public unsafe void analyzeBuffer() { float u, v; byte m, t; for (int slId = 0; slId < fullBitmap.Height; ++slId) { var scanline = fullBitmap.GetScanline <RGBQUAD>(slId); RGBQUAD[] slData = scanline.Data; for (int pxId = 0; pxId < scanline.Count; ++pxId) { var px = slData[pxId]; t = px.rgbReserved; //There is a change of this changing to the wrong texture id, but who knows if would happen (precision issues) IndirectionTexture indirectionTexture; if (t != 255 && virtualTextureManager.getIndirectionTexture(t, out indirectionTexture)) { //Here the uvs are crushed to 8 bit, but should be ok since we are just detecting pages //with this number this allows 255 pages to be decenly processsed above that data might be lost. u = px.rgbRed / 255.0f; v = px.rgbGreen / 255.0f; m = px.rgbBlue; indirectionTexture.processPage(u, v, m); } } } }
/** * Outputs .tiff file to be read into Argo Solution as input parameter * @param layer the channel corrected * @return true if successful **/ private bool outputBase(int layer) { float[] array; int width = base_dimensions[0]; int height = base_dimensions[1]; float value; if (layer == -1) { return(false); } string image_name = (string)dropdown_imageLayer.Items[layer]; array = new float[width * height]; Array.Copy(base_data, width * height * layer, array, 0, width * height); FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_TIFF; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_FLOAT; FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS save_flags = FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.TIFF_NONE; FreeImageBitmap image = new FreeImageBitmap(width, height, type); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { Scanline <float> scanline = image.GetScanline <float>(j); for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) { value = array[width * j + k]; scanline.SetValue(value, k); } } image.RotateFlip(base_orientation); image.Save("./Workspace/" + image_name + "_base.tiff", format, save_flags); return(true); }
/** * Outputs displayable image of image channel to be corrected. * @param layer the channel corrected * @return true if successful **/ private void outputDisplayableBase(int layer) { float[] array; int width = base_dimensions[0]; int height = base_dimensions[1]; float value, value16bpp; string image_name = (string)dropdown_imageLayer.Items[layer]; array = new float[width * height]; Array.Copy(base_data, width * height * layer, array, 0, width * height); FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT format = FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_TIFF; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_FLOAT; FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS save_flags = FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.TIFF_NONE; FreeImageBitmap image = new FreeImageBitmap(width, height, type); float maxValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Max(m => array[m]); float minValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Min(m => array[m]); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { Scanline <float> scanline = image.GetScanline <float>(j); for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) { value = array[width * j + k]; value16bpp = (1.0f / (maxValue - minValue) * (value - minValue)); scanline.SetValue(value16bpp, k); } } image.RotateFlip(base_orientation); image.Save("./Workspace/" + image_name + "_base_displayable.tiff", format, save_flags); }
public void GetScanline() { FreeImageBitmap fib; fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed); Scanline <FI1BIT> scanline1 = (Scanline <FI1BIT>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed); Scanline <FI4BIT> scanline2 = (Scanline <FI4BIT>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); Scanline <Byte> scanline3 = (Scanline <Byte>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555); Scanline <FI16RGB555> scanline4 = (Scanline <FI16RGB555>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565); Scanline <FI16RGB565> scanline5 = (Scanline <FI16RGB565>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Scanline <RGBTRIPLE> scanline6 = (Scanline <RGBTRIPLE>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Scanline <RGBQUAD> scanline7 = (Scanline <RGBQUAD>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); }
public static RgbSpectrumTexture FreeImageLoadExrBitmap(string fileName) { Console.WriteLine("..Loading hdr bitmap {0}", fileName); using (var bmp = new FreeImageBitmap(fileName)) { //bmp.AdjustGamma(2.2); var pdata = new RgbSpectrumInfo[bmp.Width * bmp.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < bmp.Height; i++) { Scanline<FIRGBF> s = bmp.GetScanline<FIRGBF>(i); for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Width; j++) { pdata[j + i * bmp.Width] = new RgbSpectrumInfo(s[j].red, s[j].green, s[j].blue); //pdata[j + i * bmp.Width] .DeGamma(); } } Console.WriteLine("... Converted size {0:F5} MBytes", (bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 12.0f) / (1024f * 1024f)); MemoryOccupied += (ulong)(bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 12u); var tex = new RgbSpectrumTexture(fileName, pdata, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); return tex; } }
