예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete rooms button click
        /// </summary>
        private void butRoomDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If a project was not selected, return
            if (lstRooms.SelectedItem == null)

            // Get the selected project
            ExportProject project = (ExportProject)lstRooms.SelectedItem;

            // If the project is the native one, notify the user an return
            if (project.Native == true)
                MessageBox.Show("You can't remove the native project from the export list. Uncheck the project if you do not want to export it.",
                                "GMare", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            // Remove project and update project list
            UpdateProjectList(lstRooms.Items.Count == 1 ? -1 : lstRooms.SelectedIndex >= lstRooms.Items.Count - 1 ? lstRooms.Items.Count - 2 : lstRooms.SelectedIndex);

            // Export projects have changed
            _changed = _allowChange;
예제 #2
    public WinFormsFileHandler(ExportProject export)
        this.export = export;

        // Listen for button click event
        EventHandler.Request += ButtonHandler;

        // Form settings
        Anchor          = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right;
        FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        Location        = new Point(0, -uwfHeaderHeight);                                                              // Hide header.
        MaximizeBox     = false;
        Size            = new Size(System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width, uwfHeaderHeight + 24); // + menu height.
        SizeGripStyle   = SizeGripStyle.Hide;
        StartPosition   = FormStartPosition.Manual;
        uwfMovable      = false;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Background numeric property has changed
        /// </summary>
        private void background_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If a project was not selected or the name text box has no focus, return
            if (lstRooms.SelectedItem == null || !(sender is PyxNumericUpDown))

            // Get the control name
            ExportProject project = (lstRooms.SelectedItem as ExportProject);
            string        name    = (sender as PyxNumericUpDown).Name;

            // Change background property
            if (name == nudTileWidth.Name)
                project.Background.TileWidth = (int)nudTileWidth.Value;
            else if (name == nudTileHeight.Name)
                project.Background.TileHeight = (int)nudTileHeight.Value;
            else if (name == nudTileOffsetX.Name)
                project.Background.OffsetX = (int)nudTileOffsetX.Value;
            else if (name == nudTileOffsetY.Name)
                project.Background.OffsetY = (int)nudTileOffsetY.Value;
            else if (name == nudTileSeparationX.Name)
                project.Background.SeparationX = (int)nudTileSeparationX.Value;
            else if (name == nudTileSeparationY.Name)
                project.Background.SeparationY = (int)nudTileSeparationY.Value;

            // Refresh the project list

            // Export projects have changed
            _changed = _allowChange;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Room selection change
        /// </summary>
        private void lstRooms_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the selected item is empty, return
            if (lstRooms.SelectedItem == null)
                txtRoomName.Text           = string.Empty;
                txtProjectPath.Text        = string.Empty;
                txtProjectPath.ToolTipText = "";
                txtBackgroundName.Text     = "None";
                grpBackgrounds.Text        = _backgroundHeader;
                nudTileWidth.Text          = "0";
                nudTileHeight.Text         = "0";
                nudTileOffsetX.Text        = "0";
                nudTileOffsetY.Text        = "0";
                nudTileSeparationX.Text    = "0";
                nudTileSeparationY.Text    = "0";
                grpRoomProperties.Enabled  = false;
                grpBackgrounds.Enabled     = false;

            // Set properties UI
            ExportProject project = (ExportProject)lstRooms.SelectedItem;

            txtRoomName.Text           = project.Name;
            txtProjectPath.Text        = project.Native ? App.SavePath : project.RoomPath;
            txtProjectPath.Enabled     = project.Native ? false : true;
            txtProjectPath.ToolTipText = project.RoomPath;
            txtBackgroundName.Text     = (project.Background.Name == "" ? "None" : project.Background.Name);
            grpBackgrounds.Text        = _backgroundHeader + " (ID: " + project.Background.GameMakerId.ToString() + ")";
            nudTileWidth.Value         = project.Background.TileWidth;
            nudTileHeight.Value        = project.Background.TileHeight;
            nudTileOffsetX.Value       = project.Background.OffsetX;
            nudTileOffsetY.Value       = project.Background.OffsetY;
            nudTileSeparationX.Value   = project.Background.SeparationX;
            nudTileSeparationY.Value   = project.Background.SeparationY;
            chkWriteTiles.Checked      = project.WriteTiles;
            chkUseFlipped.Checked      = project.UseFlipValues;
            chkUseColor.Checked        = project.UseBlendColor;
            chkWriteInstances.Checked  = project.WriteInstances;
            grpRoomProperties.Enabled  = true;
            grpBackgrounds.Enabled     = true;
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new export binary form
        /// </summary>
        public ExportBinaryForm()

