예제 #1
        public void ReLayoutGraph()
            //dane potrzebne w metodach obsługujących macierz
            MatrixMethod.NumberOfVertices = _numberOfVertices;
            MatrixMethod.ProbabilityValue = _probabilityValue;

            Graph             = new Graph(true);              //nowy graf
            _matrix           = MatrixMethod.FillTheMatrix(); //macierz incydencji
            _existingVertices = new List <Vertex>();          //lista przechowująca wierzchołki

            //wygenerowanie odpowiedniej ilości wierzchołków
            for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfVertices; i++)
                _existingVertices.Add(new Vertex((i + 1).ToString(), i));

            //generowanie krawędzi na podstawie macierzy
            EdgeMethod.GenerateEdges(_matrix, _existingVertices, Graph);

            //suma jest zapisana w ostatniej kolumnie macierzy oraz we właściwości obiektu vertex(VertexDegree)<=potrzebne w naprawie
            VertexMethod.CalculateTheSum(_matrix, _existingVertices);

            //zapisanie wierzołków sąsiadujących ze sobą(potrzebne w naprawie)
            VertexMethod.SetVertexNeighbors(_matrix, _existingVertices);

            UndirectedGraph = new UndirectedBidirectionalGraph <Vertex, Edge>(Graph);//coś jak canvas

            RefreshMatrixUi();//odświeżenie UI
        private void worker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            //Example graph from AI
            GraphGenerationMethods graphGenerator = new GraphGenerationMethods(_parameters);


            //Refresh pareto front
            var cutsSum     = EdgeMethod.GetCutsWeightsSum(_parameters.GeneratedBasicGraph, _parameters.Population);
            var cutsCount   = EdgeMethod.GetCutsCount(_parameters.GeneratedBasicGraph, _parameters.Population);
            var paretoArray = cutsCount.
                              Zip(cutsSum, (first, second) => (first, second)).
                              Select(x => new double[] { x.first, x.second }).ToList();


            //aktualizacja macierzy incydencji
            MatrixMethod matrixMethod = new MatrixMethod(_parameters);

            _parameters.incidenceMatrix = matrixMethod.FillTheSecondHalfOfTheMatrix(_parameters.incidenceMatrix);

            _parameters.GeneratedBasicGraph = EdgeMethod.GenerateEdges(_parameters.incidenceMatrix, _parameters.verticesBasicGeneratedGraph, _parameters.GeneratedBasicGraph);

            //aktualizacja wyświetlanej macierzy incydencji i wag (frontend)
            VertexMethod.CalculateTheSum(_parameters.incidenceMatrix, _parameters.verticesTriangulationOfGraph);
            VertexMethod.SetVertexNeighbors(_parameters.incidenceMatrix, _parameters.verticesTriangulationOfGraph);



            var minimumFitnessGraphIndex = _parameters.FitnessArray.ToList().IndexOf(_parameters.FitnessArray.Min());

            //var minimumFitnessGraphIndex = 0;
            _parameters.CountedExtremum = $"({cutsCount[minimumFitnessGraphIndex]}; {cutsSum[minimumFitnessGraphIndex]})";

            _parameters.MainWindow.ProgressBar.Value = _parameters.IterationNumber;

            _parameters.CurrentGroupsVertices = GraphGenerationMethods.GetGroupsVertices(
            string groupsVerticesString = "";

            if (_parameters.CurrentGroupsVertices.ContainsValue(0))
                groupsVerticesString += "Warning: group 0 detected. ";
            _parameters.CurrentGroupsVertices.OrderBy(x => x.Key.Index).ToList().ForEach(x => groupsVerticesString += $"V: {x.Key.Index + 1}, G: {x.Value}; ");
            _parameters.MainWindow.GroupList.Content = groupsVerticesString;


예제 #3
        private void worker_ProgressChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            ////aktualizacja macierzy

            _matrix = MatrixMethod.FillTheSecondHalfOfTheMatrix(_matrix);

            Graph = EdgeMethod.GenerateEdges(_matrix, _existingVertices, Graph);

