static void Main(string[] args) { var configuration = new Configuration(args); var paths = new AssemblyPaths(configuration); var managedFilesFileCopier = new FileCopier(configuration.ManagedOutputPath); var staticFilesFileCopier = new FileCopier(configuration.OutputPath); var assemblies = new Assemblies(configuration, paths); var artifactsEmbedder = new ArtifactsEmbedder(configuration, assemblies); artifactsEmbedder.Perform(); managedFilesFileCopier.Copy(assemblies.AllImportedAssemblyPaths); managedFilesFileCopier.Copy(assemblies.AllImportedAssemblyDebugSymbolPaths); staticFilesFileCopier.Copy(new[] { Path.Combine(paths.Sdk, "debug", "mono.js"), Path.Combine(paths.Sdk, "debug", "mono.wasm"), Path.Combine(paths.Sdk, "debug", ""), Path.Combine(paths.Sdk, "debug", "mono.wast") }); var managedFiles = new List <string>(); managedFiles.AddRange(assemblies.AllImportedAssemblyPaths); managedFiles.AddRange(assemblies.AllImportedAssemblyDebugSymbolPaths); var assembliesFilePath = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputPath, "assemblies.json"); var fileList = string.Join(",\n\t\t", managedFiles.Select(_ => $"\"{Path.GetFileName(_)}\"").ToArray()); File.WriteAllText(assembliesFilePath, $"[\n\t\t{fileList}\n]"); var monoConfigPath = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputPath, "mono-config.js"); File.WriteAllText(monoConfigPath, $"config = {{\n\tvfs_prefix: 'managed',\n\tdeploy_prefix: 'managed',\n\tenable_debugging: 0, \n\tfile_list: [\n\t\t{fileList}\n\t ],\n\tadd_bindings: function() {{ \n\t\tModule.mono_bindings_init ('[WebAssembly.Bindings]WebAssembly.Runtime');\n\t}}\n}}" ); var monoJsSource = Path.Combine(paths.Sdk, "debug", "mono.js"); var monoJsDestination = Path.Combine(configuration.OutputPath, "mono.js"); var monoJs = File.ReadAllText(monoJsSource); monoJs = monoJs.Replace("this.mono_wasm_runtime_is_ready=true;debugger", "this.mono_wasm_runtime_is_ready=true;"); monoJs = monoJs.Replace( " this.mono_wasm_runtime_is_ready = true;\n"+ " debugger;\n", " this.mono_wasm_runtime_is_ready = true;\n"); File.WriteAllText(monoJsDestination, monoJs); }
public int DllCopyThread(DataMover DMover) { FileCopier fc = DMover.fileCopier; List <string> DestPathes = DMover.DestPathes; Dictionary <int, List <string> > DllNames = DMover.DllNames; string DllDirPath = DMover.DllFolder; foreach (int key in DllNames.Keys) { foreach (string dllName in DllNames[key]) { string dllPath = BuildDllPath(dllName, DllDirPath, key); if (dllPath != "") { foreach (string destPath in DestPathes) { string[] lparams = new string[2]; lparams[0] = dllPath; lparams[1] = destPath + dllName; fc.Copy(lparams); } } else { return(-1); } } } return(0); }
public int DllCopy(FileCopier fc, List <string> DestPathes, Dictionary <int, List <string> > DllNames, string DllDirPath) { foreach (int key in DllNames.Keys) { foreach (string dllName in DllNames[key]) { string dllPath = BuildDllPath(dllName, DllDirPath, key); if (dllPath != "") { foreach (string destPath in DestPathes) { string[] lparams = new string[2]; lparams[0] = dllPath; lparams[1] = destPath + "\\" + dllName; fc.Copy(lparams); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Unable to find " + dllName); return(-1); } } } return(0); }
public void TestCopier() { IFileCopier pfc = new FileCopier(); pfc.Copy(SRC_PATH, DST_PATH, true); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(DST_PATH)); Assert.IsTrue(FileComparer.Compare(SRC_PATH, DST_PATH)); }
private void Init(string fileName) { if (nonPersistent) { var tempFile = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(fileName, tempFile, true); fileName = tempFile; } stream = new SerializableStreamView(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), size, 0xFF); size2n = (byte)Misc.Logarithm2(size); buffer = new byte[DesiredBufferSize]; }
private void Init(string fileName) { if (nonPersistent) { var tempFile = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(fileName, tempFile, true); fileName = tempFile; } stream = new SerializableFileStreamWrapper(fileName); CheckUnderlyingFile(); size2n = (byte)Misc.Logarithm2(size); buffer = new byte[DesiredBufferSize]; }
