static void Main() { var fileCopier = new FileCopier(new ConsoleLogger()); var sourcePath = "TestData/Source"; var targetPath = "TestData/Target"; try { // Normally I would use a third-party async library such as Nito.AsyncEx to properly unwrap any // exceptions thrown by the async method but haven't done this due to time constraints and not // knowing if there is a library compatible with dotnet core. Task.Run(() => fileCopier.CopyDirectoryAsync(sourcePath, targetPath)).Wait(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public async Task CopyDirectory_GivenSourcePathIsNullOrWhitespace_ThrowsException(string sourcePath) { await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(() => _sut.CopyDirectoryAsync(sourcePath, TargetPath)); }