public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer layer = new EffectLayer("Minecraft Burning Layer"); // Render nothing if invalid gamestate or player isn't on fire if (!(gamestate is GameState_Minecraft) || !(gamestate as GameState_Minecraft).Player.IsBurning) { return(layer); } // Set the background to red layer.Fill(Color.Red); // Add 3 particles every frame for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { CreateFireParticle(); } // Render all particles foreach (var particle in particles) { particle.mix.Draw(layer.GetGraphics(), particle.time); particle.time += .1f; } // Remove any expired particles particles.RemoveAll(particle => particle.time >= 1); return(layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gameState) { var layer = new EffectLayer(); // Get elapsed time since last render var dt = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000d; stopwatch.Restart(); // Update and render all particles using (var gfx = layer.GetGraphics()) { foreach (var particle in particles) { particle.Update(dt, Properties, gameState); if (particle.IsAlive(Properties, gameState)) { particle.Render(gfx, Properties, gameState); } } } // Spawn new particles if required SpawnParticles(dt); // Remove any particles that have expired particles.RemoveAll(p => !p.IsAlive(Properties, gameState)); // Call the render event LayerRender?.Invoke(this, layer.GetBitmap()); return(layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { _previousAnimationTime = _currentAnimationTime; _currentAnimationTime = GetAnimationTime() % Properties.AnimationDuration; EffectLayer gradient_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.AnimationRepeat > 0) { if (_playTimes >= Properties.AnimationRepeat) { return(gradient_layer); } if (_currentAnimationTime < _previousAnimationTime) { _playTimes++; } } else { _playTimes = 0; } EffectLayer gradient_layer_temp = new EffectLayer(); using (Graphics g = gradient_layer_temp.GetGraphics()) { Properties.AnimationMix.Draw(g, _currentAnimationTime); } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); if (Properties.ScaleToKeySequenceBounds) { var region = Properties.Sequence.GetAffectedRegion(); rect = new Rectangle((int)region.X, (int)region.Y, (int)region.Width, (int)region.Height); } using (Graphics g = gradient_layer.GetGraphics()) { g.DrawImage(gradient_layer_temp.GetBitmap(), rect, new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } gradient_layer_temp.Dispose(); if (Properties.ForceKeySequence) { gradient_layer.OnlyInclude(Properties.Sequence); } return(gradient_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer gradient_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.Sequence.type == KeySequenceType.Sequence) { temp_layer = new EffectLayer("Color Zone Effect", LayerEffects.GradientShift_Custom_Angle, Properties.GradientConfig); foreach (var key in Properties.Sequence.keys) { gradient_layer.Set(key, Utils.ColorUtils.AddColors(gradient_layer.Get(key), temp_layer.Get(key))); } } else { float x_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.X + Effects.grid_baseline_x) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width); float y_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.Y + Effects.grid_baseline_y) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height); float width = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Width * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width)); float height = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Height * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height)); if (width < 3) { width = 3; } if (height < 3) { height = 3; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)x_pos, (int)y_pos, (int)width, (int)height); temp_layer = new EffectLayer("Color Zone Effect", LayerEffects.GradientShift_Custom_Angle, Properties.GradientConfig, rect); using (Graphics g = gradient_layer.GetGraphics()) { PointF rotatePoint = new PointF(x_pos + (width / 2.0f), y_pos + (height / 2.0f)); Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(); myMatrix.RotateAt(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Angle, rotatePoint, MatrixOrder.Append); g.Transform = myMatrix; g.DrawImage(temp_layer.GetBitmap(), rect, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } return(gradient_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer layer = new EffectLayer("Minecraft Rain Layer"); if (!(gamestate is GameState_Minecraft)) { return(layer); } // Add more droplets based on the intensity float strength = (gamestate as GameState_Minecraft).World.RainStrength; if (strength > 0) { if (frame <= 0) { // calculate time (in frames) until next droplet is created float min = Properties.MinimumInterval, max = Properties.MaximumInterval; // Store as floats so C# doesn't prematurely round numbers frame = (int)Math.Round(min - ((min - max) * strength)); // CreateRainDrop(); } else { frame--; } } // Render all droplets foreach (var droplet in raindrops) { droplet.mix.Draw(layer.GetGraphics(), droplet.time); droplet.time += .1f; } // Remove any expired droplets raindrops.RemoveAll(droplet => droplet.time >= 1); return(layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState state) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); EffectLayer effectLayer = new EffectLayer("CSGO - Winning Team Effect"); AnimationMix animationMix = new AnimationMix(); if (state is GameState_CSGO) { GameState_CSGO csgostate = state as GameState_CSGO; // Block animations after end of round if (csgostate.Map.Phase == MapPhase.Undefined || csgostate.Round.Phase != RoundPhase.Over) { return(effectLayer); } Color color = Color.White; // Triggers directly after a team wins a round if (csgostate.Round.WinTeam != RoundWinTeam.Undefined && csgostate.Previously.Round.WinTeam == RoundWinTeam.Undefined) { // Determine round or game winner if (csgostate.Map.Phase == MapPhase.GameOver) { // End of match int tScore = csgostate.Map.TeamT.Score; int ctScore = csgostate.Map.TeamCT.Score; if (tScore > ctScore) { color = Properties.TColor; } else if (ctScore > tScore) { color = Properties.CTColor; } } else { // End of round if (csgostate.Round.WinTeam == RoundWinTeam.T) { color = Properties.TColor; } if (csgostate.Round.WinTeam == RoundWinTeam.CT) { color = Properties.CTColor; } } this.SetTracks(color); animationMix.Clear(); showAnimation = true; } if (showAnimation) { animationMix = new AnimationMix(tracks); effectLayer.Fill(color); animationMix.Draw(effectLayer.GetGraphics(), winningTeamEffect_Keyframe); winningTeamEffect_Keyframe += (currenttime - previoustime) / 1000.0f; if (winningTeamEffect_Keyframe >= winningTeamEffect_AnimationTime) { showAnimation = false; winningTeamEffect_Keyframe = 0; } } } return(effectLayer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer animationLayer = new EffectLayer(); // Calculate elapsed time since last Render call long dt = _animTimeStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; _animTimeStopwatch.Restart(); // Update all running animations. We have to call "ToList()" to prevent "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" runningAnimations.ToList().ForEach(anim => { anim.currentTime += dt / 1000f; if (Properties.AnimationRepeat > 0) { anim.playTimes += (int)(anim.currentTime / Properties.AnimationDuration); } anim.currentTime %= Properties.AnimationDuration; }); // Remove any animations that have completed their play times if (Properties.AnimationRepeat > 0) { runningAnimations.RemoveAll(ra => ra.playTimes >= Properties.AnimationRepeat); } // Check to see if the gamestate will cause any animations to trigger CheckTriggers(gamestate); // Render each playing animation. We have to call "ToList()" to prevent "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute" runningAnimations.ToList().ForEach(anim => { EffectLayer temp = new EffectLayer(); // Default values for the destination rect (the area that the canvas is drawn to) and animation offset Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); PointF offset = Properties.KeyTriggerTranslate ? anim.offset : PointF.Empty; // When ScaleToKeySequenceBounds is true, additional calculations are needed on the destRect and offset: if (Properties.ScaleToKeySequenceBounds) { // The dest rect should simply be the bounding