예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("press 1 To Add Doctor");
            Console.WriteLine("press 2 To Update Doctor");
            Console.WriteLine("press 3 To Delete Doctor");
            Console.WriteLine("press 4 To see report of patient ");
            Console.WriteLine("press 5 To Get Report of medicine list for a particular patient");
            Console.WriteLine("press 6 Display summary report of Doctor and patient");
            int ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            switch (ch)
            case 1:
                //Insert a Doctor
                Doctor d1 = new Doctor();

            case 2:
                //update doctor
                Doctor d1 = new Doctor();

            case 3:
                //delete a Doctor

                Doctor d1 = new Doctor();

            case 4:
                //Find a report of patient assigned to a particular doctor
                Console.WriteLine("enter DopctorID to see patients name under that Doc");
                int Docid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                using (var hosp = new HospitalContext())
                    var report = hosp.Reports.Where(d => d.DoctorId == Docid);
                    foreach (var item in report)
                        var hops = new HospitalContext();
                        var pat  = hops.Patients.Single(id => id.PatientId == item.PatientId);
                        Console.WriteLine($"Patient info under Doctor id:{Docid}\n");
                        Console.WriteLine($"{pat.PatientId} {pat.PatientName} ");

            case 5:
                //Find a report of medicine list for a particular patient
                Console.WriteLine("Enter patient ID to find his medicines list");
                int Patid = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                using (var hosp = new HospitalContext())
                    var pres  = hosp.Prescriptions.Where(d => d.PatientId == Patid);
                    var drugs = pres.Select(d => d.DrugId);
                    foreach (var item in drugs)
                        var newhost = new HospitalContext();
                        var med     = newhost.Drugs.Where(d => d.DrugId == item);
                        foreach (var s in med)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Drug ID:{s.DrugId} Drug-Name {s.Name}");

            case 6:
                //Display summary report of Doctor and patient(use Include method)

                using (var hosp = new HospitalContext())
                    var report = hosp.Reports.Include(s => s.Doctor).Include(p => p.Patient)
                    foreach (var item in report)
                        Console.WriteLine($"{item.DoctorId}:{item.Doctor.DoctorName} IS treating {item.Patient.PatientName} ");

            default: break;