예제 #1
        public static void Transform(uint bits, ComplexFloat[] data, Direction direction)
            FPGA.Const <uint>  n      = GeneratorTools.ArrayLength(bits);
            FPGA.Const <float> nFloat = GeneratorTools.FloatArrayLength(bits);

            uint mask = GeneratorTools.Mask(bits);

            ComplexFloat[] transformed = new ComplexFloat[data.Length];
            float[]        cosMap      = GeneratorTools.CosArray(n, direction);

            var tmp = new ComplexFloat();

            // for each destination element
            for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++)
                tmp.Re = 0.0f;
                tmp.Im = 0.0f;

                // sum source elements
                for (uint j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    ComplexFloat source = new ComplexFloat();
                    source = data[j];

                    FTTools.RotateAndAdd(cosMap, bits, ref source, ref tmp, i * j);

                transformed[i] = tmp;

            FTTools.CopyAndNormalize(bits, transformed, data, direction, ref tmp);
예제 #2
        // module has one non-registered input bit, and one registered output byte
        public static byte Read(uint baud, FPGA.InputSignal <bool> RXD)
            FPGA.Const <ulong> delay = 1000000000 / baud;

            byte result = 0;

            // all combinational logic is expressed as delegates
            Func <bool> invertedRXD = () => !RXD;

            // wait for start bit

            // wait for half bit time to allow some time shift errors
            FPGA.Runtime.Delay(delay / 2);

            // read 8 bits
            for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, 8, i);

                // this is assign of combinational expression
                // evaluated and assigned during single clock cycle
                result = (byte)((result >> 1) | ((byte)RXD << 7));

            // stop bit

예제 #3
        public static void RotateAndAdd(
            float[] cosMap,
            uint bits,
            ref ComplexFloat source,
            ref ComplexFloat target,
            uint arg)
            FPGA.Const <uint> mask = GeneratorTools.Mask(bits);

            if (bits == 0)
                target.Re = source.Re;
                target.Im = source.Im;
                float cos = 0.0f, sin = 0.0f;

                uint cosIdx = arg & mask;
                cos = cosMap[cosIdx];

                if (bits > 1)
                    uint sinIdx = (uint)(cosIdx + (cosMap.Length >> 2)) & mask;
                    sin = cosMap[sinIdx];

                target.Re += source.Re * cos - source.Im * sin;
                target.Im += source.Re * sin + source.Im * cos;
예제 #4
        static void internalFPUCastSync()
            FPGA.Const <bool> floatToIntCastSync = true;
            object            floatToIntCastLock = new object();

            FPGA.Const <bool> intToFloatCastSync = true;
            object            intToFloatCastLock = new object();
예제 #5
        public static void RegisteredWrite(uint baud, byte data, out bool TXD)
            FPGA.Const <ulong> delay = 1000000000 / baud;

            byte stored = data;

            // start bit
            TXD = false;

            // write data bits
            for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, 8, i);
                TXD = (stored & 1) > 0;
                stored = (byte)(stored >> 1);

            // stop bit
            TXD = true;
예제 #6
        public static void CopyAndNormalize(
            uint bits,
            ComplexFloat[] source,
            ComplexFloat[] target,
            Direction direction,
            ref ComplexFloat tmpBuff)
            FPGA.Const <float> nFloat = GeneratorTools.FloatArrayLength(bits);

            for (uint i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
                FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, source.Length, i);

                tmpBuff = source[i];

                if (direction == Direction.Forward)
                    tmpBuff.Re = tmpBuff.Re / nFloat;
                    tmpBuff.Im = tmpBuff.Im / nFloat;

                target[i] = tmpBuff;
예제 #7
        static void internalFPUOpSync()
            object fpuLock = new object();

            FPGA.Const <bool> fpuSync = true;
예제 #8
        public static void Transform(
            uint bits,
            ComplexFloat[] source,
            ComplexFloat[] target,
            Direction direction)
            FPGA.Const <uint> length = GeneratorTools.ArrayLength(bits);
            float[]           cosMap = GeneratorTools.CosArray(length, direction);
            FPGA.Config.NoSync(cosMap, target);

            var eK      = new ComplexFloat();
            var oK      = new ComplexFloat();
            var rotated = new ComplexFloat();
            var tmp     = new ComplexFloat();

            for (uint i = 0; i < source.Length; i++)
                uint j = FPGA.Runtime.Reverse(i, bits);
                tmp       = source[i];
                target[j] = tmp;

            uint m         = 1;
            uint groupSize = length;

            for (uint i = 0; i < bits; i++)
                FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, bits, i);

                groupSize = groupSize >> 1;

                for (uint group = 0; group < m; group++)
                    FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, bits, i);

                    uint arg = groupSize * group;
                    for (uint idx = group; idx < length; idx += m * 2)
                        FPGA.Config.SetInclusiveRange(0, bits, i);

                        eK = target[idx];
                        oK = target[idx + m];

                        FTTools.Rotate(cosMap, bits, ref oK, ref rotated, arg);

                        tmp.Re = eK.Re + rotated.Re;
                        tmp.Im = eK.Im + rotated.Im;

                        target[idx] = tmp;

                        tmp.Re = eK.Re - rotated.Re;
                        tmp.Im = eK.Im - rotated.Im;

                        target[idx + m] = tmp;
                m = m << 1;

            FTTools.CopyAndNormalize(bits, target, target, direction, ref tmp);