region of the affected keys RectangleF affectedRegion = Properties.Sequence.GetAffectedRegion(); destRect = Rectangle.Truncate(affectedRegion); // If we are scaling to key sequence bounds, we need to adapt the offset of the pressed key so that it // remains where it is after the bound - scaling operation. // Let's consider only 1 dimension (X) for now since it makes it easier to think about. The scaling process // is: the whole canvas width is scaled down to the width of the affected region, and then it offset by the // X of the affected region. To have a point that remains the same, we need to reposition it when it's being // used on the canvas, therefore this process needs to be inverted: 1.take the original offset of X and // subtract the affected region's X, thereby giving us the distance from the edge of the affected region to // the offset; 2. scale this up to counter-act the down-scaling done, so we calculate the change in scale off // the canvas by dividing canvas width by the affected region's width; 3.multiply these two numbers together // and that's our new X offset. // This probably makes no sense and I'll forget how it works immediately, but hopefully it helps a little in // future if this code ever needs to be revised. It's embarassing how long it took to work this equation out. offset.X = (offset.X - affectedRegion.X) * (Effects.canvas_width / affectedRegion.Width); offset.Y = (offset.Y - affectedRegion.Y) * (Effects.canvas_height / affectedRegion.Height); } // Draw the animation to a temporary canvas using (Graphics g = temp.GetGraphics()) Properties.AnimationMix.Draw(g, anim.currentTime, 1f, offset); // Draw from this temp canvas to the actual layer, performing the scale down if it's needed. using (Graphics g = animationLayer.GetGraphics()) g.DrawImage(temp.GetBitmap(), destRect, new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); temp.Dispose(); }); if (Properties.ForceKeySequence) { animationLayer.OnlyInclude(Properties.Sequence); } return(animationLayer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { MMDevice current_device = audio_device_enumerator.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Multimedia); if (default_device == null || default_device.ID != current_device.ID) { UpdateAudioCapture(); } float[] freqs = Properties.Frequencies.ToArray(); //Defined Frequencies double[] freq_results = new double[freqs.Length]; if (previous_freq_results == null || previous_freq_results.Length < freqs.Length) { previous_freq_results = new float[freqs.Length]; } //Maintain local copies of fft, to prevent data overwrite Complex[] _local_fft = new List <Complex>(_ffts).ToArray(); Complex[] _local_fft_previous = new List <Complex>(_ffts_prev).ToArray(); EffectLayer equalizer_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.DimBackgroundOnSound) { bool hasSound = false; foreach (var bin in _local_fft) { if (bin.X > 0.0005 || bin.X < -0.0005) { hasSound = true; break; } } if (hasSound) { equalizer_layer.Fill(Properties.DimColor); } } using (Graphics g = equalizer_layer.GetGraphics()) { int wave_step_amount = _local_fft.Length / Effects.canvas_width; switch (Properties.EQType) { case EqualizerType.Waveform: for (int x = 0; x < Effects.canvas_width; x++) { float fft_val = _local_fft.Length > x * wave_step_amount ? _local_fft[x * wave_step_amount].X : 0.0f; Brush brush = GetBrush(fft_val, x, Effects.canvas_width); g.DrawLine(new Pen(brush), x, Effects.canvas_height_center, x, Effects.canvas_height_center - fft_val * 500.0f); } break; case EqualizerType.Waveform_Bottom: for (int x = 0; x < Effects.canvas_width; x++) { float fft_val = _local_fft.Length > x * wave_step_amount ? _local_fft[x * wave_step_amount].X : 0.0f; Brush brush = GetBrush(fft_val, x, Effects.canvas_width); g.DrawLine(new Pen(brush), x, Effects.canvas_height, x, Effects.canvas_height - Math.Abs(fft_val) * 1000.0f); } break; case EqualizerType.PowerBars: //Perform FFT again to get frequencies FastFourierTransform.FFT(false, (int)Math.Log(fftLength, 2.0), _local_fft); while (flux_array.Count < freqs.Length) { flux_array.Add(0.0f); } int startF = 0; int endF = 0; float threshhold = 300.0f; for (int x = 0; x < freqs.Length - 1; x++) { startF = freqToBin(freqs[x]); endF = freqToBin(freqs[x + 1]); float flux = 0.0f; for (int j = startF; j <= endF; j++) { float curr_fft = (float)Math.Sqrt(_local_fft[j].X * _local_fft[j].X + _local_fft[j].Y * _local_fft[j].Y); float prev_fft = (float)Math.Sqrt(_local_fft_previous[j].X * _local_fft_previous[j].X + _local_fft_previous[j].Y * _local_fft_previous[j].Y); float value = curr_fft - prev_fft; float flux_calc = (value + Math.Abs(value)) / 2; if (flux < flux_calc) { flux = flux_calc; } flux = flux > threshhold ? 0.0f : flux; } flux_array[x] = flux; } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"flux max: {flux_array.Max()}"); float bar_width = Effects.canvas_width / (float)(freqs.Length - 1); for (int f_x = 0; f_x < freq_results.Length - 1; f_x++) { float fft_val = flux_array[f_x] / Properties.MaxAmplitude; fft_val = Math.Min(1.0f, fft_val); if (previous_freq_results[f_x] - fft_val > 0.10) { fft_val = previous_freq_results[f_x] - 0.15f; } float x = f_x * bar_width; float y = Effects.canvas_height; float width = bar_width; float height = fft_val * Effects.canvas_height; previous_freq_results[f_x] = fft_val; Brush brush = GetBrush(-(f_x % 2), f_x, freq_results.Length - 1); g.FillRectangle(brush, x, y - height, width, height); } break; } } return(equalizer_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { try { //if (current_device != null) //current_device.Dispose(); CheckForDeviceChange(); // The system sound as a value between 0.0 and 1.0 float system_sound_normalized = default_device.AudioEndpointVolume.MasterVolumeLevelScalar; // Scale the Maximum amplitude with the system sound if enabled, so that at 100% volume the max_amp is unchanged. // Replaces all Properties.MaxAmplitude calls with the scaled value float scaled_max_amplitude = Properties.MaxAmplitude * (Properties.ScaleWithSystemVolume ? system_sound_normalized : 1); float[] freqs = Properties.Frequencies.ToArray(); //Defined Frequencies double[] freq_results = new double[freqs.Length]; if (previous_freq_results == null || previous_freq_results.Length < freqs.Length) { previous_freq_results = new float[freqs.Length]; } //Maintain local copies of fft, to prevent data overwrite Complex[] _local_fft = new List <Complex>(_ffts).ToArray(); Complex[] _local_fft_previous = new List <Complex>(_ffts_prev).ToArray(); EffectLayer equalizer_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.DimBackgroundOnSound) { bool hasSound = false; foreach (var bin in _local_fft) { if (bin.X > 0.0005 || bin.X < -0.0005) { hasSound = true; break; } } if (hasSound) { equalizer_layer.Fill(Properties.DimColor); } } using (Graphics g = equalizer_layer.GetGraphics()) { int wave_step_amount = _local_fft.Length / Effects.canvas_width; switch (Properties.EQType) { case EqualizerType.Waveform: for (int x = 0; x < Effects.canvas_width; x++) { float fft_val = _local_fft.Length > x * wave_step_amount ? _local_fft[x * wave_step_amount].X : 0.0f; Brush brush = GetBrush(fft_val, x, Effects.canvas_width); g.DrawLine(new Pen(brush), x, Effects.canvas_height_center, x, Effects.canvas_height_center - fft_val / scaled_max_amplitude * 500.0f); } break; case EqualizerType.Waveform_Bottom: for (int x = 0; x < Effects.canvas_width; x++) { float fft_val = _local_fft.Length > x * wave_step_amount ? _local_fft[x * wave_step_amount].X : 0.0f; Brush brush = GetBrush(fft_val, x, Effects.canvas_width); g.DrawLine(new Pen(brush), x, Effects.canvas_height, x, Effects.canvas_height - Math.Abs(fft_val / scaled_max_amplitude) * 1000.0f); } break; case EqualizerType.PowerBars: //Perform FFT again to get frequencies FastFourierTransform.FFT(false, (int)Math.Log(fftLength, 2.0), _local_fft); while (flux_array.Count < freqs.Length) { flux_array.Add(0.0f); } int startF = 0; int endF = 0; float threshhold = 300.0f; for (int x = 0; x < freqs.Length - 1; x++) { startF = freqToBin(freqs[x]); endF = freqToBin(freqs[x + 1]); float flux = 0.0f; for (int j = startF; j <= endF; j++) { float curr_fft = (float)Math.Sqrt(_local_fft[j].X * _local_fft[j].X + _local_fft[j].Y * _local_fft[j].Y); float prev_fft = (float)Math.Sqrt(_local_fft_previous[j].X * _local_fft_previous[j].X + _local_fft_previous[j].Y * _local_fft_previous[j].Y); float value = curr_fft - prev_fft; float flux_calc = (value + Math.Abs(value)) / 2; if (flux < flux_calc) { flux = flux_calc; } flux = flux > threshhold ? 