public static Scanline <byte> GetScanlineFromTop8Bit(this FreeImageBitmap bitmap, int y) { return(bitmap.GetScanline <byte>(bitmap.Height - 1 - y)); }
public static RgbSpectrumTexture FreeImageLoadBitmap(string fileName) { Console.WriteLine("..Loading ldr bitmap {0}", fileName); using (var bmp = new FreeImageBitmap(fileName)) { //bmp.AdjustGamma(2.2); var pdata = new RgbSpectrumInfo[bmp.Width * bmp.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < bmp.Height; i++) { if (bmp.ColorDepth == 24) { Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> s = bmp.GetScanline<RGBTRIPLE>(i); for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Width; j++) { pdata[j + i * bmp.Width] = RgbSpectrumInfo.Create(s[j].rgbtRed, s[j].rgbtGreen, s[j].rgbtBlue, false).Abs(); } } if (bmp.ColorDepth == 32) { Scanline<RGBQUAD> s = bmp.GetScanline<RGBQUAD>(i); for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Width; j++) { pdata[j + i * bmp.Width] = RgbSpectrumInfo.Create(s[j].rgbRed, s[j].rgbGreen, s[j].rgbBlue, false).Abs(); } } if (bmp.ColorDepth == 8) { Scanline<byte> s = bmp.GetScanline<byte>(i); for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Width; j++) { pdata[j + i * bmp.Width] = RgbSpectrumInfo.Create(bmp.Palette[s[j]].rgbRed, bmp.Palette[s[j]].rgbGreen, bmp.Palette[s[j]].rgbBlue, false).Abs(); } } } Console.WriteLine("... Converted size {0:F5} MBytes", (bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 12.0f) / (1024f * 1024f)); MemoryOccupied += (ulong)(bmp.Width * bmp.Height * 12u); var tex = new RgbSpectrumTexture(fileName, pdata, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); return tex; } }
public static void FreeImageSaveExrBitmap(string fileName, int width, int height, RgbSpectrum[] data, string[] watermark = null) { using (var bmp = new FreeImageBitmap(width, height, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF)) { for (int i = 0; i < bmp.Height; i++) { Scanline<FIRGBF> s = bmp.GetScanline<FIRGBF>(i); for (int j = 0; j < bmp.Width; j++) { try { var spectra = data[j + i * bmp.Width]; s[j] = new FIRGBF() { blue = spectra.c3, green = spectra.c2, red = spectra.c1 }; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } if (watermark != null) { ApplyWaterMark(10, 400, bmp.ToBitmap(), watermark); } bmp.Save(fileName, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_EXR, FREE_IMAGE_SAVE_FLAGS.EXR_NONE); bmp.TmoReinhard05(1, 0.4); bmp.Save(fileName, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_PNG); } }
public unsafe void Properties() { string filename = iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Even, ImageColorType.Type_32); Assert.IsNotNull(filename); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(filename)); FreeImageBitmap fib = new FreeImageBitmap(filename); Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasPalette); try { Palette palette = fib.Palette; Assert.Fail(); } catch { } Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasBackgroundColor); fib.BackgroundColor = Color.LightSeaGreen; Assert.IsTrue(fib.HasBackgroundColor); Assert.That( Color.LightSeaGreen.B == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.B && Color.LightSeaGreen.G == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.G && Color.LightSeaGreen.R == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.R); fib.BackgroundColor = null; Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasBackgroundColor); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(100, 100, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed); ImageFlags flags = (ImageFlags)fib.Flags; Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.ColorSpaceRgb) == ImageFlags.ColorSpaceRgb); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) != ImageFlags.HasAlpha); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasRealDpi) != ImageFlags.HasRealDpi); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasTranslucent) != ImageFlags.HasTranslucent); fib.Dispose(); dib = FreeImage.Allocate(100, 100, 32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF); FIICCPROFILE *prof = (FIICCPROFILE *)FreeImage.CreateICCProfile(dib, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 4); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(dib); Scanline <RGBQUAD> sc = (Scanline <RGBQUAD>)fib.GetScanline(0); RGBQUAD rgbq = sc[0]; rgbq.rgbReserved = 127; sc[0] = rgbq; flags = (ImageFlags)fib.Flags; Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == ImageFlags.HasAlpha); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasRealDpi) != ImageFlags.HasRealDpi); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasTranslucent) == ImageFlags.HasTranslucent); fib.Dispose(); fib = null; GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Metadata, ImageColorType.Type_01_Dither)); int[] propList = fib.PropertyIdList; Assert.IsNotNull(propList); Assert.Greater(propList.Length, 0); PropertyItem[] propItemList = fib.PropertyItems; Assert.IsNotNull(propItemList); Assert.Greater(propItemList.Length, 0); Assert.IsNotNull(fib.RawFormat); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Multipaged, ImageColorType.Type_01_Dither)); Assert.Greater(fib.FrameCount, 1); fib.Dispose(); }
