예제 #1
        public void it_should_pass_inspection_for_weekly_product()
            var          inspectionId   = InspectionId.Create("inspection-identifier");
            LicencePlate licencePlate   = LicencePlate.Create("123-456");
            const string location       = "Kernow";
            var          inspectionTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 2, 15, 10, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var          stream         = new object[] {
                new VehicleRegistered(licencePlate.ToString()),
                // In the past
                new VehicleBooked(
                    licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString(),
                    location: location,
                    start: inspectionTime.AddDays(-57).ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    finish: inspectionTime.AddDays(-50).ToUnixTimeSeconds()),
                // Covers current inspection
                new VehicleBooked(
                    licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString(),
                    location: location,
                    start: inspectionTime.AddDays(-2).ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    finish: inspectionTime.AddDays(5).ToUnixTimeSeconds()),
                // In the future
                new VehicleBooked(
                    licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString(),
                    location: location,
                    start: inspectionTime.AddDays(1).ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    finish: inspectionTime.AddDays(8).ToUnixTimeSeconds())
            var vehicle = Vehicle.FromStream(licencePlate, stream);

            vehicle.Inspect(inspectionId, inspectionTime, licencePlate, location);

            DeepAssert.Equal(Array.Empty <object>(), vehicle.TakeChanges().ToArray());
예제 #2

        #region displayng on UI thread

        public void DisplayPlate(LicencePlate plate)
            MethodInvoker invoker = delegate

                //lvResults.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(plate.toArray()));
                lvResults.Items.Insert(0, new ListViewItem(plate.toArray()));
                lvResults.Items[0].BackColor = plate.plateNumber.Contains("error") ? Color.Red : Color.LawnGreen;

        public void It_should_book_unregistered_vehicle()
            var vehicle = Vehicle.FromStream(LicencePlate.Create("123-123"));

            vehicle.Book(LicencePlate.Create("123-123"), "Kernow", 1579132800, EndOf.Day);

            var expected = new object[] {
                new VehicleRegistered(licencePlate: "123-123"),
                new VehicleBooked(
                    licencePlate: "123-123",
                    location: "Kernow",
                    start: new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 01, 16)).ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
                    finish: new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2020, 01, 17)).AddSeconds(-1).ToUnixTimeSeconds()

            DeepAssert.Equal(expected, vehicle.TakeChanges().ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(1, vehicle.Version);
예제 #4
        public void DisplayVehicleCount(LicencePlate plate)
            MethodInvoker invoker = delegate
                statsDataGrid.Rows[0].Cells[1].Value = _vehicleCount;
                if (plate.isRegistered)
                    int count = Convert.ToInt32(statsDataGrid.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                    statsDataGrid.Rows[1].Cells[1].Value = ++count;
                    int count = Convert.ToInt32(statsDataGrid.Rows[2].Cells[1].Value.ToString());
                    statsDataGrid.Rows[2].Cells[1].Value = ++count;

예제 #5
        public void it_should_fail_inspection()
            var          inspectionId   = InspectionId.Create("inspection-identifier");
            LicencePlate licencePlate   = LicencePlate.Create("123-456");
            const string location       = "Kernow";
            var          inspectionTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 2, 15, 10, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var          vehicle        = Vehicle.FromStream(licencePlate);

            vehicle.Inspect(inspectionId, inspectionTime, licencePlate, location);

            var expected = new object[] {
                new VehicleRegistered(licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString()),
                new VehicleUnbooked(
                    inspectionId: inspectionId.ToString(),
                    licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString(),
                    location: location)

            DeepAssert.Equal(expected, vehicle.TakeChanges().ToArray());
예제 #6
        public void it_should_pass_inspection_for_all_day_product()
            var          inspectionId   = InspectionId.Create("inspection-identifier");
            LicencePlate licencePlate   = LicencePlate.Create("123-456");
            const string location       = "Kernow";
            var          inspectionTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 2, 15, 10, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.Zero);
            var          stream         = new object[] {
                new VehicleRegistered(licencePlate.ToString()),
                // start at half-eight pm, ends one second before midnight.
                new VehicleBooked(
                    licencePlate: licencePlate.ToString(),
                    location: location,
                    start: 1581755400,                     // 02/15/2020 @ 8:30am (UTC)
                    finish: 1581811199)                    // 02/15/2020 @ 11:59pm (UTC)
            var vehicle = Vehicle.FromStream(licencePlate, stream);

            vehicle.Inspect(inspectionId, inspectionTime, licencePlate, location);

