public virtual List <GameObject> FindAoeTargetsNew(GameObject caster, Vector3 parentForward, Vector3 hitPosition) { bool disableFriendlyFire = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("DisableFriendlyFire", 0) == 1; bool confusedArentFriends = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TargetTurnedEnemies", 0) == 1; List <GameObject> list = new List <GameObject>(); float num = this.AdjustedBlastRadius; float num2 = num; if (this.ValidTargets == AttackBase.TargetType.All && this.BlastRadius < this.AdjustedBlastRadius) { num = this.BlastRadius; } foreach (Faction current in Faction.ActiveFactionComponents) { if (!(current == null)) { if (!(current.gameObject == base.Owner) || this.DamageAngleDegrees <= 0f || this.DamageAngleDegrees >= 360f) { Vector3 vector = current.transform.position - hitPosition; float sqrMagnitude = vector.sqrMagnitude; if (!this.ExcludeTarget || sqrMagnitude > 1.401298E-45f) { float cachedRadius = current.CachedRadius; float num3 = (num + cachedRadius) * (num + cachedRadius); float num4 = (num2 + cachedRadius) * (num2 + cachedRadius); Vector3 vector2 = vector.normalized; if (this.TargetAngle > 0f) { vector2 = Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.TargetAngle, 0f) * vector2; } float num5 = Vector3.Angle(parentForward, vector2); bool flag = num5 <= this.DamageAngleDegrees * 0.5f; bool flag2 = sqrMagnitude < 1.401298E-45f || (flag && sqrMagnitude <= num4); bool flag3 = sqrMagnitude < 1.401298E-45f || (flag && sqrMagnitude <= num3); if (flag2 && GameUtilities.LineofSight(hitPosition, current.gameObject.transform.position, 1f, false, true)) { if ((this.ValidTargets == TargetType.Friendly || this.ValidTargets == TargetType.FriendlyIncludingCharmed) && !base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, AttackBase.TargetType.Hostile) && base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster)) { if (confusedArentFriends) { Faction casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); var aiController = GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject); if (aiController == null || aiController.GetOriginalTeam().GetRelationship(casterFaction.CurrentTeam) != Faction.Relationship.Hostile) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else if ( (this.ValidTargets == AttackBase.TargetType.Hostile && !base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster)) || (!flag3 && this.ValidTargets == TargetType.All && !base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, TargetType.Hostile))) { if (IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, TargetType.All) && confusedArentFriends) { Faction casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); var aiController = GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject); if (aiController != null && aiController.GetOriginalTeam().GetRelationship(casterFaction.CurrentTeam) == Faction.Relationship.Hostile) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } } else if (this.ValidTargets == AttackBase.TargetType.All && base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, AttackBase.TargetType.Hostile)) { Faction casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); if (disableFriendlyFire) { if (!(current.isPartyMember || casterFaction.IsFriendly(current))) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else if (flag3 && base.IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster)) { if (disableFriendlyFire) { if (this.ValidTargets == TargetType.All) { Faction casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); if (!(current.isPartyMember || casterFaction.IsFriendly(current))) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } } } } } } int num6 = list.IndexOf(base.Owner); if (num6 > 0) { list[num6] = list[0]; list[0] = base.Owner; } return(list); }
public virtual List <GameObject> FindAoeTargetsNew(GameObject caster, Vector3 parentForward, Vector3 hitPosition) { /* * The purpose of this method is to return a collection of the targets of a given area attack, according to the rules of the game. */ bool disableFriendlyFire = IEModOptions.DisableFriendlyFire; ; bool confusedArentFriends = IEModOptions.TargetTurnedEnemies; var list = new List <GameObject>(); float blastRadius = AdjustedBlastRadius; //note that ajdBlastRadius is the wider blast radius. float adjBlastRadius = blastRadius; if (ValidTargets == TargetType.All && BlastRadius < AdjustedBlastRadius) { blastRadius = BlastRadius; } foreach (Faction current in Faction.ActiveFactionComponents) { if (current == null) { continue; } if (current.gameObject == Owner && !(DamageAngleDegrees <= 0f) && !(DamageAngleDegrees >= 360f)) { continue; } Vector3 vector = current.transform.position - hitPosition; float sqrMagnitude = vector.sqrMagnitude; if (ExcludeTarget && !