public void RenameWizardsWebpageImages(string htmlFile, string targetSubdir) { FsPath htmlPath = HtmlDir.Join(htmlFile); FsPath targetDir = DevPaths.GathererOriginalDir.Join(targetSubdir); string htmlFileName = htmlPath.Basename(extension: false); FsPath directoryName = htmlPath.Parent(); if (!directoryName.HasValue()) { throw new ArgumentException(htmlPath.Value, nameof(htmlPath)); } FsPath filesDirectory = directoryName.Join(htmlFileName + "_files"); string content = htmlPath.ReadAllText(); var matches = _imgTagPattern.Matches(content); targetDir.CreateDirectory(); foreach (Match match in matches) { string originalFileName = match.Groups["file"].Value; string ext = Path.GetExtension(originalFileName); FsPath filePath = filesDirectory.Join(originalFileName); string name = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Groups["name"].Value) .Replace(" // ", ""); FsPath defaultTargetPath = targetDir.Join(name + ext); bool defaultTargetExists = defaultTargetPath.IsFile(); if (defaultTargetExists || getTargetPath(1).IsFile()) { if (defaultTargetExists) { defaultTargetPath.MoveFileTo(getTargetPath(1)); } for (int i = 2; i < 12; i++) { FsPath targetPath = getTargetPath(i); if (!targetPath.IsFile()) { filePath.CopyFileTo(targetPath, overwrite: false); break; } } } else { filePath.CopyFileTo(defaultTargetPath, overwrite: false); } FsPath getTargetPath(int num) => targetDir.Join(name + num + ext); } }
public Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > GetOrderByCard() { FsPath sortFile = _resourcesDir.Join("tcg.sort.json"); var json = sortFile.ReadAllText(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, int> > >(json); return(result); }
public void CreateApplicationShortcut(FsPath shortcutLocation) { string appVersionInstalled = GetAppVersionInstalled(); // var prefix = "Mtgdb.Gui."; var postfix = ".zip"; var versionDir = appVersionInstalled.Substring(prefix.Length, appVersionInstalled.Length - prefix.Length - postfix.Length); FsPath currentBin = AppDir.BinVersion.Parent().Join(versionDir); // may be different from currently running executable because of just installed upgrade FsPath execPath = currentBin.Join(ExecutableFileName); FsPath iconPath = currentBin.Join("mtg64.ico"); FsPath shortcutPath = shortcutLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (createApplicationShortcut(shortcutPath, execPath, iconPath)) { return; } // workaround a problem with WshShell unable to create the link within desktop directory // due to a mismatch between physical and localized directory names var tempLocation = new FsPath(Path.GetTempPath()); FsPath tempPath = tempLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (createApplicationShortcut(tempPath, execPath, iconPath)) { try { if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { shortcutPath.DeleteFile(); } tempPath.MoveFileTo(shortcutPath); Console.WriteLine("Moved application shortcut from {0} to {1}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to move application shortcut from {0} to {1}: {2}", tempLocation, shortcutLocation, ex); try { tempPath.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception cleanupEx) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to remove application shortcut from {0}: {1}", tempLocation, cleanupEx); } } } }
[UsedImplicitly] // by ninject public NewsService(AppSourceConfig appSourceConfig) { _appSourceConfig = appSourceConfig; FsPath newsDir = AppDir.Update.Join("notifications"); _newsArchive = newsDir.Join(""); _unzippedNewsDir = newsDir.Join("archive"); _unreadNewsDir = newsDir.Join("new"); _readNewsDir = newsDir.Join("read"); _unzippedNewsDir.CreateDirectory(); _unreadNewsDir.CreateDirectory(); _readNewsDir.CreateDirectory(); }