0.0f : flux; } flux_array[x] = flux; } //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"flux max: {flux_array.Max()}"); float bar_width = Effects.canvas_width / (float)(freqs.Length - 1); for (int f_x = 0; f_x < freq_results.Length - 1; f_x++) { float fft_val = flux_array[f_x] / scaled_max_amplitude; fft_val = Math.Min(1.0f, fft_val); if (previous_freq_results[f_x] - fft_val > 0.10) { fft_val = previous_freq_results[f_x] - 0.15f; } float x = f_x * bar_width; float y = Effects.canvas_height; float width = bar_width; float height = fft_val * Effects.canvas_height; previous_freq_results[f_x] = fft_val; Brush brush = GetBrush(-(f_x % 2), f_x, freq_results.Length - 1); g.FillRectangle(brush, x, y - height, width, height); } break; } } var hander = NewLayerRender; if (hander != null) { hander.Invoke(equalizer_layer.GetBitmap()); } return(equalizer_layer); } catch (Exception exc) { Global.logger.Error("Error encountered in the Equalizer layer. Exception: " + exc.ToString()); return(new EffectLayer()); } }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); lock (TimeOfLastPress) { foreach (var lengthPresses in TimeOfLastPress.ToList()) { if (currenttime - lengthPresses.Value > pressBuffer) { TimeOfLastPress.Remove(lengthPresses.Key); } } } EffectLayer interactive_layer = new EffectLayer("Interactive Effects"); foreach (var input in _input_list.ToArray()) { if (input == null) { continue; } try { if (input.type == input_item.input_type.Spectrum) { float transition_value = input.progress / Effects.canvas_width; if (transition_value > 1.0f) { continue; } Color color = input.spectrum.GetColorAt(transition_value); interactive_layer.Set(input.key, color); } else if (input.type == input_item.input_type.AnimationMix) { float time_value = input.progress / Effects.canvas_width; if (time_value > 1.0f) { continue; } input.animation.Draw(interactive_layer.GetGraphics(), time_value); } } catch (Exception exc) { Global.logger.Error("Interative layer exception, " + exc); } } for (int x = _input_list.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { try { if (_input_list[x].progress > Effects.canvas_width) { _input_list.RemoveAt(x); } else { if (!_input_list[x].waitOnKeyUp) { float trans_added = (Properties.EffectSpeed * (getDeltaTime() * 5.0f)); _input_list[x].progress += trans_added; } } } catch (Exception exc) { Global.logger.Error("Interative layer exception, " + exc); } } return(interactive_layer); }
public override void UpdateLights(EffectFrame frame) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); Queue <EffectLayer> layers = new Queue <EffectLayer>(); EffectLayer layer; effect_cfg.speed = Global.Configuration.idle_speed; switch (Global.Configuration.idle_type) { case IdleEffects.Dim: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Dim"); Color dim_color = Color.FromArgb(125, 0, 0, 0); layer.Fill(dim_color); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.ColorBreathing: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Color Breathing"); Color breathe_bg_color = Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color; layer.Fill(breathe_bg_color); float sine = (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin((double)((currenttime % 10000L) / 10000.0f) * 2 * Math.PI * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), 2); layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb((byte)(sine * 255), Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Horizontal)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Vertical)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.StarFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Starfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (stars.ContainsKey(star)) { stars[star] = 1.0f; } else { stars.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] stars_keys = stars.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys star in stars_keys) { layer.Set(star, Utils.ColorUtils.MultiplyColorByScalar(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, stars[star])); stars[star] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (raindrops.ContainsKey(star)) { raindrops[star] = 1.0f; } else { raindrops.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] raindrops_keys = raindrops.Keys.ToArray(); ColorSpectrum drop_spec = new ColorSpectrum(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, Color.FromArgb(0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys raindrop in raindrops_keys) { EffectPoint pt = Effects.GetBitmappingFromDeviceKey(raindrop).GetCenter(); float transition_value = 1.0f - raindrops[raindrop]; float radius = transition_value * Effects.canvas_biggest; layer.GetGraphics().DrawEllipse(new Pen(drop_spec.GetColorAt(transition_value), 2), pt.X - radius, pt.Y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); raindrops[raindrop] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; default: break; } frame.AddOverlayLayers(layers.ToArray()); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState state) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); EffectLayer bg_layer = new EffectLayer("Rocket League - Background"); AnimationMix goal_explosion_mix = new AnimationMix(); Color playerColor = new Color(); Color enemyColor = new Color(); if (state is GameState_RocketLeague) { GameState_RocketLeague rlstate = state as GameState_RocketLeague; switch (rlstate.Player.Team) { case PlayerTeam.Blue: bg_layer.Fill(Properties.BlueColor); playerColor = Properties.BlueColor; enemyColor = Properties.OrangeColor; break; case PlayerTeam.Orange: bg_layer.Fill(Properties.OrangeColor); playerColor = Properties.OrangeColor; enemyColor = Properties.BlueColor; break; default: bg_layer.Fill(Properties.DefaultColor); playerColor = Properties.DefaultColor; enemyColor = Properties.DefaultColor; break; } if (Properties.ShowTeamScoreSplit) { if (rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score != 0 || rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score != 0) { int total_score = rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score + rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score; LinearGradientBrush the__split_brush = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point(0, 0), new Point(Effects.canvas_biggest, 0), Color.Red, Color.Red); Color[] colors = new Color[] { Properties.OrangeColor, //Orange //Team 1 Properties.OrangeColor, //Orange "Line" Properties.BlueColor, //Blue "Line" //Team 2 Properties.BlueColor //Blue }; int num_colors = colors.Length; float[] blend_positions = new float[num_colors]; if (rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score > rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score) { blend_positions[0] = 0.0f; blend_positions[1] = ((float)rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score / (float)total_score) - 0.01f; blend_positions[2] = ((float)rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score / (float)total_score) + 0.01f; blend_positions[3] = 1.0f; } else if (rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score < rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score) { blend_positions[0] = 0.0f; blend_positions[1] = (1.0f - ((float)rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score / (float)total_score)) - 0.01f; blend_positions[2] = (1.0f - ((float)rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score / (float)total_score)) + 0.01f; blend_positions[3] = 1.0f; } else { blend_positions[0] = 0.0f; blend_positions[1] = 0.49f; blend_positions[2] = 0.51f; blend_positions[3] = 1.0f; } ColorBlend color_blend = new ColorBlend(); color_blend.Colors = colors; color_blend.Positions = blend_positions; the__split_brush.InterpolationColors = color_blend; bg_layer.Fill(the__split_brush); } } if (Properties.ShowGoalExplosion) { if (rlstate.Match.YourTeam_LastScore < (rlstate.Player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue ? rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score : rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score)) { goal_explosion_track.