public static string GetTAPHelper() { var extensionsAssemblyPath = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); var generatedFileName = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); var dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(generatedFileName); var filName = Path.GetFileName(generatedFileName); // Copy Extensions.dll to temp FileCopier.Copy(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase.Substring(7), extensionsAssemblyPath, true); // Generate binary GenerateTAPHelper(dirName, filName, extensionsAssemblyPath); return(generatedFileName); }
public static Stream Create(string imageFile, long?size = null, bool persistent = false) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile)) { throw new ConstructionException("No image file provided."); } if (!persistent) { var tempFileName = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(imageFile, tempFileName, true); imageFile = tempFileName; } return(new SerializableStreamView(new FileStream(imageFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), size)); }
private void Touch() { if (file != null) { return; } if (!persistent) { var tempFileName = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(underlyingFile, tempFileName, true); underlyingFile = tempFileName; } var size = blockSize * (long)numberOfBlocks; file = new SerializableStreamView(new FileStream(underlyingFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate), size); }
private void Touch() { if (file != null) { return; } if (!persistent) { var tempFileName = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(underlyingFile, tempFileName, true); underlyingFile = tempFileName; } file = new SerializableFileStreamWrapper(underlyingFile); var size = blockSize * (long)numberOfBlocks; // punch a hole if it is needed if (file.Stream.Length < size) { file.Stream.Seek(size - 1, SeekOrigin.Begin); file.Stream.WriteByte(0); } }
public SDCard(string imageFile, long?cardSize, bool persistent) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageFile)) { throw new ConstructionException("No card image file provided."); } else { if (!persistent) { var tempFileName = TemporaryFilesManager.Instance.GetTemporaryFile(); FileCopier.Copy(imageFile, tempFileName, true); imageFile = tempFileName; } file = new SerializableFileStreamWrapper(imageFile); } CardSize = cardSize ?? file.Stream.Length; var cardIdentificationBytes = new byte[] { 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 1b always one + 7b CRC (ignored) + 12b manufacturing date + 4b reserved 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 32b product serial number + 8b product revision 0x45, 0x44, 0x43, 0x42, 0x41, // Product name, 5 character string. "ABCDE" (backwards) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // 16b application ID + 8b manufacturer ID }; cardIdentification = new uint[4]; cardIdentification[0] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(cardIdentificationBytes, 0); cardIdentification[1] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(cardIdentificationBytes, 4); cardIdentification[2] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(cardIdentificationBytes, 8); cardIdentification[3] = BitConverter.ToUInt32(cardIdentificationBytes, 12); cardSpecificData = new uint[4]; uint deviceSize = (uint)(CardSize / 0x80000 - 1); cardSpecificData[0] = 0x0a4040af; cardSpecificData[1] = 0x3b377f80 | ((deviceSize & 0xffff) << 16); cardSpecificData[2] = 0x5b590000 | ((deviceSize >> 16) & 0x3f); cardSpecificData[3] = 0x400e0032; }