public IndexVersion(FsPath root, string indexVersion) { IndexDirectory = root.Join(indexVersion); _root = root; _indexVersion = indexVersion; _completionLabelFile = IndexDirectory.Join("indexing.done"); }
public void ZipImages(string setCodesStr, bool small, bool zoom, bool nonToken, bool token) { var setCodes = setCodesStr?.Split(',').ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach (FsPath qualityDir in getQualities(small, zoom)) { foreach ((_, _, FsPath tokenSuffix) in getIsToken(nonToken, token)) { FsPath compressedRoot = TargetDir.Join(qualityDir).Concat(tokenSuffix).Concat(ZipDirSuffix); compressedRoot.CreateDirectory(); FsPath sourceRoot = TargetDir.Join(qualityDir).Concat(tokenSuffix); foreach (var subdir in sourceRoot.EnumerateDirectories()) { string subdirRelative = subdir.Basename(); if (setCodes?.Contains(subdirRelative) == false) { continue; } var targetFile = compressedRoot.Join(subdirRelative).Concat(SevenZipExtension); if (targetFile.IsFile()) { targetFile.DeleteFile(); } new SevenZip(false).Compress(subdir, targetFile) .Should().BeTrue(); } } } }
public static void WriteExistingSignatures(ImageDownloadProgress progress, IEnumerable <FileSignature> signatures = null) { FsPath targetSubdirectory = progress.TargetSubdirectory; FsPath existingSignaturesFile = targetSubdirectory.Join(Signer.SignaturesFile); signatures ??= Signer.CreateSignatures(targetSubdirectory); Signer.WriteToFile(existingSignaturesFile, signatures); }
// ReSharper restore StringLiteralTypo public void Resample() { FsPath file = DevPaths.XlhqDir.Join("XLN - Ixalan", "300DPI Cards", "Adanto, the First Fort.xlhq.jpg"); string name = file.Basename(extension: false); FsPath targetDir = DevPaths.DataDrive.Join("temp", "img"); using (var image = new MagickImage(file.Value)) { image.Resize(new Percentage(50)); image.Write(targetDir.Join(name).Concat("resized.jpg").Value); } using (var image = new MagickImage(file.Value)) { image.Scale(new Percentage(50)); image.Write(targetDir.Join(name).Concat("scaled.jpg").Value); } }
private void updateApplicationShortcut(FsPath shortcutLocation) { FsPath shortcutPath = shortcutLocation.Join(ShortcutFileName); if (shortcutPath.IsFile()) { CreateApplicationShortcut(shortcutLocation); } }
private static FsPath getTargetPath(ImageFile imageFile, FsPath subdir) { var fileName = imageFile.FullPath.Basename(); while (true) { if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".jpg")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".png")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".xlhq")) { continue; } // ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".xhlq")) { continue; } if (removeExtension(ref fileName, ".full")) { continue; } break; } string targetFileName; if (imageFile.FullPath.Value.EndsWith(".jpg", Str.Comparison)) { targetFileName = fileName + ".jpg"; } else if (imageFile.FullPath.Value.EndsWith(".png", Str.Comparison)) { targetFileName = fileName + ".png"; } else { throw new NotSupportedException("only .png .jpg extensions are supported"); } var targetFullPath = subdir.Join(targetFileName); return(targetFullPath); }
public async Task <bool> DownloadAndExtract(string remotePath, FsPath targetDirectory, FsPath fileName, CancellationToken token) { if (!Str.Equals(".7z", fileName.Extension())) { throw new ArgumentException(); } FsPath archiveFileName = targetDirectory.Join(fileName); if (archiveFileName.IsFile()) { try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); return(false); } } bool downloaded = await TryDownloadFile(remotePath, archiveFileName, token); if (!downloaded) { return(false); } if (!archiveFileName.IsFile()) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to download {archiveFileName} from {remotePath}"); return(false); } var sevenZip = new SevenZip(silent: true); sevenZip.Extract(archiveFileName, targetDirectory, Enumerable.Empty <FsPath>()); try { archiveFileName.DeleteFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { lock (_syncOutput) Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {archiveFileName}: {ex.Message}"); } return(true); }