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_1.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_1.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_2.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_2.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_3.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_3.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_4.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_4.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, playerColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_mix.Clear(); showAnimation_Explosion = true; } } if (Properties.ShowEnemyExplosion) { if (rlstate.Match.EnemyTeam_LastScore < (rlstate.Player.Team == PlayerTeam.Orange ? rlstate.Match.BlueTeam_Score : rlstate.Match.OrangeTeam_Score)) { goal_explosion_track.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_1.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_1.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_2.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_2.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_3.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_3.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_4.SetFrame(0.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, 0, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_track_4.SetFrame(1.0f, new AnimationCircle((int)(Effects.canvas_width_center * 0.9), Effects.canvas_height_center, Effects.canvas_biggest / 2.0f, enemyColor, 4) ); goal_explosion_mix.Clear(); showAnimation_Explosion = true; } } if (showAnimation_Explosion) { bg_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)); goal_explosion_mix.AddTrack(goal_explosion_track); goal_explosion_mix.AddTrack(goal_explosion_track_1); goal_explosion_mix.AddTrack(goal_explosion_track_2); goal_explosion_mix.AddTrack(goal_explosion_track_3); goal_explosion_mix.AddTrack(goal_explosion_track_4); goal_explosion_mix.Draw(bg_layer.GetGraphics(), goalEffect_keyframe); goalEffect_keyframe += (currenttime - previoustime) / 1000.0f; if (goalEffect_keyframe >= goalEffect_animationTime) { showAnimation_Explosion = false; goalEffect_keyframe = 0; } } } return(bg_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { last_use_time = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); if (!captureTimer.Enabled) // Static timer isn't running, start it! { captureTimer.Start(); } Image newImage = new Bitmap(Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); switch (Properties.AmbilightCaptureType) { case AmbilightCaptureType.EntireMonitor: if (screen != null) { using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen, 0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); } break; case AmbilightCaptureType.SpecificProcess: case AmbilightCaptureType.ForegroundApp: IntPtr handle = IntPtr.Zero; //the image processing is the same for both methods, //only the handle of the window changes, //so we don't need to repeat that last part if (Properties.AmbilightCaptureType == AmbilightCaptureType.ForegroundApp) { handle = User32.GetForegroundWindow(); } else if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.SpecificProcess)) { handle = Process.GetProcessesByName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Properties.SpecificProcess)) .Where(p => p.MainWindowHandle != IntPtr.Zero).FirstOrDefault().MainWindowHandle; } if (screen != null && handle != IntPtr.Zero) { var app_rect = new User32.Rect(); User32.GetWindowRect(handle, ref app_rect); Screen display = Screen.FromHandle(handle); if (SwitchDisplay(display.Bounds)) { break; } Rectangle scr_region = Resize(new Rectangle( app_rect.left - display.Bounds.Left, - display.Bounds.Top, app_rect.right - app_rect.left, app_rect.bottom -; using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen, new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), scr_region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } break; case AmbilightCaptureType.Coordinates: if (screen != null) { if (SwitchDisplay(Screen.FromRectangle(Properties.Coordinates).Bounds)) { break; } Rectangle scr_region = Resize(new Rectangle( Properties.Coordinates.X - currentScreenBounds.Left, Properties.Coordinates.Y - currentScreenBounds.Top, Properties.Coordinates.Width, Properties.Coordinates.Height)); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen, new Rectangle(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), scr_region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } break; } EffectLayer ambilight_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.SaturateImage) { newImage = Utils.BitmapUtils.AdjustImageSaturation(newImage, Properties.SaturationChange); } if (Properties.BrightenImage) { newImage = Utils.BitmapUtils.AdjustImageBrightness(newImage, Properties.BrightnessChange); } if (Properties.AmbilightType == AmbilightType.Default) { using (Graphics g = ambilight_layer.GetGraphics()) { if (newImage != null) { g.DrawImageUnscaled(newImage, 0, 0); } } } else if (Properties.AmbilightType == AmbilightType.AverageColor) { ambilight_layer.Fill(Utils.BitmapUtils.GetAverageColor(newImage)); } newImage.Dispose(); return(ambilight_layer); }
public void PushFrame(EffectFrame frame) { var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew(); lock (bitmap_lock) { EffectLayer background = new EffectLayer("Global Background", Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0)); EffectLayer[] over_layers_array = frame.GetOverlayLayers().ToArray(); EffectLayer[] layers_array = frame.GetLayers().ToArray(); foreach (EffectLayer layer in layers_array) { background += layer; } foreach (EffectLayer layer in over_layers_array) { background += layer; } //Apply Brightness Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color> peripehralColors = new Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color>(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys key in possible_peripheral_keys) { if (!peripehralColors.ContainsKey(key)) { peripehralColors.Add(key, background.Get(key)); } } foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys key in possible_peripheral_keys) { background.Set(key, Utils.ColorUtils.BlendColors(peripehralColors[key], Color.Black, (1.0f - Global.Configuration.PeripheralBrightness))); } background.Fill(Color.FromArgb((int)(255.0f * (1.0f - Global.Configuration.KeyboardBrightness)), Color.Black)); if (Global.Configuration.use_volume_as_brightness) { background *= Global.Configuration.GlobalBrightness; } if (_forcedFrame != null) { using (Graphics g = background.GetGraphics()) { g.Clear(Color.Black); g.DrawImage(_forcedFrame, 0, 0, canvas_width, canvas_height); } } Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color> keyColors = new Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color>(); Devices.DeviceKeys[] allKeys = bitmap_map.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys key in allKeys) { keyColors[key] = background.Get(key); } Effects.keyColors = new Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color>(keyColors); pushedframes++; DeviceColorComposition dcc = new DeviceColorComposition() { keyColors = new Dictionary <DeviceKeys, Color>(keyColors), keyBitmap = background.GetBitmap() }; Global.dev_manager.UpdateDevices(dcc); var hander = NewLayerRender; if (hander != null) { hander.Invoke(background.GetBitmap()); } if (isrecording) { EffectLayer pizelated_render = new EffectLayer(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys key in allKeys) { pizelated_render.Set(key, background.Get(key)); } using (Bitmap map = pizelated_render.GetBitmap()) { previousframe = new Bitmap(map); } } frame.Dispose(); } watch.Stop(); var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); EffectLayer layer = new EffectLayer("Goal Explosion"); AnimationMix goal_explosion_mix = new AnimationMix(); if (gamestate is GameState_RocketLeague) { var state = gamestate as GameState_RocketLeague; if (state.Game.Status == RLStatus.Undefined) { return(layer); } if (state.YourTeam.Goals == -1 || state.OpponentTeam.Goals == -1 || previousOwnTeamGoals > state.YourTeam.Goals || previousOpponentGoals > state.OpponentTeam.Goals) { //reset goals when game ends previousOwnTeamGoals = 0; previousOpponentGoals = 0; } if (state.YourTeam.Goals > previousOwnTeamGoals)//keep track of goals even if we dont play the animation { previousOwnTeamGoals = state.YourTeam.Goals; if (Properties.ShowFriendlyGoalExplosion && state.ColorsValid()) { Color playerColor = state.YourTeam.TeamColor; this.SetTracks(playerColor); goal_explosion_mix.Clear(); showAnimation_Explosion = true; } } if (state.OpponentTeam.Goals > previousOpponentGoals) { previousOpponentGoals = state.OpponentTeam.Goals; if (Properties.ShowEnemyGoalExplosion && state.ColorsValid()) { Color opponentColor = state.OpponentTeam.TeamColor; this.SetTracks(opponentColor); goal_explosion_mix.Clear(); showAnimation_Explosion = true; } } if (showAnimation_Explosion) { if (Properties.Background) { layer.Fill(Properties.PrimaryColor); } goal_explosion_mix = new AnimationMix(tracks); goal_explosion_mix.Draw(layer.GetGraphics(), goalEffect_keyframe); goalEffect_keyframe += (currenttime - previoustime) / 1000.0f; if (goalEffect_keyframe >= goalEffect_animationTime) { showAnimation_Explosion = false; goalEffect_keyframe = 0; } } } return(layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer gradient_layer = new EffectLayer(); //If Wave Size 0 Gradiant Stop Moving Animation if (Properties.GradientConfig.gradient_size == 0) { Properties.GradientConfig.shift_amount += ((Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch() - Properties.GradientConfig.last_effect_call) / 1000.0f) * 5.0f * Properties.GradientConfig.speed; Properties.GradientConfig.shift_amount = Properties.GradientConfig.shift_amount % Effects.canvas_biggest; Properties.GradientConfig.last_effect_call = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); Color selected_color = Properties.GradientConfig.brush.GetColorSpectrum().GetColorAt(Properties.GradientConfig.shift_amount, Effects.canvas_biggest); gradient_layer.Set(Properties.Sequence, selected_color); } else { if (Properties.Sequence.type == KeySequenceType.Sequence) { temp_layer = new EffectLayer("Color Zone Effect", LayerEffects.GradientShift_Custom_Angle, Properties.GradientConfig); foreach (var key in Properties.Sequence.keys) { gradient_layer.Set(key, Utils.ColorUtils.AddColors(gradient_layer.Get(key), temp_layer.Get(key))); } } else { float x_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.X + Effects.grid_baseline_x) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width); float y_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.Y + Effects.grid_baseline_y) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height); float width = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Width * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width)); float height = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Height * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height)); if (width < 3) { width = 3; } if (height < 3) { height = 3; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)x_pos, (int)y_pos, (int)width, (int)height); temp_layer = new EffectLayer("Color Zone Effect", LayerEffects.GradientShift_Custom_Angle, Properties.GradientConfig, rect); using (Graphics g = gradient_layer.GetGraphics()) { PointF rotatePoint = new PointF(x_pos + (width / 2.0f), y_pos + (height / 2.0f)); Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(); myMatrix.RotateAt(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Angle, rotatePoint, MatrixOrder.Append); g.Transform = myMatrix; g.DrawImage(temp_layer.GetBitmap(), rect, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } } return(gradient_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState state) { EffectLayer bg_layer = new EffectLayer("Resident Evil 2 - Health"); if (state is GameState_ResidentEvil2) { if (Properties.DisplayType == ResidentEvil2HealthLayerHandlerProperties.HealthDisplayType.Static) { GameState_ResidentEvil2 re2state = state as GameState_ResidentEvil2; switch (re2state.Player.Status) { case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Fine: bg_layer.Fill(Color.Green); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.LiteFine: bg_layer.Fill(Color.YellowGreen); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Caution: bg_layer.Fill(Color.Gold); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Danger: bg_layer.Fill(Color.Red); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Dead: bg_layer.Fill(Color.DarkGray); break; default: bg_layer.Fill(Color.DarkSlateBlue); break; } return(bg_layer); } else if (Properties.DisplayType == ResidentEvil2HealthLayerHandlerProperties.HealthDisplayType.Scanning) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); GameState_ResidentEvil2 re2state = state as GameState_ResidentEvil2; switch (re2state.Player.Status) { case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Fine: bg_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(8, Color.Green.R, Color.Green.G, Color.Green.B)); heartbeat_animationTime = fullAnimTimes[0]; mixFine.Draw(bg_layer.GetGraphics(), heartbeat_keyframe); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.LiteFine: bg_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(8, Color.YellowGreen.R, Color.YellowGreen.G, Color.YellowGreen.B)); heartbeat_animationTime = fullAnimTimes[0]; mixLiteFine.Draw(bg_layer.GetGraphics(), heartbeat_keyframe); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Caution: bg_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(8, Color.Gold.R, Color.Gold.G, Color.Gold.B)); heartbeat_animationTime = fullAnimTimes[1]; mixCaution.Draw(bg_layer.GetGraphics(), heartbeat_keyframe); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Danger: bg_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(8, Color.Red.R, Color.Red.G, Color.Red.B)); heartbeat_animationTime = fullAnimTimes[2]; mixDanger.Draw(bg_layer.GetGraphics(), heartbeat_keyframe); break; case Player_ResidentEvil2.PlayerStatus.Dead: bg_layer.Fill(Color.DarkGray); break; default: bg_layer.Fill(Color.DarkSlateBlue); break; } heartbeat_keyframe += (currenttime - previoustime) / 1000.0f; if (heartbeat_keyframe >= heartbeat_animationTime) { heartbeat_keyframe = 0; } return(bg_layer); } else { return(bg_layer); } } else { return(bg_layer); } }
public override void UpdateLights(EffectFrame frame) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); Queue <EffectLayer> layers = new Queue <EffectLayer>(); EffectLayer layer; effect_cfg.speed = Global.Configuration.idle_speed; switch (Global.Configuration.idle_type) { case IdleEffects.Dim: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Dim"); layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(125, 0, 0, 0)); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.ColorBreathing: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Color Breathing"); Color breathe_bg_color = Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color; layer.Fill(breathe_bg_color); float sine = (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin((double)((currenttime % 10000L) / 10000.0f) * 2 * Math.PI * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), 2); layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb((byte)(sine * 255), Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Horizontal)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Vertical)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.StarFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Starfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (stars.ContainsKey(star)) { stars[star] = 1.0f; } else { stars.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] stars_keys = stars.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys star in stars_keys) { layer.Set(star, Utils.ColorUtils.MultiplyColorByScalar(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, stars[star])); stars[star] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (raindrops.ContainsKey(star)) { raindrops[star] = 1.0f; } else { raindrops.