public void GetScanline() { FreeImageBitmap fib; fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed); Scanline<FI1BIT> scanline1 = (Scanline<FI1BIT>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed); Scanline<FI4BIT> scanline2 = (Scanline<FI4BIT>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); Scanline<Byte> scanline3 = (Scanline<Byte>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555); Scanline<FI16RGB555> scanline4 = (Scanline<FI16RGB555>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565); Scanline<FI16RGB565> scanline5 = (Scanline<FI16RGB565>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> scanline6 = (Scanline<RGBTRIPLE>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(10, 10, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); Scanline<RGBQUAD> scanline7 = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)fib.GetScanline(0); fib.Dispose(); }
private bool MergeImages(string fileNameFormat, string outputDir, string prefix, int frameNum, string ext) { FreeImageBitmap combined = null; string fname = ""; bool supported = false; bool mergeSuccessful = true; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_UNKNOWN; FreeImageBitmap source = null; string mergedFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, ext); string tempFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, "_tmp" + ext); // Allocate a bitmap to store the final image fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_0_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); try { source = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); if (source != null) { type = source.ImageType; switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (source.ColorDepth == 32 || source.ColorDepth == 24) supported = true; break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: supported = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error opening slice file"); } if (supported == false) { Console.WriteLine("Image format not supported"); return false; } try { // Create a new image of the input file type and the correct size FIBITMAP newImage = FreeImage.AllocateT(type, Width, Height, source.ColorDepth, source.RedMask, source.BlueMask, source.GreenMask); FreeImage.SaveEx(newImage, tempFile); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref newImage); source.Dispose(); source = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); combined = new FreeImageBitmap(tempFile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error creating output file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } for (int i = 0; i < SlicesAcross * SlicesDown; i++) { // Load the image slice fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_" + i + "_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); FreeImageBitmap slice = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); int posX; int posY; if (SlicesDown > 1 && SlicesAcross > 1) { posX = i % SlicesAcross; posY = i / SlicesAcross; } else if (SlicesDown == 1) { posX = i; posY = 0; } else { posX = 0; posY = i; } // Calculate the image slice sizes and the row/column position double sizeV = (1.0 / SlicesDown) * Height; double sizeH = (1.0 / SlicesAcross) * Width; double overlapV = sizeV * (Overlap / 100.0); double overlapH = sizeH * (Overlap / 100.0); double realLeft = sizeH * posX; double left = realLeft - overlapH; double realTop = sizeV * posY; double top = realTop - overlapV; // Check the sizes are within limits and adjust left = Math.Max(0.0, left); top = Math.Max(0.0, top); try { switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (slice.ColorDepth == 24) { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> srcLine = (Scanline<RGBTRIPLE>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<RGBTRIPLE> destLine = (Scanline<RGBTRIPLE>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbtRed, srcLine[x].rgbtGreen, srcLine[x].rgbtBlue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbtRed, destLine[destX].rgbtGreen, destLine[destX].rgbtBlue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBTRIPLE dest; dest.rgbtRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<RGBQUAD> srcLine = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<RGBQUAD> destLine = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbRed, srcLine[x].rgbGreen, srcLine[x].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbRed, destLine[destX].rgbGreen, destLine[destX].