private void convertToJpg(FsPath sourceImage, FsPath targetDir, bool isZoomDir) { FsPath targetImage = targetDir.Join(sourceImage.Basename(extension: false)).Concat(".jpg"); if (_keepExisting && targetImage.IsFile() && (isZoomed(targetImage) || !isZoomDir)) { return; } using var original = new Bitmap(sourceImage.Value); new BmpAlphaToBackgroundColorTransformation(original, Color.White) .Execute(); original.Save(targetImage.Value, _jpegCodec, _jpegEncoderParams); }
public void MigrateHistoryFiles() { FsPath firstFormDirectory = AppDir.History.Join(0.ToString()); if (firstFormDirectory.IsDirectory()) { return; } firstFormDirectory.CreateDirectory(); foreach (FsPath file in AppDir.History.EnumerateFiles()) { file.CopyFileTo(firstFormDirectory.Join(file.Basename())); } }
public async Task DownloadGathererImages(string setCodesStr, bool nonToken, bool token) { var clients = new List <ImageDownloaderBase>(2) { // new GathererClient(), new ScryfallClient(), }; var setCodes = setCodesStr?.Split(',').ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); var repo = new CardRepository(new CardFormatter(), () => null) { FilterSetCode = setCode => setCodes?.Contains(setCode) != false, }; repo.LoadFile(); repo.Load(); foreach (Set set in repo.SetsByCode.Values) { if (setCodes?.Contains(set.Code) == false) { continue; } foreach ((bool isToken, FsPath typeSubdir, _) in getIsToken(nonToken, token)) { var cards = set.List(isToken); if (cards.Count == 0) { continue; } var missingCardsByClient = clients.ToDictionary(_ => _, _ => 0); FsPath setSubdir = new FsPath(set.Code + (Str.Equals(set.Code, "con") ? " escape" : string.Empty)); FsPath downloadRootDir = DevPaths.MtgContentDir.Join(_createZoom ? OriginalSubdir : PreProcessedSubdir); FsPath rootDirZoom = DevPaths.MtgContentDir.Join(PreProcessedSubdir); FsPath setDirectory = downloadRootDir.Join(typeSubdir, setSubdir); FsPath setDirectoryZoom = rootDirZoom.Join(typeSubdir, setSubdir); FsPath setDirectoryPng = setDirectory.Concat(".png"); bool dirExisted = setDirectoryPng.IsDirectory(); if (!dirExisted) { setDirectoryPng.CreateDirectory(); } foreach (var card in cards) { FsPath targetFile = setDirectoryPng.Join(card.ImageName + ".png"); FsPath processedFile = setDirectory.Join(card.ImageName + ".jpg"); FsPath processedFileZoom = setDirectoryZoom.Join(card.ImageName + ".jpg"); if (targetFile.IsFile() || processedFile.IsFile() && processedFileZoom.IsFile()) { continue; } if (targetFile.Basename(extension: false).EndsWith("1")) { var unnumbered = targetFile.WithName(_ => _.Replace("1.png", ".png")); if (unnumbered.IsFile()) { unnumbered.MoveFileTo(targetFile); continue; } } foreach (ImageDownloaderBase client in clients) { int attempts = 5; for (int i = 0; i < attempts; i++) { var cancellation = new CancellationTokenSource(); var time = DateTime.UtcNow; var downloadTask = client.DownloadCardImage(card, targetFile, cancellation.Token); var waitTask = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), cancellation.Token); await Task.WhenAny(downloadTask, waitTask); cancellation.Cancel(); var elapsed = DateTime.UtcNow - time; var delta = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5) - elapsed; if (delta.TotalSeconds > 0) { await Task.Delay(delta); } if (targetFile.IsFile()) { break; } } if (targetFile.IsFile()) { break; } missingCardsByClient[client]++; } } if (!dirExisted && !setDirectoryPng.EnumerateFiles().Any()) { setDirectoryPng.DeleteDirectory(); } } } }