            // Set base header
            _backgroundHeader = grpBackgrounds.Text;

            // If no native project was found, create one
            if (App.Room.Projects.Find(p => p.Native == true) == null)
                ExportProject project = new ExportProject();
                project.Native     = true;
                project.Background = App.Room.Backgrounds[0].Clone();

                // Project changed
                _changed = true;

            // Update the native project
            ExportProject native = App.Room.Projects.Find(p => p.Native == true);

            // If project changed
            if (native.Name != App.Room.Name || native.RoomPath != App.SavePath)
                _changed = true;

            native.Name     = App.Room.Name;
            native.RoomPath = App.SavePath;

            // Select first script option
            cboScripts.SelectedIndex = 0;

            _allowChange = false;

            // Update the project list

            _allowChange = true;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Write tiles checkbox check changed
        /// </summary>
        private void chkOptions_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the calling object is not a checkbox or the selection is empty, return
            if (!(sender is CheckBox) || lstRooms.SelectedItem == null)

            // Get the calling checkbox name
            string name = (sender as CheckBox).Name;

            // Get the export project, and the index
            ExportProject project = (ExportProject)lstRooms.SelectedItem;

            // Do action based on checkbox
            if (chkWriteTiles.Name == name)
                // Set UI flags
                chkUseFlipped.Checked = chkWriteTiles.Checked ? chkUseFlipped.Checked : false;
                chkUseColor.Checked   = chkWriteTiles.Checked ? chkUseFlipped.Checked : false;

                // Set project flags
                project.WriteTiles = chkWriteTiles.Checked;
            else if (chkUseFlipped.Name == name)
                project.UseFlipValues = chkUseFlipped.Checked;
            else if (chkUseColor.Name == name)
                project.UseBlendColor = chkUseColor.Checked;
            else if (chkWriteInstances.Name == name)
                project.WriteInstances = chkWriteInstances.Checked;

            // Export projects have changed
            _changed = _allowChange;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Move room down button click
        /// </summary>
        private void butMoveDown_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If an item has not been selected, return
            if (lstRooms.SelectedItem == null)

            // Get the index of the selected project, then copy it
            int           index = lstRooms.SelectedIndex;
            ExportProject swap  = (ExportProject)lstRooms.SelectedItem;

            // If the index is not out of bounds
            if (index + 1 < lstRooms.Items.Count)
                // Remove, insert, and select the swap item
                App.Room.Projects.Insert(index + 1, swap);
                UpdateProjectList(index + 1);

                // Export projects have changed
                _changed = _allowChange;
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// On get text
        /// </summary>
        public override string OnGetText(DrawItemEventArgs e)
            // Get text based on data type
            switch (_listboxMode)
            case ListboxType.Layers:

                // Create a custom string for project key value pairs
                KeyValuePair <string, string> pair = (KeyValuePair <string, string>)Items[e.Index];

            case ListboxType.Projects:

                // Get the project
                ExportProject project = (ExportProject)Items[e.Index];

                // Create a string for the project
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendLine(project.Name == "" ? "<No Name>" : project.Name);

            default: return(Items[e.Index].ToString());
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Add rooms button click
        /// </summary>
        private void butRoomAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create a new open file dialog
            using (OpenFileDialog form = new OpenFileDialog())
                // Set file format filter
                form.Title       = "Add Project(s)";
                form.Filter      = "GMare Project Files (.gmpx)|*.gmpx;";
                form.Multiselect = true;

                // If ok was not clicked, return
                if (form.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

                // Iterate through file names, try adding a project for each path
                foreach (string path in form.FileNames)
                    // If the path is the same as this project's path, continue
                    if (path == App.SavePath)

                    // Get the room data
                    GMareRoom room = App.GetProject(path);

                    // If the room is empty, continue
                    if (room == null)

                    // Export project to add
                    ExportProject project = null;

                    // If the native export room is not present, create a new project else clone the existing one
                    if (room.Projects.Find(p => p.Native) == null)
                        project            = new ExportProject();
                        project.Name       = room.Name;
                        project.RoomPath   = path;
                        project.Background = App.Room.Backgrounds[0].Clone();
                        project = room.Projects.Find(p => p.Native).Clone();

                    // The project is not native to this project
                    project.Native     = false;
                    project.Background = room.Backgrounds[0];

                    // Add the room to the project list

                // Update project list
                UpdateProjectList((lstRooms.Items.Count - 1) + form.FileNames.Length);

                // Export projects have changed
                _changed = _allowChange;