexOf("</visual_scene>") - Obj.IndexOf("<visual_scene id=")).Replace("&lt;BlenderRoot&gt;", "Bfres");
            Object = Object.Substring(0, Object.IndexOf(@"<visual_scene id=""Bfres"" name=""Bfres"">") + @"<visual_scene id=""Bfres"" name=""Bfres"">".Length) + @"
      " + @"<node id=""EmptyBoneName"" sid=""EmptyBoneName"" name=""EmptyBoneName"" type=""JOINT"">
        <matrix sid=""matrix"">1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1</matrix>
      </node>" + Object.Substring(Object.IndexOf(@"<visual_scene id=""Bfres"" name=""Bfres"">") + @"<visual_scene id=""Bfres"" name=""Bfres"">".Length);
            int loopingNumber = 0;

            foreach (SceneNode node in scene2.Root.Items)
                Object = Object.Replace(@"<instance_geometry url=""#meshId" + loopingNumber + @""">", @"<instance_controller url=""#meshId" + loopingNumber + @"-skin"">
                Object = Object.Replace("</instance_geometry>", "</instance_controller>");
            progressBar1.Value = 90;
            progressBar1.Value = 100;
            objReady           = Object + objWithSkin.Substring(objWithSkin.LastIndexOf("</visual_scene>"));
            if (textBox1.Text != "")
                objReady = objReady.Replace("EmptyBoneName", textBox1.Text);
                objReady = objReady.Replace("Bfres", textBox1.Text);
            MessageBox.Show("Successfuly imported from " + ofd.FileName + "!");

            progressBar1.Value = 0;