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] raindrops_keys = raindrops.Keys.ToArray(); ColorSpectrum drop_spec = new ColorSpectrum(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, Color.FromArgb(0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys raindrop in raindrops_keys) { PointF pt = Effects.GetBitmappingFromDeviceKey(raindrop).Center; float transition_value = 1.0f - raindrops[raindrop]; float radius = transition_value * Effects.canvas_biggest; layer.GetGraphics().DrawEllipse(new Pen(drop_spec.GetColorAt(transition_value), 2), pt.X - radius, pt.Y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); raindrops[raindrop] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.Blackout: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Blackout"); layer.Fill(Color.Black); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.Matrix: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Matrix"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { Color darker_primary = Utils.ColorUtils.MultiplyColorByScalar(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 0.50); for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { int width_start = randomizer.Next(Effects.canvas_width); float delay = randomizer.Next(550) / 100.0f; int random_id = randomizer.Next(125536789); //Create animation AnimationTrack matrix_line = new AnimationTrack("Matrix Line (Head) " + random_id, 0.0f).SetFrame( 0.0f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, -3, width_start, 0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 3)).SetFrame( 0.5f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height, width_start, Effects.canvas_height + 3, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 3)).SetShift( (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f + delay ); AnimationTrack matrix_line_trail = new AnimationTrack("Matrix Line (Trail) " + random_id, 0.0f).SetFrame( 0.0f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, -12, width_start, -3, darker_primary, 3)).SetFrame( 0.5f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height - 12, width_start, Effects.canvas_height, darker_primary, 3)).SetFrame( 0.75f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height, width_start, Effects.canvas_height, darker_primary, 3)).SetShift( (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f + delay ); matrix_lines.AddTrack(matrix_line); matrix_lines.AddTrack(matrix_line_trail); } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); using (Graphics g = layer.GetGraphics()) { matrix_lines.Draw(g, (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f); } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; default: break; } frame.AddOverlayLayers(layers.ToArray()); }
public override void UpdateLights(EffectFrame frame) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); Queue <EffectLayer> layers = new Queue <EffectLayer>(); EffectLayer layer; effect_cfg.speed = Global.Configuration.idle_speed; switch (Global.Configuration.idle_type) { case IdleEffects.Dim: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Dim"); layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(125, 0, 0, 0)); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.ColorBreathing: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Color Breathing"); Color breathe_bg_color = Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color; layer.Fill(breathe_bg_color); float sine = (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin((double)((currenttime % 10000L) / 10000.0f) * 2 * Math.PI * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), 2); layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb((byte)(sine * 255), Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Horizontal)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Horizontal, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainbow Shift (Vertical)", LayerEffects.RainbowShift_Vertical, effect_cfg); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.StarFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Starfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (stars.ContainsKey(star)) { stars[star] = 1.0f; } else { stars.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] stars_keys = stars.Keys.ToArray(); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys star in stars_keys) { layer.Set(star, Utils.ColorUtils.MultiplyColorByScalar(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, stars[star])); stars[star] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainFall: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Rainfall"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (raindrops.ContainsKey(star)) { raindrops[star] = 1.0f; } else { raindrops.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); Devices.DeviceKeys[] raindrops_keys = raindrops.Keys.ToArray(); ColorSpectrum drop_spec = new ColorSpectrum(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, Color.FromArgb(0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); foreach (Devices.DeviceKeys raindrop in raindrops_keys) { PointF pt = Effects.GetBitmappingFromDeviceKey(raindrop).Center; float transition_value = 1.0f - raindrops[raindrop]; float radius = transition_value * Effects.canvas_biggest; layer.GetGraphics().DrawEllipse(new Pen(drop_spec.GetColorAt(transition_value), 2), pt.X - radius, pt.Y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius); raindrops[raindrop] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.Blackout: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Blackout"); layer.Fill(Color.Black); layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.Matrix: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - Matrix"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { Color darker_primary = Utils.ColorUtils.MultiplyColorByScalar(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 0.50); for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { int width_start = randomizer.Next(Effects.canvas_width); float delay = randomizer.Next(550) / 100.0f; int random_id = randomizer.Next(125536789); //Create animation AnimationTrack matrix_line = new AnimationTrack("Matrix Line (Head) " + random_id, 0.0f).SetFrame( 0.0f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, -3, width_start, 0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 3)).SetFrame( 0.5f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height, width_start, Effects.canvas_height + 3, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, 3)).SetShift( (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f + delay ); AnimationTrack matrix_line_trail = new AnimationTrack("Matrix Line (Trail) " + random_id, 0.0f).SetFrame( 0.0f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, -12, width_start, -3, darker_primary, 3)).SetFrame( 0.5f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height - 12, width_start, Effects.canvas_height, darker_primary, 3)).SetFrame( 0.75f * 1.0f / (0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed), new AnimationLine(width_start, Effects.canvas_height, width_start, Effects.canvas_height, darker_primary, 3)).SetShift( (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f + delay ); matrix_lines.AddTrack(matrix_line); matrix_lines.AddTrack(matrix_line_trail); } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); using (Graphics g = layer.GetGraphics()) { matrix_lines.Draw(g, (currenttime % 1000000L) / 1000.0f); } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; case IdleEffects.RainFallSmooth: layer = new EffectLayer("Idle - RainfallSmooth"); if (nextstarset < currenttime) { for (int x = 0; x < Global.Configuration.idle_amount; x++) { Devices.DeviceKeys star = allKeys[randomizer.Next(allKeys.Length)]; if (raindrops.ContainsKey(star)) { raindrops[star] = 1.0f; } else { raindrops.Add(star, 1.0f); } } nextstarset = currenttime + (long)(1000L * Global.Configuration.idle_frequency); } layer.Fill(Global.Configuration.idle_effect_secondary_color); ColorSpectrum drop_spec2 = new ColorSpectrum( Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color, Color.FromArgb(0, Global.Configuration.idle_effect_primary_color)); var drops = raindrops.Keys.ToArray().Select(d => { PointF pt = Effects.GetBitmappingFromDeviceKey(d).Center; float transitionValue = 1.0f - raindrops[d]; float radius = transitionValue * Effects.canvas_biggest; raindrops[d] -= getDeltaTime() * 0.05f * Global.Configuration.idle_speed; return(new Tuple <Devices.DeviceKeys, PointF, float, float>(d, pt, transitionValue, radius)); }).Where(d => d.Item3 <= 1.5).ToArray(); float circleHalfThickness = 1f; foreach (var key in allKeys) { var keyInfo = Effects.GetBitmappingFromDeviceKey(key); // For