public void SignImages(string setCodesStr, bool small, bool zoom, bool nonToken, bool token) { foreach (FsPath qualityDir in getQualities(small, zoom)) { foreach ((_, _, FsPath tokenSuffix) in getIsToken(nonToken, token)) { FsPath outputFile = getSignatureFile(qualityDir, tokenSuffix); FsPath packagePath = TargetDir.Join(qualityDir).Concat(tokenSuffix); new ImageDirectorySigner().SignFiles(packagePath, outputFile, setCodesStr); FsPath signatureFile = getSignatureFile(qualityDir, tokenSuffix); FsPath compressedSignatureFile = signatureFile .Parent() .Join(signatureFile.Basename(extension: false)) .Concat(SevenZipExtension); if (compressedSignatureFile.IsFile()) { compressedSignatureFile.DeleteFile(); } new SevenZip(false).Compress(signatureFile, compressedSignatureFile) .Should().BeTrue(); } } }
public void SignFiles(FsPath packagePath, FsPath output, string setCodes) { FsPath parentDir = output.Parent(); parentDir.CreateDirectory(); if (packagePath.IsDirectory()) { var sets = setCodes?.Split(';', ',', '|') // to remove duplicates with different set name casing .ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var prevSignatureByPath = sets != null && output.IsFile() ? Signer.ReadFromFile(output, internPath: false) .Where(_ => !sets.Contains(_.Path.Parent().Value)) .ToDictionary(_ => _.Path) : new Dictionary <FsPath, FileSignature>(); var signatures = Signer.CreateSignatures(packagePath, precalculated: prevSignatureByPath); Signer.WriteToFile(output, signatures); } else if (packagePath.IsFile()) { var metadata = Signer.CreateSignature(packagePath); Signer.WriteToFile(output, Sequence.Array(metadata)); } else { Console.WriteLine("Specified path {0} does not exist", packagePath); } }
private void openInExplorerClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { FsPath fullPath = _models[_imageIndex].ImageFile.FullPath; if (!fullPath.IsFile()) { return; } if (Runtime.IsLinux) { var explorerApp = detectFileExplorerApp(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(explorerApp)) { Process.Start(explorerApp, $"--select \"{fullPath}\""); } else { Process.Start("xdg-open", $"\"{fullPath.Parent()}\""); } } else { Process.Start("explorer.exe", $"/select, \"{fullPath}\""); } }
public static void Scale(FsPath sourceFile, FsPath targetFile) { FsPath exe = Runtime.IsLinux ? getLinuxExecutable() : getWindowsExecutable(); string args = $"--jobs {Environment.ProcessorCount} --mode scale -i \"{sourceFile}\" -o \"{targetFile}\""; FsPath workingDirectory = exe.Parent(); var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(exe.Value, args) { WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory.Value, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }); if (process == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to start waifu2x-converter.exe"); } if (!process.WaitForExit(180_000)) { throw new TimeoutException("waifu2x-converter.exe timeout"); } }
public static void Scale(FsPath sourceFile, FsPath targetFile) { int parallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount; // download from FsPath exe = DevPaths.MtgToolsDir.Join("waifu2x-converter-cpp", "waifu2x-converter-cpp.exe"); string args = $"--jobs {parallelism} --mode scale -i \"{sourceFile}\" -o \"{targetFile}\""; FsPath workingDirectory = exe.Parent(); var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(exe.Value, args) { WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory.Value, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true }); if (process == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to start waifu2x-converter.exe"); } if (!process.WaitForExit(180_000)) { throw new TimeoutException("waifu2x-converter.exe timeout"); } }
public void RenameWizardsWebpageImages(string htmlFile, string targetSubdir) { FsPath htmlPath = HtmlDir.Join(htmlFile); FsPath targetDir = DevPaths.GathererOriginalDir.Join(targetSubdir); string htmlFileName = htmlPath.Basename(extension: false); FsPath directoryName = htmlPath.Parent(); if (!directoryName.HasValue()) { throw new ArgumentException(htmlPath.Value, nameof(htmlPath)); } FsPath filesDirectory = directoryName.Join(htmlFileName + "_files"); string content = htmlPath.ReadAllText(); var matches = _imgTagPattern.Matches(content); targetDir.CreateDirectory(); foreach (Match match in matches) { string originalFileName = match.Groups["file"].Value; string ext = Path.GetExtension(originalFileName); FsPath filePath = filesDirectory.Join(originalFileName); string name = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups["name"].Value) .Replace(" // ", ""); FsPath defaultTargetPath = targetDir.Join(name + ext); bool defaultTargetExists = defaultTargetPath.IsFile(); if (defaultTargetExists || getTargetPath(1).IsFile()) { if (defaultTargetExists) { defaultTargetPath.MoveFileTo(getTargetPath(1)); } for (int i = 2; i < 12; i++) { FsPath targetPath = getTargetPath(i); if (!targetPath.IsFile()) { filePath.CopyFileTo(targetPath, overwrite: false); break; } } } else { filePath.CopyFileTo(defaultTargetPath, overwrite: false); } FsPath getTargetPath(int num) => targetDir.Join(name + num + ext); } }
private static void moveDirectoryToBackup(FsPath dir, FsPath dirBak) { if (dirBak.IsDirectory()) { dirBak.DeleteDirectory(recursive: true); } dirBak.Parent().CreateDirectory(); dir.MoveDirectoryTo(dirBak); }
public void Save(FsPath file) { FsPath directory = file.Parent(); directory.CreateDirectory(); var state = getState(); WriteHistory(file, state); }
public static void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath exePath, FsPath iconPath, FsPath shortcutPath) { if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } var wsh = new WshShell(); IWshShortcut shortcut; try { shortcut = wsh.CreateShortcut(shortcutPath.Value) as IWshShortcut; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "Failed to create shortcut object {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); return; } FsPath bin = exePath.Parent(); if (shortcut == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}.{3} returned null", exePath, shortcutPath, nameof(WshShell), nameof(wsh.CreateShortcut)); return; } shortcut.Arguments = ""; shortcut.TargetPath = exePath.Value; shortcut.WindowStyle = 1; shortcut.Description = "Application to search MTG cards and build decks"; shortcut.WorkingDirectory = bin.Value; if (iconPath.HasValue()) { shortcut.IconLocation = iconPath.Value; } try { shortcut.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to create shortcut {0} at {1}: {2}", exePath, shortcutPath, ex); } }
private static FsPath getDir(FsPath lastFile) { if (lastFile == FsPath.None) { return(FsPath.None); } var result = lastFile.Parent(); if (!result.IsDirectory()) { return(FsPath.None); } return(result); }
public void LoadHistory(FsPath file) { FsPath directory = file.Parent(); directory.CreateDirectory(); if (TryReadHistory(file, out var state)) { _settingsHistory = state.SettingsHistory; _settingsIndex = state.SettingsIndex; } else { _settingsHistory = new List <GuiSettings>(); var defaultSettings = new GuiSettings(); Add(defaultSettings); } IsLoaded = true; Loaded?.Invoke(); }
public ImageFile( FsPath fileName, FsPath rootPath, string setCode = null, string artist = null, bool isArt = false, int?customPriority = null) { var fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName.Basename(extension: false); FsPath directoryName = fileName.Parent(); FullPath = fileName; string[] parts = fileNameWithoutExtension.Split(Sequence.Array('.'), StringSplitOptions.None); var lastNamePart = Enumerable.Range(0, parts.Length) .Last(i => i == 0 || // Richard Garfield, Ph.D..xlhq.jpg // S.N.O.T..xlhq.jpg // Our Market Research....xlhq.jpg parts[i].Length <= 1 || // Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII.xlhq.jpg // Но Thoughtseize.[Size 16x20].jpg parts[i].Contains(' ') && !(parts[i].StartsWith("[") && parts[i].EndsWith("]"))); Type = string.Join(".", parts.Skip(1 + lastNamePart)); string imageNameRaw = string.Join(".", parts.Take(1 + lastNamePart)); var imageName = _patternToRemove.Replace(imageNameRaw, string.Empty); var replacedName = _nameReplacements.TryGet(imageName) ?? imageName; ImageName = string.Intern(replacedName); var nameParts = ImageName.SplitTailingNumber(); Name = string.Intern(nameParts.Item1); VariantNumber = nameParts.Item2; rootPath = rootPath.ToAppRootedPath(); if (setCode != null) { SetCode = string.Intern(setCode); SetCodeIsFromAttribute = true; } else { var setCodeMatch = _setCodeRegex.Match(directoryName.RelativeTo(rootPath).Value); if (setCodeMatch.Success) { SetCode = string.Intern(setCodeMatch.Value.ToUpperInvariant()); } else { SetCode = string.Empty; } } Priority = customPriority ?? getPriority(); if (artist != null) { Artist = string.Intern(artist); } IsArt = isArt; IsToken = directoryName.Value.IndexOf("Token", Str.Comparison) >= 0; }