(sqrMagnitude > float.Epsilon)) { continue; } float cachedRadius = current.CachedRadius; float sqrBlastRadiusPlus = (blastRadius + cachedRadius) * (blastRadius + cachedRadius); float sqrAdjBlastRadiusPlus = (adjBlastRadius + cachedRadius) * (adjBlastRadius + cachedRadius); Vector3 vector2 = vector.normalized; if (TargetAngle > 0f) { vector2 = Quaternion.Euler(0f, TargetAngle, 0f) * vector2; } bool isWithinAngle = Vector3.Angle(parentForward, vector2) <= DamageAngleDegrees * 0.5f; bool isWithinAdjRadius = sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon || (isWithinAngle && sqrMagnitude <= sqrAdjBlastRadiusPlus); bool isWithinPureRadius = sqrMagnitude < float.Epsilon || (isWithinAngle && sqrMagnitude <= sqrBlastRadiusPlus); if (!isWithinAdjRadius || !GameUtilities.LineofSight(hitPosition, current.gameObject.transform.position, 1f, false, true)) { //if the target isn't even within the adj (wider) radius OR isn't within line of sight (there is cover) //it's not in the target list. continue; } Faction casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); //if isValidForHostile, that means that the target is valid when it is hostile. This means that the AOE is a negative effect var isValidForHostile = IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, TargetType.Hostile); var isValidTarget = IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster); var isCurrentFriendly = (current.isPartyMember || casterFaction.IsFriendly(current)); //I tried organizing the code by setting the whole FindActiveAIController thing into a variable, but in some situations it throws NullReferenceExceptions. //these situations seem to be avoided by doing it like this. if ((ValidTargets == TargetType.Friendly || ValidTargets == TargetType.FriendlyIncludingCharmed) && !isValidForHostile && isValidTarget) { if (!confusedArentFriends || (GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject) ? GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject).GetOriginalTeam()?.GetRelationship(casterFaction.CurrentTeam) : null) != Faction.Relationship.Hostile) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else if ( (ValidTargets == TargetType.Hostile && !isValidTarget) || (!isWithinPureRadius && ValidTargets == TargetType.All && !isValidForHostile)) { if (IsValidTarget(current.gameObject, caster, TargetType.All) && confusedArentFriends && (GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject) ? GameUtilities.FindActiveAIController(current.gameObject).GetOriginalTeam()?.GetRelationship(casterFaction.CurrentTeam) : null) == Faction.Relationship.Hostile) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else if (ValidTargets == TargetType.All && isValidForHostile) { if (!disableFriendlyFire || !isCurrentFriendly) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } else if (isWithinPureRadius && isValidTarget) { //in this case, if (!disableFriendlyFire || ValidTargets != TargetType.All || !isCurrentFriendly) { list.Add(current.gameObject); } } } int num6 = list.IndexOf(Owner); if (num6 > 0) { list[num6] = list[0]; list[0] = Owner; } return(list); }
private GameObject ScanForTargetToAttackImproved(List <GameObject> potentialTargets, GameObject owner, AIController aiController) { Faction ownerFaction = owner.GetComponent <Faction>(); if (ownerFaction == null) { Debug.LogError( + " doesn't have a faction.", owner); return(null); } float perceptionDistance = aiController.PerceptionDistance; if (aiController.InCombat) { perceptionDistance *= 2; // was += 6f; } var targets = new List <GameObject>(potentialTargets.Count); var targetDistances = new List <float>(potentialTargets.Count); var targetStaminas = new List <float>(potentialTargets.Count); var targetIsEngageds = new List <bool>(potentialTargets.Count); var maxStamina = float.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < potentialTargets.Count; i++) { GameObject potentialTarget = potentialTargets[i]; if (ownerFaction.IsHostile(potentialTarget)) { Health targetHealth = potentialTarget.GetComponent <Health>(); if (!(targetHealth == null) && targetHealth.Targetable) { AIController targetAI = potentialTarget.GetComponent <AIController>(); if (!(targetAI == null)) { CharacterStats targetStats = potentialTarget.GetComponent <CharacterStats>(); if (!(targetStats == null)) { float targetDistance = GameUtilities.V3Distance2D(owner.transform.position, potentialTarget.transform.position); bool isValid = false; if (targetStats.NoiseLevelRadius > targetDistance) { isValid = true; GameState.InStealthMode = false; } else if (targetDistance <= perceptionDistance && GameUtilities.LineofSight(owner.transform.position, targetAI.transform.position, 1f, false)) { isValid = true; } if (isValid) { targets.Add(potentialTarget); targetDistances.Add(targetDistance); targetStaminas.Add(targetHealth.CurrentStamina); targetIsEngageds.Add(aiController.HasEngaged(potentialTarget)); maxStamina = Math.Max(targetHealth.CurrentStamina, maxStamina); } } } } } } if (GameState.InStealthMode) { return(null); } const float DISTANCE_WEIGHT = 1f; const float STAMINA_WEIGHT = 1f; const float FICKLENESS_WEIGHT = 0.5f; const float ENGAGED_WEIGHT = -10f; // must be more than the other weights combined const float CURRENT_TARGET_WEIGHT = 2f; var bestWeight = float.MaxValue; GameObject result = null; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Count; ++i) { var distanceValue = (targetDistances[i] / perceptionDistance) * DISTANCE_WEIGHT; var staminaValue = (targetStaminas[i] / maxStamina) * STAMINA_WEIGHT; // targets with less stamina are more attractive var isCurrentTarget = ((Mod_AI_PreTargetScanner)(object)this).DeprioritizeCurrentTarget && (targets[i] == aiController.CurrentTarget); var currentTargetValue = isCurrentTarget ? CURRENT_TARGET_WEIGHT : 0; var engagedValue = (targetIsEngageds[i] ? 