private void BackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker worker = (BackgroundWorker)sender; PlaylistWorkQueue queue = new PlaylistWorkQueue(); int WorkOrder = 1; tbl.ClearLog(); worker.ReportProgress(0, rm.GetString("Starting up...")); tsCurrentProcess.Text = rm.GetString("Starting up..."); if (Directory.Exists(ProgramSettings.OutputFolder) && File.Exists(ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile)) { worker.ReportProgress(0, $"{ rm.GetString("Processing") } { ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile }"); // On first run, the Playlist Helper is empty if (PlaylistHelper == null) { PlaylistHelper = new PlaylistHelper(ProgramSettings.OutputFolder , ProgramSettings.MusicFolder , new DJ_PLAYLISTS(ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile)); } // On the next runs, the XML file may have changed else if (PlaylistHelper.Playlists.RekordboxXMLFullPath != ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile) { PlaylistHelper.Playlists = new DJ_PLAYLISTS(ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile); } worker.ReportProgress(0, $"{ PlaylistHelper.TrackCount } { rm.GetString("track(s) loaded!") }"); worker.ReportProgress(0, $"{ PlaylistHelper.PlaylistCount } { rm.GetString("Playlists loaded!") }"); if (radPlaylists.Checked) { // First we prepare the work queue if (chkOrphans.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Orphans, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_ORPHANS), WorkOrder++); } if (chkDuplicates.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Duplicates, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_DUPLICATES), WorkOrder++); } if (chkMissing.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Missing, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_MISSING), WorkOrder++); } if (chkUntagged.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Untagged, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_UNTAGGED), WorkOrder++); } if (chkUnanalyzed.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Unanalyzed, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_UNANALYZED), WorkOrder++); } if (chkUnreferenced.Checked) { queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.None, rm.GetString(PlaylistHelper.PROCESS_TITLE_UNREFERENCED), WorkOrder++); queue.AddWork(PlaylistOptions.Unreferenced, $"{ rm.GetString("Checking files stored in") } { ProgramSettings.MusicFolder }, { rm.GetString("this may take a while...") }", WorkOrder); } foreach (PlaylistWork pw in queue.Queue) { if (!worker.CancellationPending) { tsCurrentProcess.Text = pw.Title; worker.ReportProgress((pw.Order * 100) / WorkOrder, pw.Title); pw.DoWork(PlaylistHelper); } else { e.Cancel = true; return; } } } else if (radStats.Checked) { worker.ReportProgress(0, $"{rm.GetString("Calculating music library files size")}..."); worker.ReportProgress(100, rm.GetString("Total size:") + string.Format(new FileSizeFormatProvider(), " {0:fs}", PlaylistHelper.Playlists.Size)); } else if (radBackupMusic.Checked) { DialogResult dialogResult = Messages.YesNoCancelMessage(rm.GetString("You're about to copy") + string.Format(new FileSizeFormatProvider(), " {0:fs}. ", PlaylistHelper.Playlists.Size) + rm.GetString("This could take a long time. Would you like to overwrite the existing files ?")); bool overwrite = false; switch (dialogResult) { case DialogResult.Yes: overwrite = true; break; case DialogResult.No: overwrite = false; break; case DialogResult.Cancel: e.Cancel = true; return; } worker.ReportProgress(0, $"{ rm.GetString("Starting music files copy from") } { ProgramSettings.MusicFolder } to { ProgramSettings.OutputFolder }..."); FileCopier fc = new FileCopier(ProgramSettings.MusicFolder, ProgramSettings.OutputFolder); int count = 1; int total = PlaylistHelper.TrackCount; int errorsCount = 0; foreach (string file in PlaylistHelper.CollectionMusicFiles()) { if (!worker.CancellationPending) { if (fc.Copy(file, overwrite)) { worker.ReportProgress((count++ *100) / total); } else { worker.ReportProgress((count++ *100) / total, $"{ rm.GetString("Error:") } { rm.GetString("impossible to copy") } { file }. { rm.GetString("File not found") }. "); errorsCount++; } tsCurrentProcess.Text = $"{ count } / { total } { rm.GetString("music files processed") }"; } else { e.Cancel = true; return; } } if (errorsCount > 0) { worker.ReportProgress(100, $"{ rm.GetString("Error:") } { errorsCount } { rm.GetString("file(s) could not be copied") }."); } } worker.ReportProgress(100, rm.GetString("Finished!")); } else { string msg = $"{ rm.GetString("Impossible to start processing:") } { ProgramSettings.RekordboxXMLFile } { rm.GetString("could not be found.") }"; worker.ReportProgress(0, msg); Messages.ErrorMessage(msg); } }