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBQUAD dest = new RGBQUAD(); dest.rgbRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbReserved = destPixel.alpha > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGB16> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGB16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGB16> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGB16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGB16 dest = new FIRGB16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBA16> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBA16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBA16> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBA16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, srcLine[x].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBA16 dest = new FIRGBA16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); dest.alpha = (ushort)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBAF> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBAF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBAF> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBAF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBAF dest = new FIRGBAF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); dest.alpha = (float)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline<FIRGBF> srcLine = (Scanline<FIRGBF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline<FIRGBF> destLine = (Scanline<FIRGBF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) continue; // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBF dest = new FIRGBF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); destLine[destX] = dest; } else destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } break; } slice.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error merging image files"); mergeSuccessful = false; } } try { if (mergeSuccessful) { combined.Save(mergedFile); combined.Dispose(); combined = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(tempFile); } else { Log += DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " Merging frame " + frameNum + " failed.\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error writing combined file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } return mergeSuccessful; }
protected void SavePBOhdr(string fileName) { OGLBuffer buffer = OutputBuffer as OGLBuffer; if (buffer == null) return; Vector4[] data = new Vector4[buffer.Width * buffer.Height]; buffer.GetDataNoAlloc<Vector4>(data); using (var bmp = new FreeImageBitmap(this.Width, this.Height, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF)) { for (var j = 0ul; j < buffer.Height; j++) { var scanLine = bmp.GetScanline<FIRGBF>((int)buffer.Height - (int)j - 1); for (var i = 0ul; i < buffer.Width; i++) { var px = data[(int)i + (int)(buffer.Height - j - 1) * bmp.Width]; scanLine[(int)i] = new FIRGBF() { red = px.X, green = px.Y, blue = px.Z}; } } bmp.Save(fileName, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_EXR); } }
/** */ private void updateImages(int index) { float[] array; float maxValue, minValue, value; int value16bpp; Bitmap bitmap; Color color; Image old_bitmap; if (base_dimensions != null) { int width = base_dimensions[0]; int height = base_dimensions[1]; array = new float[width * height]; Array.Copy(base_data, width * height * index, array, 0, width * height); FreeImageBitmap image_bitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(new Bitmap(width, height), width, height); maxValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Max(m => array[m]); minValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Min(m => array[m]); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { Scanline <int> scanline = image_bitmap.GetScanline <int>(j); for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) { value = array[width * j + k]; value16bpp = (int)(255.0f / (maxValue - minValue) * (value - minValue)); color = Color.FromArgb(value16bpp, value16bpp, value16bpp); scanline.SetValue(color.ToArgb(), k); } } image_bitmap.RotateFlip(base_orientation); bitmap = image_bitmap.ToBitmap(); image_bitmap.Dispose(); old_bitmap = image_base.Image; image_base.Image = bitmap; if (old_bitmap != null) { old_bitmap.Dispose(); } } if (sliver_dimensions != null) { int width = sliver_dimensions[0]; int height = sliver_dimensions[1]; array = new float[width * height]; Array.Copy(sliver_data, width * height * index, array, 0, width * height); FreeImageBitmap image_bitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(new Bitmap(width, height), width, height); maxValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Max(m => array[m]); minValue = Enumerable.Range(0, array.Length).Min(m => array[m]); for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) { Scanline <int> scanline = image_bitmap.GetScanline <int>(j); for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) { value = array[width * j + k]; value16bpp = (int)(255.0f / (maxValue - minValue) * (value - minValue)); color = Color.FromArgb(value16bpp, value16bpp, value16bpp); scanline.SetValue(color.ToArgb(), k); } } image_bitmap.RotateFlip(sliver_orientation); bitmap = image_bitmap.ToBitmap(); image_bitmap.Dispose(); old_bitmap = image_sliver.Image; image_sliver.Image = bitmap; if (old_bitmap != null) { old_bitmap.Dispose(); } } }