            // int edgeCounter = Graph.Edges.Count();
            ////aktualizacja tabeli
            VertexMethod.CalculateTheSum(_matrix, _existingVertices);
            VertexMethod.SetVertexNeighbors(_matrix, _existingVertices);

예제 #4
        //function to count edges
        public int[] EdgeCounts()
            var population = parameters.Population;
            var result = new int[population[0].Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < population[0].Length; i++)
                //var edgeCount = 0;
                var groupGraphs = GraphGenerationMethods.GenerateGraphFromCaran(population, i).
                    Where(x => x != null).
                    Where(x => x.VertexCount != 0);
                groupGraphs.ToList().ForEach(x => EdgeMethod.ConnectAllVertices(x));
                var edgeCount = groupGraphs.Select(x => x.EdgeCount).Sum();

                result[i] = edgeCount;

            return result;
예제 #5
 public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, EdgeMethod method, EdgeDirection direction)
     LargeEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, method, direction, 0);
예제 #6
 public static void Edge(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, EdgeMethod method, double threshold)
     LargeEdgeMethodVariant(img, variant, method, EdgeDirection.def, threshold);
예제 #7
        private static void LargeEdgeMethodVariant(Bitmap img, Edgevariant variant, EdgeMethod method, EdgeDirection direction, double threshold)
            string imgExtension = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.Extension);
            string imgName      = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.FileName);
            string defPath      = GetImageInfo.MyPath("Segmentation\\Edge");

            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            int[,] result = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            string outName = String.Empty;
            double Depth   = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat);

            double scale = 0; // for calculating the automatic threshold

            var imArray = MoreHelpers.BlackandWhiteProcessHelper(img);

            if (direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                direction = EdgeDirection.both;

            if ((imArray.GetLength(0) > 1 && imArray.GetLength(1) > 1) && (threshold >= 0 && threshold <= 1) && !(Checks.BinaryInput(img) && threshold == 0))
                switch (method)
                case EdgeMethod.Sobel:
                    scale = 4;     // for calculating the automatic threshold

                    if (variant == Edgevariant.var1)
                        result = EdgeHelperv1(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Sobel"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("SobelT"), 8,
                                              direction, imgName, imgExtension, EdgeTempName._EdgeSobelVar1_temp);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV1" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV1_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;
                        result = EdgeHelperv2(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Sobel"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("SobelT"), 8, direction);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV2" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV2_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeSobV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                case EdgeMethod.Prewitt:
                    scale = 4;     // for calculating the automatic threshold

                    if (variant == Edgevariant.var1)
                        result = EdgeHelperv1(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Prewitt"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("PrewittT"), 8,
                                              direction, imgName, imgExtension, EdgeTempName._EdgePrewittVar1_temp);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV1" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV1_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;
                        result = EdgeHelperv2(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Prewitt"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("PrewittT"), 8, direction);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV2" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV2_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgePrewV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                case EdgeMethod.Roberts:
                    scale = 6;

                    if (variant == Edgevariant.var1)
                        result = EdgeHelperv1(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Roberts"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("RobertsT"), 2,
                                              direction, imgName, imgExtension, EdgeTempName._EdgeRobertsVar1_temp);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV1" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV1_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV1" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;
                        result = EdgeHelperv2(scale, imArray, threshold, ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("Roberts"), ImageFilter.Dx3FWindow("RobertsT"), 2, direction);
                        if (threshold == 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV2" + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold == 0 && direction != EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV2_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                        else if (threshold != 0 && direction == EdgeDirection.def)
                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + imgExtension;

                            outName = defPath + imgName + "_EdgeRobV2" + "Th_" + threshold.ToString() + "_" + direction.ToString() + imgExtension;

                image = Helpers.SetPixels(image, result, result, result);

                if (Depth == 8)

                Helpers.SaveOptions(image, outName, imgExtension);
                Console.WriteLine("Also Threshold must be in range [0..1]." +
                                  "\nOr may be Binary image at input and threshold = 0 - can`t process with such condition.");