예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts an enum type of <see cref="EnemyMoves"/> to an <see cref="SpecialMove"/> instance
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>A special move instance</returns>
    /// <param name="moveType">The type of special move to create.</param>
    /// <param name="text">The text to show when the move is used</param>
    /// <param name="magic">The magic it will consume</param>
    /// <param name="value">A number value, used for the calculation of that specific special move</param>
    private SpecialMove createSpecialMove(EnemyMoves moveType, string text, int magic, float value)
        SpecialMove specialMove;

        switch (moveType)
        case EnemyMoves.MagicAttack:
            specialMove = new MagicAttack(text, "", magic, (int)value);

        case EnemyMoves.RaiseAttack:
            specialMove = new RaiseAttack(text, "", magic, value);

        case EnemyMoves.RaiseDefence:
            specialMove = new RaiseDefence(text, "", magic, value);

        case EnemyMoves.LowerDefence:
            specialMove = new LowerDefence(text, "", magic, value);

        case EnemyMoves.LowerSpeed:
            specialMove = new LowerSpeed(text, "", magic, value);

            specialMove = null;
예제 #2
        public MatrixPlayer(int playerNumber, int boardSize, Config playerConfig) : base(playerNumber, boardSize, playerConfig)
            Size         = boardSize;
            PlayerNumber = playerNumber;
            Me           = PlayerNumber == 1 ? Players.PlayerType.Blue : Players.PlayerType.Red;
            MaxLevels    = GetDefault(playerConfig, "maxLevels", 20);
            Name         = playerConfig.name;
            Board        = new MatrixHex[Size, Size];
            for (int row = 0; row < Size; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < Size; col++)
                    Board[row, col] = new MatrixHex(Size);

            MyMoves = Matrix <int> .Build.Dense(Size, Size);

            EnemyMoves = Matrix <int> .Build.Dense(Size, Size);


예제 #3
 void Awake()
     weapons           = GetComponentsInChildren <WeaponManager>();
     moves             = GetComponent <EnemyMoves>();
     coliderComponent  = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
     rendererComponent = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
예제 #4
        private IEnumerator PlayEnemyMoves()
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Rigidbody2D, Vector2> pair in EnemyMoves)
                const float MoveDuration = 0.1f;
                pair.Key.DOMove(pair.Value, MoveDuration);

            yield return(null);

            CurrentPhase.Value = Phase.PlayerMove;
예제 #5
        public override Tuple <int, int> SelectHex(Tuple <int, int> opponentMove)

            // Now that we've updated the player information, time to look for a move.
            var matrixToExamine = MyMoves

            var bestScore = Minimax(matrixToExamine, MaxLevels, AbsoluteWorstScore, AbsoluteBestScore, true);

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// The main game loop thats allow the player to attack the enemy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="random">Random number value that we are using for the player and enemy actions.</param>
        /// <param name="enemy">The current enemy.</param>
        /// <param name="player">The player that we are playing as.</param>
        /// <param name="tools">Player restriction area - counters for the hheal and three strike attack usages.</param>
        private static void GameLoop(Random random, Enemy enemy, Player player, Tools tools)
            Print.PrintMessage(Messages.EnemyEncounter, player.Name, enemy.Name);

                while (!enemy.IsDead && !player.IsDead)
                    PlayerMoves.PlayerAction(random, enemy, player, tools);
                    EnemyMoves.EnemyAction(random, enemy, player);

            catch (Exception e)
                Print.PrintMessage(Messages.GameLoopError, e);
    void Start()
        theTrack = FindObjectOfType <trackMove>();
        coin     = FindObjectOfType <CoinsMaker>();
        sign     = FindObjectOfType <SignPool>();
        Enemy    = FindObjectOfType <EnemyMoves>();
        //Plane = FindObjectOfType<AirPlanes>();
        timer    = 4.2f;
        timeCoin = 5f;