easy calculation every button considered as circle with this radius var btnRadius = ((keyInfo.Width + keyInfo.Height) / 4f); if (btnRadius <= 0) { continue; } foreach (var raindrop in drops) { float circleInEdge = (raindrop.Item4 - circleHalfThickness); float circleOutEdge = (raindrop.Item4 + circleHalfThickness); circleInEdge *= circleInEdge; circleOutEdge *= circleOutEdge; float xKey = Math.Abs(keyInfo.Center.X - raindrop.Item2.X); float yKey = Math.Abs(keyInfo.Center.Y - raindrop.Item2.Y); float xKeyInEdge = xKey - btnRadius; float xKeyOutEdge = xKey + btnRadius; float yKeyInEdge = yKey - btnRadius; float yKeyOutEdge = yKey + btnRadius; float keyInEdge = xKeyInEdge * xKeyInEdge + yKeyInEdge * yKeyInEdge; float keyOutEdge = xKeyOutEdge * xKeyOutEdge + yKeyOutEdge * yKeyOutEdge; var btnDiameter = keyOutEdge - keyInEdge; var inEdgePercent = (circleOutEdge - keyInEdge) / btnDiameter; var outEdgePercent = (keyOutEdge - circleInEdge) / btnDiameter; var percent = Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, inEdgePercent)) + Math.Min(1, Math.Max(0, outEdgePercent)) - 1f; if (percent > 0) { layer.Set(key, (Color)EffectColor.BlendColors( new EffectColor(layer.Get(key)), new EffectColor(drop_spec2.GetColorAt(raindrop.Item3)), percent)); } } } layers.Enqueue(layer); break; default: break; } frame.AddOverlayLayers(layers.ToArray()); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { EffectLayer image_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.ImagePath)) { if (!_loaded_image_path.Equals(Properties.ImagePath)) { //Not loaded, load it! _loaded_image = new Bitmap(Properties.ImagePath); _loaded_image_path = Properties.ImagePath; if (Properties.ImagePath.EndsWith(".gif") && ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(_loaded_image)) { ImageAnimator.Animate(_loaded_image, null); } } if (Properties.ImagePath.EndsWith(".gif") && ImageAnimator.CanAnimate(_loaded_image)) { ImageAnimator.UpdateFrames(_loaded_image); } temp_layer = new EffectLayer("Temp Image Render"); if (Properties.Sequence.type == KeySequenceType.Sequence) { using (Graphics g = temp_layer.GetGraphics()) { g.DrawImage(_loaded_image, new RectangleF(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), new RectangleF(0, 0, _loaded_image.Width, _loaded_image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } foreach (var key in Properties.Sequence.keys) { image_layer.Set(key, Utils.ColorUtils.AddColors(image_layer.Get(key), temp_layer.Get(key))); } } else { float x_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.X + Effects.grid_baseline_x) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width); float y_pos = (float)Math.Round((Properties.Sequence.freeform.Y + Effects.grid_baseline_y) * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height); float width = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Width * Effects.editor_to_canvas_width)); float height = (float)Math.Round((double)(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Height * Effects.editor_to_canvas_height)); if (width < 3) { width = 3; } if (height < 3) { height = 3; } Rectangle rect = new Rectangle((int)x_pos, (int)y_pos, (int)width, (int)height); using (Graphics g = temp_layer.GetGraphics()) { g.DrawImage(_loaded_image, rect, new RectangleF(0, 0, _loaded_image.Width, _loaded_image.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } using (Graphics g = image_layer.GetGraphics()) { PointF rotatePoint = new PointF(x_pos + (width / 2.0f), y_pos + (height / 2.0f)); Matrix myMatrix = new Matrix(); myMatrix.RotateAt(Properties.Sequence.freeform.Angle, rotatePoint, MatrixOrder.Append); g.Transform = myMatrix; g.DrawImage(temp_layer.GetBitmap(), rect, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } } } return(image_layer); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState gamestate) { last_use_time = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); if (!screenshotTimer.Enabled) // Static timer isn't running, start it! { screenshotTimer.Start(); } //Handle different capture types Image screen_image = screen; Color average_color = avg_color; IntPtr foregroundapp; User32.Rect app_rect = new User32.Rect(); switch (Properties.AmbilightCaptureType) { case AmbilightCaptureType.MainMonitor: if (screen_image != null) { var newImage = new Bitmap(Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); RectangleF prim_scr_region = new RectangleF( Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.X * image_scale_x, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Y * image_scale_y, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width * image_scale_x, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height * image_scale_y); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen_image, new RectangleF(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), prim_scr_region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); screen_image = newImage; average_color = GetAverageColor(newImage); } else { screen_image = null; average_color = Color.Empty; } break; case AmbilightCaptureType.ForegroundApp: foregroundapp = User32.GetForegroundWindow(); User32.GetWindowRect(foregroundapp, ref app_rect); if (screen_image != null) { var newImage = new Bitmap(Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); RectangleF scr_region = new RectangleF( app_rect.left * image_scale_x, * image_scale_y, (app_rect.right - app_rect.left) * image_scale_x, (app_rect.bottom - * image_scale_y); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen_image, new RectangleF(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), scr_region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); screen_image = newImage; average_color = GetAverageColor(newImage); } else { screen_image = null; average_color = Color.Empty; } break; case AmbilightCaptureType.SpecificProcess: if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Properties.SpecificProcess)) { var processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Properties.SpecificProcess)); if (processes.Length > 0) { User32.GetWindowRect(processes[0].MainWindowHandle, ref app_rect); if (screen_image != null) { var newImage = new Bitmap(Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height); RectangleF scr_region = new RectangleF( app_rect.left * image_scale_x, * image_scale_y, (app_rect.right - app_rect.left) * image_scale_x, (app_rect.bottom - * image_scale_y); using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage)) graphics.DrawImage(screen_image, new RectangleF(0, 0, Effects.canvas_width, Effects.canvas_height), scr_region, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); screen_image = newImage; average_color = GetAverageColor(newImage); } } else { screen_image = null; average_color = Color.Empty; } } else { screen_image = null; average_color = Color.Empty; } break; } EffectLayer ambilight_layer = new EffectLayer(); if (Properties.AmbilightType == AmbilightType.Default) { using (Graphics g = ambilight_layer.GetGraphics()) { if (screen_image != null) { g.DrawImageUnscaled(screen_image, 0, 0); } } } else if (Properties.AmbilightType == AmbilightType.AverageColor) { ambilight_layer.Fill(average_color); } return(ambilight_layer); }
