예제 #1
    public int getHei(int busyoId, int activeBusyoLv, int activeButaiQty, int activeButaiLv)
        int hei = 0;

        StatusGet    sts        = new StatusGet();
        BusyoInfoGet info       = new BusyoInfoGet();
        string       TaisyoType = info.getHeisyu(busyoId);
        int          hp         = sts.getHp(busyoId, activeBusyoLv);

        hp = hp * 100;

        EnemyInstance enemyIns = new EnemyInstance();
        int           chldHp   = activeButaiQty * enemyIns.getChildStatus(activeButaiLv, TaisyoType, 0);

        hei = hp + chldHp;

예제 #2
    public void makeSimpleEnemy(int busyoId, GameObject battleArea, int xAdjust, GameObject YesBtn)
        string     path   = "Prefabs/Player/" + busyoId;
        GameObject prefab = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;

        prefab.name = busyoId.ToString();
        prefab.transform.localScale = new Vector2(-0.4f, 0.6f);
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingLayerName = "UI";
        prefab.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder     = 350;

        /**Player to Enemy**/
        prefab.tag   = "Enemy";
        prefab.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");
        /**Player to Enemy End**/

        float xAdjust2 = (float)xAdjust / 5;

        prefab.transform.localPosition = new Vector2(9 - xAdjust2, 1.8f);
        prefab.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().gravityScale = 1;

        //Set Scirpt
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <SenpouController>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <LineLocation>());
        if (prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <HomingLong>());
            prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();
        if (prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>())
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <AttackLong>());
            Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerAttack>());
        Destroy(prefab.GetComponent <PlayerHP>());
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleAttack>();
        prefab.AddComponent <SimpleHP>();
        prefab.AddComponent <Homing>();
        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed   = 50;
        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().enabled = false;

        YesBtn.GetComponent <StartSimpleKassen>().busyoObjList.Add(prefab);

        StartKassen stksn       = GameObject.Find("BattleButton").GetComponent <StartKassen>();
        int         lv          = stksn.activeBusyoLv;
        string      busyoString = busyoId.ToString();
        StatusGet   sts         = new StatusGet();
        int         hp          = 100 * sts.getHp(busyoId, lv);
        int         atk         = 10 * sts.getAtk(busyoId, lv);
        int         dfc         = 10 * sts.getDfc(busyoId, lv);
        float       spd         = sts.getSpd(busyoId, lv);

        //Child Parametor
        int           chlv          = stksn.activeButaiLv;
        int           chQty         = stksn.activeButaiQty;
        EnemyInstance enemyInstance = new EnemyInstance();
        string        ch_type       = sts.getHeisyu(busyoId);
        int           ch_status     = enemyInstance.getChildStatus(lv, ch_type, 0);
        int           totalChldHp   = 0;
        int           totalChldAtk  = 0;
        int           totalChldDfc  = 0;
        int           atkDfc        = (int)sts.getChAtkDfc(ch_status, hp);

        totalChldHp  = ch_status * chQty;
        totalChldAtk = atkDfc * chQty;
        totalChldDfc = atkDfc * chQty;

        //Set value
        hp  = hp + totalChldHp;
        atk = atk + totalChldAtk;
        dfc = dfc + totalChldDfc;

        prefab.GetComponent <Homing>().speed         = spd / 20;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().atk     = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().dfc         = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleAttack>().baseAtk = atk;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().baseDfc     = dfc;
        prefab.GetComponent <SimpleHP>().life        = hp;