        /// walls
        Rand  = Random.Range(2.45f, 3f);
        timer = Rand;

        if (scoreChange > 300)
            timer = Rand / 1.2f;
        if (scoreChange > 550)
            timer = Rand / 1.4f;
        if (scoreChange > 800)
            timer = Rand / 1.5f;
        if (scoreChange > 1040)
            timer = Rand / 1.6f;
        if (scoreChange > 1220)
            timer = Rand / 1.7f;
        InvokeRepeating("CallWalls", timer, timer);
        timer2 = Random.Range(8f, 15f);
        InvokeRepeating("CallBullon", timer2, timer2);
예제 #8
    public void Attack(bool isEnemy)
        if (CanAttack)
            shootCooldown = shootingRate;

            var shotTransform = Instantiate(shotPrefab) as Transform;

            shotTransform.position = transform.position;

            ShotManager shot = shotTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <ShotManager>();
            if (shot != null)
                shot.hitted = isEnemy;

            EnemyMoves move = shotTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyMoves>();
            if (move != null)
                move.direction = this.transform.right;
예제 #9
        public override void update()
            #region player controlled
            if (isInputAllowed)                                                                   //if Game1 allows input
                if (this.keys.rightPressed() && this.Position.X < 1740 && isMovementAllowedRight) //if the right key is pressed and Game1 doesnt block the movement and the character is not at the right edge of the screen
                    if (!isJumping && !isHitting && !isDucking)                                   // if the character is not in the middle of another motion
                        //change the state to a walking state
                        if (this.state != State.walk)
                            base.state = State.walk;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;
                    if (!isHitting && !isDucking)           //if the character isnt ducking or hitting (jumping is allowed)
                        this.Position += new Vector2(4, 0); //move it to the right

                //same as the right key but for the other direction
                if (this.keys.leftPressed() && this.Position.X > 60 && isMovementAllowedLeft)
                    if (!isJumping && !isHitting && !isDucking)
                        if (this.state != State.walk)
                            base.state = State.walk;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;
                    if (!isHitting && !isDucking)
                        this.Position += new Vector2(-4, 0);

                //if up key is pressed
                if (this.keys.upPressed())
                    if (!isJumping)                               //if the character wasnt jumping already
                        velocity           = new Vector2(0, -17); // give the character a starting velocity of 17 pixels upwards
                        isJumping          = true;                // mark the character to be jumping
                        positionBeforeJump = Position;            // save the position the character needs to reach backwards do
                        if (this.state != State.jump)             //put the character in a jumping state
                            base.state = State.jump;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;

                //if the hit button is pressed
                if (this.keys.hitButtonPressed())
                    if (!isHitting && this.state != State.walk && !isDucking) // if the character is not hitting walking or ducking
                        isHitting          = true;                            // mark the charcter to be hitting
                        randomizeAnimation = animationRandomizer.Next(1, 4);  // randomize an attack animation

                        // initiate the attack animation
                        if (this.state != State.kick && randomizeAnimation == 1)
                            base.state = State.kick;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;
                        if (this.state != State.punch1 && randomizeAnimation == 2)
                            base.state = State.punch1;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;
                        if (this.state != State.punch2 && randomizeAnimation == 3)
                            base.state = State.punch2;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;

                //if the duck button is pressed
                if (this.keys.duckButtonPressed())
                    if (!isHitting && !isJumping)     // if the character isnt hitting or jumping
                        isDucking = true;             // mark the character to be ducking
                        if (this.state != State.duck) //intiate the ducking animation
                            this.state = State.duck;
                            base.frame = 0;
                            base.count = 0;
                    isDucking = false; // if the ducking key isnt pressed mark the character to not be ducking

            // if no key is being pressed, the character is not in the middle of an animation and the game is not over, reset the character to be in a standing state
            if (!isJumping && !isHitting && !this.keys.duckButtonPressed() && !this.keys.rightPressed() && !this.keys.leftPressed() && !this.keys.upPressed() && !this.keys.hitButtonPressed() && this.state != State.stand && !isGameOver)
                this.state = State.stand;
                base.frame = 0;
                base.count = 0;