public void PreProcessImages(string setCodesStr, bool nonToken, bool token) { setupImageConversion(); FsPath smallDir = DevPaths.GathererOriginalDir; FsPath zoomDir = DevPaths.GathererPreprocessedDir; FsPath smallDirBak = BakDir.Join(smallDir.Basename()); FsPath zoomDirBak = BakDir.Join(zoomDir.Basename()); var setCodes = setCodesStr?.Split(',').ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); IEnumerable <FsPath> getSetSubdirs(FsPath typeSubdir) { FsPath typeDir = smallDir.Join(typeSubdir); return(typeDir .EnumerateDirectories(_fromPng ? "*.png" : "*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly) .Select(_ => new FsPath( Regex.Replace( _.Basename(), @"\.png$", string.Empty)))); } foreach ((_, FsPath typeSubdir, _) in getIsToken(nonToken, token)) { foreach (FsPath setSubdir in getSetSubdirs(typeSubdir)) { if (setCodes?.Contains(setSubdir.Value) == false) { continue; } FsPath smallJpgDir = smallDir.Join(typeSubdir, setSubdir); FsPath zoomJpgDir = zoomDir.Join(typeSubdir, setSubdir); if (!_fromPng) { if (!_createZoom) { return; } zoomJpgDir.CreateDirectory(); foreach (FsPath smallImg in smallJpgDir.EnumerateFiles()) { FsPath zoomImg = smallImg.ChangeDirectory(smallDir, zoomDir); if (_keepExisting && zoomImg.IsFile() && isZoomed(zoomImg)) { continue; } scale(smallImg, zoomImg); } } else { FsPath setPngSubdir = setSubdir.Concat(".png"); FsPath smallPngDir = smallDir.Join(typeSubdir, setPngSubdir); FsPath smallPngDirBak = smallDirBak.Join(typeSubdir, setPngSubdir); FsPath zoomPngDir = zoomDir.Join(typeSubdir, setPngSubdir); FsPath zoomPngDirBak = zoomDirBak.Join(typeSubdir, setPngSubdir); var dirs = new List <(FsPath pngDir, FsPath pngDirBak, FsPath jpgDir, bool isZoom)>(); if (_createZoom) { zoomPngDir.CreateDirectory(); foreach (FsPath smallImg in smallPngDir.EnumerateFiles()) { FsPath zoomImg = smallImg.ChangeDirectory(smallDir, zoomDir); FsPath convertedImg = zoomImg.ChangeDirectory(zoomPngDir, zoomJpgDir) .WithName(_ => _.Replace(".png", ".jpg")); if (_keepExisting && ( zoomImg.IsFile() && isZoomed(zoomImg) || convertedImg.IsFile() && isZoomed(convertedImg))) { continue; } scale(smallImg, zoomImg); } dirs.Add((pngDir: zoomPngDir, pngDirBak: zoomPngDirBak, jpgDir: zoomJpgDir, isZoom: true)); } dirs.Add((pngDir: smallPngDir, pngDirBak: smallPngDirBak, jpgDir: smallJpgDir, isZoom: false)); foreach ((FsPath pngDir, FsPath pngDirBak, FsPath jpgDir, bool isZoom) in dirs) { jpgDir.CreateDirectory(); var pngImages = pngDir.EnumerateFiles(); foreach (FsPath sourceImage in pngImages) { convertToJpg(sourceImage, jpgDir, isZoom); } moveDirectoryToBackup(pngDir, pngDirBak); } } } } }
private static FsPath getSignaturesDir(QualityGroupConfig qualityGroup) => _updateImgDir.Join(qualityGroup.Name);
private static (FsPath Directory, FsPath File) getSignaturesFile(QualityGroupConfig qualityGroup) { FsPath dir = getSignaturesDir(qualityGroup); return(Directory : dir, File : dir.Join(Signer.SignaturesFile)); }