1 : 0) * ENGAGED_WEIGHT; var fickleValue = Random.Range(0f, 1f) * FICKLENESS_WEIGHT; // a little randomness is useful var value = distanceValue + staminaValue + currentTargetValue + engagedValue + fickleValue; if (value < bestWeight) { bestWeight = value; result = targets[i]; } } return(result); }
public virtual List <GameObject> FindAoeTargetsNew(GameObject caster, Vector3 parentForward, Vector3 hitPosition, bool forUi) { bool flag; bool flag1; List <GameObject> gameObjects = new List <GameObject>(); float adjustedBlastRadius = this.AdjustedBlastRadius; float single = adjustedBlastRadius; if (this.ValidTargets == AttackBase.TargetType.All && this.BlastRadius < this.AdjustedBlastRadius) { adjustedBlastRadius = this.BlastRadius; } foreach (Faction activeFactionComponent in Faction.ActiveFactionComponents) { if (activeFactionComponent != null) { if (!(activeFactionComponent.gameObject == base.Owner) || this.DamageAngleDegrees <= 0f || this.DamageAngleDegrees >= 360f) { Vector3 vector3 = activeFactionComponent.transform.position - hitPosition; float single1 = vector3.sqrMagnitude; if (this.ExcludeTarget && single1 <= 1.401298E-45f) { continue; } float cachedRadius = activeFactionComponent.CachedRadius; float single2 = (adjustedBlastRadius + cachedRadius) * (adjustedBlastRadius + cachedRadius); float single3 = (single + cachedRadius) * (single + cachedRadius); Vector3 vector31 = vector3.normalized; if (this.TargetAngle > 0f) { vector31 = Quaternion.Euler(0f, this.TargetAngle, 0f) * vector31; } float single4 = Vector3.Angle(parentForward, vector31); bool damageAngleDegrees = single4 <= this.DamageAngleDegrees * 0.5f; if (single1 < 1.401298E-45f) { flag = true; } else { flag = (!damageAngleDegrees ? false : single1 <= single3); } bool flag2 = flag; if (single1 < 1.401298E-45f) { flag1 = true; } else { flag1 = (!damageAngleDegrees ? false : single1 <= single2); } bool flag3 = flag1; if (!flag2 || !GameUtilities.LineofSight(hitPosition, activeFactionComponent.gameObject.transform.position, 1f, false, true)) { continue; } if (this.ValidTargets != AttackBase.TargetType.All || !base.IsValidTarget(activeFactionComponent.gameObject, caster, AttackBase.TargetType.Hostile)) { if (!flag3 || !base.IsValidTarget(activeFactionComponent.gameObject, caster)) { continue; } var casterFaction = caster.GetComponent <Faction>(); if (IEModOptions.DisableFriendlyFire && ValidTargets == TargetType.All && mod_AttackBase.FriendlyRightNowAndAlsoWhenConfused(activeFactionComponent.gameObject, caster)) { continue; } gameObjects.Add(activeFactionComponent.gameObject); } else { gameObjects.Add(activeFactionComponent.gameObject); } } } } int num = gameObjects.IndexOf(base.Owner); if (num > 0) { gameObjects[num] = gameObjects[0]; gameObjects[0] = base.Owner; } return(gameObjects); }
protected GameObject ScanForTargetToAttackNew(List <GameObject> potentialTargets, GameObject owner, AIController aiController) { if (IEModOptions.ImprovedAI) // added this if statement { return(ScanForTargetToAttackImproved(potentialTargets, owner, aiController)); } float num = 3.40282347E+38f; GameObject result = null; Faction component = owner.GetComponent <Faction>(); if (component == null) { Debug.LogError( + " doesn't have a faction.", owner); return(null); } float num2 = aiController.PerceptionDistance; if (aiController.InCombat) { num2 += 6f; } for (int i = 0; i < potentialTargets.Count; i++) { GameObject gameObject = potentialTargets[i]; if (component.IsHostile(gameObject)) { Health component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <Health>(); if (!(component2 == null) && component2.Targetable) { AIController component3 = gameObject.GetComponent <AIController>(); if (!(component3 == null)) { CharacterStats component4 = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterStats>(); if (!(component4 == null)) { float num3 = GameUtilities.V3Distance2D(owner.transform.position, gameObject.transform.position); float num4 = num2; if (component4.NoiseLevelRadius > num3) { result = gameObject; GameState.InStealthMode = false; } if (num3 <= num4) { if (GameUtilities.LineofSight(owner.transform.position, component3.transform.position, 1f, false)) { float num5 = 0f; num5 += num3 / num4 * 2f; num5 += component2.CurrentStamina / component2.MaxStamina * 0.5f; num5 += ((!aiController.HasEngaged(gameObject)) ? 0f : -3f); if (num5 < num && !GameState.InStealthMode) { num = num5; result = gameObject; } } } } } } } } return(result); }