            //this part of the code adds velocity to the character
            //usually the velocity is supposed to be empty, but if the charcter jumped it will have a starting value of 17 in the y axis and 0 in the x axis
            this.Position += velocity;
            if (isJumping)
                velocity.Y += 0.5f;                              // if the charcter is jumping, deduce 0.5 from the velocity so that eventually the character will stop going up, start going down and reach the floor.
            if (Position.Y == positionBeforeJump.Y && isJumping) //if the character had reached the floor
                velocity.Y = 0;                                  // reset the velocity to be empty
                isJumping  = false;                              // mark the end of the jump

            if (isHitting && base.frame == base.spriteAnalyzer.Orgs.Count - 1 && base.count == base.spriteAnalyzer.Rate - 1 && !isGameOver) // if the game is in play, the character is hitting, and the hitting animation ended
                isHitting         = false;                                                                                                  // mark the end of the hit
                this.state        = State.stand;                                                                                            //reset the character state to be standing
                base.frame        = 0;
                base.count        = 0;
                this.shouldAddHit = true;//mark that a new hit can be added

            if (this.state == State.kick && base.frame == 5 && this.shouldAddHit) // if the character is kicking and reached the 5th frame, add an internal hit
                this.shouldAddHit = false; // we use the shouldAddHit boolean to make sure that the game doesnt register a hit for every tick where the character is in the right frame, but only once

            if (this.state == State.punch1 && base.frame == 2 && this.shouldAddHit) // if the character is punching and reached the 2nd frame, add an internal hit
                this.shouldAddHit = false;

            if (this.state == State.punch2 && base.frame == 2 && this.shouldAddHit) // if the character is punching (different animation) and reached the 2nd frame, add an internal hit
                this.shouldAddHit = false;

            #region Update Enemy Movements
            moveUpdateTimer += (float)Global.gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;                                                //update the move update timer
            if (moveUpdateTimer > moveUpdateRate && Math.Abs((int)this.Position.X - (int)enemy.Position.X) < changeStateTolerance) // if the timer had reached the desired time between each update
                //updating the list according to the move that the enemy is preforming
                if (enemy.isHitting)
                    moveUpdateRate = 1.1f;
                else if (enemy.isDucking)
                    moveUpdateRate = 0.5f;
                else if (enemy.isJumping)
                    moveUpdateRate = 1.2f;
                moveUpdateTimer = 0; //resetting the timer

            //if the ai is on random mode or the enemy is yet to perform enough move or the players arent in close combat
            if (isRandomAi || lastEnemyMoves.Count < 10 || Math.Abs((int)this.Position.X - (int)enemy.Position.X) < changeStateTolerance)
                AIHandlerRandom(); //calling for the ai handler
            else // if conditions are right for the ai to try to guess the enemy's next move
                for (int i = 0; i < lastEnemyMoves.Count; i++)
                    //calculating the amount of times each move appears in the list
                    if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Hit)
                    else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Duck)
                    else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Jump)
                    else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Move)
                    if (lastEnemyMoves.Count - 1 - i <= 10) //calculating the amount of times each moves appears in the last ten spots of the list
                        if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Hit)
                        else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Duck)
                        else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Jump)
                        else if (lastEnemyMoves[i] == EnemyMoves.Move)

                //calculating the total for both the last 10 moves and the entire game
                totalHit  = (float)enemyHitLast10 * (5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count) + (float)enemyHitCount * (lastEnemyMoves.Count - 5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count);
                totalDuck = (float)enemyDuckLast10 * (5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count) + (float)enemyDuckCount * (lastEnemyMoves.Count - 5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count);
                totalJump = (float)enemyJumpLast10 * (5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count) + (float)enemyJumpCount * (lastEnemyMoves.Count - 5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count);
                totalMove = (float)enemyMoveLast10 * (5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count) + (float)enemyMoveCount * (lastEnemyMoves.Count - 5 / lastEnemyMoves.Count);

                mostChanceMove = MaxChance(totalHit, totalDuck, totalJump, totalMove); //calling the function to calculate which move has the highest chance of appearing

                if (mostChanceMove == EnemyMoves.Hit)
                    DuckOrHit();                                   //if the enemy is likely to hit, either duck or hit buck
                else if (mostChanceMove == EnemyMoves.Duck)
                    RandomMovement(Global.gameTime);                                         //if the enemy is likely to duck, move to allow him to stop ducking
                else if (mostChanceMove == EnemyMoves.Jump)
                    Jump();                                         // if the enemy is likely to jump, jump along with him
                else if (mostChanceMove == EnemyMoves.Move)
                    AttackRandom(Global.gameTime);                                         // if the enemy is likely to move, attack him

예제 #10
 void Start()
     instance = this;