            DeepAssert.Equal(Array.Empty <object>(), vehicle.TakeChanges().ToArray());
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// https://lonewolfonline.net/list-net-culture-country-codes/
        /// Valid form 'CZ*AZ8360'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputString"></param>
        /// <param name="licencePlate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static bool TrySanitizeInputToLicencePlate(string inputString, out LicencePlate licencePlate)
            licencePlate = null;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputString))

            var str = inputString.Replace(" ", "");

            var semicollonPos = str.IndexOf('*');

            if (semicollonPos < 0)

            var country = str.Substring(0, semicollonPos).ToUpperInvariant();
            var number  = str.Substring(semicollonPos + 1).ToUpperInvariant();

            licencePlate = new LicencePlate(country, number);

예제 #8
    public VehicleModel()
        VehicleOverview = new VehicleOverview();
        engine          = new Engine();
        starter         = new Starter();
        gearBox         = new GearBox();
        vehGearNum      = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < subGears.Length; i++)
            subGears[i] = new SubGear();
        windForce      = new WindForce();
        steeringFactor = new SteeringFactor();
        steering       = new Steering();
        fuelTank       = new FuelTank();

        for (int i = 0; i < otherSteerings.Length; i++)
            otherSteerings[i] = new OtherSteering();
        carVibration        = new CarVibration();
        brakesCommon        = new Brakes();
        physicsCrashSetting = new PhysicsCrashSetting();
        ignoreHeadCollision = false;
        exhaust             = new Exhaust();
        roughness           = new Roughness();
        engineHealth        = new EngineHealth();
        fuelTankOnCrash     = 0;
        engineParticles     = new EngineParticles();
        gearboxSettings     = new GearboxSettings();
        wheels                       = new Wheel();
        body                         = new Body();
        bumper                       = new Bumper();
        windowGlass                  = new WindowGlass();
        light                        = new Light();
        licencePlate                 = new LicencePlate();
        mirror                       = new Mirror();
        wing                         = new Wing();
        door                         = new Door();
        roof                         = new Roof();
        unknown                      = new Unknown();
        engineSoundSet               = new EngineSoundSet();
        engineSound1                 = new EngineSound();
        engineSound2                 = new EngineSound();
        engineSound3                 = new EngineSound();
        engineSound4                 = new EngineSound4();
        insideSoundSet               = new InsideSoundSet();
        carSmallHitType              = new CarSmallHitType();
        carShortCrashTypeB1          = new CarShortCrashType();
        carShortCrashWithGlassTypeC1 = new CarShortCrashType();
        unknownSound1                = "";
        unknownSound2                = "";
        engineStartSound             = new EngineStartSound();
        engineSoundDriving           = new EngineSoundDriving();
        for (int i = 0; i < engineSoundOnGears.Length; i++)
            engineSoundOnGears[i] = new EngineSoundOnGear();
        engineSoundIdle             = new EngineSoundIdle();
        wheelSoundWhilePunctured    = new WheelSoundWhilePunctured();
        carSmallHitType1            = new CarSmallHitType();
        carLongCrashType1           = new CarLongCrashType();
        carShortCrashWithGlassType1 = new CarShortCrashType();
        doorOpenCloseSound          = new DoorOpenCloseSound();
        insideSoundSet               = new InsideSoundSet();
        carSmallHitType              = new CarSmallHitType();
        carLongCrashType2            = new CarLongCrashType();
        carShortCrashTypeB1          = new CarShortCrashType();
        carShortCrashWithGlassTypeC1 = new CarShortCrashType();
        unknownSound1               = "";
        unknownSound2               = "";
        carShortCrashTypeB2         = new CarShortCrashType();
        carShortCrashWithGlassType1 = new CarShortCrashType();
        doorOpenCloseSound          = new DoorOpenCloseSound();