public static Scanline <RGBTRIPLE> GetScanlineFromTop24Bit(this FreeImageBitmap bitmap, int y) { return(bitmap.GetScanline <RGBTRIPLE>(bitmap.Height - 1 - y)); }
public unsafe void Properties() { string filename = iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Even, ImageColorType.Type_32); Assert.IsNotNull(filename); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(filename)); FreeImageBitmap fib = new FreeImageBitmap(filename); Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasPalette); try { Palette palette = fib.Palette; Assert.Fail(); } catch { } Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasBackgroundColor); fib.BackgroundColor = Color.LightSeaGreen; Assert.IsTrue(fib.HasBackgroundColor); Assert.That( Color.LightSeaGreen.B == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.B && Color.LightSeaGreen.G == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.G && Color.LightSeaGreen.R == fib.BackgroundColor.Value.R); fib.BackgroundColor = null; Assert.IsFalse(fib.HasBackgroundColor); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(100, 100, PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed); ImageFlags flags = (ImageFlags)fib.Flags; Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.ColorSpaceRgb) == ImageFlags.ColorSpaceRgb); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) != ImageFlags.HasAlpha); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasRealDpi) != ImageFlags.HasRealDpi); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasTranslucent) != ImageFlags.HasTranslucent); fib.Dispose(); dib = FreeImage.Allocate(100, 100, 32, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF); FIICCPROFILE* prof = (FIICCPROFILE*)FreeImage.CreateICCProfile(dib, new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, 4); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(dib); Scanline<RGBQUAD> sc = (Scanline<RGBQUAD>)fib.GetScanline(0); RGBQUAD rgbq = sc[0]; rgbq.rgbReserved = 127; sc[0] = rgbq; flags = (ImageFlags)fib.Flags; Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasAlpha) == ImageFlags.HasAlpha); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasRealDpi) != ImageFlags.HasRealDpi); Assert.That((flags & ImageFlags.HasTranslucent) == ImageFlags.HasTranslucent); fib.Dispose(); fib = null; GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Metadata, ImageColorType.Type_01_Dither)); int[] propList = fib.PropertyIdList; Assert.IsNotNull(propList); Assert.Greater(propList.Length, 0); PropertyItem[] propItemList = fib.PropertyItems; Assert.IsNotNull(propItemList); Assert.Greater(propItemList.Length, 0); Assert.IsNotNull(fib.RawFormat); fib.Dispose(); fib = new FreeImageBitmap(iManager.GetBitmapPath(ImageType.Multipaged, ImageColorType.Type_01_Dither)); Assert.Greater(fib.FrameCount, 1); fib.Dispose(); }
public static Scanline <FI4BIT> GetScanlineFromTop4Bit(this FreeImageBitmap bitmap, int y) { return(bitmap.GetScanline <FI4BIT>(bitmap.Height - 1 - y)); }
private bool MergeImages(string fileNameFormat, string outputDir, string prefix, int frameNum, string ext) { FreeImageBitmap combined = null; string fname = ""; bool supported = false; bool mergeSuccessful = true; FREE_IMAGE_TYPE type = FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_UNKNOWN; FreeImageBitmap source = null; string mergedFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, ext); string tempFile = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, prefix, frameNum, "_tmp" + ext); // Allocate a bitmap to store the final image fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_0_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); try { source = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); if (source != null) { type = source.ImageType; switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (source.ColorDepth == 32 || source.ColorDepth == 24) { supported = true; } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: supported = true; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error opening slice file"); } if (supported == false) { Console.WriteLine("Image format not supported"); return(false); } try { // Create a new image of the input file type and the correct size FIBITMAP newImage = FreeImage.AllocateT(type, Width, Height, source.ColorDepth, source.RedMask, source.BlueMask, source.GreenMask); FreeImage.SaveEx(newImage, tempFile); FreeImage.UnloadEx(ref newImage); source.Dispose(); source = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); combined = new FreeImageBitmap(tempFile); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error creating output file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } for (int i = 0; i < SlicesAcross * SlicesDown; i++) { // Load the image slice fname = string.Format(fileNameFormat, outputDir, "slice_" + i + "_" + prefix, frameNum, ext); FreeImageBitmap slice = new FreeImageBitmap(fname); int posX; int posY; if (SlicesDown > 1 && SlicesAcross > 1) { posX = i % SlicesAcross; posY = i / SlicesAcross; } else if (SlicesDown == 1) { posX = i; posY = 0; } else { posX = 0; posY = i; } // Calculate the image slice sizes and the row/column position double sizeV = (1.0 / SlicesDown) * Height; double sizeH = (1.0 / SlicesAcross) * Width; double overlapV = sizeV * (Overlap / 100.0); double overlapH = sizeH * (Overlap / 100.0); double realLeft = sizeH * posX; double left = realLeft - overlapH; double realTop = sizeV * posY; double top = realTop - overlapV; // Check the sizes are within limits and adjust left = Math.Max(0.0, left); top = Math.Max(0.0, top); try { switch (type) { case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP: if (slice.ColorDepth == 24) { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <RGBTRIPLE> srcLine = (Scanline <RGBTRIPLE>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <RGBTRIPLE> destLine = (Scanline <RGBTRIPLE>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbtRed, srcLine[x].rgbtGreen, srcLine[x].rgbtBlue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbtRed, destLine[destX].rgbtGreen, destLine[destX].rgbtBlue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBTRIPLE dest; dest.rgbtRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbtBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } } else { for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <RGBQUAD> srcLine = (Scanline <RGBQUAD>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <RGBQUAD> destLine = (Scanline <RGBQUAD>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].rgbRed, srcLine[x].rgbGreen, srcLine[x].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].rgbRed, destLine[destX].rgbGreen, destLine[destX].rgbBlue, destLine[destX].rgbReserved); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); RGBQUAD dest = new RGBQUAD(); dest.rgbRed = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbGreen = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbBlue = > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte); dest.rgbReserved = destPixel.alpha > 255.0 ? (byte)255 : (byte)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <FIRGB16> srcLine = (Scanline <FIRGB16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <FIRGB16> destLine = (Scanline <FIRGB16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGB16 dest = new FIRGB16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <FIRGBA16> srcLine = (Scanline <FIRGBA16>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <FIRGBA16> destLine = (Scanline <FIRGBA16>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, srcLine[x].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBA16 dest = new FIRGBA16(); = (ushort); = (ushort); = (ushort); dest.alpha = (ushort)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <FIRGBAF> srcLine = (Scanline <FIRGBAF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <FIRGBAF> destLine = (Scanline <FIRGBAF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, destLine[destX].alpha); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBAF dest = new FIRGBAF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); dest.alpha = (float)destPixel.alpha; destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; case FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF: for (int y = 0; y < slice.Height; y++) { int srcY = (slice.Height - 1) - y; int destY = (combined.Height - 1) - (srcY + (int)top); int topY = y + (int)top; Scanline <FIRGBF> srcLine = (Scanline <FIRGBF>)slice.GetScanline(y); Scanline <FIRGBF> destLine = (Scanline <FIRGBF>)combined.GetScanline(destY); for (int x = 0; x < slice.Width; x++) { int destX = x + (int)left; // Make sure it's not out of bounds if (destY >= Height || destY >= Width) { continue; } // Is the pixel in an overlapping Area if (topY < realTop || destX < realLeft) { MergePixel srcPixel = new MergePixel(srcLine[x].red, srcLine[x].green, srcLine[x].blue, 0); MergePixel destPixel = new MergePixel(destLine[destX].red, destLine[destX].green, destLine[destX].blue, 0); destPixel = CalculatePixelWeight(overlapV, overlapH, realLeft, left, realTop, top, y, topY, x, srcPixel, destPixel); FIRGBF dest = new FIRGBF(); = (float); = (float); = (float); destLine[destX] = dest; } else { destLine[destX] = srcLine[x]; } } } break; } slice.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error merging image files"); mergeSuccessful = false; } } try { if (mergeSuccessful) { combined.Save(mergedFile); combined.Dispose(); combined = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); File.Delete(tempFile); } else { Log += DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " Merging frame " + frameNum + " failed.\n"; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, "Error writing combined file"); mergeSuccessful = false; } return(mergeSuccessful); }