예제 #1
        internal OptionsNodeDecorator(CopyTaskNodeDecorator parent, TreeNode optionsNode)
            Parent = parent;
            _node  = optionsNode;


            //Options - Delete Target
            TreeNode delTargetNode = new TreeNode("Delete Target");

            delTargetNode.ToolTipText      = "Delete all features on the feature class before copying (true: enabled, false: disabled)";
            delTargetNode.Name             = OPT_DEL_TARGET;
            delTargetNode.ContextMenuStrip = ctxDeleteTarget;

            //Options - Source Class Filter
            TreeNode srcFilterNode = new TreeNode("Source Class Filter");

            srcFilterNode.ToolTipText      = "The filter to apply to the source query where the features will be copied from";
            srcFilterNode.Name             = OPT_CLS_FILTER;
            srcFilterNode.ContextMenuStrip = ctxSourceFilter;

            //Options - Flatten Geometries
            TreeNode flattenNode = new TreeNode("Flatten Geometries");

            flattenNode.ToolTipText      = "If true, will strip all Z and M coordinates from geometries being copied";
            flattenNode.Name             = OPT_FLATTEN;
            flattenNode.ContextMenuStrip = ctxFlatten;

            //Options - Force WKB
            TreeNode forceWkbNode = new TreeNode("Force WKB Geometry");

            forceWkbNode.ToolTipText      = "If true, will force the input geometry to be WKB compliant";
            forceWkbNode.Name             = OPT_FORCEWKB;
            forceWkbNode.ContextMenuStrip = ctxForceWkb;


            //Set default values to avoid any nasty surprises
            this.Delete       = false;
            this.SourceFilter = string.Empty;
            this.Flatten      = false;
            this.ForceWkb     = false;

            //Test for batch support
            using (FdoFeatureService svc = Parent.GetTargetConnection().CreateFeatureService())
                if (svc.SupportsBatchInsertion())
                    TreeNode batchNode = new TreeNode("Insert Batch Size");
                    batchNode.ToolTipText      = "The batch size to use for batch insert. If set to 0, normal insert will be used";
                    batchNode.ContextMenuStrip = ctxBatchSize;
                    //Set default values to avoid any nasty surprises
                    this.BatchSize = 0;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a FDO bulk copy task. The target file will be created as part of
        /// this method call. If the target path is a directory, it is assumed that
        /// SHP files are to be created and copied to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">The path to the source file.</param>
        /// <param name="targetPath">
        /// The path to the target file/directory. If it is a directory, it is assumed
        /// that SHP files are to be created and copied to.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="copySpatialContexts">If true, will also copy spatial contexts</param>
        /// <param name="fixIncompatibleSchema">If true, will try to fix the source schema to make it compatible with the target connection. If false, an exception will be thrown</param>
        /// <param name="flattenGeometries">If true, will strip all Z and M coordinates from all geometries that are copied</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static FdoBulkCopy CreateBulkCopy(string sourceFile, string targetPath, bool copySpatialContexts, bool fixIncompatibleSchema, bool flattenGeometries)
            FdoBulkCopyOptions options = null;
            FdoConnection      source  = null;
            FdoConnection      target  = null;

                //Is a directory. Implies a SHP connection
                if (IsShp(targetPath))
                    //SHP doesn't actually support CreateDataStore. We use the following technique:
                    // - Connect to base directory
                    // - Clone source schema and apply to SHP connection.
                    // - A SHP file and related files are created for each feature class.
                    string shpdir = Directory.Exists(targetPath) ? targetPath : Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath);
                    source = CreateFlatFileConnection(sourceFile);
                    target = new FdoConnection("OSGeo.SHP", "DefaultFileLocation=" + shpdir);


                    //Verify source has only classes with single geometry storage and only one geometry
                    using (FdoFeatureService svc = source.CreateFeatureService())
                        using (FeatureSchemaCollection schemas = svc.DescribeSchema())
                            foreach (FeatureSchema sch in schemas)
                                foreach (ClassDefinition cd in sch.Classes)
                                    int geomProps = 0;
                                    foreach (PropertyDefinition pd in cd.Properties)
                                        if (pd.PropertyType == PropertyType.PropertyType_GeometricProperty)
                                            GeometricPropertyDefinition gp    = pd as GeometricPropertyDefinition;
                                            GeometricType[]             types = FdoGeometryUtil.GetGeometricTypes(gp.GeometryTypes);
                                            if (types.Length != 1 || (types.Length == 1 && types[0] == GeometricType.GeometricType_All))
                                                throw new FdoETLException(string.Format("Source file cannot be copied to a SHP file. {0}:{1}.{2} has more than one geometry storage type", sch.Name, cd.Name, pd.Name));
                                    if (geomProps > 1)
                                        throw new FdoETLException("Source file cannot be copied to a SHP file. One or more feature classes have more than one geometry property");
                    if (!CreateFlatFileDataSource(targetPath))
                        throw new FdoException("Unable to create data source on: " + targetPath);
                    source = CreateFlatFileConnection(sourceFile);
                    target = CreateFlatFileConnection(targetPath);

                //Source and target connections may have been opened before this point
                if (source.State == FdoConnectionState.Closed)

                if (target.State == FdoConnectionState.Closed)

                string srcName = "SOURCE";
                string dstName = "TARGET";

                Dictionary <string, FdoConnection> connections = new Dictionary <string, FdoConnection>();
                connections.Add(srcName, source);
                connections.Add(dstName, target);

                options = new FdoBulkCopyOptions(connections, true);

                if (copySpatialContexts)
                    CopyAllSpatialContexts(source, target, true);

                using (FdoFeatureService srcService = source.CreateFeatureService())
                    using (FdoFeatureService destService = target.CreateFeatureService())
                        FeatureSchemaCollection schemas = srcService.DescribeSchema();
                        //Assume single-schema
                        FeatureSchema fs = schemas[0];
                        //Clone and apply to target
                        FeatureSchema      targetSchema = FdoSchemaUtil.CloneSchema(fs);
                        IncompatibleSchema incSchema;
                        string             sourceSchemaName = fs.Name;
                        string             targetSchemaName = string.Empty;

                        bool canApply = destService.CanApplySchema(targetSchema, out incSchema);
                        if (canApply)
                            targetSchemaName = targetSchema.Name;
                            if (fixIncompatibleSchema)
                                FeatureSchema fixedSchema = destService.AlterSchema(targetSchema, incSchema);
                                targetSchemaName = fixedSchema.Name;
                                throw new Exception(incSchema.ToString());

                        //Copy all classes
                        foreach (ClassDefinition cd in fs.Classes)
                            FdoClassCopyOptions copt = new FdoClassCopyOptions(srcName, dstName, sourceSchemaName, cd.Name, targetSchemaName, cd.Name);
                            copt.Name = "Copy source to target [" + cd.Name + "]";
                            copt.FlattenGeometries = flattenGeometries;

                            //Flick on batch support if we can
                            if (destService.SupportsBatchInsertion())
                                copt.BatchSize = 300; //Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!
            catch (Exception)
                if (source != null)
                if (target != null)

            return(new FdoBulkCopy(options));