public override void UpdateLights(EffectFrame frame) { previoustime = currenttime; currenttime = Utils.Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); Queue <EffectLayer> layers = new Queue <EffectLayer>(); float time = (float)Math.Pow(Math.Sin(1.0D * (internalcounter++ / 10.0f)), 2.0d); EffectLayer cz_layer = new EffectLayer("Color Zones"); cz_layer.DrawColorZones((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).lighting_areas.ToArray()); layers.Enqueue(cz_layer); if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_usage_enabled) { EffectLayer cpu = new EffectLayer("CPU"); if (currentCPUValue - previousCPUValue > 0.0f && transitionalCPUValue < currentCPUValue) { transitionalCPUValue += (currentCPUValue - previousCPUValue) / 100.0f; } else if (currentCPUValue - previousCPUValue < 0.0f && transitionalCPUValue > currentCPUValue) { transitionalCPUValue -= (previousCPUValue - currentCPUValue) / 100.0f; } else if (currentCPUValue - previousCPUValue == 0.0f && transitionalCPUValue != currentCPUValue) { transitionalCPUValue = currentCPUValue; } Color cpu_used = (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_used_color; Color cpu_free = (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_free_color; if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_free_color_transparent) { cpu_free = Color.FromArgb(0, cpu_used); } cpu.PercentEffect(cpu_used, cpu_free, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_sequence, transitionalCPUValue, 100.0f, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).cpu_usage_effect_type); layers.Enqueue(cpu); } if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_usage_enabled) { EffectLayer memory = new EffectLayer("Memory"); double percentFree = ((double)memory_Available / (double)memory_Total); double percentOccupied = 1.0D - percentFree; Color ram_used = (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_used_color; Color ram_free = (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_free_color; if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_free_color_transparent) { ram_free = Color.FromArgb(0, ram_used); } memory.PercentEffect(ram_used, ram_free, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_sequence, percentOccupied, 1.0D, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ram_usage_effect_type); layers.Enqueue(memory); } //Scripts before interactive and shortcut assistant layers Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.UpdateEffectScripts(layers); EffectLayer interactive_layer = new EffectLayer("Interactive Effects"); foreach (var input in input_list.ToArray()) { if (input == null) { continue; } try { if (input.type == input_item.input_type.Spectrum) { float transition_value = input.progress / Effects.canvas_width; if (transition_value > 1.0f) { continue; } Color color = input.spectrum.GetColorAt(transition_value); interactive_layer.Set(input.key, color); } else if (input.type == input_item.input_type.AnimationMix) { float time_value = input.progress / Effects.canvas_width; if (time_value > 1.0f) { continue; } input.animation.Draw(interactive_layer.GetGraphics(), time_value); } } catch (Exception exc) { Global.logger.LogLine("Interative layer exception, " + exc, Logging_Level.Error); } } for (int x = input_list.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--) { try { if (input_list[x].progress > Effects.canvas_width) { input_list.RemoveAt(x); } else { float trans_added = ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).interactive_effect_speed * (getDeltaTime() * 5.0f)); input_list[x].progress += trans_added; } } catch (Exception exc) { Global.logger.LogLine("Interative layer exception, " + exc, Logging_Level.Error); } } layers.Enqueue(interactive_layer); if (Global.Configuration.time_based_dimming_enabled) { if ( Utils.Time.IsCurrentTimeBetween(Global.Configuration.time_based_dimming_start_hour, Global.Configuration.time_based_dimming_end_hour) ) { layers.Clear(); EffectLayer time_based_dim_layer = new EffectLayer("Time Based Dim"); time_based_dim_layer.Fill(Color.Black); layers.Enqueue(time_based_dim_layer); } } EffectLayer sc_assistant_layer = new EffectLayer("Shortcut Assistant"); if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).shortcuts_assistant_enabled) { if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LControlKey || Global.held_modified == Keys.RControlKey) { if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).shortcuts_assistant_bim_bg) { sc_assistant_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(169, 0, 0, 0)); } if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LControlKey) { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.LEFT_CONTROL, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ctrl_key_color); } else { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.RIGHT_CONTROL, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ctrl_key_color); } sc_assistant_layer.Set((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ctrl_key_sequence, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).ctrl_key_color); } else if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LMenu || Global.held_modified == Keys.RMenu) { if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).shortcuts_assistant_bim_bg) { sc_assistant_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(169, 0, 0, 0)); } if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LMenu) { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.LEFT_ALT, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).alt_key_color); } else { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.RIGHT_ALT, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).alt_key_color); } sc_assistant_layer.Set((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).alt_key_sequence, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).alt_key_color); } else if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LWin || Global.held_modified == Keys.RWin) { if ((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).shortcuts_assistant_bim_bg) { sc_assistant_layer.Fill(Color.FromArgb(169, 0, 0, 0)); } if (Global.held_modified == Keys.LWin) { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.LEFT_WINDOWS, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).win_key_color); } else { sc_assistant_layer.Set(Devices.DeviceKeys.RIGHT_WINDOWS, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).win_key_color); } sc_assistant_layer.Set((Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).win_key_sequence, (Global.Configuration.desktop_profile.Settings as DesktopSettings).win_key_color); } } layers.Enqueue(sc_assistant_layer); frame.AddLayers(layers.ToArray()); }
public override EffectLayer Render(IGameState state) { GameState_EliteDangerous gameState = state as GameState_EliteDangerous; previousTime = currentTime; currentTime = Time.GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); EffectLayer animation_layer = new EffectLayer("Elite: Dangerous - Animations"); if (gameState.Journal.ExitStarClass != StarClass.None) { RegenerateHyperspaceExitAnimation(gameState.Journal.ExitStarClass); gameState.Journal.ExitStarClass = StarClass.None; animateOnce = EliteAnimation.HyperspaceExit; totalAnimationTime = 0; animationKeyframe = 0; } if (animateOnce != EliteAnimation.None) { currentAnimation = animateOnce; } else if (gameState.Journal.fsdState == FSDState.Idle) { currentAnimation = EliteAnimation.None; } else if (gameState.Journal.fsdState == FSDState.CountdownSupercruise || gameState.Journal.fsdState == FSDState.CountdownHyperspace) { currentAnimation = EliteAnimation.FsdCountdowm; } else if (gameState.Journal.fsdState == FSDState.InHyperspace) { currentAnimation = EliteAnimation.Hyperspace; } if (currentAnimation == EliteAnimation.None) { animationKeyframe = 0; totalAnimationTime = 0; } if ((currentAnimation != EliteAnimation.None && currentAnimation != EliteAnimation.HyperspaceExit) || gameState.Journal.fsdWaitingSupercruise) { BgFadeIn(animation_layer); } else if (layerFadeState > 0) { BgFadeOut(animation_layer); } float deltaTime = 0f, currentAnimationDuration = 0f; if (currentAnimation == EliteAnimation.FsdCountdowm) { currentAnimationDuration = fsd_countdown_mix.GetDuration(); fsd_countdown_mix.Draw(animation_layer.GetGraphics(), animationKeyframe); deltaTime = getDeltaTime(); animationKeyframe += deltaTime; } else if (currentAnimation == EliteAnimation.Hyperspace) { currentAnimationDuration = hyperspace_mix.GetDuration(); hyperspace_mix.Draw(animation_layer.GetGraphics(), animationKeyframe); hyperspace_mix.Draw(animation_layer.GetGraphics(), findMod(animationKeyframe + 1.2f, currentAnimationDuration)); hyperspace_mix.Draw(animation_layer.GetGraphics(), findMod(animationKeyframe + 2.8f, currentAnimationDuration)); deltaTime = getDeltaTime(); //Loop the animation animationKeyframe = findMod(animationKeyframe + (deltaTime), currentAnimationDuration); } else if (currentAnimation == EliteAnimation.HyperspaceExit) { currentAnimationDuration = hypespace_exit_mix.GetDuration(); hypespace_exit_mix.Draw(animation_layer.GetGraphics(), animationKeyframe); deltaTime = getDeltaTime(); animationKeyframe += deltaTime; } totalAnimationTime += deltaTime; if (totalAnimationTime > currentAnimationDuration) { animateOnce = EliteAnimation.None; } return(animation_layer); }