private void export( FsPath directory, string setCodesStr, ISet <FsPath> exportedSmall, ISet <FsPath> exportedZoomed, bool small, bool zoomed, FsPath smallSubdir, FsPath zoomedSubdir, bool matchingSet, bool forceRemoveCorner, bool token) { var setCodes = setCodesStr?.Split(',').ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); foreach ((string setCode, Set set) in _cardRepo.SetsByCode) { Console.WriteLine(setCode); if (setCodes?.Contains(setCode) == false) { continue; } FsPath smallSetSubdir = FsPath.None; FsPath zoomedSetSubdir = FsPath.None; if (small) { if (smallSubdir.HasValue()) { smallSetSubdir = directory.Join(smallSubdir).Join(setCode); } else { smallSetSubdir = directory.Join(setCode); } smallSetSubdir = ensureSetSubdirectory(smallSetSubdir); } if (zoomed) { if (zoomedSubdir.HasValue()) { zoomedSetSubdir = directory.Join(zoomedSubdir).Join(setCode); } else { zoomedSetSubdir = directory.Join(setCode); } zoomedSetSubdir = ensureSetSubdirectory(zoomedSetSubdir); } foreach (var card in set.Cards) { if (card.IsSingleSide() && card.Faces.Main != card) { continue; } if (card.IsToken != token) { continue; } Bitmap original = null; ImageModel modelSmall = null; if (small) { modelSmall = _imageRepo.GetSmallImage(card, _cardRepo.GetReleaseDateSimilarity); if (modelSmall != null && Str.Equals(card.SetCode, modelSmall.ImageFile.SetCode) == matchingSet && exportedSmall.Add(modelSmall.ImageFile.FullPath)) { FsPath smallPath = getTargetPath(modelSmall.ImageFile, smallSetSubdir); if (!smallPath.IsFile() || card.Faces.Count > 1) { original = ImageLoader.Open(modelSmall); addFile(original, modelSmall.ImageFile, smallPath, small: true, forceRemoveCorner); } } } if (zoomed) { var modelZoom = _imageRepo.GetImagePrint(card, _cardRepo.GetReleaseDateSimilarity); if (modelZoom != null && Str.Equals(card.SetCode, modelZoom.ImageFile.SetCode) == matchingSet && exportedZoomed.Add(modelZoom.ImageFile.FullPath)) { FsPath zoomedPath = getTargetPath(modelZoom.ImageFile, zoomedSetSubdir); if (!zoomedPath.IsFile() || card.Faces.Count > 1) { if (original == null || modelSmall.ImageFile.FullPath != modelZoom.ImageFile.FullPath) { original?.Dispose(); original = ImageLoader.Open(modelZoom); } addFile(original, modelZoom.ImageFile, zoomedPath, small: false, forceRemoveCorner); } } } original?.Dispose(); } smallSetSubdir.DeleteEmptyDirectory(); zoomedSetSubdir.DeleteEmptyDirectory(); } }
private static bool isAlreadyDownloaded(ImageDownloadProgress progress) { FsPath targetSubdirectory = progress.TargetSubdirectory; targetSubdirectory.CreateDirectory(); if (progress.FilesOnline == null) { return(false); } bool alreadyDownloaded = true; var existingFiles = new HashSet <FsPath>( targetSubdirectory.EnumerateFiles("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)); var existingSignatures = new Dictionary <FsPath, FileSignature>(); foreach (var fileOnline in progress.FilesOnline.Values) { FsPath filePath = targetSubdirectory.Join(fileOnline.Path); if (!existingFiles.Contains(filePath)) { alreadyDownloaded = false; continue; } FileSignature tempQualifier = Signer.CreateSignature(filePath, useAbsolutePath: true); var existingSignature = progress.FilesCorrupted.TryGet(fileOnline.Path) ?? progress.FilesDownloaded.TryGet(fileOnline.Path) ?? new FileSignature { Path = tempQualifier.Path.RelativeTo(targetSubdirectory).Intern(true), Md5Hash = tempQualifier.Md5Hash }; if (existingSignature.Md5Hash != fileOnline.Md5Hash) { alreadyDownloaded = false; Console.WriteLine("Deleting modified or corrupted file {0}", filePath); lock (ImageLoader.SyncIo) { try { filePath.DeleteFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {filePath}. {ex.Message}"); } } } else { existingSignatures.Add(existingSignature.Path, existingSignature); } } foreach (FsPath file in existingFiles) { var relativePath = file.RelativeTo(targetSubdirectory); if (!progress.FilesOnline.ContainsKey(relativePath) && relativePath != Signer.SignaturesFile) { Console.WriteLine("Deleting {0}", file); file.DeleteFile(); } } if (alreadyDownloaded) { ImageDownloadProgressReader.WriteExistingSignatures(progress, existingSignatures.Values); } return(alreadyDownloaded); }